FPS Combat Guide
This will help you with the best FPS and PVP role.
Here are the settings you will need and use when playing XERA Survival.
Yes I’m playing 4:3 stretched at 1280×960 this will give me a big one up because everyone I will come into contact with will be much fatter and will be easier to kill in a gun fight.
And with the Graphic settings I get around 100 to 200 fps in and out of cities. I also can see things more clearly and it’s less blurry for the human eye.
My specs are a GTX 1080 TI 11GB from ZOTAC, i7740 X from intel, and 16GB or ram. But I still think my settings will still help others in combat.
Also you do not have to play stretched but it will give you a major advantage over others.
To play 4:3 stretched you will need to go into Graphics cards control panel and change the native size to “FULL SCREEN” and then it should not use “Black Bars” please Note.