V Rising Managing Space (How Much Space Do I Need?)

Welcome to our V Rising Managing Space guide. You will learn how much space you need for what you will do inside the castle.

A detailed guide on managing space vs. aesthetic in your castle, from the very start to the very end.

V Rising Managing Space Guide

I will be covering absolutely every tier of building, insofar as to spoil all stages of progression. Please be advised if you’re wishing to play V Rising blind your first time.

If you’re brand new to the game, welcome aboard, V Hunter!

V Rising How to Managing Space ?

  • Pressing B will open your Build menu, and that buildings will be stored under different tabs within that menu (ie. Sawmill is under Refinement).
  • Boundaries can only be dismantled if all connected walls and pillars, even those touching the edges of that boundary, are dismantled first.
  • Verticality is only accomplished with stairs! Connect a boundary to a slope, then build wooden or stone stairs to extend the boundary up or down.
  • Want to save the trees? Just don’t build a Border on it! You can even remove Borders later and whatever was originally in its place will gradually grow back.
  • Make sure your Castle Heart is fed with plenty of Blood Essence by interacting with it (F) to check its UI! Castles will automatically repair damage taken if they have Essence.
  • Castle Hearts are not floor tiles, so don’t place it inside a room that has a workstation bonus of any type, because it will remove it (ie. Heart in Crypt = no Servant Conversion bonus). I suggest its own room, in the Throne Room, or your Shards Room.

V Rising PvE and PvP Server Building

When joining an Official (or unofficial) server, your strategy will have to change when it comes to your castle. Especially true in PvP, you’ll have to largely forgo aesthetic for structure and security.

I won’t be deep-diving into details, but here’s some barebones basics of building in public worlds.


  1. Identify a Safe Area
  2. Secure your Borders
  3. Wall up!
  4. Create Airlocks for Entry/Exit
  5. PvP: Doing this within your 30 minute Combat Protection buff

“What do you mean by Safe Area?”

How building works in V Rising is that you’re able to build almost anywhere on the road, except on roads.
To avoid being built-in by other players and blocked from potential exits – yes, this can happen on PvE servers and is one of the only forms of non-PvP griefing – you want to have an extension to a road.

As the default Territory Tile Limit for Level 1 Castles is 30, the minimum items you should gather are 60 Blood Essence and 600 Stone, to make sure you can claim all of your boundary tiles.

From there, you can keep returning to your new base to add on walls (make sure to fully enclose yourself before putting down Stashes!).

“What’s an Airlock?”

A common protective measure against other players simply running inside your base when you open your door to leave. You open one door, step inside to the airlock and close it, before opening the proper Entry/Exit door to move out.

Here’s a two-door airlock example, though three-door airlocks are more common on PvP worlds (I’d certainly put more than that one airlock around your Heart!).

V Rising Managing Space (How Much Space Do I Need?)
V Rising Managing Space (How Much Space Do I Need?)

How to Locate Builds?

The first task of any aspiring building is to locate a suitable place to start building.

Of course, the best place for a beginner is within the first area of the game: Farbane Woods.

V Rising Managing Space (How Much Space Do I Need?)
V Rising Managing Space (How Much Space Do I Need?)

Floor Plan

The first step is deciding whether you want to build a single-level castle on a wide stretch of ground, or a multi-level castle on a mountainside. These images are examples of identifying each type of available ground.

Floor Plan Important

Currently there’s is no way to build an awning or any type of shade over a staircase, so just keep that in mind for your sun-fearing friends.

With a location chosen and your Castle Heart set down, now comes the planning stage for each room, in order of progression.

V Rising Workshop

The Sawmill is the very first Refinement building you’ll make, and it’s essential to progress with further buildings, as planks are used from everything to building walls and doors, larger stashes for your loot (storage chests), various equipment, and furniture.

You’ll be returning to this room very often throughout the game along with the Forge, so it should be somewhere you can always easily access.

V Rising Workshop
V Rising Workshop

Workshop Flooring is learned after defeating Greyson the Armourer, and provides an extra 25% speed bonus to all refining and crafting in this room.

Workshop Layout Example

  • Smallest Floor Plan: 2×2
  • Roomy Floor Plan: 2×3
V Rising Workshop Layout
V Rising Workshop Layout

V Rising Forge

Hang on, shouldn’t the Simple Workbench be in the Workshop?

Yeah, you’d think so, but it actually gains its crafting speed bonus from Forge Flooring! So, into what will become your one-stop shop for melee weaponry it goes.

You’ll be coming back into your Forge pretty frequently throughout your adventure to restock your furnaces with metal to smelt – especially later as it takes much more time – so try not to build your metalworking off in a lonely corner of your castle grounds.

Forge Flooring is learned through the first Tier of Research (T1), and provides an extra 25% speed bonus to all refining and crafting in this room.

V Rising Forge
V Rising Forge

Forge Layout Example

  • Smallest Floor Plan: 2×3
  • Roomy Floor Plan: 2×4
V Rising Forge Layout
V Rising Forge Layout

Forge Notes:

*Possibly the most frustrating thing about the Forge is the Smithy’s size. It’s juuust a hair too big to be placed in a 1×1 room, which is exactly why your floor plans should always be at least 2 tiles wide.

**The Anvil is a deceptively large workstation. While 2×2, it’s oriented in a curve, leaving a lot of space to work with, as shown above with the bottom furnace giving it a hug. You can use this design as a pathway around it, or as a cornerstone of your Forge with some storage beside it.

V Rising Tannery and Tailor

With Keely the Frostbringer slain, you’ll have unlocked the Tannery and the ability to turn all that Animal Hide you’ve been hoarding into bonafide Leather; the key ingredient to your next armour upgrade.

Like the Forge, you’ll be jumping in and out of here fairly regularly as you’re progressing, so making this room an adjacent one isn’t a bad idea at all.

You won’t get access to the Tailoring Bench until the final boss of Farbane Woods, but we may as well prepare for it!

V Rising Tannery and Tailor
V Rising Tannery and Tailor

Tailor’s Flooring is learned through T2 Research, and provides an extra 25% speed bonus to all refining and crafting in this room.

Tannery and Tailor Layout Example

  • Smallest Floor Plan: 2×2
  • Roomy Floor Plan: 2×3
Tannery and Tailor Layout
Tannery and Tailor Layout

*The Tailoring Bench is an odd one to build around; while technically a 2×2 station, it fits an L shape, meaning only one half is actually 2 tiles wide.

My example shows this in how the bottom half goes up to the southern door’s pillar (and blocks potential walls), but a Tannery (or wall) fits snugly against the top half.

V Rising Research Library

What becomes the largest room in many castles is the Library; starting from the humble and deceptively tiny Research Desk, growing into extremely spacious T2 and T3 stations, combined with the ol’ reliable Paper Press.

You won’t be returning here all too often, and almost not at all once you’ve unlocked all research, so feel free to pretty up this space with extra features and furniture.

I often combine the Library with the Blood Altar or Devourer, and add in some Flower Seed storage to the extra space.

V Rising Research Library
V Rising Research Library

Library Flooring is learned through T2 Research, and provides an extra 25% speed bonus to the Paper Press, as it’s the only Library Refinement or Crafting station.

Research Library Layout Example

  • Smallest Floor Plan: 3×3
  • Roomy Floor Plan: 3×4
Research Library Layout
Research Library Layout

V Rising Alchemy Lab

After you slay Clive the Firestarter, you’ll unlock the Alchemy Table, access to crafting potions, and craftable small explosives; used for blowing open doors in PvP enabled worlds, but more often blowing up large deposits of metal to free up space for your castle.

The Lab is a criminally underused room by many players!

Through the different tiers of research, you’ll gain access to powerful healing, buffing, and resistance potions that will make your un-life significantly easier the further you get into the game, so you’ll be returning here often.

V Rising Alchemy Lab
V Rising Alchemy Lab

Alchemy Flooring is learned with T1 Research, and provides an extra 25% speed bonus to all refining and crafting in this room.

Alchemy Lab Layout Example

  • Smallest Floor Plan: 2×3
  • Roomy Floor Plan: ?x?
Alchemy Lab Layout
Alchemy Lab Layout

*Vermin Nests are a player-preference type of building; their dominant use is to have a steady supply of Rats for feeding your prisoners and as an early brews ingredient, but they spawn as actual entities you need to pick up, and will only create a few at a time before pausing for you to pick them up.

They also fall into the “frustratingly just too big” category of looking like they’ll fit in a 1×1 space, but taking up 2×2. Expand your room as you deem necessary.

Although, I highly suggest having (at least access to) a large room for the third option on the Nest’s list..

V Rising Castle Gardens and Waygates

By the time you’ve felled Goreswine the Ravager and unlocked Tombs and Fences, you may have collected a few flower seeds along the way. Maybe you already have the Alchemy Lab and want to start an ingredient plot?

Try to build this close to your Lab, particularly if you want to plant all your flower seeds here. You could also section off little gardens around your grounds for individual flower ingredient types, especially for Cotton plants as they’re only used in the Tannery and Tailor.

Trees (Acorns and Pinecones) can also be planted, Acorns in particular grow to be quite large and are a great option to provide natural shade, given Exterior features can’t be roofed over.

Flowers are very small and can be fit to many spaces, but you should always build rooms and fences before planting because of their hitboxes.

V Rising Castle Gardens and Waygates
V Rising Castle Gardens and Waygates

V Rising Vampire Waygates

Speaking of exterior features, the most useful one comes after defeating Polora the Feywalker; the ability to teleport to and from your doorstep. These can be used as beautiful centrepieces for a garden, or placed in a nice spot by your castle walls.

But remember, no roofing! So natural shade or walls without floors are your friend against the sun.

V Rising Vampire Waygates
V Rising Vampire Waygates

There is no flooring type available for the outdoors, or anything that boosts the timer for Tombs or flower/tree growth. Hopefully Stunlock may consider adding Fertiliser from Blood Essence or as a prisoner byproduct?

V Rising Garden Examples

  • Smallest Floor Plan: 2×2 (for a Tomb and Flowerbed)
  • Cozy Floor Plan: Whatever you desire!

V Rising Crypt

After learning Dominating Presence, you’ll gain access to Servant Coffins!

A whole Greater Blood Essence seems a steep price for earlygame, but it’s most certainly worth it once you’ve progressed to getting the Throne Room. So, before you have the Throne or Prison Cells unlocked, keep an eye out and catch those stray 80-100% to turn into your minions!

Blood Quality determines how much of a bonus a Servant will get depending on their type, but it’s still a random chance through a certain percentage, so every Servant will pop out a little weaker or stronger than the other.

They’ll patrol your grounds, but won’t come with you out for a fight on the road.

V Rising Crypt
V Rising Crypt

Crypt Flooring is learned through T1 Research, and provides an extra 25% speed bonus to the Servant Conversion Rate of a Coffin.

Crypt Layout Example

  • Smallest Floor Plan: 2×3
  • Roomy Floor Plan: ?x? – 1 tile every 2 Servants minimum
Crypt Layout
Crypt Layout

A gameplay tip from me to you starts before you even boot the game, or later if your Googlefu’s up to snuff (ServerSettings JSON File).

If you’re playing solo, please make sure Servant Conversion Rate is between 5~15, and Servant Hunt Loot is at 5. The base conversion rate is a whopping 1 & 1/2 hours, and Hunts don’t progress if you’re not connected to your world.

V Rising Throne Room

Once you’ve beaten Quincey the Bandit King to unlock Iron Smelting, and farmed up 4 Greater Blood Essences, it’s time to get to work on making your minions get to work!

You’ll have to give them adequate gear to send them out on missions, but the rewards can mean the difference when having to farm for one annoying material (or several, Mosswick Village is great if you’re trying to get Fish and Fish Oil).

You don’t have to put your Castle Heart here, but your Throne can actually clip a bit inside it, making for a beautiful centrepiece of your castle.

V Rising Throne Room
V Rising Throne Room

The Throne unfortunately gains no speed bonus of any kind from any flooring, so decorate to your heart’s content! Build a dark cathedral and line it with pews, build yourself a luxurious hovel at the peak of a mountain, it’s your throne!

Throne Room Layout Example

  • Smallest Floor Plan: 1×1
  • Roomy Floor Plan: 3×3+
Throne Room Layout
Throne Room Layout

V Rising Prison

When you’ve bested Vincent the Frostbringer, you’ll unlock a most vital room for your progression.

Prison Cells allow you charm a weakened human (as you would with bringing in a new servant) and instead put them inside a cell to turn them into blood on tap. Prisoners don’t need to be fed or watered normally, only given food (Rats/Goby) when they need healing.

The more blood you drain, the more Misery they’ll be caused, which will cause them to take more damage each time you take more blood, and can potentially kill them. Misery can be decreased with Rainbow Trouts and Sage Fish.

Alternatively, if they’re not 100% Quality, you could always drain a high-percentage prisoner for what they’re worth, Charm them out of their cell, and turn them into a new Servant. You certainly don’t need 100% of any blood type to beat the game, it just makes it easier.

It’s the best way of securing yourself some high-quality blood types for storage, and to always have good quality blood when you need it. Try and collect ’em all?

V Rising Prison
V Rising Prison

Prison Flooring is learned with T3 Research, and provides an extra 25% speed bonus to feeding and draining blood from your prisoners.

Prison Layout Example

  • Smallest Floor Plan: 2×2
  • Roomy Floor Plan: However many prisoners you wish to keep!
Prison Layout
Prison Layout

Only humans can be imprisoned. Werewolf Villagers will simply turn into werewolves at night and walk out of their cells. You’ve been warned!

V Rising Gemcutter and Jewelcrafter

Earned much later into the game, these two tables are solely designed for you to more easily acquire the gems needed for certain weapons and accessories, and craft the latter.

They’re also the only buildings for this room type currently available in the game.

It’s a very rarely used room given how infrequently you’ll need to upgrade this one particular slot on your vampire, so feel free to spruce it up however you like as you tuck it off into a forgotten corner of your grounds.

V Rising Gemcutter and Jewelcrafter
V Rising Gemcutter and Jewelcrafter

‘Regulus’ Pattern is learned with T3 Research, and provides an extra 25% speed bonus to all buildings in this room.

Gemcutter and Jewelcrafter Layout Example

  • Smallest Floor Plan: 2×2
  • Roomy Floor Plan: 2×3
Gemcutter and Jewelcrafter Layout
Gemcutter and Jewelcrafter Layout

You DO NOT get Gem Dust from the Gem Cutting Table! You get Gem Dust by feeding gems you don’t want to The Devourer.

V Rising Soul Shards

So, you’ve finally beaten one of the last three bosses. Congrats!

I’ll save you the headache and tell you they work the same way plants do, where you have to “build” them from your inventory hotbar.

They also prevent you from using any Vampire Powers (no Forms for you!), mounting a horse, using Cave Passages. However, if you’re on a world where the Teleport Bound Items option has been turned off, you can freely Waygate your way home.

So I recommend, for your sanity, to build a Waygate close to each Soul Shard Bearer before beginning the slog.

And they’re just as annoying as all the “just too big” stations as have come before in your adventure! Despite looking like they’d rather snugly tuck into a 1×1 room, they’re just large enough that you need a bit more space.

V Rising Soul Shards
V Rising Soul Shards

Did I mention you can have all of your Soul Shard buffs active at the same time?

Soul Shards Layout Example

  • Smallest Floor Plan: 2×4
  • Roomy Floor Plan: 3×4-3×5
Soul Shards Layout
Soul Shards Layout

V Rising Storage and Other Useful Stuff

Fundamentals and Special Objects:

Unfortunately I don’t have either DLC, so no DLC items will be included.

Certain objects you can build are extremely useful, but don’t benefit from (or necessarily belong to) any particular room type.

These are essentially your building wild cards and can be placed anywhere you see fit!

V Rising Storage and Other Useful Stuff
V Rising Storage and Other Useful Stuff

Storage Options:

You don’t have to be stuck with that dingy ol’ stash chest forever!

V Rising Managing Space
V Rising Managing Space

Thanks for this article by Shazzamon.

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