Underground Blossom Cubes Walkthrough

Hello from our Underground Blossom Cubes Walkthrough guide. Where can I find the 7 cubes for the “real end” of the game? If you are looking for the answer to this problem, you are in the right place! We have explained it in detail in this guide!

This is the guide Morrigh4n it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

Underground Blossom Cubes Walkthrough

Welcome to our Underground Blossom Cubes Walkthrough guide. This guide will show you how to find 7 cubes in Underground Blossom!

Find 7 Cubes

Find the cubes for the “true” ending. You begin this phase with a “red” paintbrush, a bucket (which you can fill with water, as in the base game at Soul Street level), and a crowbar.

1.Use the crowbar on the bird bridge beneath the singer’s poster tile to retrieve a ticket, allowing you to buy a donut.

Guide to how to find 7 cubes in Underground Blossom

Give this donut to Bob, and he will tell you that a woman appears at noon at the intersection of sorrow.

Guide to how to find 7 cubes in Underground Blossom
Guide to how to find 7 cubes in Underground Blossom

2.Paint the owl’s eyes at the Children’s Quay station in red to obtain the key to locker number 9 at Soul Quay.

Guide to how to find 7 cubes in Underground Blossom
Guide to how to find 7 cubes in Underground Blossom

3.At the lake, click multiple times to the left of the tree to unearth a cube.

Guide to how to find 7 cubes in Underground Blossom

4.By clicking on the diver character several times, he will give you a coin that you can use at the Sorrow Intersection machine to get peanuts.

Guide to how to find 7 cubes in Underground Blossom
Guide to how to find 7 cubes in Underground Blossom

Use these peanuts on the student allergic to peanuts on School Street to obtain a new sequence of notes to enter for the musician at the Bird Bridge.

5.At the Intersection of Anxiety, use the crowbar on the bottom of the cabinet to reveal a code.

Guide to how to find 7 cubes in Underground Blossom
Guide to how to find 7 cubes in Underground Blossom

Enter this code at Children’s Quay on the ticket machine.

6.Use the bucket filled with water (make sure it’s properly filled) on the baby carriage station’s grid. Use this code on School Street at the machine near Laura.

7.At the Bird Bridge, use the bucket filled with water (refill it if it’s empty) on the open sewer to retrieve a fishing net.

Guide to how to find 7 cubes in Underground Blossom
Guide to how to find 7 cubes in Underground Blossom
Guide to how to find 7 cubes in Underground Blossom
Guide to how to find 7 cubes in Underground Blossom

Use this net to catch a fish in the puddle at Soul Street (it may take several tries!).

Guide to how to find 7 cubes in Underground Blossom

Open the fish with the crowbar to obtain the key inside. This key opens the 2nd ticket booth at the baby carriage station.

Guide to how to find 7 cubes in Underground Blossom

It’s this last character who will need the shrimp you receive as a reward after placing your 7 cubes in the box.

Written by Morrigh4n

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