Ugly Memory and Movie Locations

Check out the detailed information in our guide for all memory and movie locations in the game.

Memory and Movie Locations

This short guide shows the locations of all of the memories and movies in the game. Please only use this guide as a last resort, and try to find them all yourself first. This is only intended to help you find the last few that you didn’t find while playing through the game.

All Memories and Movies Sorted by Number

  • I – Central hub area, near the crystal spider hub door
  • II – upper left corner of the portrait room (door just left of the piano on the second floor of the Butterfly hub area)
  • III – upper right corner of the portrait room (door just left of the piano on the second floor of the Butterfly hub area)
  • IV – Clock room (upper left door in the pink flower hub area)
  • V – Gold scorpion room (lower left door in the butterfly hub area)
  • VI – Tea/Music room (ground floor door on the right, in the pink flower hub area)
  • VII – red room (the door below the ground floor in the crystal spider hub area)
  • VIII – Guest room (mid right lower of two doors in the crystal spider hub area)
  • IX – Inverted room (upper central door in the gold cage hub area)
  • X – Layered room (upper central door in the crystal spider hub area)
  • XI – Garden (upper right door in the red scorpion hub area)
  • XII – central hub area, near the graveyard just right of the pink flower hub door
  • XIII – Bedroom (mid/lower left door in the red scorpion hub area)
  • XIV – Intro area, In the room with five large jars(?) in the background
  • XV – Butterfly hub room, in front of piano
  • XVI – Dining room (upper right door in the pink flower hub room)
  • XVII – central hub room, near the treehouse just left of the butterfly hub door
  • XVIII – pink flower Theater (far right door with curtains in the pink flower hub area)
  • XIX – Lift room (far upper left door, above the column with crystal sides in the gold cage hub area)
  • XX – Hunting room (mid right door in the red scorpion hub area)
  • XXI – Laboratory (located in the underground area within the red scorpion hub area, very far right side door above the prison and below the bone room, and further right)
  • XXII – Furnace (located in the underground area within the red scorpion hub area, leftmost door covered in pink)
  • XXIII – Stables (upper left door in the main area of the gold cage hub area, not the crystal column)
  • XXIV – Aviary (mid left door in the gold cage hub area)
  • XXV – Prison ((located in the underground area within the red scorpion hub area, ground floor on right side, with two demon statues next to the door)
  • Movie 1 – Butterfly Theater (mid right door in the butterfly hub area, with lights around the door)
  • Movie 2 – Chapel (ground floor door on left side in the pink flower hub area, door with gold trim)
  • Movie 3 – Bathroom (midleft lower door in crystal spider hub area)
  • Movie 4 – Stables (upper left door in the main area of the gold cage hub area, not the crystal column)
  • Movie 5 – Bone room (located in the underground area within the red scorpion hub area, uppermost door on the right side of the underground area)

Intro & Central Hub Area

Intro area

(blue wallpaper area where you wake up)

  • XIV – In the room with five large jars(?) in the background

Central Hub room

List of Rooms

  • Butterfly Hub – far left, with a blue butterfly gem over the door
  • Pink Flower Hub – mid right, with a pink flower gem over the door, surrounded by pink goop
  • Crystal spider Hub – mid left, surrounded by crystals, with a green spider gem over the door
  • Gold cage Hub – upper right – with a gold cage gem, surrounded by bird cages
  • Red scorpion Hub room – upper left, with a red scorpion gem


  • XVII – near the treehouse just left of the butterfly hub door
  • XII – near the graveyard just right of the pink flower hub door
  • I – near the crystal spider hub door
Memory and Movie Locations

Butterfly Hub Area

List of Rooms

  • Gold scorpion room – lower left
  • Theater – mid-right with lights around the door
  • Portrait room – second floor just left of the piano
  • Black/Purple scorpion room – far upper right, following the path on the third floor
  • Child’s room – fourth floor on the right side, with toys around the door
  • Dark Attic/bedroom – far upper left
  • Storage room – ground floor just left of the piano


  • V – Gold scorpion room
  • XV – hub room in front of piano
  • Movie 1 – Theater
  • II – portrait room in the upper left
  • III portrait room in the upper right
Memory and Movie Locations

Pink Flower Hub Area


  • Chapel – ground floor on left, door with gold trim
  • Tea/Music room – ground floor on right
  • Library – mid-left, door covered in goop
  • Military room – mid-right, with small armors near the door
  • Theater – far right in the middle, with curtains
  • Dining room – upper right
  • Clock room – upper left


  • VI – Tea/Music room
  • XVIII – Theater
  • Movie 2 – Chapel
  • XVI – Dining room
  • IV – Clock room
Memory and Movie Locations

Crystal Spider Hub Area

List of Rooms

  • Hallway – ground floor on right
  • Bathroom – mid left – lower of two doors
  • Dark room – mid left – upper of two doors
  • Guest room – mid right – lower of two doors
  • Training room – mid right – upper of two doors
  • Layered room – upper central
  • Red room – below the ground floor


  • Movie 3 – Bathroom
  • VII – red room
  • VIII – Guest room
  • X – Layered room
Memory and Movie Locations

Gold Cage Hub Area

List of Rooms

  • Laundry room – ground floor on left
  • Aviary – mid-left
  • Lift room – far upper left, above the column with crystal sides
  • Catacombs – mid right
  • Stables – upper left (in main area, not the crystal column)
  • Outhouse – upper right
  • Inverted room – upper central


  • XXIV – Aviary
  • XXIII – Stables
  • Movie 4 – Stables
  • IX – Inverted room
  • XIX – Lift room
Memory and Movie Locations

Red Scorpion Hub Area

List of Rooms

  • Hunting room – mid right
  • Bedroom – mid/lower left
  • Dungeon – upper left
  • Altar – upper central
  • Garden – upper right

Underground rooms (revealed after beating the other rooms)

  • Furnace – pink door on lower left side
  • Prison – ground floor on right side, with two demon statues next to the door
  • Laboratory – very far right side above the prison and further right
  • Bone room – directly two floors above the prison


  • XX – Hunting room
  • XIII – Bedroom
  • XI – Garden
  • XXV – Prison
  • XXI – Laboratory
  • Movie 5 – Bone room
  • XXII – Furnace
Memory and Movie Locations
Memory and Movie Locations
Written by Jaspurr

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