The Tribe Must Survive: Disaster Guide (v0.40)

In this guide, we have explained the information you need to know about the disasters in the game during the Early Access launch (v0.40).

100 Day Disaster Schedule (v0.40)

Just a quick cheat sheet for the disasters in the game at Early Access launch. Unmarked spoilers, obviously! Play the game before reading ahead.


  • Day 16-17, Midnight – Eclipse
  • Endless night, constant fear gain. Any tribe member venturing outside of light range will be killed.
  • Day 19-20, Midnight – Daybreak


  • Day 33, Morning – Flood
  • Random large bodies of water flood the map, potentially cutting off routing. Any tribe member on a water tile gains debuffs and risks drowning. Activating ‘Stay out of water’ forces tribe members out of water tiles at the cost of being unable to work them.
  • Tiles with flood barriers built on them are safely passable and keep water from spreading as it rises.
  • Day 35, Midday – The water rises
  • Day 37, Midday – The water rises
  • Day 39, Evening – The water lowers


  • Day 53-54, Midnight – Locust Hives
  • Locusts make hives on the map. You can have your hunters focus on destroying the hives. Unless they do, the locusts will destroy the indicated percentage of your stored food. Some food will always be destroyed.
  • Day 55, Midday – Locusts wave 1
  • Day 57, Midday – Locusts wave 2
  • Day 59, Midday – Locusts wave 3


  • Day 73-74, Midnight – Plague
  • A plague descends on your tribe, spreading between members who socialize, potentially killing them. You can enforce social distancing at significant cost.
  • Day 77-78, Midnight – Plague wave
  • Day 79-80, Midnight – Plague ends


  • Day 79-80, Midnight – Plague end, Retreat from the Outer World
  • All tribe members are called back from Outer areas.
  • Day 86, Midnight – Cataclysm
  • All members with Weird Gleam turn Insane and kill the rest unless placated. This is a significant constant resource drain, but you get to pick the resource. You lose if all of your tribe members either go Insane, go into shock, or die.
Written by Danstandard

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