The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Family Complete Guide

Knowing many details about the family in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre will make it easier for you to progress in the game. In this guide, we explained all the details about the family, all the murderers and their effects.

Family, All Killer & Attributes

In this guide we will show you the best equipments with all the killer, those that give the most attributes points, along with the best perks that have the best synergy with their respective main roles, as well as including the best compositions for each of the different maps of the game.

Best Grandpa Abilities


Remember that it is important only to bring 2 grandpa abilities maximum. Due to that if you bring more than that it is possible that some of the stronger abilities being left for last. Making the match more difficult, additionally, leveling Grandpa more than two levels is a waste of time given how easily any victim can stab him and make you lose all that effort. It’s better to keep blood in your inventory, this way when a victim stabs Grandpa, you can immediately level him back up, activating his abilities without wasting time grabbing buckets.

Exterior Alarms

Family Complete Guide

  • When active, all critical doors and gates will be highligted for 5 seconds if opened by victims.

This is the best ability in the entire game because it lets you know where the victims are at every moment.

Nobody Escapes Hell

Family Complete Guide

  • The minigame for locked doors is 40% more difficult for all the victims.

An extremely powerful ability in conjunction with the Cook’s ability, making locks take too long, allowing the family to interrupt them easily.


Family Complete Guide

  • Victims take 50% more damage when jumping out of windows.

One of the best abilities for family house, due to that if everyone tries to rush the window, they’ll do an insane amount of damage to themselves, even to the point of incapacitating themselves.

Well well well

Family Complete Guide

  • Victims that jump down wells take 50% more damage than usual.

It’s versatile in the majority of maps, due to victims using them constantly.

Drayton Sawyer (Cook)

Family Complete Guide

Main Role

Drayton is considered one of the best killers in the game due to his incredible ability to monitor almost the entire map by himself, his locks are one of the biggest slowdowns in the game. Making it so victims have a very difficult time rushing to escape, additionally, his secondary ability allows him to detect victims and show their aura to his whole team, making him the best support in the entire game.

Best Skill Tree

His best skill tree is the following, this will provide him with the most amount of attributes, making it so the cook has 45 points of savagery and 34 of endurance apart from giving him his best build.

Family Complete Guide

Best attribute distribution

The best point distribution is the following: With this, Cooks is extremely slow, but don’t let that fool you, since this one counts with the most amount of points in savagery, being capable of killing 5 of the 6 victims in just 5 hits and allowing him to patrol the map without tiring as fast.

Family Complete Guide

Best Perks


A very strong perk on Cook, this one will add 7 endurance points at max level, allowing him to allocate his other points towards his damage, allowing him to do a lot of damage if underestimated, apart from that with this level of stamina. He’ll be able to strike 5 times or run for a large period of time.


An extremely strong perk with any member of the family. This one, at its maximum level, brings a 15% speed increase to the user. When using this with Cook, it will mitigate his slow speed allowing him to reach victims a bit more easily, apart from facilitating his map patrolling, making it so you cover more distance in less time than normal.

Security Pins

This perk is one of the best in the entire game, being a massive slowdown, Cook locks tend to be a pain for victims, Then with this they will be much stronger! This perk, at max level, makes it so locks take 50% more time, giving any other family member a bigger window to interrupt that elusive victim.

Family Complete Guide

Best main ability route

It’s the most optimal route for the character, allowing him to use his hearing ability for longer detecting victims much farther than normal, making this last longer and at max level. Marking the victim for his whole team!

Family Complete Guide

Fastest execution (This section is completely optional).

Time in this game is vital. If you want to maximize your chances, use this execution, since it is the fastest for this character, allowing you to return to action much faster.

Family Complete Guide

  • Clobbered.
  • There’s just some things you gotta do.
  • Don’t mean you have to like it.


Family Complete Guide

Drayton Sawyer commonly known as the cook, is the one in charge of the house and owner of the gas station, he used to work in the old Newt, Muerto County slaughterhouse before its closure. He’s the third oldest family member and one of the grumpiest.

Scolding the family members at any moment due to the desperation of victims possibly escaping.

He’s the one in charge of feeding the family with the flesh of their victims, being one of the best BBQ cooks in the state.

  • Cook Measures 5’9″ and Weighs 165 lbs.
  • Cook’s zodiac is unknown.

Nubbins Sawyer (Hitchhiker)

Family Complete Guide

Main Role

The Hitchhiker is the best chaser in the game being capable of killing any victim unfortunate enough to cross paths with him, his incredible speed and ability to pass through any obstacle (except barricades) make him the chaser of choice, and on top of that he counts with a collection of traps that similarly to the cook’s locks, he should place on key objectives like the fuse box, vale or some door, being able of monitoring them from a distance and closing a big part of the map, Nubbins is the second best killer in the game for being a jack of all trades, he also can crouch to hide and plan ambushes on the victims, his main job is to kill key objectives like Danny and Connie since these two are the most dangerous victims in the game.

Best Skill Tree

His best skill tree is the following, bringing him the biggest amount of attribute points, making it so the Hitchhiker has 42 in savagery and 42 in endurance on top of giving him his best equipment.

Family Complete Guide

Best attribute distribution

The best attribute distribution is the following: With this the Hitchhiker is capable of inflicting a considerable amount of damage, killing the majority of victims in 6 to 7 hits and a high enough endurance that they won’t be able to run away from him, being a death sentence to whoever he decides to kill.

Family Complete Guide

Best Perks


An extremely strong perk with any family member. This one, at max level, will bring a 15% speed boost to the user. When using it with the Hitchhiker, this will make it impossible for a victim to escape from him, since he’s much faster than them reaching them in a matter of seconds, in combination with his ability to traverse obstacles it is a death sentence.

Wire frame

This perk is the best for Hitchhiker, allowing him to reach victims no matter what. At max level, this perk makes it so you traverse walls 40% and holes 60% faster, being much faster than victims.


A very strong perk for Hitchhiker, this will add 7 points of endurance at max level, allowing him to put the rest of the points towards his damage, making it so he’s capable of constantly staying in a chase and hitting multiple times when the opportunity arises, this way the rest of the points can be used for damage making him extremely lethal.

Family Complete Guide

Best main ability route

It’s the most optimal route for the character, making his traps extremely lethal if a victim steps on it, making it impossible to free themselves quickly if they do not have a knife, making them take a ton of damage for activating them and losing a lot of health over time leaving them extremely vulnerable.

Family Complete Guide

Fastest execution (This section is completely optional).

Time in this game is vital. If you want to maximize your chances, use this execution, since it is the fastest for this character, allowing you to return to action much faster.

Family Complete Guide

  • Sliced meat.
  • Not all cuts are created equally


Family Complete Guide

Nubbins Sawyer, commonly known as the Hitchhiker, is a thief and sadistic assassin who enjoys torturing his victims inflicting cuts with a small razor until he decides to kill them with a cut to the throat. The very same day after his family killed Maria. He stole her camera and used it to photograph people. He’s twisted and skillful when it comes to making crafts with human remains, making chairs, tables, lamps, and any other type of craft with human bone.

  • Nubbins Measures 5’11” y Weighs 170 lbs.
  • Nubbins zodiac is unknown.

Jedidiah Sawyer (Leatherface)

Family Complete Guide

Main Role

Leatherface is one of the most dangerous killers in the game being capable of pressuring victims from the start and breaking any kind of obstacle, greatly hindering the escape of victims. When he appears he must break the most amount of obstacles possible and guard the doors in search of any victim, due to this he does not need endurance to run or hit, he should always be revving the chainsaw to go at max speed and inflict the highest amount of damage. Once the basement is open he should go upstairs and break all the obstacles he sees and patrol the map due to his incredible speed and lethality.

Best Skill Tree

His best skill tree is the following, this one bringing him the most amount of attribute points making it so Leatherface has 50 in brutality and 32 in blood harvesting on top of granting him his best build.

Family Complete Guide

Best attribute distribution

The best attribute point distribution is the following: With this, Leatherface will be one of the biggest menaces in the game being capable of ending anyone and leveling up Grandpa if necessary.

Family Complete Guide

Best Perks

Hysterical strenght

A useless perk with every other killer but incredibly lethal with Bubba, this perk makes it so that whenever your endurance is under 15% you inflict 20% more damage to victims, this perk is incredibly strong on Bubba since he doesn’t need endurance to hit and having endurance at the minimum means this perk will always be active, being an instant kill to weaker victims.


An extremely strong perk with any family member. This one, at max level, will bring a 15% speed boost to the user. When using it with Leatherface, this will make it so, that if the victim has no obstacle, won’t be able to run away from him due to his incredible speed when revving the chainsaw making him an unbelievable danger, on top of exponentially increasing his patrolling around the map, making it so he can cover more distance in less time and reach victims in a question of seconds.


This perk is very situational among killers, but in Bubba, it’s essential, with this perk the moment he manages to kill a victim or harvest enough blood he’ll be the biggest menace in the game, being capable of instantly killing any victim, at max level the perk increases your damage by 20%, stacking with Hysterical strength being a 40% damage increase to a revved up hit, killing 3 out of 6 victims in one hit and two tapping the rest with a heavy and a light (with exception of Ana)

Family Complete Guide

Best main ability route

This is the optimal route for the character, allowing him to use his chainsaw at any moment and unlocking one of the most broken abilities in the game, the instant kill, with these attributes he’ll be able to do a heavy hit and nearly instantly follow up with a light hit being capable of killing any carefree victim or leaving them near death.

Family Complete Guide

Fastest execution (This section is completely optional).

Time in this game is vital. If you want to maximize your chances, use this execution, since it is the fastest for this character, allowing you to return to action much faster.

Family Complete Guide

  • Gutted like a deer.
  • Just like Grandpa taught ya!


Family Complete Guide

Leatherface, a horrifying and monstrous creature to any person outside his family, in reality, Jedidiah Sawyer is not a monster like what many believe, being a person with autism, practically a kid manipulated by his family to kill and dismember anyone that enters their territory.

He was indoctrinated by the Sawyer family to make him believe he had to protect his family and brother because strangers were a risk that could harm his dear family, which has always loved and protected him.

Jedidiah is only a kid in the body of a beast with brutal strength, which is reflected in his interactions with the other family members.

  • Jedidiah Measures 6’7″ and Weighs 330 lbs.
  • Jedidiah zodiac is unknown.

Johnny Sawyer

Family Complete Guide

Main Role

Johnny is popularly considered one of the worst killers in the game because as it is said he has no “power”, don’t be fooled, he can be as lethal as his counterpart Leatherface being able to drain the life of the victims in very few stabs, his main role in the team is patrolling, being a mostly territorial killer that if he finds you badly positioned or unsuspecting will be game over.

Best Skill Tree

His best skill tree is the following, it provides the most attribute points making johnny have 50 in savagery and 40 in endurance as well as providing his best build.

Family Complete Guide

Best attribute distribution

The best distribution of points is as follows: with this one, Johnny is extremely lethal, being able to kill 5 of the 6 victims with only 5 hits.

Family Complete Guide

Best Perks


An extremely strong ability with Johnny, if the victims manage to pass through any obstacle, but are previously hit by him they will lose 1 life point for every second, having a duration of 5 seconds per stab at maximum level, making his hits even more devastating than they already are.


An extremely strong ability with any member of the family. This skill, at its maximum level, provides a 15% speed increase to the bearer. When used with Johnny, this will cause that, if the victim has no obstacle, he won’t be able to get rid of you, as well as facilitating your patrolling around the map, making you cover more distance in less time.

Fired up

This ability is one of the best among the assassins in short, it would be like having infinite stamina, at its maximum level makes the time to start recovering stamina is 90% less, which means that by stopping for a second you will already be recovering all your stamina, being incredible for their patrols.

Family Complete Guide

Best main ability route

This is the character’s most optimal route, allowing him to analyze tracks much faster than normal and his power lasts for a long time, so that he does not waste time in finding it.

Family Complete Guide

Fastest execution (This section is completely optional)

Time in this game is vital. If you want to maximize your chances, use this execution, since it is the fastest for this character, allowing you to return to action much faster.

Family Complete Guide

  • A sticky end.
  • Get to the point!


Family Complete Guide

Raised by Nancy Sawyer, Johnny is the closest thing the family has to a traditional serial killer. A predator in every sense, he is cold, narcissistic and relentlessly brutal. Johnny takes immense pleasure in stalking and studying his prey before finally overpowering them.The numerous scars that cover his arms and torso serve as a grim reminder of this chilling truth.

Johnny has a huge scar on his left shoulder that is the result of an attack on a Texan woman in Pflugerville during the summer of 1972. After breaking into her home and strangling the woman to death, Johnny was taken by surprise by his two sleeping roommates. nearby. They stabbed Johnny in the shoulder before he could flee the scene. There is a radio transmission in the game that mentions that ongoing investigation.

  • Johnny Measures 6’2″ and Weighs 200 lbs.
  • Johnny zodiac is Virgo.

Sissy Sawyer

Family Complete Guide

Main Role

Sissy is the second chaser of the game, being a little worse than her counterpart, the Hitchhiker, but not completely useless, being that her power in pursuit is much lower than him unlike him her main ability is the use of a poison to slow down and hurt the victims hindering their movement making it more difficult for them to flee, Despite his low damage his poison is capable of killing tanks in a matter of seconds if he can reach them, his sole and main role is to feed Grandpa, occasionally chasing key targets such as Danny and Connie.

Best Skill Tree

His best skill tree is as follows, it provides the most attribute points making Sissy have 35 in brutality, 35 in blood gathering and 23 in endurance as well as providing his best equipment.

Family Complete Guide

Best attribute distribution

The best distribution of points is as follows: with this one, Sissy is able to kill any victim in 6-8 hits, keeping her base stats in collection, allowing her to climb to grandpa in 4 buckets of blood, being the best at this and with a somewhat low stamina that will not allow her to hit many times but to stay in pursuit with someone.

Family Complete Guide

Best Perks

Special Blend

An extremely strong ability with Sissy. This skill, at its maximum level, makes Sissy’s first attack contain poison, multiplying the amount of poisons she has in her inventory, being 3 that she can blow and those of the first hit every time she blows one. It also offers an extra 50% of stamina recovery for 30 seconds, being very lethal with her because when she hits them and applies the poison effect unexpectedly, most of the victims will have trouble fleeing at the beginning or even lead them to their death.


An extremely strong ability with any member of the family. This ability, at its maximum level, provides a 15% speed increase to the bearer. When used with Sissy, this will cause her to be able to reach the victims much faster than usual and if they are poisoned, she won’t be able to get you off, triggering a quick death, as well as facilitating your patrolling the map, making you travel more distance in less time allowing you to collect buckets to level up the grandfather much faster than usual.

Fired Up

This ability is one of the best among the assassins in short, it would be like having infinite stamina, at its maximum level makes the time to start recovering stamina is 90% less, which means that by stopping for a second you will already be recovering all your stamina, being incredible for their patrols.

Family Complete Guide

Best main ability route

It is the most optimal route of the character, making its poison extremely lethal, making it last much longer and giving the bleeding effect to the victim, slowly losing life while it has the effect, as well as slowing them down enormously.

Family Complete Guide

Sissy’s Poision Example

Fastest execution (This section is completely optional).

Time in this game is vital. If you want to maximize your chances, use this execution, since it is the fastest for this character, allowing you to return to action much faster.

Family Complete Guide

  • Killing Tease
  • The terror is in the anticipation.


Family Complete Guide

Sissy Sawyer is a Hitchhiker obsessed with “beauty” seducing drivers or men and when things don’t go her way she drugs them and kills them with a razor blade being the terror of the highways of the United States being attributed multiple murders including rape of some men she has managed to seduce.

Sissy Measures 5’8″ and Weighs 135 lbs.
Sissy zodiac is scorpio.

Nancy Sawyer (“Black” Nancy)

Family Complete Guide

Rol principal

Nancy is an killer who is a somewhat a mediocre support but at the same time combines multiple elements of the different members of the family, having traps that when catching a victim are dead, because every time they run or pass through an obstacle will hurt them and enter an animation that will leave them still for a short period of time, her main ability to spy allows her to know where a survivor is and give the information to her team, her main role is to close areas frequented by the victims and patrol the map protecting key objectives, occasionally feeding the grandfather.

Best Skill Tree

Her best skill tree is as follows, it provides the most attribute points giving Nancy 50 in brutality, 33 in blood gathering and 18 in endurance as well as providing her best equipment.

Family Complete Guide

Best attribute distribution

The best point distribution is as follows: with this one, Nancy is quite lethal at close range, being able to kill 5 of the 6 victims with only 5 hits, and being able to feed the grandfather occasionally.

Family Complete Guide

Best Perks

Fired up

This ability is one of the best among the assassins in short, it would be like having infinite stamina, at its maximum level makes the time to start recovering stamina is 90% less, which means that by stopping for a second you will already be recovering all your stamina, being incredible for patrols and attacking victims.


A pretty good ability with Nancy, this allows her to inflict considerable damage to victims killing them in 4-5 hits if she gets too close as she hits pretty fast.


An extremely strong ability with any member of the family. This skill, at its maximum level, provides a 15% speed increase to the bearer. When used with Nancy, this will cause Nancy to reach the victim very quickly and will make it easier for you to patrol the map, making you cover more distance in less time.

Family Complete Guide

Best main ability route

This is the character’s most optimal route, allowing him to use his ability to spy much more frequently than normal and at maximum level having a perfect view of what a victim is seeing.

Family Complete Guide

Fastest execution (This section is completely optional).

Time in this game is vital. If you want to maximize your chances, use this execution, since it is the fastest for this character, allowing you to return to action much faster.

Family Complete Guide

  • Skull crusher.
  • Careful with the head, we might be able to use that!


Family Complete Guide

Nancy all her life wanted to have children, but was unable to because of her partners, killing her last 3 husbands, making use of her personality and appearance so friendly, she usually attracts her victims to fatal situations, such as Johnny’s biological mother who made the mistake that ended her life, Nancy raised Johnny as her greatest treasure and although it sounds sickening, she is proud of him, showing him off at every moment and defending him from others.

  • Nancy Measures 5’2″ and Weighs ? lbs.
  • Nancy zodiac is unknown.

Best team compositions for every map


The compositions shown below are the best ones taking into account that each family member fulfills his main role.

Family House

In this map we use Johnny, Hitchhiker and Cook, because with these we can cover all the weaknesses of the map, including rushing through the window, the Hitchhiker must trap the window with two traps one in front of the other, trap right in front of the fuse box, Johnny should enter through the front while Cook grabs the blood buckets left in his path, putting a padlock on the back door and the two front doors, latching the doors in his path allowing Johnny to break them instantly,

If Grandpa wakes up at the start of the match all members of the family should be aware of the middle basement door.

(I will update the guide showing videos like this one!)

Family Complete Guide

Gas Station

In this map the composition varies in only two ways one been most effective than the other

Johnny otherwise Bubba will do it, when starting the game the Hitchhiker will have to trap the door of the bridge, fuse box and valve,

While Cook will put 2 padlocks on the doors where he spawns (generator side) collecting blood blood buckets along his way until placing his last padlock in the container (battery side)

Johnny the team he will only patrol the map focusing on the fuse box and bridge his job its breaking every door of the house

if it is Bubba he will pressure victims in the basement breaking every obstacle posible to give free way to the Hitchhiker later,

When the grandpa is awake the 3 killers will distribute different parts of the map to patrol

The Cook must stay in the middle of the house using his seek ability to know what the victims are doing.

Family Complete GuideFamily Complete Guide

Slaughter House

In this map there are two compositions one with Nancy and another with Bubba, the routine of Cook and The Hitchhiker is the same always, Cook must place the 2 padlocks on the doors where he spawns (generator side) and the last one in container (baterry side), Hitchhiker must trap the fuse box, valve and sliding door,

If you have Nancy she has to patrol half the map and trap areas to slowdown the victims,

if it is a Bubba will break all the obstacles that can in the basement and, when Grandpa wakes up he has to go upstairs and then patrol the entire map breaking everything he sees.

Family Complete Guide
Family Complete Guide

Nancy’s House

The only viable composition is Bubba, Hitchhiker and Cook. When Bubba appears he must break the 2 barricades that are in the basement.

In the moment they wake up Grandpa Bubba has go up because it is the safest basement in the game, when Bubba he will go up and patrol Nancy’s house,

When Cook appears he will have to go out in front of the house and put a padlock on the last door, he will return to the house and go down placing another padlock on the gate that is on the side of the house so victims can’t access the hand ladder. His last padlock on the gate of the hitchhiker (where the battery is) staying there to guard it,

The Hitchhiker must place a trap on the sliding door where he spawns (battery side) and his other two traps on the valve and fuse box, if fuse box spawns on the second floor of the house the last trap can be placed anywhere, when victims or family wake up Grandpa the hitchhiker must hunt the survivors while the others patrol their objetives,

If the generator goes out Bubba must go up the road and watch that no victim goes up until it can be turned on again.

Family Complete Guide

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