Super Alloy Ranger Pellet Checklist

Welcome to the exciting world of Super Alloy Ranger game beads! If you’re a fan of fast-paced action and intense battles, these craps are the perfect addition to your gaming arsenal. If you are asking what is the pellet checklist in Super Alloy Ranger, you will find the answer to your question in detail in this guide!

Super Alloy Ranger Pellet Checklist

Welcome to our Super Alloy Ranger Pellet Checklist guide. Just putting down how many you should have after each stage of a level with x/100 to make getting all of them easier, won’t put pictures of each of them. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Super Alloy Ranger game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Super Alloy Ranger guide.

Sunken City

Stage 1: 50/100
There are a well hidden pellet in a box you have to fall down into, near a destroyed robot.

Super Alloy Ranger Pellet Checklist
Super Alloy Ranger Pellet Checklist

Near the bottom of the screen some houses have destructible windows
At the end you can jump onto the roof for another secret.
Stage 2: 100/100

The Deep Frozen

Stage 1: 50/100
Another hidden Crate

Pellet Checklist
Pellet Checklist

25/100 after first no return gate
Hidden area to the upper left (Lost key 1)

Pellet Checklist
Pellet Checklist

Right below the no return gate (Lost key 2) go into wall on the right near bottom.

Pellet Checklist
Pellet Checklist

Stage 2: 100/100
Hidden area in the right side wall, need to destroy it first (Lost Key 3)

Pellet Checklist
Pellet Checklist

Door of no return 75/100
Destructible roof:

Pellet Checklist
Pellet Checklist

The Abyss

Stage 1: 50/100
First hidden area, destructible wall above start

Pellet Checklist
Pellet Checklist

Hidden at the top of the screen, need floating platform: (Lost key1)

Pellet Checklist
Pellet Checklist
Pellet Checklist
Pellet Checklist

Hidden wall 1:

Pellet Checklist
Pellet Checklist

Hidden wall 2:

Pellet Checklist
Pellet Checklist

Hidden wall 3:

Pellet Checklist
Pellet Checklist

Stage 2: 100/100
Hidden wall near start, (Lost key 2)

Pellet Checklist
Pellet Checklist

Further down (Lost key 3)

Pellet Checklist
Pellet Checklist

Door of no return 81/100 (really weird number but it’s correct)

The Infinite Train

Stage 1: X/100
Stage 2: X/100
Boss: no more pellets.

The Fortress


Written by Hollowriller

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