Sunlight Scream University Massacre Walkthrough and All Endings

Navigate the chilling Sunlight Scream University Massacre with our walkthrough. Unlock all endings and secrets for the ultimate horror experience!

Hello from our Sunlight Scream University Massacre Walkthrough and All Endings guide. This is just one of the possible ways to get each ending! To get each good ending – just choose the right character throughout the game and you’ll get it all.

This is the guide Faithy it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

Sunlight Scream University Massacre Walkthrough and All Endings

Welcome to our Sunlight Scream University Massacre Walkthrough and All Endings guide. The secret/true ending will then open up, and essentially while going through them all you will get all the achievements. One achievement you can easily skip is the “Last blood”, for it you have to save and die in every possible way at every ending! To get it you will have to die in the secret ending as well! With each ending there are 2 ways to die, in Leon’s ending there are 3. Keep this in mind as this is essentially the hardest achievement. You should also get the full gallery after this walkthrough.

So, the ending of the game is a fairly complex system of a combination of the root of the character you spend the most time with + a bad ending of another character (in addition to the main characters it can be Grant, Johnson or Elisabeth). With a bad ending, you-know-what happens. There are a lot of combinations of endings (in some ways to escape and defeat the killer may differ significantly depending on the companion, but it’s not so important). What is important is getting the secret ending. For it, you need to get every bad ending and every good ending with the characters at least once each. This can be tracked by achievements. And if with getting good endings it’s quite simple – you just always choose your favorite character and finish the game with him, then with getting bad endings most people have problems.

With each choice in the game, characters get hidden points. And depending on them, they can die in controversial situations. With the main characters everything is clear, and non-main characters – Johnson gets points for a perfectly solved test, Elisabeth – if you always call her and report everything, Grant – if you behave calmly with him and do not be rude. However, points are not always decisive. Some choices instantly kill a character (not literally, but he will definitely be the first to die soon). For example: sticking up for Samantha after winning a tournament will definitely kill Grant, while the reverse will definitely kill Sarah. Following a teacher at a disco will definitely kill him, calling an officer will definitely kill her, and so on. Alas, finding such choices and understanding the pattern can only be done by trial and error. But for some, it may seem like an interesting challenge.

Erika’s Ending

Choices (option to play through Samantha’s root):

  • Stand and wait for Chris
  • Hug your brother
  • Answer rudely
  • Look for a classroom on the schedule board
  • 10
  • 20
  • 100
  • Odd number
  • 1/5 (getting the “Loser” achievement)
  • Go to the library with Samantha
  • Don’t call Elisabeth
  • Sit with Samantha
  • Pair up with Samantha
  • Walk Samantha out
  • Play in the final against Grant
  • Shoot a three-pointer from far away
  • Play as a team
  • Stand up for Samantha
  • Study with Samantha
  • You
  • Hang out with Samantha
  • Follow him
  • Walk Erika out
  • Buy walkie-talkies
  • Sit with Samantha
  • Walk along the coast with Samantha
  • Don’t tell the police
  • The Chain
  • Follow Samantha
  • Why not? <3
  • Push Samantha aside (save here and try another option)
  • Try to go down for the knife (save here and try another option)

Congratulations! Erika’s bad ending has been obtained.

Samantha’s Ending

Choices (option to play through Erika’s root):

  • Stand and wait for Chris
  • Hug your brother
  • Answer rudely
  • Search the site via Wi-Fi
  • 25
  • 19
  • 64
  • Even number
  • .1 (getting the “Smart boy” achievement)
  • Go to the library with Samantha
  • Don’t call Elisabeth
  • Sit with Samantha
  • Pair up with Leon
  • Walk Sarah out
  • Play in the final against Grant
  • Shoot a three-pointer from far away
  • Play as a team
  • Don’t stand up for Samantha
  • Study with Samantha
  • Anything I missed
  • Hang out with Leon
  • Follow him
  • Walk Erika out
  • Buy a taser
  • Sit with Erika
  • Go swimming with Erika
  • Maddy
  • Stay with Erika
  • Why not? <3
  • Bluff that Samantha’s relatives are coming (save here and try another option)
  • Keep stalling (save here and try another option)

Congratulations! Samantha’s bad ending has been obtained.

Sarah’s Ending

Choices (Option to play through Leon’s root):

  • Stand and wait for Chris
  • Hug your brother
  • Answer rudely
  • Ask someone
  • 25
  • 19
  • 64
  • Even number
  • .1 (getting the “Smart boy” achievement)
  • Go to the showdown to help Leon
  • Don’t call Elisabeth
  • Sit with Samantha
  • Pair up with Leon
  • Walk Sarah out
  • Forfeit the match
  • Hold back
  • Hold back (getting the “Restrained” achievement)
  • Turn down Erika’s offer
  • Walk with Leon
  • Look for more
  • Closet
  • Bed
  • Nightstand (getting the “Detective” achievement)
  • Hang out with Leon
  • Stay in the crowd
  • Walk Erika out
  • Buy a taser
  • Sit with Sarah
  • Play volleyball with Leon
  • Don’t tell the police
  • Maddy
  • Screw everyone else and go back to Leon
  • Try to cheat (save here and try another option)
  • Act according to plan (save here and try another option)

Congratulations! Sarah’s bad ending has been obtained.

Leon’s Ending

Choices (option to play through Sarah’s root):

  • Stand and wait for Chris
  • Hug your brother
  • Answer rudely
  • Search the site via Wi-Fi
  • 25
  • 19
  • 64
  • Even number
  • .1 (getting the “Smart boy” achievement)
  • Go to the showdown to help Leon
  • Don’t call Elisabeth
  • Sit with Sarah
  • Pair up with Sarah
  • Walk Sarah out
  • Play in the final against Grant
  • Shoot a three-pointer from far away
  • Play as a team
  • Stand up for Samantha
  • Study with Samantha
  • Anything I missed
  • Hang out with Sarah
  • Follow him
  • Back to friends
  • Sarah
  • Buy a map of the area
  • Sit with Sarah
  • Walk in the woods with Sarah
  • Maddy
  • Follow Sarah
  • Why not? <3
  • Try to get free (save here and try another option)
  • Try to light the alcohol on fire (save here and try another option)
  • Run away (save here and try another option)

Congratulations! Leon’s bad ending has been obtained.

Mr. Johnson’s Ending

Choices (option to play through Erika’s root):

  • Stand and wait for Chris
  • Hug your brother
  • Answer rudely
  • Search the site via Wi-Fi
  • 25
  • 19
  • 64
  • Even number
  • .1 (getting the “Smart boy” achievement)
  • Go to the showdown to help Leon
  • Don’t call Elisabeth
  • Sit with Sarah
  • Pair up with Sarah
  • Walk Sarah out
  • Play in the final against Grant
  • Shoot a three-pointer from far away
  • Play as a team
  • Don’t stand up for Samantha
  • Walk with Leon
  • Run away
  • Hang out with Leon
  • Ask him
  • Walk Erika out
  • Buy a map of the area
  • Sit with Erika
  • Go swimming with Erika
  • Squeal
  • Stay with Erika
  • Why not? <3
  • Bluff that there’s a broadcast for the police (save here and try another option)
  • Throw a friend a set of chess (save here and try another option)

Congratulations! Mr. Johnson’s bad ending has been obtained.

Elisabeth’s Ending

Choices (option to play through Erika’s root):

  • Stand and wait for Chris
  • Hug your brother
  • Answer rudely
  • Search the site via Wi-Fi
  • 25
  • 19
  • 64
  • Even number
  • .1 (getting the “Smart boy” achievement)
  • Go to the showdown to help Leon
  • Call Elisabeth
  • Sit with Sarah
  • Pair up with Sarah
  • Walk Sarah out
  • Play in the final against Grant
  • Shoot a three-pointer from far away
  • Play as a team
  • Don’t stand up for Samantha
  • Walk with Leon
  • Run away
  • Hang out with Leon
  • Follow him
  • Walk Erika out
  • Buy a map of the area
  • Sit with Erika
  • Go swimming with Erika
  • Tell the police
  • Squeal
  • Stay with Erika
  • Why not? <3
  • Find ways to escape (save here and try another option)
  • Wait for the right moment (save here and try another option)

Congratulations! Elisabeth’s bad ending has been obtained.

Grant’s Ending

Election (option to play through Erika’s root):

  • Stand and wait for Chris
  • Hug your brother
  • Answer with restraint
  • Search the site via Wi-Fi
  • 25
  • 19
  • 64
  • Even number
  • .1 (getting the “Smart boy” achievement)
  • Go to the showdown to help Leon
  • Don’t call Elisabeth
  • Sit with Sarah
  • Pair up with Sarah
  • Walk Sarah out
  • Play in the final against Grant
  • Shoot a three-pointer from far away
  • Play it solo
  • Don’t stand up for Samantha
  • Walk with Leon
  • Run away
  • Hang out with Leon
  • Follow him
  • Walk Erika out
  • Buy a taser
  • Sit with Erika
  • Go swimming with Erika
  • Squeal
  • Stay with Erika
  • Why not? <3
  • Kick to the nose (save here and try another option)
  • To try to climb up (save here and try another option)

Congratulations! Grant’s bad ending has been obtained.

Secret (True) ending

All right! You’ve made it to the secret ending. Don’t be in a hurry to skip the text, as you can easily miss new points. I suppose here you will already be able to make the right choices and get the necessary deaths and the secret ending without any problems. But just in case, I’ll leave the right combination of choices to survive the last fight.

  • Something doesn’t add up here (save here and try another option)
  • Try to call the police (save here and try another option)
  • Try to dial a friend’s number
  • Erika’s number
  • Stop resisting (save here and try another option)
Written by Faithy

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