STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life: All Records

Hello from our STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life All Records guide. Root into your new farm in the peaceful town of Forgotten Valley. Revive the land by growing crops and raising animals, find love among friendly townspeople, and create lasting memories with your own family. Here all obtainable records in the game and how to get them in this adventure!

This guide is a Steam guide created by Venty. You can find the author’s link under the guide!

We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life guide.

STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life: All Records

Welcome to our STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life: All Records guide. Records are vinyl discs the player can obtain by doing specific actions in the game. This guide will cover how to get all 14 of them.

All obtainable records and how to get them in STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life

Additional Info: (Max Friendship) Means you need to get your friendship with the specified NPC around this:

All Records

Spring’s in the Air

(Max Friendship) Buy it from Van for 100,000 G.

All obtainable records and how to get them in STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life

Sleeping Spirits

(Max Friendship) Talk to Sebastian inside his room.

All obtainable records and how to get them in STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life

Another Valley Together

Talk to Mr.Pot 100 times. He can be found inside the Harvest Sprites tree.

All obtainable records and how to get them in STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life
All obtainable records and how to get them in STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life

64 Memories

Defeat Charlie 10 times in his territory mini-game. (Charlie is the BLUE ONE)

All obtainable records and how to get them in STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life
All obtainable records and how to get them in STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life

Café Jazz

(Max Friendship) Talk to Gavin inside his room.

All obtainable records and how to get them in STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life

My Racing Heart

(Max Friendship) (Chapter 6 or 7) Talk to your child inside their room.

All obtainable records and how to get them in STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life

Summer of Pioneer

(Max Friendship) Talk to Carter at the beach. (Not sure if you can get it inside his tent too.)

All obtainable records and how to get them in STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life

Joyful Autumn

(Max Friendship) (Only Winter) Talk to Mukumuku in front of the Spirit’s Tree.

All obtainable records and how to get them in STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life

Autumn in Oak Tree Town

(Max Friendship) Talk to Kate inside her room.

All obtainable records and how to get them in STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life

One Sunny Day

(Max Friendship) Talk to Chris outside her home.

All obtainable records and how to get them in STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life


Start Chapter 1.

All obtainable records and how to get them in STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life

Quiet Winter

Start Chapter 1.

All obtainable records and how to get them in STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life


(Max Friendship) Get max friendship with everyone in the game.
Cows, chickens, goats […] doesn’t count. (Not sure about your dog and cat, though)

All obtainable records and how to get them in STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life

Winter in Mineral Town

(Chapter 4 or later) (Max Friendship) Talk to Hugh inside his room.

All obtainable records and how to get them in STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life
Written by Venty

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