Spellarium 5 – Walkthrough Guide

I’ve prepared the walkthrough guide for all the details on how to accomplish all 110 levels in Spellarium 5.

Levels 1-10 Walkthrough

  • Level 1: Break out the wood boxes until you reach the permanent bomb. Keep on tripping the bomb until the cannon hits the red bomb on the right.
  • Level 2: Keep firing the cannon until the vase on the right disappears (don’t forget you can drag the drop into the vase if it’s only one space away). Then fire the cannon again so the permanent bomb trips the red square. Get the drops down to the coin spaces. Spread the fire to the frozen coins. Use a rocket to get the last coin.
  • Level 3: Scoot the key on the right over to the locked coin at left. Then work on tripping either permanent bomb. Left side: Get the coin near the permanent bomb, then trip the bomb once. When the shielded tiles fall down one space, drag the key into the locked coin at the top left corner. Either use matches at the very top to clear the shielded tiles or trip the permanent bomb until you get a bit more working room to get the coins on the left and hit the red square. Collect the coins on the bottom left. Right side: Trip the permanent bomb so the shielded tiles fall down one space, then drag the coin halves together at the top. Trip the permanent bomb or use matches at the top until the shielded tiles are out of the way enough to get the coins there plus the green square, and get the rest of the coins.
  • Level 4: Match next to the dirt tile so you can trip the gate underneath. Unlock the coin, then trip the gate that was underneath the coin. Move the drop all the way down to the bottom left corner, then trip the gate. Explode the bomb for the next gate.
  • Level 5: To clear the green squares at the bottom center either make leaves matches over them or create a powerup in the vicinity and trip it so it hits the green squares. Get all the easy to reach coins, then trip the gate. Move the key over to the right as far as you can, then trip the gate again. Unlock and collect the coin, then move the second key to the left as far as you can before tripping the gate. Unlock the coin then work on getting the last green squares and coins at the bottom right.
  • Level 6: Trip the permanent bomb on the right so the fire comes out. Trip the red square, then use the permanent bomb on the left to spread the fire there.
  • Level 7: Match using the frozen cubes on the right side until you reach the bomb. Trip the gate.
  • Level 8: Not sure if there’s a specific order to trip the gates here, but I started by spreading the fire to the left side and tripped the leftmost gate, then just worked my way over to the right side until I was done.
  • Level 9: Get all the easy coins on the bottom left center part first, then move the coin halves as far left as you can. Make a dynamite on the right side to clear the clay tile blocking the 2 coin halves. After collecting the coin, trip the gate and work on joining the coins on the left and collecting those along with the rest of the coins on the left side. Last, use powerups to help you with the coins on the right.
  • Level 10: Move the upper key over to the right so you can get the locked coin there. If the stumps aren’t already gone, match rings until you can reach the 2 coins below the stumps. Trip the gate in the top right corner, then get the drop into the coin space for the next coin and trip the gate underneath. Get the coins by the fire and spread the fire to the frozen coin. Get the coin once it’s thawed and hit the gate underneath. Scoot the key to the locked coin and trip the gate to its left (you can drag the drop into the blocked coin space even though you can’t collect the coin you make with the drop just yet). Then get the now freed coin and hit the gate that was underneath of it. There is only one gate which you can reach at this point to trip and collect the last coins.

Levels 11-20

  • Level 11: The blue squares won’t go away unless you either make matches of the blue amulet thingies over them or use powerups to blow them up and they also won’t let the keys move across them either, so you have to clear all the blue squares out of the way while working on moving the keys. Make sure you get the lower key over to its coin first so you can blow up the bombs to get rid of the shielded tile before getting the upper coin and cannon to fire.
  • Level 12: Collect the coins at the bottom left first, then work on whatever section elsewhere happens to be open until the colored squares and coins are gone. Fire the cannon to get some other section to open until you’ve gotten them all cleared.
  • Level 13: Get all the frozen coins. Then fire the lower cannon twice. Trip the permanent bomb which you can reach in the middle so the shielded tile falls down one space and frees the upper cannon’s path. Fire the upper cannon until all the drops have fallen into the spaces. Then trip the permanent bomb in the middle.
  • Level 14: Work your way through the wood boxes until you can make dynamite in the upper section and use the dynamite to blow your way through the clay tiles until you can access the far right side.
  • Level 15: Spread the fire and clear the fog/coins until you reach the key on the left. Move the key to the locked coin then fire the cannon. LOL that neverending bomb sequence is a bit obnoxious!
  • Level 16: Make larger matches to get either dynamite or rockets close enough to the clay tiles to blow them up enough until all three gates are open, then make sure you trip each one. Remove the bugs.
  • Level 17: Make powerups to blow up the clay tiles on the left until you can reach the coins and gate. Then clear the bugs with powerups to get the last coins.
  • Level 18: Collect all the frozen coins. Fire the cannon. Get rid of the bugs, then collect all the coins from the right side. Fire both of the paired cannons until you’ve gotten the last coin.
  • Level 19: Clear the yellow spaces on the left so you can get the coins from the drops. Unlock the coin, then trip the gate underneath. Clear the green spaces until you can get the coins from the drops again, unlock the second coin, then trip the second gate. Set off the bombs and collect the leftover coins.
  • Level 20: Remove the 3 vases from right to left. Clear the yellow squares blocking the key then unlock the coin. Make sure you’ve cleared all the yellow squares at the bottom left because even though you can move the key with some of the yellow squares gone, the level will not complete unless you’ve cleared all the yellow squares. Trip the gate.

Levels 21-30

  • Level 21: Work your way into the coins at the left and fire the cannon. Blow up the bombs on the right.
  • Level 22: Use powerups (preferably dynamite) to work your way through the clay tiles and into the 2 rows of bombs on the left, then fire the cannon.
  • Level 23: Remove all the bugs, then keep hitting both permanent bombs until all the pieces behind them are gone so the stumps disappear.
  • Level 24: Clear the fog and vase at the bottom. Keep firing the bottom cannon until all the wood boxes are gone. Fire the top cannon until most of the other coins are gone, then use rockets for the last 2 coins.
  • Level 25: Unlock the coin then get the frozen coins and trip the gate. Set off the bombs, then match the doves by the red square on the very bottom.
  • Level 26: Work your way through the clay tiles using powerups until you’ve gotten all the coins at the bottom left, then trip the gate. Unlock the coin and set off the bombs. Get the frozen coins.
  • Level 27: Use rockets on all the bugs.
  • Level 28: Match flowers until the stump goes away (powerups which hit any flowers in range will also count towards helping remove the stump). Move the key until it’s next to a blocked space, then trip the gate so the key gets covered by a repositioning of the blocked space. The key will move out of a blocked space if you make a match in the open space immediately next to it, so the idea is to move the key as far as you can before shifting the position of the blocked spaces using the gate, gradually moving the key over slowly until you can reach the locked coin. Keep hitting the permanent bomb until all the coins by the other permanent bombs are gone.
  • Level 29: Get the three coins on the left side and set off the bombs. Keep hitting the permanent bomb you can reach on the lower left until all the shielded tiles are gone. Then get all the coins on the right and trip the gate. Get the coins in the top center. Trip all the permanent bombs in the upper left until the drop has fallen into the coin space. Trip the gate and hit the permanent bomb on the lower left.
  • Level 30: Trip the gate at the bottom right then fire the cannon. Keep repeating this cycle until the stump is gone.

Levels 31-40

  • Level 31: Get whatever you can cleared out to start with, then trip the gate. You may have to trip the gate more than once to rearrange the blocked spaces depending on how the tiles fall in during the matches as some of the green and red squares are blocked by the gate no matter what.
  • Level 32: Fire the lower right cannon until the bugs behind it are gone, then fire the upper left cannon until all the coins behind it are gone and the gate at the end trips. Fire the lower left cannon until the gate at the very end of the path has tripped. Get the coins at the bottom center and fire the bottom cannons. Fire the cannons on the right.
  • Level 33: Get the frozen coins first then fire the cannon. Work on making powerups to get whatever bugs you can reach, then fire the cannon to get to the bugs on the other side. Poor bugs, they can’t move when the gate is closed on them! Note: you cannot use rockets on bugs in the blocked area. Toggle the gate to get all the coins.
  • Level 34: Get the frozen coins by the red square on the left side first and set off the red square. Trip the gate. Break out enough of the dirt tiles with matches so the bottom right populates and you can spread the fire over to the blocked area. Make sure you have a match set up by the gate before you begin spreading the fire. Spread the fire until it touches the blocked area, then trip the gate. Remove all the coins from the bottom right area before tripping the gate again.
  • Level 35: Get rid of the bugs. Collect the coin blocking off the row of permanent bombs, then keep tripping those permanent bombs until the top coin is gathered. Remove the vase. Fire the lower cannon until the green square is tripped.
  • Level 36: Break through the ice on the left until you can reach the coin and red square and trip the red square. Clear all the bugs, then trip the green square. Clear the yellow squares before focusing on the coin halves.
  • Level 37: Remove the bug. Try not to collect too many of the lanterns early on because the stump holds in the rocks, or the level will be much harder later. Fire the cannon until the permanent bomb has removed most of the rocks. Get rid of the stump with lantern matches or blowing up powerups by lanterns.
  • Level 38: Clear a pathway to the locked coin by breaking out some of the clay tiles with powerups first, then get the coin and fire the cannon. This will cause the gate to trip. Clear a pathway to the second locked coin and cannon and fire it.
  • Level 39: Get the locked coin and then fire the cannon until all the rocks are gone. Do not thaw all the frozen coins before you have removed the rocks using the cannon otherwise the level is much more difficult. A good trick to remember is if you match somewhere away from where the flames are, the fire won’t spread and with subsequent matches the fire will die out so long as your matches don’t touch any of the flames. It’s difficult to put out the fire entirely but you can limit it considerably with a few strategic matches elsewhere. Get the frozen coins.
  • Level 40: Break out enough of the clay tiles with powerups so you can access the locked key and permanent bombs. Trip the permanent bombs so the green square is set off. Trip the red square, then trip the permanent bombs again.

Levels 41-50

  • Level 41: Break through the ice cubes so you can reach the flames at the top and have a path to the frozen coin (you’ll need the cascades to help you in the beginning). Fire the cannon. Focus only on the top 2 coins by each vase and clearing the vases (this is far easier if you drag the drops into the vases instead of matching out the pieces to move the drops) since the others will be collected automatically by the vases disappearing.
  • Level 42: Get rid of the 2 green squares blocking the key, then unlock the coin. Remove the vase so the gate trips. Get rid of the 3 green squares blocking the drops, then collect all the coins from the drops so you can reach the locked one. Trip the gate and gather all the frozen coins. Trip the gate on the right so you can get rid of the bug with the rocket.
  • Level 43: Do not use the right side of the board for anything besides tripping the gate! While it’s tempting to use that part for making rockets to get rid of the bugs or reach coins, this is actually a bad idea because the rocket’s explosion can easily accidentally trip the gate and close off the section you were trying to work on, so it’s better (albeit more difficult) to make powerups in the tighter sections on the left. Remove the 2 bugs on the bottom left. Trip the gate and then get rid of the other 2 bugs. Get all the coins you can reach before tripping the gate again.
  • Level 44: Remove the bugs. To remove the stump, explode powerups in range of the 4 circular pieces (not sure what that is – a metallic bird’s nest with eggs, a lumpy package sealed with a strange closure, an unusual shield?). Get the frozen coin.
  • Level 45: Keep firing the cannon on the lower right until the red square at the bottom left center has gone off and you’ve removed a shielded tile along with collecting the coin from the drop that was close to the shielded tile before (this takes quite a few firings). Then keep firing the cannon on the upper right.
  • Level 46: Remove the bug and gather all the coins from the top half of the board. Clear the 2 blue squares which are not blocked by the gates (they are in the row with all the other blue and red colored squares and sort of hard to see). While you’re working on the coins in the bottom half, you’re going to trip the gate next to whatever coins you collected. Pay attention to what colored squares open up in the top half after the gate has tripped and clear all the squares you can reach before going back to get coin(s) next to that gate, or before going over to another set of coins and gate on the bottom. You will have to trip all 3 gates at least once to reach all the colored squares on the top.
  • Level 47: Keep tripping the permanent bomb which you can reach until the gate on the right has tripped. Then repeat the process with the permanent bomb you freed up which leads to the gate on the left. Get the frozen coins and join the coin halves. Collect the coins from the drops and trip the red and green squares.
  • Level 48: Get rid of all the bugs. Make horizontal matches where they touch the top of the stack of the shielded tiles to gradually remove them until you can reach the permanent bomb. Keep setting off the permanent bomb until the level finishes.
  • Level 49: Explode powerups in range to get all 5 of those circular pieces. Get the locked coin and clear the dirt tile underneath. Pick a gate to trip, then drag the accessible coin halves together and gather all those coins before tripping the other gate. While dragging the coin halves together, drag them all in the same direction and pay attention to how the pieces are shifting around them – at some point there will be a vertical match falling into place to make coin collection easier.
  • Level 50: Get the locked coin, then fire the cannon until the vase is accessible. Remove the vase and fire the lower cannon until the red square goes off.

Levels 51-60

  • Level 51: Break out enough of the wood boxes to wake up the bugs so you also have more room to make the powerups to get rid of them and/or the bugs might crawl over to the powerups. Clear the red squares. Trip the gate and make sure you get all the red squares which open up.
  • Level 52: Set off all the permanent bombs which you can reach until all the bugs are gone. This will take several hits with some of the bombs.
  • Level 53: Clear the clay tiles and wood boxes enough to join the coin and make sure you collect it before the bottom left corner opens up because the gate will trip once you set the bombs off there. Work your way over to the green and red squares and trip the green square first, otherwise the level gets much harder. This requires a careful placement of dynamite so as not to open up the red square before the green one. Try to get the frozen coins going from the left side so you can avoid tripping the gate for as long as possible to have more working room, but as you’re going along the gate will probably go off on you anyway. LOL I was freaking out at the end until I realized I’d forgotten about the drop in the bottom center! Hey, if Eric’s such a wizard, why can’t he conjure up these buildings…but then we wouldn’t have such a fantastic game to play?
  • “Let Me Be Your HOG” side note: Even if you select “yes” for the skip all solitaire and puzzles popups that appear if you skip the solitaire and mahjong minigames enough times, you’re still subjected to the occasional spot the difference and HOS where you still have to press the Skip button each time if you don’t want to deal with them, ha ha!
  • Level 54: Start on the right side of the coin row and work your way over to the left. Collect all the coins you can off the right side without hitting the dirt tiles holding up the rocks on the left side. You don’t have to worry about the dirt tiles on the right because they are gate locked and won’t go away unless the gate is tripped. I watched my coin counter up top and got it to 9 as a guidepost for when to stop working on the coins coming in from the right. Fire the cannon to trip the gate (reverses the locking position of the dirt tiles) and then work your way to the remaining coins going from the left side of the row. I had an issue where I didn’t have a move on the left side while doing this so had to let a few rocks down on the right side until I could get a powerup to rearrange things a bit for me to get into the left side, but then focused on working from the left after that.
  • Level 55: Break through the wood with matches and keep firing the cannon until the level finishes.
  • Level 56: Collect the 8 coins from the bottom left. Make the stack of shielded tiles fall all the way to the bottom before firing the lower cannon. Trip the gate. Fire the upper cannon until the right side populates enough for you to work easily and clear the green squares.
  • Level 57: Get rid of the accessible bug by working on the lower left side first (do not use the center where the gate is for making a rocket so you don’t accidentally hit the gate). Then trip the gate and remove the other bug working only the top left side. Gather all the coins off the top left side and move the drop until it’s sitting atop the blocked area before hitting the gate again. Remove the vase (drops will continue to fall through the blocked area, just keep on matching) and keep firing the cannon.
  • Level 58: Remove the bugs. Break the chains so you can get to the red square and trip it. Get rid of enough of the shielded tiles so you can reach the permanent bomb and trip it. Collect the coins on the bottom, then hit the permanent bomb so the fire spreads into the bottom right.
  • Level 59: Break through the clay tiles which also trips the gate. Get the coins and the next gate at the bottom, then start drilling your way through the clay again for the next 2 gates. Clear the fog either from the far right edge or from the 2 spaces on the left side of the room as the middle spots are walled off.
  • Level 60: Remove the stump and blow up the bombs (you can match around the coin half; just ignore the coin half for now). Work your way over to the red bomb and explode it which trips the next gate. Break the ice cubes and work on tripping the third gate. Gather the frozen coins. If the cannon doesn’t fire on its own while you’re working on the coins, fire the cannon for the final gate and remove the bugs.

Levels 61-70

  • Level 61: Make a rocket to remove the bug. Trip the green square, then match the circular pieces up top to trip the red square.
  • Level 62: Fire the cannon to trip the gate. Clear some of the fog at least for more working room and make rockets far enough away from the gate to remove the bugs and not hit the gate with the explosion. Every time you get rid of a bug, a gate by that bug will trip and close off the other bugs, so you have to hit the gate on the right to get them accessible again.
  • Level 63: Remove the yellow squares blocking the vase first so you can remove the vase next. Gather all the coins in the top center, then work on getting to the red bomb and exploding it. Fire the cannon on the right side.
  • Level 64: There are 2 pairs of cannons; fire the lower cannon of the top pair first. Fire the upper cannon of the top pair next. Third, fire the top cannon of the bottom pair and then fire the bottom cannon of the bottom pair. The bottom cannon of the bottom pair then disappears. Fire the remaining cannon on the bottom until it disappears, which will trip the gate. Fire the topmost cannon until the 3 coins have been gathered. Collect the frozen coins.
  • Level 65: Match or otherwise collect blue pieces using powerups until the bottom stump is gone. Trip the permanent bomb at the bottom 3 times. Fire the cannon 3 times.
  • Level 66: Work your way through the wood boxes and clay tiles on the left so you can reach the cannon there and fire it. The gate will trip and the permanent bombs will stop exploding once the bugs on the bottom left are gone. Repeat this process with the cannon on the right. You’ll likely need powerups to help you fire the right cannon since the access point is so hard to reach.
  • Level 67: There are 4 drops in non-blocked columns to start; clear the yellow square below one of them and shift them all to the coin spaces. Some of the other drops will fall through the blocked spaces while you’re doing this, so get those into the coin spaces too. Trip the gate on the left, then remove the yellow squares holding up the last drops. Trip the gate on the right.
  • Level 68: Ugh! Remove whatever vases are easiest to reach at the moment to start with. It’s unfortunately quite a pain because of the tight working area and chains. This is slightly easier if you work from left to right. If you’re a bit lucky you’ll be able to clear the dirt tiles blocking off the top center to get a little more working room. Try not to move the key towards the left if you can. Once the locked coin is gone, the rest is super easy…
  • Level 69: Fire the top cannon until the gate on the end trips. Get the 2 coins, then fire the middle cannon until the gate on the end trips. Trip the gate on the lower left. Fire the bottom cannon once and then trip the lower left gate again. Repeat this cycle of alternating the gate trip and firing the cannon until the level is finished. If for some reason you fire the cannon more than once in between the gate trips, you will have to use rockets to clear the coins that have no bomb left above them.
  • Level 70: Remove the clay tile, then the bug. Trip the permanent bombs by the bottom cannon until the fire starts spreading. Then trip the chain of permanent bombs next to the other 2 cannons from both the top and bottom of the chain to fire both of those cannons.

Levels 71-80

  • Level 71: Get all the coins you can from the left, then trip the left gate. Collect all the coins you can from the right side before tripping the right gate. Remove the bugs and trip the middle gate.
  • Level 72: Clear the 2 coins and all the blue squares you can reach in the middle section. If the top stump (blue pieces one) hasn’t disappeared yet, collect more blue pieces until it goes away. Trip the gate on the left so the keys and 2 blue squares are free. I had several instances where the gate tripped twice quickly somehow so had to go back and hit the gate again to get the right pattern of open area. Remove the last 2 blue squares and move the keys over to the right as far as possible without shifting any of them back towards the left if you can. Trip the left gate again so you can finish moving the keys to the locked coins. Fire the cannons starting from the top and go down in order, but drag the coin halves together before firing the bottom cannon. Trip the gate on the right.
  • Level 73: Oddly, the first time I saw this level, there were no moves available and the game wouldn’t give me the dice piece either, so I had to restart it before there were available moves. Remove the dirt tiles and wood boxes for more working room and gather all the coins you can. Use rockets on all the bugs. Fire the cannons on the bottom until the rest of the drops have fallen into the spaces and the dirt tiles above are gone so the tight areas populate, or use rockets on the last remaining coins.
  • Level 74: Remove the blue piece stump (top one), then the circular piece stump. You can only work in the top right section for most of the level until the blue piece stump goes away, and the blue pieces are a bit rare so match efficiently and use powerups to get blue tiles. The circular pieces are in very short supply so be efficient with matching the circular pieces on the left section that opens up after the blue stump disappears. The last part of this level is really easy and mostly plays itself.
  • Level 75: Gather the 4 “isolated” coins which are accessible first before working on the row of coins towards the left. Clear out the clay tiles so the coin halves are free. At some point of this process, the cannon will probably fire on its own to get all the important stuff on the outside edges, so ignore the outer ring unless the clay tiles are gone and the cannon hasn’t gone off, in which case you should fire the cannon. While you’re moving the coin halves together, don’t forget to look for easy matches falling into place on the coins in the narrow lower corridors. Get all the easy to reach coins before making powerups to get any leftover pesky coins in the narrow corridors.
  • Level 76: Clear all the green squares blocking off the drops, then fire the cannon. Get rid of the bugs.
  • Level 77: Remove the bugs. Fire the bottom cannon until all the shielded tiles are gone and the red bombs in the middle have exploded. If the top cannon hasn’t fired by itself enough to get the coins up top by now, fire it until the level finishes.
  • Level 78: Clear out the bugs. Trip the permanent bombs on the right until the coin is collected. Break out a pathway to the frozen coins and then trip the permanent bomb by the fire so you can get the frozen coins. Trip the permanent bombs on the right again to get the coins from the drops, and then set off the red square.
  • Level 79: Work on collecting red pieces since the red piece stump is the only obstacle you can remove at the start. Then collect doves until the dove stump is gone. Repeat with the brown bottles to get the next stump, and finally get at least one green crystal piece for the last stump.
  • Level 80: Start with the chains up top, then some of the dirt tiles until all the red bombs are accessible. Explode the red bombs, then gradually work your way downwards through the middle, spreading out from there.

Levels 81-90

  • Level 81: Clear the red squares (powerups are a great help), then trip the gate.
  • Level 82: Remove the clay tile in the center so the red bombs are accessible and explode them. Hit the last red bomb and then fire the right cannon. Trip the red squares on the right.
  • Level 83: Break out the wood boxes in front of the green square and trip the green square. Then break through the clay on the right and trip the red square. Remove the clay tile by the permanent bomb and trip it. Fire the cannon until the stump disappears.
  • Level 84: Clear out the fog with matches and move all the drops into the spaces. If you happen to get rockets in the top left quadrant, try to save them for later because if you’re not playing in relaxed you’re going to need them at the end (I ran out of moves several times at the very last part). Trip the gate. Clear the fog near the items on the bottom left and trip the gate. Use a rocket from the upper left on the bug.
  • Level 85: Collect the locked coin while working on removing the left vase of the pair. After you remove the second vase, match the 3 circular pieces by the cannon in the center. Get rid of the bugs.
  • Level 86: Work your way through the dirt tile and wood boxes to reach the chains and yellow squares, then clear the 2 yellow squares which are accessible and trip the gate. If you happen to run out of available matches in the top left section at the beginning, you will unfortunately have to restart the level and this seems to be a fairly easy thing to do as it happened to me the first time. Get the last yellow square and work your way over to the permanent bomb. Keep hitting the permanent bomb until all the accessible bugs are gone, then trip the gate on the right to unlock the other bugs and hit the permanent bomb until all those other bugs are gone. Trip the gate on the left.
  • Level 87: Gather flowers until the top stump disappears. Then gather rings until the second stump goes away. Trip the permanent bombs on the right from the bottom to make the fire come out on the top and trip the same permanent bombs from the top to make the flames emerge from the bottom. Spread the fire over to the permanent bombs on the left to get all the frozen coins. After all the frozen coins have been collected, trip the permanent bombs on the right one more time to get the bottom right to populate.
  • Level 88: Break your way through the clay tiles so there’s a path to the frozen coins and gate. Then spread the fire over and trip the gate. Fire the cannon.
  • Level 89: Alternate firing the right, then left cannons until all the coins up top are collected. Do this fast enough and you might be like me saying “Choo! Choo!” Remove the vases.
  • Level 90: Get all the coins out of the left section and then keep tripping the one permanent bomb you can reach in that same area until the level finishes playing the rest of itself.

Levels 91-100

  • Level 91: Focus on gathering flowers first. After the stump disappears, explode the red bomb. Get rid of the bug and then trip the gate that was underneath the coins. Match the 3 circular pieces on the far right that are off by themselves. Trip the gate that the stump used to cover. Collect all the frozen coins, then trip the red square and join the coin halves.
  • Level 92: Spread the fire over to the left for the frozen coins and trip the gate at the left. Clear all the yellow squares. Use rockets on the bugs. Trip the gate on the right and remove all the green squares.
  • Level 93: Work on the chains at the right to access the gate. Do not fire the cannon at all while you’re doing this – pay attention to how the other pieces will shift with a potential move because if the cannon is fired before tripping the gate things get a lot harder later. Trip the gate to lock the dirt tiles and then fire the cannon until all the rocks are gone. Trip the gate again. If there are no moves by the coins, fire the cannon so it hits the permanent bomb.
  • Level 94: Pick a bomb and set of clay tiles above it to work your way into and set that bomb off. Once the red squares are all gone, collect all the coins not walled off by clay tiles and then use powerups to get the remainders.
  • Level 95: Work your way through the ice and dirt tiles and trip the permanent bomb until the stump by the vase goes away and the red square has gone off. You need a bit of luck with getting powerups and cascades in the right place to get you through all those ice cubes and dirt tiles if playing in limited moves since the counter is set pretty tightly IMO; it took me a few tries to get past this level. Important – do not hit the permanent bomb too rapidly! Let the pieces settle in the column at the left before tripping the bomb again, otherwise it’s possible to glitch out this level where the circular pieces get blown up too quickly with explosions and won’t match themselves over the red square. Wait for the drop to appear on the right and work on removing the vase.
  • Level 96: Get all the coins in the bottom left center and trip the red square. Fire the top cannon and then trip the gate at the bottom right. Repeat this cycle of cannon firing/gate activation until all the coins are thawed. Fire the bottom cannon until all the coins are collected.
  • Level 97: Work your way down to the cannon and fire it. Remove the rightmost vase, which will trip the gate beneath it and close off all the others. Fire the cannon again, or trip the gate which used to be under the vase to open the vases back up and remove the next vase. (Cannon firing is usually much easier to accomplish than trying to reach the gates again underneath the vases after the vases disappear.) Repeat this cycle of cannon firing and vase clearing until the level’s done.
  • Level 98: Work your way into the permanent bombs on both sides and keep tripping them until all the bugs are gone.
  • Level 99: Break through the clay tiles and trip the gate. Gather all the coins from the top middle. Trip the gate at the bottom left corner.
  • Level 100: Work your way through all that ice to reach the gate on the right and trip it. The left gate can be ignored, but doesn’t really hurt you if it trips by itself as it only closes off the top section. Use the rockets on the bugs. Make a few more powerups for the remaining bugs.

Levels 101-110

  • Level 101: Gather all the frozen coins. Fire the cannon until the gate trips. Work your way into tripping the red square. Fire the cannon until the gate in the bottom center has tripped. Use rockets on the 2 bugs. Fire the cannon until all the coins have been obtained.
  • Level 102: Trip the leftmost gate. Match the 3 circular pieces in the column off by themselves. Then work on clearing the stumps from left to right, removing the associated vase as soon as the stump blocking it is gone before moving on to the next stump. Unlock the coins.
  • Level 103: Focus on getting the topmost key to its coin first since that’s the only one which is accessible and trip the gate behind the coin. Repeat this process with the next highest key and coin/gate until all the gates have been tripped. Trip the red square.
  • Level 104: Move the key until it touches the blocked area. Trip the left gate. Don’t panic, the key will still move out of the blocked area if you make matches in front of it like you would normally do to move a key. Collect the locked coin and remove the vase. Move the other key until it touches the blocked area. Trip the right gate and collect the other locked coin and remove the last vase.
  • Level 105: Gather all the frozen coins. Collect lanterns until the stump vanishes and then trip the gate. Fire the lowest of the three accessible cannons which then disappears. Fire the lower of the 2 remaining accessible cannons; that one will also go away. Fire the last of the 3 cannons on the top section which will disappear too. Trip the gate again. Hit the permanent bomb until the 3 coins have been collected.
  • Level 106: Trip the red square, then get rid of the bugs. Work your way through the fog and wood (this is easier if you start from the lower portion since it’s 3 spaces high as opposed to the top portion which is only 2 spaces high and then “expand” once you have more working room) and remove the vase. Gather the frozen coins.
  • Level 107: Clear out the dirt tiles so you can trip the permanent bomb. Remove the clay tiles and wood boxes and set off the red square. Remove the wood box and trip the green square. Get rid of the bugs and gather the frozen coins.
  • Level 108: Remove the bugs and fire the cannon until the bottom left corner section is fully populated. Fire the bottom cannon.
  • Level 109: Fire the cannon twice so it vanishes. Work through the ice and fire the next cannon twice so it disappears. Make your way to the last cannon and fire it twice also. Unlock the coin and set off the bombs.
  • Level 110: Work carefully to get the fire out of the narrow space it’s in and gather all the frozen coins from the right. Trip the gate and repeat the same process on the left.

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