Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance – All Bosses Skills

In this guide, I will give detailed information about all bosses, their skills and weakness.

Minato Region – Main Story Bosses


  • Ailment Resistance:
  • Resist:Mirage/Confusion/Charm/Seal
  • Null:Poison


  • Frenzy+3: Medium Physical attack to all foes.
  • Toxic Breath (Unique): Medium Dark attack to all foes. Chance of inflicting Poison.
  • Fire Breath+3: Weak 2-5 Fire attacks to random foes.
  • Omagatoki: Critical: All attacks, including magical attacks, will become Critical hits for all allies for 1 turn.

Eligor (and 2 Andras)

  • Ailment Resistance:
  • Res:Sleep/Mirage/Poison/Confusion/Charm/Seal


  • Gram Slice: Weak Physical attack to 1 foe. High chance of Critical.
  • Maragi: Weak Fire attack to all foes.
  • Omagatoki: Critical: All attacks, including magical attacks, will become Critical hits for all allies for 1 turn.


  • Ailment Resistance:
  • Resist:Sleep/Mirage/Confusion/Poison/Seal
  • Null: Charm


  • Sacrifice of Clay: (Unique) Heavy Force attack to all foes. Lowers target’s Attack/Defense by 1 rank for 3 turns.
  • Zanma: Medium Force attack to 1 foe.
  • Mazio: Weak Electric attack to all foes.
  • Omagatoki: Critical: All attacks, including magical attacks, will become Critical hits for all allies for 1 turn.

Minato Region – Side Bosses


Shinagawa Region – Main Story Bosses

Lahmu (Jozoji)

  • Ailment Resistance:
  • Null:Sleep/Mirage/Poison/Confusion/Charm/Seal


  • Mudo: Weak Dark attack to 1 foe. Chance of instakill when striking weakness.
  • Omagatoki: Critical All attacks, including magical attacks, will become Critical hits for all allies for 1 turn.


  • Ailment Resistance:
  • Resist:Sleep/Mirage/Poison/Confusion/Charm/Seal


  • Souffle D’éclair: (Unique) Severe Electric attack to 1 foe.
  • Fang Breaker: Weak Physical attack to 1 foe. Lowers target’s Attack by 1 rank for 3 turns.
  • Damascus Claw: 2-3 medium Physical attacks to 1 foe.
  • Axel Claw: 2-4 medium Physical attacks to random foes.
  • Critical Aura: Next Strength-based attack of self will be 100% accurate and guaranteed Critical.
  • Omagatoki: Critical: All attacks, including magical attacks, will become Critical hits for all allies for 1 turn.

Fionn mac Cumhaill (Shinagawa)

  • Res:Mirage/Poison/Confusion/Charm
  • Null:Sleep/Seal


  • Mac an Luin: (Unique) Severe Physical attack to 1 foe. Greater effect if a Critical hit.
  • Dark Sword: 2 medium attacks to 1 foe. Chance of inflicting Seal.
  • Pierce Armor: Weak Physical attack to 1 foe. Lowers target’s Defense by 1 rank for 3 turns.
  • Maragion: Medium Fire attack to all foes.
  • Bufula: Medium Ice attack to 1 foe.
  • Tarukaja: Raises Attack of 1 ally by 1 rank for 3 turns.

Lahmu (2nd)

FIrst phase:

  • Ailment Resistance:
  • Null:Sleep/Mirage/Poison/Confusion/Charm/Seal


  • Babylon Curse: Weak Almighty attack to one foe. Inflicts Mud.
  • Mudo: Weak Dark attack to 1 foe. Chance of instakill when striking weakness.
  • Bufula: Medium Ice attack to 1 foe.
  • Zionga: Medium Electric attack to 1 foe.
  • Charge: Greatly increases the damage of the next physical attack performed by all allies (x2.5).
  • Omagatoki: Critical: All attacks, including magical attacks, will become Critical hits for all allies for 1 turn.

Second phase:

  • Ailment Resistance:
  • Resist:Sleep/Mirage/Poison/Charm/Seal
  • Null:Confusion


  • Silt of Ruin: (Unique) Medium Almighty attack to all foes. Lowers target’s Accuracy/Evasion by 1 rank for 3 turns.
  • Mudoon: Heavy Dark attack to 1 foe. Chance of instakill when striking weakness.
  • Bufula: Medium Ice attack to 1 foe.
  • Mazionga: Medium Electric attack to all foes.
  • Purple Smoke: 3 weak Physical attacks to 1 foe. Greater effect if target is Confused.
  • Tentarafoo: Chance of inflicting Confusion to all foes.
  • Omagatoki: Critical: All attacks, including magical attacks, will become Critical hits for all allies for 1 turn.

Shinagawa Region – Side Bosses


Chiyoda Region – Main Story Bosses

Shohei Yakumo

  • Ailment Resistance:
  • Resist:Sleep/Mirage/Poison/Confusion/Charm/Seal


  • Galvanic Slash: Heavy Electric Strength-based attack to 1 foe.
  • Mazionga: Medium Electric attack to all foes.
  • Fatal Sword: Medium Physical attack to 1 foe. High chance of Critical.
  • Deathbound: Medium Physical attack to all foes.
  • Tarukaja: Raises Attack of 1 ally by 1 rank for 3 turns.
  • Dekaja: Negates status buff effects on all foes.
  • Mist Rush: 2~4 Medium Physical attacks to random foes. Chance of inflicting Mirage.
  • Omagatoki: Critical: All attacks, including magical attacks, will become Critical hits for all allies for 1 turn.


Here’s the table based on the provided information:

  • Ailment Resistance:
  • Resist:Sleep/Mirage/Poison/Confusion/Charm/Seal


  • Heat Wave: Weak Physical attack to all foes.
  • Fire Dracostrike: Medium Fire Strength-based attack to 1 foe.
  • Ragnarok: Negates status debuff effects on all allies.
  • Dekunda: Medium Physical attack to all foes.
  • Counter: Chance to counter Strength-based attacks with a weak Phys attack.
  • Agilao: Medium Fire attack to 1 foe.
  • Maragi: Weak Fire attack to all foes.
  • Omagatoki: Critical: All attacks, including magical attacks, will become Critical hits for all allies for 1 turn.


Here’s the table formatted based on the information provided:

  • Ailment Resistance:
  • Resist:Sleep/Mirage/Poison/Confusion/Charm/Seal


  • Dreadful Gleam: (Unique) Heavy Electric attack to all foes. Ignores affinity and pierces through. Chance of inflicting Seal.
  • Ziodyne Heavy: Electric attack to 1 foe.
  • Mazionga: Medium Electric attack to all foes.
  • Hamaon: Heavy Light attack to 1 foe. Chance of instakill when striking weakness.
  • Mahamaon: Heavy Light attack to all foes. Chance of instakill when striking weakness.
  • Sexy Dance: Chance of inflicting Charm to all foes.
  • Diarama: Moderate HP recovery to 1 ally.
  • Marakunda: Lowers Defense of all foes by 1 rank for 3 turns.


Here’s the table formatted based on the information provided:

  • Ailment Resistance:
  • Resist:Sleep/Mirage/Poison/Confusion/Charm/Seal


  • Dark Sword: 2 medium attacks to 1 foe. Chance of inflicting Seal.
  • Blight: 2~4 weak Physical attacks to random foes. Chance of inflicting Poison.
  • Toxic Spray: Chance of inflicting Poison to 1 foe and lowers Defense by 1 rank for 3 turns.
  • Fang Breaker: Weak Physical attack to 1 foe. Lowers target’s Attack by 1 rank for 3 turns.
  • Pierce Armor: Weak Physical attack to 1 foe. Lowers target’s Defense by 1 rank for 3 turns.
  • Blinding Strike: Weak Physical attack to 1 foe. Lowers target’s Accuracy/Evasion by 1 rank for 3 turns.
  • Mamudoon: Heavy Dark attack to all foes. Chance of instakill when striking weakness.
  • Omagatoki: Critical: All attacks, including magical attacks, will become Critical hits for all allies for 1 turn.

Chiyoda Region – Main Story Bosses (pt. 2)


Here is the table formatted based on the information provided:

  • Ailment Resistance:
  • Resist:Sleep/Mirage/Poison/Confusion/Charm/Seal


  • Brave Blade: Heavy Physical attack to 1 foe. High chance of Critical.
  • Mighty Cleave: Heavy Physical attack to 1 foe. Low accuracy, but hits are always Critical.
  • Bufudyne: Heavy Ice attack to 1 foe.
  • Hades Blast: Heavy Physical attack to all foes.
  • Mabufudyne: Heavy Ice attack to all foes.
  • Omagatoki: Critical: All attacks, including magical attacks, will become Critical hits for all allies for 1 turn.


Here’s the table formatted based on the provided information:

  • Ailment Resistance:
  • Resist:Sleep/Mirage/Poison/Confusion/Charm/Seal


  • Light’s Descent: (Unique) Severe Light attack to all foes. Chance of instakill when striking weakness.
  • Myriad Slashes: 5 weak Physical attacks to one foe. Low Accuracy.
  • Dark Sword: 2 medium attacks to 1 foe. Chance of inflicting Seal.
  • Pierce Armor: Weak Physical attack to 1 foe. Lowers target’s Defense by 1 rank for 3 turns.
  • Mighty Cleave: Heavy Physical attack to 1 foe. Low accuracy, but hits are always Critical.
  • Agidyne: Heavy Fire attack to 1 foe.
  • Maragidyne: Heavy Fire attack to all foes.
  • Omagatoki: Critical: All attacks, including magical attacks, will become Critical hits for all allies for 1 turn.

Chiyoda Region – Side Bosses


Taito Region – Main Story Bosses (pt.1)


Here’s the table formatted based on the information provided:

  • Ailment Resistance:
  • Resist:Sleep/Mirage/Poison/Confusion/Charm/Seal


  • Keraunos: (Unique) Severe Strength-based Electric attack to 1 foe. Ignores affinity resistance and pierces through.
  • Impaler’s Animus: Increases the damage of the next attack and adds Pierce effect for self.
  • Luster Candy: Raises all stats of all allies by 1 rank for 3 turns.
  • Madness Glint: (Unique) 2~5 weak Almighty attacks to random foes. Chance of inflicting Seal.
  • Maziodyne: Heavy Electric attack to all foes.
  • Panta Spane: (Unique) Medium Physical attack to all foes. Lowers target’s Attack/Defense by 1 rank for 3 turns.
  • Brave Blade: Heavy Physical attack to 1 foe. High chance of Critical.


  • Ailment Resistance:
  • Resist:Sleep/Mirage/Poison/Confusion/Charm/Seal


  • Toxic Spray: Chance of inflicting Poison to 1 foe and lowers Defense by 1 rank for 3 turns.
  • Frenzied Chomp: Medium Physical attack to 1 foe. Chance of inflicting Poison/Confusion/Charm.
  • Makajamaon: Chance of inflicting Seal to all foes.
  • Slumber Vortex: Chance to inflict Sleep and Mirage to all foes.
  • Sexy Dance: Chance of inflicting Charm to all foes.
  • Mabufudyne: Heavy Ice attack to all foes.
  • Hysterical Slap: 2 weak Physical attacks to 1 foe. Greater effect if target is Charmed.
  • Venom Chaser: Weak Physical attacks to 1 foe. Greater effect if target is Poisoned.

Taito Region – Side Bosses






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