Persona 3 Reload All Classroom & Exam Answers

In Persona 3 Reload, you need to provide correct answers to class and exam questions. This positively affects your Charm Social statistics. In this guide, you can find all the questions and answers.

All Classroom and Exam Answers

A straightforward guide to all the classroom and exam questions asked throughout Persona 3 Reload. Answering these correctly will increase your Charm Social Stat.


Classroom Questions
4/8What phrase symbolizes summer!?Vivid carp streamers.#3
4/18The places where people dumped their waste in the Jomon period — what are they called nowadays?Middens.#2
4/27Protagonist, do you know which one’s not an algebraic spiral or whatever?A.#1
Classroom Questions and Answers


Classroom Questions
5/6What do you call the device that helps generate electric power for trains?A pantograph.#1
5/13Which tool did he use in his experiments?The pendulum.#2
5/15What’s the other name for “May sickness” — the more casual one?May Blues.#1 
Classroom Questions and Answers
Exam Questions (5/18 – 5/22)
5/19What is the other common expression used to describe “May sickness”?May Blues#1
5/20Which of the following did Léon Foucault use in his experiment on the rotation of the Earth?A pendulum#3
5/21Which of the following is generated by a pantograph?Electricity#2
5/22During which historical period were middens most commonly used?Jomon#1
Exam Questions and Answers


Classroom Questions
6/15Which phrase means, “able to see things for what they really are”?Keen eye.#1
6/17What early religious practice was the origin of magic?Shamanism.#3
6/22What else do people call this curve?Witch of Agnesi.#3
6/25What’s it called when the air bubbles in a whirlpool bath hit you and make your body vibrate?The flutter effect.#2
6/29What form of natural magic is used to find water sources?Dowsing.#1
Classroom Questions and Answers


Classroom Questions
7/3H-Hey, lend me a hand here, Protagonist. What kinda tale is he talkin’ about?About romance.#3
7/8“Because it is 10:30 right now, we will not reach the theater in time, it’s already started, to my dismay.”Between “time” and “it’s.”#2
7/9At the same time, a serious problem arose for the farmers. Do you remember what that was?Social disparity.#3
7/10What is the esoteric study of Jewish texts called?Kabbalah.#3
7/11Now, what do you think that item was? It’s something every samurai needs!The katana.#1 

Classroom Questions and Answers
Exam Questions (7/14 – 7/17)
7/14Which form of magic is used to find water sources?Dowsing#2
7/15How did the Witch of Agnesi gain the first half of its name?An error in translation#3
7/16Who designed the prototype for the katana?Taira No Masakado#1
7/17There is an error in this sentence, what kind is it?Comma splice#2
Exam Questions and Answers


Classroom Questions
9/1Which property of electricity is relevant to superconductivity?Resistance.#2
9/10H-Hey, Protagonist, do you know what it means to “spill the beans”?To reveal a secret.#3
9/11Which book helped further the art of magic during the Renaissance?The Hermetica.#3
9/14Who is one referring to when speaking of their “better half”?Their soulmate.#1
9/26What is the collective naming for the four holy numbers in numerology?Tetractys.#3
Classroom Questions and Answers


Classroom Questions
10/10Who was the founder of Theosophy, a group that gave rise to many other magical societies?Helena Blavatsky.#2
Classroom Questions and Answers
Exam Questions (10/13 – 10/16)
10/13The hormone dopamine is related to our sense of accomplishment. Name a symptom of its over-production.Addiction.#2
10/14Who is considered by many to be the first numerologist, whose name lives on today in a mathematical theorem?Pythagoras.#1
10/15What happens when electrical resistance reaches zero? Hint: It was the word I used to confess my love to someone…Superconductivity.#3
10/16What is the meaning of the phrase “to spill the beans”?To reveal a secret.#3 
Exam Questions and Answers
Classroom Questions
10/19We use the number “zero” a lot. Do you know where it originally came from, though?India.#2
Classroom Questions and Answers


Classroom Questions
11/7The Upanishads.#
11/12Her favorite time in winter.#
11/30The cherry blossom.#
Classroom Questions and Answers


Classroom Questions
12/7The ozone layer.#
Classroom Questions and Answers
Exam Questions (12/14 – 12/18)
12/14The number zero.#
Exam Questions and Answers
Classroom Questions
Classroom Questions and Answers


Classroom Questions
1/8“The new year is the index of a journey to a certain place.” Where is this “certain place” he’s referring to?The underworld.#3
1/18I’ve mentioned two Greek sorceresses. One was Medea. Who was the other?Circe.#2
Classroom Questions and Answers

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