Palworld Best Second Base Location

Discover the optimal second base location in Palworld with our detailed guide. Easily locate it on the map for strategic advantages.

We detailed the best second base location in Palworld in our guide. You can easily locate it on the map.

Best Second Base Location

You can check out the details below for the Best Second Base Location. This location contains ore, stone, and wood.

Theres also a skill fruit tree surrounded by free space for crops to feed your mining pals.

Best Second Base Location

On the ridge to the west is a dungeon spawn. (Spawned two for me just now side by side)
When you get a flying mount it’s a 30 second or less trip to it.

Arrow farm is also near by. It spawns randomly but fast.

Beware of long range enemies in raids as they can attack occasionally from above but normally attack from below and take a lengthy time getting to you. Or get stuck and never show up.

Map Location

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