We are proud to share with you the New York Mysteries 5: The Power of Art 100% walkthrough guide. There are many puzzles and mysteries to solve in this detective themed game. We’ve covered the solutions to all the puzzles in the three chapter of this guide below. We also added a video walkthrough guide for the Bonus chapter. However, if you get stuck on any part of the puzzles, feel free to contact us!
All rights to in-game screenshots belong to FIVE-BN GAMES. The original guide is presented to us.
New York Mysteries 5: Power of Art
In New York Mysteries 5: Power of Art, the game kicks off with Bishop getting a late-night distress call from a freaked-out gallery director. Apparently, a monster vanished from a painting in the exhibition. The gallery’s a mess, but no signs of a break-in. Bishop sends the director to play detective, but when he arrives, the gallery is dark, doors closed, and no sign of anyone. Now, Laura steps in for a new mission, unaware of the monstrous plan behind the mystical happenings.
About this Game
Laura is on a new mission to discover the history of the mysterious fantasy-world paintings, unaware of the monstrous plan behind this evenings mystical events. She can’t handle such a difficult mission alone!
New York Mysteries: Power of Art is an adventure game in the genre of Hidden Objects, with plenty of mini-games and puzzles, unforgettable characters, and complicated quests.
Creators usually create art for their benefit and the benefit of others. However, anything can become evil… This is just such a case. When paintings go missing, the police investigate the crime, but who takes on the case when the painting’s image goes missing? Bishop, leader of the White Stone Order!
The Order has long gained notoriety in certain circles. Its members are engaged in mystical crimes, which no one dares to investigate. Journalist Laura boldly takes on such cases. Nothing surprises her anymore. However, this incident will lead her to discoveries that will be unexpected even for such an experienced detective. After all, our world is full of secrets. Can there be other worlds besides our world? In this case, there will be twice as many secrets!
Chapter 1 Walkthrough

- Press (A) 2 times.
- Take the MOSAIC PIECES 1/4 (B).
- Use the KEY on (C).

- Take the HAIRPIN (D).
- Use the HAIRPIN on (E).
- Take the MOSAIC PIECES 2/4 (F).
- Press (G) and complete puzzle.

- Walkthrough: 8, 10, 50, 48, 38, 39, 19, 17, 7, 4, 24.
- 27, 37, 36, 46, 41, 31, 33, 23, 22, 12, 11, 1.
- Move forward.

- Take the FLASHLIGHT (H).
- Use the FLASHLIGHT on (K).
- Press (L) and take the KNIFE.
- Use the KNIFE on (M) and take the MOSAIC PIECES 3/4.
- Take the MOSAIC PIECES 4/4 (N).

- Take the FLOWER (O).
- Use the MOSAIC PIECES 4/4 on (P) and complete puzzle.
- Walkthrough: 29 (6), 26 (7), 11 (7), 8 (6), 9 (6), 27 (6).

- Take the KEY (R).
- Use the KEY on (S).

- Take the LADDER (T).
- Take the STAR (V).
- Use the KNIFE on (W) and take the KEYCARD.
- Press (X) 2 times.
- Walk back 2 times.

- Use KEYCARD on (Y).
- Go forward.

- Press (Z).
- Take the TROLLEY (A).
- Take CODE (B).
- Use CODE on (C).
- Take WRENCH, PETAL 1/3 and STAR.
- Go back, then go forward.

- Use the TROLLEY on (D) and take the PAINTING.
- Go left.
- Use STARS on (E) and take PICTURE and FLOWER.
- Go back.

- Use PICTURE on (F) and play puzzle.
- Walkthrough: 11U, 10U, 12L, 15U, 15L, 11D, 16U, 15R, 15U, 12R.
- 7L, 15U, 10D, 10R, 6D, 7L, 7D, 2D, 15L, 8L.
- 8D, 4D, 3R, 11R, 12D, 8D, 15R, 15U, 2R, 2D.
- 4L, 4U, 5R, 1D, 1R, 4L, 4D, 1L, 15D, 15L.
- 2U, 8U, 10R, 6R, 7D, 1D, 15L, 15U, 15L 8D.
- 5L, 3D, 3L, 2R, 5U, 3L, 2L, 8U, 8L, 10U.
- 6R, 6U, 6D, 6L, 16L, 16U, 6R, 7R, 1D.
- 3D, 8L, 10L, 16U, 16R, 16U, 7U, 7R, 6L.
- 11U, 12R, 6R, 6U, 1R, 1D, 3D, 3R, 8D.
- 5D, 8R, 14U, 13R, 9D, 14L, 5D, 10L, 3U.
- 8R, 5U, 14R, 5D, 5L, 13U, 9R, 5D, 10R.
- 13U, 10L, 10D, 6L, 6D, 7L, 3U, 3L, 8U.
- 8R, 14R, 14U, 10R, 10U, 1U, 12L, 11D, 1R.
- 12U, 12L, 10D, 9U, 9R, 6D, 7D, 7R, 9U.
- 7R, 3L, 3D, 3R, 6U, 3L, 3D, 7L, 14L.
- 6D, 14L, 9U, 9L, 8L, 8D, 9R, 14R, 6U.

- Press on (G) and use the LADDER.
- Play the puzzle to receive the UV LAMP.
- Take the HANDLE (H).
- Go back then go left.

- Use INSULATING TAPE on (J) and press (K).
- Walk back 2x.
- Use the LUBRICANT AEROSOL on (L) and take the PURSE and GLOVE BOX HANDLE.
- Use the GLOVE BOX HANDLE on (M) and take the WIRE CUTTERS.
- Go down.

- Use the HANDLE on (N) and take the DEVELOPER.
- Use PAINTING on (O).
- Use UV LAMP on (P) and DEVELOPER on (O).
- Receive PETAL 2/3.
- Go back, then go forward, then go right.

- Use CUTTERS on (R).
- Use FIRE EXTINGUISHER on (R) and press (R).
- Take PETAL (S).
- Walk back 2x, then down.

- Use PETALS on (T) and play puzzle.
- Walkthrough: 3, 7, 2, 1, 3, 4.
- Get a SPOOL.
- Go back, then forward, then left.

- Use SPOOL on (U).
- Press (V).
- Walk back 2x, then down.

- Press (W) and get the TOKEN.
- Use the TOKEN and BISHOP’S BUSINESS CARD on (X) and play the puzzle.
- Walkthrough: 3, 7, 2, 1, 3, 4.
- Take the FLOWER.
- Go forward then go right.

- Use FLOWERS on (Y) and play puzzle.
- Passage: 1D, 5R, 6R, 2D, 7R, 3D, 4D, 7L, 8R.
- 7R, 3U, 8L, 7L, 4U, 7R, 4D, 8R, 7L, 3D, 7R, 8L.
- Go forward.

- Use WIRE CUTTERS on (A).
- Use the KNIFE on (B) and take the HOSE and WIRE.
- Take the LEVER ARM (C).
- Go right.

- Take the PIPE (D).
- Press 3 times (E) and take the SLINGSHOT.
- Use the WIRE on (F) and take the MATCHES.
- Use LEVER ARM on (G).
- Go back.

- Use the SLINGSHOT on (H) and get a MEDALLION.
- Use MEDALLION on (I) to get CLUE.
- Go right.
- Take the SKATEBOARD (J).
- Go back.
- Use SKATEBOARD on (K) and take BOARDS.

- Use CLUE on (L) and play puzzle.
- Walkthrough: B, Y, 4, A, E, 1, 5.
- Receive MAGNET.
- Go right.

- Use BOARDS on (M).
- Play the puzzle to receive the LADDER.
- Use LADDER on (N).
- Go down.

- Use the PIPE on (O) and take the LEVER ARM.
- Use the LEVER ARM on (P) and take the BOARD.
- Use BOARD (R).
- Use FLASHLIGHT on (S).
- Go right, then go right.
- Take the KEY (T).
- Walk back 4 times.

- Use KEY on (U).
- Take the KEROSENE LAMP (V).

- Press (X).
- Use the HOSE on (W) and get a LAMP WITH FUEL.
- Press (Y) and use MATCHES on (Y) for a BURNING LAMP.
- Use BURNING LAMP on (Z) and play puzzle.

- Walkthrough: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

- Walkthrough: 7, 8, 9.

- Walkthrough: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.

- Walkthrough: 16, 17, 18.

- Take BLADES 1/4 (A).
- Take BLADES 2/4 (B).
- Take the REACH EXTENDER (C).
- Take the TICKET (D).
- Use TICKET on (E) and play puzzle.

- Walkthrough: 1-5, 1-4, 3-1, 4-3, 5-4, 5-2, 3-5, 1-3, 1-3.
- 4-1, 4-1, 4-1, 5-4, 5-4, 2-5, 3-5 ,2-5, 1-5.
- 1-3, 2-1, 2-5, 2-1, 3-2, 3-2, 5-3, 1-5, 2-5, 4-1.
- Get a TOKEN.

- Use REACH EXTENDER on (F) and take BLADES 3/4.
- Take the FISHING ROD (G).
- Use TOKEN on (H).
- Take BLADES 4/4 (I).
- Use BLADES 4/4 on (J).

- Take the FISHNET (K).
- Use KNIFE on (L) and take WIND ROSE 1/3.
- Take WIND ROSE 2/3 (M).
- Use the KNIFE on (N) and get the KEY.
- Use the FISHNET on (O) and use the KNIFE to get the KEY.
- Use KEY on (P).
- Use KEY on (R).
- Play the puzzle.

- Walkthrough: 1, 1, 2, 3, 4.

- Use the KNIFE on (S) and get an EAGLE FIGURINE.
- Use the MAGNET on (T) and get the FISHING ROD WITH MAGNET.
- Walk back 4 times.

- Use the FISHING ROD WITH MAGNET on (V) and get a STAR.
- Go right.
- Use the EAGLE FIGURINE and STAR on (U) for a HEX KEY SET.
- Go right, then go forward, then go left.

- Use HEX KEY SET on (X).
- Take WIND ROSE 3/3.
- Use WIND ROSE 3/3 on (Z) and take TRANQUILIZER and CLUE.

- Play puzzle A1.
- Walkthrough: 6, 6, 1, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 7, 7, 7.
- Play puzzle A2.
- Press (B).

- Press (C) 2x and take the SODA.
- Take the UMBRELLA (D).
- Use UMBRELLA on (E).
- Go up.

- Take the STOOL (F).
- Press (G) and play puzzle.
- After completing the puzzle, get the LATEX GLOVES.
- Take the BOTTLE OPENER (H).
- Use LATEX GLOVES on (I).
- Use BOTTLE OPENER on (J) to get SODA.
- Go back.

- Use the SODA on (K) and get a KEY.
- Use KEY on (L).
- Walk left 2 times.

- Use STOOL on (M).
- Take the KITCHEN KNIFE (O).
- Take the COLANDER (P).
- Use the KITCHEN KNIFE on (R) and take the FLOWER and METAL SPONGE.

- Use the METAL SPONGE on (S) and note the clue.
- Walk back.
- Use FLOWER on (T) and get PICKLOCK.

- Use the KITCHEN KNIFE on (U) and take the ROPE.
- Use the PICKLOCK on (V) and take the BUTTONS.

- Use ROPE on (X).
- Use the INSECTICIDE on (Z) and take the CANNED FOOD.
- Use the CAN OPENER on (A) and get OPEN FOOD CAN.
- Walk down 2 times.

- Use the KITCHEN KNIFE on (B) and get an ITEM IN WAX.
- Use COLANDER on (C).
- Use the ITEM IN WAX on (C) and get a HANDLE.
- Use the OPEN FOOD CAN on (D) and take the HARP.
- Go up, then go left.

- Use the HANDLE on (E) and take the CLUE and BUTTONS 2/5.
- Use HARP on (F) and play a puzzle.
- Walkthrough: 2-5, 2-4, 5-4, 2-5, 1-5, 1-2, 5-1, 5-2, 1-2, 3-1.
- 2-5, 3-5, 4-5, 4-3, 5-3, 5-4, 3-4, 5-3, 4-3.
- 1-4, 1-5, 4-5, 4-1, 5-4, 5-1, 4-1.
- Receive BUTTONS 3/5.
- Walk back.

- Use CLUE on (G) and play puzzle.
- Walkthrough: 7, 1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6, 4, 2, 3, 7, 5, 6, 1.
- Go left.
- Use CLOCK HANDS on (H) and set clock to correct time using clue.
- Take BUTTONS 5/5.

- Use BUTTONS 5/5 on (I) and play puzzle.
- Walkthrough: 1, 8, 1, 1, 8, 8, 2, 8, 2.
- 2, 22, 6, 6, 22, 22, 22, 15, 21.
- 17, 10, 2, 21, 20, 17, 10, 2, 16.
- 16, 11, 3, 3, 14, 20, 5, 15, 15.
- 19, 19, 19, 4, 4, 17, 11, 2, 11.
- 14, 19, 5, 18, 11, 11, 1.
Chapter 2 Walkthrough

- Take NUMBERS 1/4 (L).
- Take NUMBERS 2/4 (M).
- Take the SCREWDRIVER (N).
- Use the pieces (O) and (P) to assemble the BIRD FEEDER.
- Go back.

- Use BIRD FEEDER on (R).
- Use SCREWDRIVER on (S) to get NUMBERS 3/4 and KEY.
- Go forward.

- Use KEY on (T).
- Play the puzzle to receive the LADDER.
- Go back.
- Use LADDER on (U).
- Take LEGS and DETAIL (V).
- Go forward.

- Use DETAIL on (X) and take PLUNGER and GARDEN SHEARS.
- Use GARDEN SHEARS on (Y) and take FLOWER.
- Use FLOWER on (Z) and take NUMBERS 4/4.
- Go forward.

- Use NUMBERS 4/4 on (A) and play puzzle.
- Walkthrough: 2, 5, 11, 23, 24, 26, 28, 22, 21, 18, 12, 7, 13, 14, 8, 9, 15, 16, 10, 3.
- Go right.

- Press (B).
- Take MATCHES (C).
- Take the PATTERN (D).
- Press (E).
- Go right.

- Take the MEAT (G).
- Use MATCHES on (H).
- Use PLUNGER on (I) and take PIECE 1/3.
- Drag (K) on (L).
- Take the TEA (L).
- Walk back.

- Use TEA on (M).
- Walk down 2 times.
- Use MEAT on (N).
- Take the VINYL RECORD (O).
- Go forward, then go right.

- Use VINYL RECORD on (P).
- Use the PATTERN on (R) and take the PAPERCLIP and HEAD.
- Use the PAPERCLIP on (S) and take the FUSE SET.
- Walk back.

- Use FUSE SET on (T) and replace fuse.
- Go right.
- Press (U).
- Go left.

- Take the BOOK (X).
- Expose the figure in position (Y) and take DETAIL 2/3.
- Take the PALETTE (A).
- Go back.

- Press (B) and get DETAIL 3/3.
- Use the BOOK on (C) and take the BRUSHES.
- Use DETAIL 3/3 on (D) and play puzzle to get the KEY.
- Walkthrough: (E).
- Go right.

- Use KEY on (F).
- Go down.

- Take OIL (G).
- Use PALETTE and BRUSHES on (G).
- Use the OIL on (H) and take the ANTLER.
- Walk back 2 times, then walk left.

- Use the ANTLER on (I) and take the KEY.
- Go back, then go right, then go down.
- Use KEY on (J).
- Play the puzzle to receive the PAINTS.
- Use PAINTS on (K).
- Go up on the stairs, then go back.

- Press (L).
- Go back.
- Drag (M) to (N)
- Go right.

- Take the STICK (O).
- Press (P).
- Take FABRIC (R) and GEM 1/3.
- Take GEM 2/3 (S).

- Use STICK on (T) and get SOLVENT.
- Use SOLVENT and FABRIC on (U) and get GEM 3/3.
- Press (X).
- Use GEMS on (Y) and play puzzle.
- Go up, then go left.

- Walkthrough: 9-11, 5-17, 11-9, 21-19, 15-3, 20-8, 14-2, 9-7, 13-1.
- 2-4, 4-16, 16-18, 22-24, 23-11, 10-12, 18-6.

- Take the BUNG (Z).
- Use the BUNG on (A) and get the SUN.
- Go up.

- Use SUN on (B) and play puzzle.
- Complete the puzzle.
- Walkthrough: 9-11, 5-17, 11-9, 21-19, 15-3, 20-8, 14-2, 9-7, 13-1.
- 2-4, 4-16, 16-18, 22-24, 23-11, 10-12, 18-6.

- Press (C).
- Take the HANDLE (D).
- Go back.

- Use HANDLE on (E) and get HARPOON and ROPE.
- Use the HARPOON on (G) and get the BUCKET.
- Go left.

- Use the BUCKET on (H) and get the DETAIL.
- Take the FLOWER (I).

- Use DETAIL on (J) and play puzzle.
- Walkthrough: (K).
- Take the CRYSTAL.
- Go back.

- Use FLOWER on (L) and take DETAIL.
- Go forward.
- Use DETAIL on (M) and play puzzle.
- Walkthrough: 1R, 2D, 3R, 4D, 5D, 6L, 7D, 8R, 9U.
- 10R, 11D, 12U, 13L, 14R, 15D, 16R, 17U, 18D.
- 19L, 20R, 21U, 22L, 23U, 24L, 25R, 26U.

- Take the FISHES (O).
- Take the CRYSTAL (P).
- Place the CRYSTAL on (P) and receive the MACHETE.
- Use MACHETE on (R).
- Walk back.

- Use MACHETE on (S).
- Use the FISH on (T) and play the puzzle for the HEXAGONS, WRENCH, and TORCH.
- Walkthrough: 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1.

- Use the MATCHES on (U) and get a TORCH.
- Go left.

- Use MACHETE on (X).
- Use ROPE on (X).
- Go down.
- Use the TORCH on (Y) and play the puzzle for the SHOVEL.

- Use the SHOVEL on (Z).
- Drag (A) to (B).
- Press (C) then press (D).
- Walk down 2 times, then go up.

- Use the WRENCH on (E) and take the STATUETTE and ENGRAVED DISK.
- Walk down, then go left 2 times.

- Use DOOR KNOCKER and BOLTS on (H).
- Take PAINTING 1/8 (I).
- Go right.

- Take PAINTING 2/8 (J).
- Go down.
- Take PAINTING 3/8 (K).
- Use the HEXAGONS on (L) and play the puzzle to get the HAMMER and CONTENTS OF THE SAFE.

- Use MACHETE on (N) and get PLANET.
- Go up, then go back, then go left.
- Use the HAMMER on (O) and get PAINTINGS 4/8, LAMPSHADE.
- Take PAINTING 5/8 (P).
- Take PAINTING 6/8 (R).
- Walk back.

- Use the LAMPSHADE on (T) and remember the clue.
- Play puzzle and take the WING.
- Passage: 6-9, 10-7, 17-14, 17-16, 19-5, 16-17, 17-19, 19-16, 16-17, 19-1, 17-16, 16-10.
- Use LEGS, WING, HEAD on (G) and get STATUETTE.
- Go right, then go left.

- Use STATUETTE on (U).
- Go up.
- Use MACHETE on (X) and take PAINTINGS 7/8.

- Use PLANET on (Y) and play puzzle for HINT.
- Walkthrough: 3U, 4U, 2D, 1U, 4U.

- Use HINT on (Z) and play puzzle for KEY.
- Walkthrough: dial 2, 9, 7, 4
- Use the KEY on (A) and get the NAILS.
- Use NAILS and HAMMER on (B) and get a PAINTING 8/8.
Chapter 3 Walkthrough

- Take the KEY (C).
- Go right.
- Take the BELL CLAPPER (D).
- Take the GLASS CUTTER (E).

- Use the KEY on (F) to play a puzzle and get an ADJUSTABLE WRENCH.
- Puzzle walkthrough (G): 6, 2, 8, 14.
- Puzzle walkthrough (H): 1, 4, 3, 2.
- Puzzle walkthrough (I): put the hands on the clock correctly.

- Use the ADJUSTABLE WRENCH on (J) and take the LADDER.
- Use LADDER on (K).
- Use the BELL CLAPPER on (L).
- Take DETAIL (M).
- Walk back.

- Use DETAIL on (N) and take BANDAGE.
- Use the GLASS CUTTER on (O) and play the puzzle for the MATCHES.
- Go right.

- Use BANDAGE on (P).
- Use MATCHES (R).

- Take the KEY (S).
- Use KEY on (T)
- Use KEY on (S).
- Press (U).

- Take the HINT (X).
- Use HINT on (Y) and play puzzle.
- Walkthrough: (Z)
- Go left.

- Take the HANDLE (A).
- Press (B).
- Go back.

- Use the HANDLE on (C) and take the SCREWDRIVER and WIRE.
- Use the WIRE on (D) and get the KEY.
- Go back.

- Use KEY on (E).
- Take BALL 1/3 (G).
- Go left.

- Take the MAGNET (I).
- Press (J) and take the HANDLE.
- Press (K) and play puzzle.
- Walkthrough: 3L, 3D, 4L, 4U, 1R, 1D, 1R, 3U, 4R, 3R.
- 3D, 2R, 2D, 2L, 2U, 4L, 3U, 3L, 2D, 2R.
- 1L, 1U, 1R, 1D, 1R, 4D, 1L, 1U, 2L, 2U.

- Use HANDLE on (L).
- Go right.

- Use MAGNET on (N) and get ENGRAVED DETAIL.
- Go right.

- Take the KNIFE (P).
- Press (R) and take the ENGRAVED DETAIL.
- Press (S).
- Take FLOWER 1/3 (T).

- Press (U).
- Click (X).
- Go back 2 times.

- Use ENGRAVED DETAIL on (Y) and take SLIDES and FLOWER 2/3.
- Use KNIFE on (Z) and get WOODEN DETAIL.
- Use the WOODEN DETAIL on (A) and take the HEXAGON TILE and GOLDEN ELEMENT.
- Go right.

- Use the GOLDEN PATTERN on (B) and play the puzzle to get the KEY and BALL 2/3.
- Walkthrough: (C).
- Use KEY on (D).
- Go forward.

- Press (F).
- Walk back, then go left.

- Use SLIDES on (G).

- Use HEXAGON TILE on (H) and play puzzle to get LENS and BALL 3/3.
- Walkthrough: L, L, 2, K, 1, O, 1, M, 2, O.
- 2, K, 2, 2, O, 2, 2, O, O, 2.
- 2, M, M, 2, 2, K, 2, 2, O, O.
- 2 ,2 ,O, 2, N, N, 1, K, 2, O.
- 1, K, 2, O, 1 ,O, 2, N, 1, O, 2 ,O.

- Use LENS on (P).
- Note the clue (R).
- Arrange the squares according to the clue (R).
- Walk back, then walk forward.

- Use the SCREWDRIVER on (S) and take the SHIELD FIGURINE 2/2.
- Use BALLS 3/3 on (T).
- Walk back, then go left.

- Use MINIATURE SHIELDS 2/2 on (U) and take FIGURINE.
- Walk back, then walk forward.
- Use the FIGURINE on (X) and play the puzzle to get the LENS.

- Use the LENS on (Y) and remember the clue.
- Play the puzzle by making the word NIAGARA and receive the HOURGLASS EMBLEM and GRAPHITE PENCIL.
- Walk back, then go left.

- Use HOURGLASS EMBLEM on (A) and get a FLOWER 3/3.
- Walk back.
- Use FLOWERS 3/3 on (B) to play a puzzle and get a GARDEN SPADE.
- Walk back.

- Use the GARDEN SPADE on (C) and get the AMULET.
- Go right, then go left.
- use AMULET on (D).
- Go left.

- Use the KNIFE on (E) and get the BATTERY.
- Use the SCREWDRIVER on (F) and take the HANDLE.
- Press (G) and go left.

- Use the BATTERY on (H) and press (I).
- Take the BOLT CUTTER (J).
- Press (K).
- Walk back.

- Use the BOLT CUTTER on (L) and take the DETAIL.
- Go left.
- Use DETAIL on (M).
- Go left.

- Take the FIRE IRON (N).
- Take PATTERN PART 1/3 (O).
- Use FIRE IRON on (P).
- Go left.

- Use FIRE IRON on (R).
- Take the WAX (S).
- Take the MATCHES (T).
- Press (U) and take the OIL.
- Walk back.

- Use the BUCKET on (X) and get WATER.
- Use MATCHES and WAX on (Y) for PATTERN PART 2/3.
- Use the WATER on (Z) and get a STONE TILE.

- Use the STONE TILE on (A) and play puzzle and take the RADIO RECEIVER KNOB and HINT.
- Walkthrough: 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1.
- 3, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3.
- 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3.
- Go left.

- Use the RADIO RECEIVER KNOB on (B) and take PATTERN PART 3/3 and KEY.
- Use PATTERN PARTS 3/3 on (C) and play the puzzle to get a HANDLE and TWEEZERS.
- Walkthrough: 1, 5, 1, 1, 5, 1, 5, 2, 5, 5, 5, 2.
- Open the door with the KEY (D).
- Go down.

- Press (E).
- Use the HANDLE and OIL on (F) and take the CORKSCREW.
- Use CORKSCREW on (G).
- Use HINT on (G).

- Use HINTS on (H) and play the puzzle for the VARNISH.
- Walkthrough: (I).

- Take BUTTON 1/2 (J).
- Use the HANDLE on (K) and take the HOSE.
- Walk back, then go right.

- Take the CANISTER (L).
- Take BUTTON 2/2 (M).
- Take the CRYSTAL (N).
- Use the KNIFE on (O) and take the PAINTING.
- Take the KEY (P).
- Use BUTTONS on (R) and take the FUSE.
- Walk back.

- Use CANISTER and HOSE on (S) and take GASOLINE.
- Use FUSE on (X).
- Press (Y).
- Fill with GASOLINE (T).
- Go back then go left.

- Use KEY (Z).
- Use PICTURE and VARNISH on (A).