Negligee Spring Clean Prelude Walkthrough Achievement Guide
Welcome to our Negligee Spring Clean Prelude Walkthrough Achievement Guide. This guide will show you the achievements in the game. We’ll keep you upgraded with extra information once they are released.
- Start a new game.
- Choose Hannah (only option)
- Choose Karen (only option)
Hannah: Neutral
Hannah’s Outfit
- Select the correct outfit for Hannah to wear.
Karen: Neutral
Karen’s Outfit
- Select the correct outfit for Karen to wear.
Charlotte: Neutral
Charlotte’s Outfit
- Select the correct outfit for Charlotte to wear.
Jasmin: Nice
Jasmin’s Outfit
- Select the correct outfit for Jasmin to wear.
Sophie: Naughty
Sophie’s Outfit
- Select the correct outfit for Sophie to wear.
- Save 1
- Choose Hannah
- Save 2
- Charlotte
- Rias: Neutral
Jasmin Unlocked
- Unlock Jasmin as another character to play as.
- Load Save 2
- Sophie
- Evie: Nice
Evie Lingerie
- Choose the right type of Lingerie for Evie.
Spring Clean Cometh
- Checkout the end of game ad for the full game.
- Load Save 1
- Choose Hannah
- Jasmin
- Samantha: Neutral
Samantha Lingerie
- Choose the right type of Lingerie for Samantha.
Completed the Demo
- Complete all routes through the Demo.