Welcome to our NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD Walkthrough & Achievements Guide. Step-by-step guide to getting all the achievements.


  • You can ignore the stream minigames, they don’t give enough stress reduction to matter. Stress is not routed tightly, except where we’re deliberately trying to get stress events.
  • The daytime random JINE messages depend on Ame’s current stats (followers, darkness, stress, love, whether stress cap has been raised, and a couple of special ones that have to do with streaming and vanity searching). There are also some events which override the random message, like the Day 5/6/11/20 events, the Internet Angel stream unlocks, etc. You can see what caused a particular message above the message. Some of them force an action, so reload if that happens when it matters.
  • Some possible message reasons: “Followers: Need More” (under 100k followers), “Mental Status: Shaky” (under 40 darkness), “Mental Status: Healthy” (4 separate ones, under 20/15/10/5 darkness), “Affection: I like you” (over 60 affection), “Followers: Pretty Popular” (at least 500k followers), “Stress: I can keep going!” (under 20 stress)
  • Ame can refuse to stream for a couple of days when her stress is high; this happens in Playthrough 1 and is accounted for.
  • There is a 1% chance of getting a bonus night action; this is BAD if you’re trying to get followers, because it will break your streaming chain. Reload if it happens.
  • Useful actions for adjusting stats for endings: Internet -> Dinder (-stress, -affection, +darkness), Go Out -> Hospital (-stress, +affection, -darkness), Medication (-stress, +darkness), Internet -> Video Streaming (-stress), Internet -> Social Media (+stress at low darkness, -stress and +darkness at high darkness), Vanity Search (-affection, +darkness), Sleep Until Tomorrow (-stress, -darkness; safe to use at 0 darkness because that ending can only trigger at night, but if Ame forces an action you’ll have to reload).
  • You don’t need to respond to Ame’s DMs after an action, just the ones she sends before picking an action.
  • In the low darkness version of the day 15 late night event, picking the first option every time decreases stress.
  • You need 80 affection for the day 24 event; it raises max affection to 120 and also behaves like a normal going out (-10 stress, +6 affection). Make sure that you have positive mental darkness, because it ends at night and will game over you if you were at 0.
  • Streaming Internet Angel 5 removes stress increase from streaming and locks the medication action; this will stop you from unlocking stream topics that require medication. It is also required for the Do You Love Me? ending.
  • The stress streams do count as streams for the purposes of maintaining streaks.

Ending Requirements

  • So Close Yet So Far – have less than 10k followers by the end of Day 10
  • Blazing Hell – Random event with 60 darkness (does not actually end the game, but wastes a day)
  • Normie Life – have 0 mental darkness at night
  • Cucked – have 0 affection at night
  • Ground Control to Psychoelectric Angel – have affection equal to affection cap at night
  • Bomber Girl – have 120 stress at night
  • INTERNET OVERDOSE – have raised stress cap to 120 and have 80 stress when Day 25 starts
  • Flatline – leave Ame on read 5 times
  • Nymphomania – have *** 6 times
  • Rainbow Girl – use Magic Paper 5 times
  • Fallen Angel – do Sexy Stream 5
  • Welcome To My Religion – do Conspiracy Theory stream 5, use Magic Paper, then stream at night
  • Painful Future – do Breakdown Stream 5
  • There Are No Angels – Reach Day 30 with <500k followers, <60 affection, and >=60 darkness
  • Labor is Evil – Reach Day 30 with <500k followers, >=60 affection, and <60 darkness Needy Girl Overdose – Reach Day 30 with <500k followers, >=60 affection, and >=60 darkness
  • Catastrophe – Reach Day 30 with <500k followers, <60 affection, and <60 darkness Utopian Parody – Reach Day 30 with 500k-999999 followers and >=80 affection
  • Needy Girl Overload – Reach Day 30 with >=500k followers and <80 affection Do You Love Me? – Reach Day 30 with >=1m followers, >=80 affection, and >=80 darkness and having done Internet Angel 5
  • (Un)Happy End World – Reach Day 30 with >=1m followers, >=80 affection, and <80 darkness

For Needy Girl Overdose, you need to die to get the ending. If you want to try surviving: the first question is where you had your first date, the second is the first day you had ***, the third can be skipped if you answered with the IDC emote on the day 16 event, and for the last one you need 100 characters that contain “Ame” and that does not contain the clipboard data (also you die if you take over a minute, or if you alt-tab to another window); you can cheat that by copy/pasting more than 100 characters and then deleting the last character.

Playthrough 0: False Start

First let’s get the early bad ends done with.

  • Day 2 Noon: Go Out -> Hospital
  • Day 2 Night: Go Out -> Hospital
  • Day 3 Noon: Sleep Until Night
  • Ending: Normie Life

Reload to day 2. Don’t reply to any of Ame’s DMs for this run.

  • Day 2 Noon: Sleep Until Dusk
  • Day 2 Dusk: Sleep Until Night
  • Day 2 Night: Sleep Until Tomorrow
  • Day 3 Noon: Sleep Until Dusk
  • Day 3 Dusk: Sleep Until Night
  • Day 3 Night: Sleep Until Tomorrow
  • Day 4 Noon: Sleep Until Dusk
  • Ending: Flatline
  • Reload to day 2. Do reply to her DMs from now on.
  • Day 2 Noon: Hang Out -> ***
  • Day 2 Dusk: Hang Out -> ***
  • Day 3 Noon: Internet -> Dinder
  • Day 3 Dusk: Hang Out -> ***
  • Day 4 Noon: Internet -> Dinder
  • Day 4 Dusk: Hang Out -> ***
  • Day 5 Noon: Internet -> Dinder
  • Day 5 Dusk: Hang Out -> ***
  • Day 6 Noon: Internet -> Dinder
  • Day 6 Dusk: Hang Out -> ***
  • Day 7 Noon: Hang Out -> ***
  • Ending: Nymphomania
  • Reload to day 7.
  • Day 7 Noon: Hang Out -> Spend Time Together
  • Day 7 Dusk: Hang Out -> Spend Time Together
  • Ending: Ground Control to Psychoelectric Angel
  • Reload to day 7.
  • Day 7 Noon: Sleep Until Tomorrow
  • Day 8 Noon: Sleep Until Tomorrow
  • Day 9 Noon: Sleep Until Tomorrow
  • Day 10 Noon: Sleep Until Tomorrow
  • Ending: So Close Yet So Far

Playthrough 1: Off the Deep End – NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD Walkthrough

  • Reload to day 2.
  • Day 2 Noon: Medication -> Overdose on Depaz
  • Day 2 Night: Hang Out -> ***
  • Day 3 Noon: Internet -> Social Media
  • Day 3 Dusk: Internet -> Social Media
  • Day 3 Night: Stream -> Conspiracy Theories 1
  • Day 4 Noon: Hang Out -> Play Game
  • Day 4 Dusk: Hang Out -> Play Game
  • Day 4 Night: Stream -> Conspiracy Theories 2
  • Day 5 Noon: Internet -> Video Streaming
  • Day 5 Dusk: Internet -> Video Streaming
  • Day 5 Night: Stream -> Breakdown Stream 1
  • Day 6 Noon: Internet -> /st/
  • Day 6 Dusk: Internet -> Vanity Search
  • Day 6 Night: Stream -> Breakdown Stream 2
  • Day 7 Noon: Medication -> Magic Smoke
  • Day 7 Night: Stream -> Internet Angel 1
  • Day 8 Noon: Internet -> Video Streaming
  • Day 8 Dusk: Hang Out -> Spend Time Together
  • Day 8 Night: Stream -> Conspiracy Theories 3
  • Day 9 Noon: Hang Out -> Spend Time Together
  • Day 9 Dusk: Internet -> Social Media
  • Day 9 Night: Stream -> Sexy Stream 1

Subroute 1: Lovely Sweet Dream

  • Day 10 Noon: Medication -> Magic Paper
  • Day 10 Night: Medication -> Magic Paper
  • Day 11 Noon: Medication -> Magic Paper
  • Day 11 Night: Medication -> Magic Paper
  • Day 12 Noon: Medication -> Magic Paper
  • Ending: Rainbow Girl

Subroute 2: Fake News

  • Reload to day 10.
  • Day 10 Noon: Medication -> Magic Paper
  • Day 10 Night: Stream -> Internet Angel 2
  • Day 11 Noon: Hang Out -> ***
  • Day 11 Night: Stream -> Conspiracy Theories 4
  • Day 12 Noon: Medication -> Magic Grass
  • Day 12 Night: Stream -> Breakdown Stream 3
  • Day 13 Noon: Medication -> Overdose on Embian
  • Day 13 Night: Medication -> Magic Paper
  • Day 14 Noon: Sleep Until Tomorrow
  • Day 15 Noon: Sleep Until Night
  • Day 15 Night: Stream -> Conspiracy Theories 5
  • Day 16 Noon: Medication -> Magic Paper
  • Day 16 Night: Stream
  • Ending: Welcome to my Religion

Subroute 3: Blaze It

  • Reload to Day 15.
  • Day 15 Noon: Sleep Until Night
  • Day 15 Night: Stream -> Breakdown Stream 4
  • Day 16 Noon: Medication -> Magic Grass
  • Day 15 Night: Stream -> Breakdown Stream 5
  • Ending: Painful Future

Subroute 4: Nice Boat

  • Reload to day 11.
  • Get affection to a little over 60
  • Repeat something that does not affect affection or decrease darkness (Streaming Video, Magic Grass) until Day 30.
  • There is a 1% chance of getting the SMT achievement each night Ame has 100 mental darkness.
  • Ending: Needy Girl Overdose, Blazing Hell (random event with 60 mental darkness, reload a save until Ame asks you to buy charcoal and respond “Okay”)

Subroute 5: “Graduation”

  • Reload to day 28 (or a little earlier if needed), then get affection below 60 (Dinder works well) by Day 30.
  • Ending: There Are No Angels

Optional: Emergency Rehab

  • You can skip this and do the optional subroutes in Playthrough 2 instead; it’s a little easier there.
  • I assume you have between 50 and 60 affection; it doesn’t really matter, just stop using Dinder when it would cause a bad ending. You can also speed it up by missing a couple of DMs.
  • Day 10 Noon: Internet -> Dinder
  • Day 10 Night: Internet -> Dinder
  • Day 11 Noon: Internet -> Dinder
  • Day 11 Night: Internet -> Dinder
  • Day 12 Noon: Internet -> Dinder
  • Day 12 Night: Go Out -> Hospital
  • Day 13 Noon: Internet -> Dinder
  • Ending: Cucked
  • Reload day 13.
  • Day 13 Noon: Go Out -> Hospital
  • Day 13 Night: Go Out -> Hospital
  • Day 14 Noon: Go Out -> Hospital
  • Day 14 Night: Go Out -> Hospital
  • Day 15 Noon: Go Out -> Hospital
  • Day 15 Night: Go Out -> Hospital
  • Day 16 Noon: Go Out -> Hospital
  • Day 16 Night: Go Out -> Hospital
  • Get affection to a little under 60 (by hanging out or going out) and then use Sleep Until Tomorrow until Day 30.
  • Ending: Catastrophe
  • Reload to day 28, then get affection over 60 by Day 30.
  • Ending: Labor Is Evil
  • Reload to Day 10.
  • Day 10 Noon: Medication -> Magic Paper
  • Day 10 Night: Stream -> Internet Angel 2
  • Day 11 Noon: Medication -> Magic Paper
  • Day 11 Night: Stream -> Internet Angel 3
  • Day 12 Noon: Hang Out -> ***
  • Day 12 Night: Stream -> Sexy Stream 2
  • Day 13 Noon: Medication -> Magic Paper
  • Day 13 Night: Stream -> Conspiracy Theories 4
  • This should bring you over 500k followers; if not then do Breakdown Stream 3 as well. Get affection to just below 80 (darkness doesn’t matter for these endings, but you can keep it at 100 to keep trying for SMT if you didn’t get it) and then wait until day 30.
  • Ending: Nerdy Girl Overload
  • Reload to day 28 and raise affection over 80.
  • Ending: Utopian Parody

Playthrough 2: Cold Turkey – NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD Walkthrough

  • Reload day 2.
  • Day 2 Noon: Hang Out -> Spend Time Together
  • Day 2 Dusk: Internet -> Video Streaming
  • Day 2 Night: Sleep Until Tomorrow
  • Day 3 Noon: Internet -> Social Media
  • Day 3 Dusk: Internet -> Video Streaming
  • Day 3 Night: Stream -> Nerd Talk 1
  • Day 4 Noon: Internet -> Vanity Search
  • Day 4 Dusk: Hang Out -> Play Game
  • Day 4 Night: Stream -> Angel Explains 1
  • Day 5 Noon: Go Out -> Harajuku
  • Day 5 Night: Stream -> Nerd Talk 2
  • Day 6 Noon: Hang Out -> Spend Time Together
  • Day 6 Dusk: Internet -> Social Media
  • Day 6 Night: Stream -> Angel Explains 2
  • Day 7 Noon: Hang Out -> ***
  • Day 7 Night: Stream -> Letsplay 1
  • Day 8 Noon: Go Out -> Akihabara
  • Day 8 Night: Stream -> Letsplay 2
  • Day 9 Noon: Hang Out -> Spend Time Together
  • Day 9 Dusk: Internet -> Social Media
  • Day 9 Night: Stream -> Sexy Stream 1
  • Day 10 Noon: Hang Out -> ***
  • Day 10 Night: Stream -> Sexy Stream 2
  • Day 11 Noon: Sleep Until Dusk
  • Day 11 Dusk: Hang Out -> Play Game
  • Day 11 Night: Stream -> Internet Angel 1
  • Day 12 Noon: Cut Wrists (auto)
  • Day 12 Night: Hang Out -> *** (due to a bug you can take an action instead of clicking “Go to Tomorrow”, although it will cause a missed DM)

Optional subroute: <500k endings

  • If you didn’t do the low darkness <500k endings before, get affection to about 60 and then use Sleep Until Tomorrow until day 30, then reload to day 28 and adjust affection to get the other ending. Endings: Catastrophe (<60 affection), Labor Is Evil (>60 affection)

Optional subroute: <1m endings

  • Day 13 Noon: Internet -> Social Media
  • Day 13 Dusk: Internet -> Video Streaming
  • Day 13 Night: Stream -> Sexy Stream 3
  • This should bring you to 700k+ followers; get affection to about 80, use Sleep Until Tomorrow until day 30, then reload to day 28 and adjust affection to get the other ending.
  • Endings: Nerdy Girl Overload (<80 affection), Utopian Parody (>80 affection)
  • (Back to the main route)
  • Day 13 Noon: Internet -> Social Media
  • Day 13 Dusk: Internet -> Video Streaming
  • Day 13 Night: Stream -> Internet Angel 2
  • Day 14 Noon: Hang Out -> Spend Time Together
  • Day 14 Dusk: Hang Out -> Spend Time Together
  • Day 14 Night: Stream -> Internet Angel 3
  • Day 15 Noon: Internet -> Social Media
  • Day 15 Dusk: Hang Out -> Spend Time Together
  • Day 15 Night: Stream -> Sexy Stream 3

Subroute 1: Relapse

  • Day 16 Noon: Medication -> OD on Dylsem
  • Day 16 Night: Hang Out -> ***
  • Day 17 Noon: Medication -> OD on Embian
  • Day 17 Night: Hang Out -> ***
  • Day 18 Noon: Smoke Magic Grass
  • Day 18 Night: Stream -> Internet Angel 4
  • Day 19 Noon: Smoke Magic Grass
  • Day 19 Night: Stream -> Internet Angel 5
  • Smoke Magic Grass until the end of the game, making sure to keep affection above 80 as well.
  • This is another place to get SMT.
  • Ending: Do You Love Me?

Subroute 2: L-lewd! – NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD Walkthrough

  • Reload to day 16.
  • Day 16 Noon: Go Out -> Shibuya
  • Day 16 Night: Stream -> Sexy Stream 4
  • Day 17 Noon: Hang Out -> ***
  • Day 17 Night: Stream -> Sexy Stream 5
  • Ending: Fallen Angel

Subroute 3: Boom

Reload day 17
Day 17 Noon: Go Out -> Hospital (or some other action if you don’t have at least 86 stress; you need at least 76 stress at nighttime)
Day 17 Night: Stream: ASMR 1
Day 18 Noon: Stress stream (auto)
Day 18 Night: Stream: Chat & Chill 1 (again, a bug lets you take an action instead of going to night)
If you didn’t do Cucked in Playthrough 1, do Dinder on Day 19 Noon to get it.
Day 19 Noon: Hang Out -> Spend Time Together
Day 19 Dusk: Internet -> Social Media
Day 19 Night: Stream -> ASMR 2
Day 20 Noon: Internet -> Social Media
Day 20 Dusk: Internet -> Social Media
Ending: Bomber Girl

Subroute 3: Bigger Boom – NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD Walkthrough

  • Reload day 20.
  • Day 20 Noon: Hang Out -> ***
  • Day 20 Night: Stream -> Internet Angel 5
  • Keep stress above 80 but below 120 (use Internet -> Social Media to increase it if needed) until Day 25. Enjoy your interactive ending.
  • Ending: Internet Overdose
  • Data0 is now available on the main screen; load and watch through it. At the end, close all the windows and read secret.txt. You can load savefiles by clicking the date on the bottom right, but it’s a bit buggy so you might as well exit and reopen the game.
  • Achievement: Comment te dire adieu

Subroute 5: Good ending(?)

  • Reload to day 16.
  • Day 16 Noon: Go Out -> Hospital
  • Day 16 Night: Stream: Internet Angel 4
  • Day 17 Noon: Go Out -> Hospital
  • Day 17 Night: Stream: Internet Angel 5
  • Use Spend Time Together (or go out somewhere other than the hospital) until affection is above 80, then use Sleep Until Tomorrow until day 30.
  • Ending: (Un)Happy End World

Subroute 6: Good ending

  • Read the question mark to the right of all the ending checkboxes on the main screen for a hint.
  • Read the intro warning for another hint.
  • Disconnect your computer from the internet and reload day 30.
  • Ending: Happy End World

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