Mount & Blade Warband – Types of NW Players

Mount & Blade Warband Types of NW Players

Welcome to our Mount & Blade Warband Types of NW Players guide! We will look deeper into the rarest species to be found on Tropical Paradise. How do they act? Where can they be found? You will find out.

Mount & Blade Warband Types of NW Players – The Types

To start off with, we have:

The Infantry Tryhards – Mount & Blade Warband Types of NW Players

  • Might backstab you now and then
  • Just wants to improve his K/D ratio.
  • High chance of calling you “ez” after killing you
  • Probably a reg f*g
  • Can be found pretty much everywhere
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The Sword Tryhards – Mount & Blade Warband Types of NW Players

  • Will try to make you rage quit
  • Will destroy everyone that’s in his way
  • Unusually high heartbeat
  • Might go through cardiac arrest if killed and tbagged
  • Can be found around docks
  • Is always wearing heavy cav armor
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The Admins – Mount & Blade Warband Types of NW Players

  • Superiority Complex
  • The most hated player on the server
  • No self control
  • Can be found in the secret places in maps
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The C*nts – Mount & Blade Warband Types of NW Players

  • Will spam “ez” every time anyone dies
  • Will also constantly backstab you
  • High possibility of camping a teleport
  • Will develop a grudge against the first person he dies to
  • Will hunt that person down for the rest of his warband career
  • Gets his dopamine from killing his target via shooting them with a musketoon
  • Knows he’s inferior in melee, will run away
  • Can be found near teleporters
  • Either wears no armor at all, or wears heavy cav armor
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The Mast Traitor – Mount & Blade Warband Types of NW Players

  • Rushes the mast
  • Has 15 loaded rifles in his posession
  • Will shoot anyone. No mercy
  • 99.9% accuracy
  • Immune to provocation, doesn’t care if he’s being called a or not
  • Gets his dopamine from shooting other mast traitors
  • Can be found on masts
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The Master Sapper – Mount & Blade Warband Types of NW Players

  • Doesn’t care about anything besides his creation
  • Will find a nice and quiet spot
  • Usually friendly
  • Will build great works and creations such as the Hagia Sophia or the Eiffel tower if given enough time and build points
  • Can be found near sapperworks
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The Sailor

  • Hates mast traitors and marines
  • Loves being naked
  • Will betray you if he has enough naked friends around him
  • Loves a good ol’ molly throw
  • Will rush the treasure chest
  • Keep an eye on him, otherwise he will unleash his secret ability upon you, the pistol to the head
  • Do not hurt or provoke his sailor buddies, if you do, they’ll kill you the moment they set foot upon the ship
  • Can be found in boats or in the big ship
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The Musician

  • A morale booster to the teamers
  • Has 5k hours and is a secret melee master
  • Will be friendly unless provoked, if provoked, he will make a fool of you by killing you over and over again until you ragequit
  • Will not play the same song again once he finishes
  • Might be a head admin
  • Can be found near teamers
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The Friendly

  • A true friendly man
  • High chance of being a homosexual
  • Will T-bag until death comes upon him
  • Rather hugs you, than fight you
  • To be found on the ship and port
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The [Nino]

  • [Nino]
  • [Nino]
  • [Nino]
  • Can be found in [Nino]
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The Evil Sapper

  • Likes trapping people in toilets & blowing them up
  • Can dominate in melee with his axe
  • Will prop spam and waste buildpoints
  • Will tnt spam and try to crash the server if an admin pisses him off
  • Will ruin beautiful sapper creations just because he wants to
  • Basically the evil version of The Master Sapper
  • Can be found near destroyed sapper works & toilets
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The Mute

  • Doesn’t speak
  • Has a dumb, funny face
  • Is a pacifist
  • Probably suffering from childhood trauma
  • Hard to find, but can be found in secret passeges
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The Medic

  • Dedicates his life to the wounded of warband
  • Is a pacifist, but will take up arms if forced to defend himself
  • High chance of being a mute
  • Usually friendly
  • Can be found near populated areas
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The Racist

  • Uses every means available to him to throw in racist innuendo
  • Says the N word at least 5 times a round
  • Usually on the ship
  • Comes online just to promote his racial propoganda
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The Copycat

  • Bases his entire personality off of another person
  • Spends 20 hours in the face editor trying to make the face of the person he’s copying
  • Can be found near the person he’s copying
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The Cavf*g

  • When the round starts he goes into full cardiac arrest as he tries to rush the cav slot
  • Is a psychopat
  • Feels no emotion
  • Only cares about speed and k/d
  • Tries to imitate the charge of the Rohirim but dies instantly
  • Charges the guy he died to to get revenge but again, fails miserably
  • More hated than admins
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How to:

How to avoid backstabs

  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Avoid teaming with sketchy people
  • Don’t mess with sailors
  • If you see someone going up the mast you should probably keep your head down

How to be a c*nt

  • Wear heavy cav armor
  • Kill musicians and medics
  • Have a default face
  • Type ‘ez’ everytime you kill someone

How to avoid arguments

  • Don’t be a c*nt
  • Divert the conversation
  • Blame someone else
  • T Bag your way to friendliness

The End

Well, that was that. Now you know exactly how to survive the rare and dangerous species to be found in Tropical Paradise.

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