Mobmania Party Passives

Need Party Passives information on Mobmania? You will find all the information you need in this guide! This is a collection of passive bonuses provided by characters through the party system. It will add stats that give a +0(%) bonus, it will help you find things you might want to find more on that level if I notice they don’t earn after leveling up.

Mobmania Party Passives

Welcome to our Mobmania Party Passives guide. This was made March 4th, 2023 with the version a.2.2.2 As of uploading I only have information I have unlocked myself. I will be including stat information that provides a +0(%) bonus unless I find they do not gain that once the tier raises as it will help find what you may wish to find further up in tier.

Passive Bonus Per character

CharacterTier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4
JPECCritical Chance +2%Critical Chance +2%Critical Chance +2%Critical Chance +2%
JMAttack +1, Movement +0%
KARISSAPoison +2%
JAMIESize +2%
WOLFAttack +1
DANMovement +2%Movement +2%Movement +2%Movement +2%
MATTAttack +1Attack +1Attack +1Attack +1
ANAHealth +10
KRISXp +2%Xp +2%
LUCYCritical Damage +2%
TONYAttack +1Burn +2%Attack +1Burn +2%
AMBERBurn +2%
JULIAAttack +1Defense +1Attack +1Defense +1
REANNESlow +1%Slow +1%Slow +1%
BRANDONMovement +2%
LEOAttack +1Stun Chance +2%
RAYHaste +2%Attack +1
PAIGEDefense +1
YIFANExecute +1%Execute +1%Execute +1%Execute +1%
KIKIAttack +1
ZIONHaste +2%


  1. Grim (Mobmania’s discord) compiled a list on a spreadsheet
  2. Styler (Mobmania’s discord) Yifan T4, Dan T4
  3. Rollo (Mobmania’s discord) Jpec T4, Tony T4, Wolf T1, Amber T1, Brandon T1, Lucy T1
  4. SacredShrubs (Mobmania’s discord) Reanne T2, Kiki T1
  5. Roserath (Mobmania’s discord) Christina T1
  6. scarllly (Mobmania’s discord) Ana T1
  7. Ben (Mobmania’s discord) Paige T1, Karissa T1, Zion T1
  8. Meranera (Mobmania’s discord) Kris T2, JM T4, Ray T4, Julia T4, Matt T4
  9. Haphazard (Mobmania’s discord) Leo T2
Written by Faceless_Entity

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