Welcome to our Mist Survival Map 0.5.1 guide. This map is for your own use as you never remember where things are and get lost easily! This guide may contain spoilers!
We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Mist Survival game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Mist Survival guide.
Mist Survival Map 0.5.1
Here we are again with an upgraded map and a few new POIs and areas to explore.
At least half of the items from 0.5.0 are still in the same place, but there are many new items added to the game.

Updated on 10.15.2022

Back Packs
- There are now 18 possible backpack spawns.. however you can only upgrade 12 backpacks (24 inventory slots). After you have maxed out your inventory.. the backpacks no longer are available.. no matter how many are left.
- Crossroads, there are now 2 spawn points for backpacks at K-15.. it also appears sporadic as to when the crossroads is manned by bandits.
- These now seem to permanently spawn in 3 locations,
Weapons – Mist Survival 5.1 Map
- Shotguns are random spawns/types at: J-25, K-21.
- Sniper Rifle has a chance to drop when killing the sniper at: N-26.
Car Parts
- Spark Plugs are now in random cars but mostly at: K-17, F-21.
- Some vehicles can now be destroyed for various car parts (these parts are random) using the sledgehammer.
- Random spawns occur at G-18 which can include the chainsaw.
- The Vest Armour can also be found here. G-18.
- There are 2 Water Buckets at G-22. 1 outside the barn (random) & 1 inside the barn.
- Concrete Blocks have been increased but are now scattered more throughout the map.
- The Housing Area is vacant.
- Sawmill Area is mostly unchanged.
- Radio Tower is mostly unchanged.
- Construction Site & Old factory is mostly unchanged.
Pre Amble
This is just one of many examples of how to get a decent start in Mist Survival.
This is by no means the only or best way to start.. many other players have their own fav start. This is mine.
It’s a 3pt Day 1 Mini Series that I now use to get a decent start in 0.5.1+.
By the end of this Mini Series you should have the following:
- 5 Backpacks (10 Inventory slots)
- The Truck
- Water Purifier and Water Barrel completed
- A Workbench
- The Double Barrel Shotgun
- A Temporary Central Base
How do I download this new 0.5.1 map version?