Misericorde Volume Two: Chapter 29 Dialogue

We have listed the translated dialogues of a particular character from Misericorde Volume Two White Wool & Snow Chapter 29 in this guide.

Chapter 29 Translated Dialogue

The Beast’s dialogue is located within the game’s .rpa archive. Though presented in a stylized font, it’s written in English. You can access this yourself using any application or website capable of unpacking .rpa files. Specifically, look for the lines in 29_Hell.rpyc that start with:
beast "{font=CISFCamouflageKit.otf}

Translated Dialogue

After Hedwig Escapes the Library:

Narration: The beast turned.
Narration: Then it did something very odd. It raised a gauntleted hand to its face—if it could indeed be called that—and gestured for me to stay quiet.

Beast: Don’t wake anyone up.

When Hedwig Falls in the Cloister

Narration: The Superior’s old traveling cloak finally tore, and I fell into the snow, free from the beast’s grip.

Beast: I don’t want to hurt anybody else.

After Hedwig Threatens to Scream If the Beast Doesn’t Identify Itself

Narration: I had nothing left to gamble with, and no leverage against this beast, other than the fact that it wanted my silence.

Beast: I am being used.
Hedwig: I-I can’t understand you.
Hedwig: I just hear noise.

Narration: The looming figure seemed to consider for a moment.
Narration: Then, slowly, it raised its sword.
Narration: I tensed up, but the beast held its other hand out to steady me.

Beast: The Devil locks me in this horrible thing and gives me orders.

Narration: It turned the sword toward itself.
Narration: At first, I thought it meant to harm itself, but instead, it seemed to be trying to cut something.
Narration: The sword was far too long and unwieldy for this task, however.

Narration: Apparently frustrated, the creature fell to its knees and placed the sword in front of me.

Beast: You’ll have to do it.
Hedwig: W-What?
Beast: Cut these, and I think the mask’ll come off.

Narration: It pulled its robe aside to reveal that, under its heavy cloak, it wore chainmail.
Narration: Layered on top of this armor were leather straps.

Beast: Cut it.

Narration: Slowly, it pointed to these straps and then to its own head.

Beast: I don’t want to fight you.

Narration: It indicated for me to pick up the sword.

Hedwig: You want me to cut those free?
Beast: Yes, yes, please, God, set me free.
Beast: I don’t want to do this anymore.
Beast: I don’t want to hurt anyone else.

Narration: I bent down to pick up the blade, turning it in my hands slowly.
Narration: The creature looked oddly pathetic, kneeling there.
Narration: It held its robes open, gesturing eagerly at me.
Narration: It continued speaking in a muffled and dark tongue.
Narration: This close, I could sense a familiar sulfuric stench.

Beast: I repent.
Beast: I repent.
Beast: Please help me.

Narration: I could not bring myself to look directly at this thing.
Narration: Even out of the corner of my eye, there was nothing I could see that was worthy of pity.

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