Magical Girl Konoha: Devil Witch Guide

You should use this guide to become a demon witch in Magical Girl Konoha, unlock many things by finding devil’s seeds and farming Karma.

How to be Devil Witch

This guide will show you every step of the way, from leveling up, recruiting companions, and finding Demon Seeds to cultivating Karma and giving up your magical powers. Follow this path carefully and you will unlock a powerful transformation. But be careful; your choices will have consequences.

Preparing for a Small Adventure

At this stage it is optional:

To make your journey smoother, I recommend leveling your character to around 10-15 before proceeding.

You can also recruit a free companion on the 2nd floor of the Guildhouse by speaking to Roanna. The choice is yours, but if you’re a fan of ヒカル (Hikaru), an iconic artist from Sugar Star, I suggest picking Harpy as your companion.

Now, head east from the starting town to locate a cave named D’ark Hideaway Exit, where you can recruit a free Goblin companion.

Finding a Devil’s Seed

To progress, you’ll need the ability to pick locks to access the boss room. This skill can be obtained from a quest in the Undercity (if I recall correctly).

The quest requires you to free a prisoner from the Guard’s prison, which can be done by paying 10,000 gold. My memory is a bit hazy on this part, so you may need to explore different options.

The Sarian Dungeon

Your First Encounter with a Devil:

Head far east to locate the Sarian Entrance/Exit, the earliest dungeon I found that houses a Devil who will offer you a Devil’s Seed, even if you lose.

Steps to Obtain the Devil’s Seed

  • Enter the dungeon through the Sarian Entrance.
  • Defeat the boss to unlock new paths.
  • Once the boss is defeated, some doors will unlock, including a backdoor.
  • Now, you can easily teleport between Sarian Exit and other locations for farming Devil’s Seeds.

Farming Karma

To complete the transformation, you’ll need to accumulate Karma, though the exact amount is uncertain.

Karma Requirements (Estimated)

  • Karma: ~300
  • Depravity: ~200

Ways to Farm Karma


  • Visit the Blacksmith, where Level 1 stealable items respawn daily.
  • If you have the ability to steal from people, head to the Guildhouse basement and steal from the Priestess or any unguarded NPCs indoors.

Murder (Not Recommended):

  • Killing NPCs provides a huge Karma boost, but be warned:
  • Dead NPCs do not respawn.
  • Excessive killing will put you on a wanted list, making survival harder.

Abandoning Magical Powers

Once you’ve accumulated enough Karma and Depravity, the final step is to abandon your magical powers and create a devil child.

If done correctly, a red text will appear, confirming your transformation into a Devil Witch.

Important Tip: Avoid speaking to the Guildmaster during this process, or you may risk losing your dormitory.

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