Lords of Infinity Antari Refugees Guide

Need information about Antari Refugee in Lords of Infinity? This guide is for you! We have explained all the information about Antari refugees in tables! Just a guide for part 2b for now, the other part of the site path will be added! Check out our Lords of Infinity Antari Refugees guide without wasting your time!

Lords of Infinity Antari Refugees Guide

Welcome to our Lords of Infinity Antari Refugees Guide. Just a guide for section 2b for now, other section of estate road will be added! We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Lords of Infinity game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Lords of Infinity guide.

Chapter 2b: Antari Refugees

In the second chapter of the estate path, one will have to deal with Antari refugess by sheltering all, a few or none of them.

ActionIntegrationOther effects
Food and shelter for all5content %-30, -225 wealth
Food and shelter for a few2content %-5, -75 wealth
Food and shelter for those who pay0Other effects
No food nor sheltercontent %+15, Loch leaves if he is with you

If there was food and shelter for a few or all:

ActionIntegrationOther effects
build a new shrine+3content %-10 if the old srine was repaired or -20% if not, – 50 wealth
a space to worship+1content %-10
have to make do without-1
they needed help((charisma + content) >= 90)content %-5
they needed help((charisma + content) >= 60)content %-10
they needed help((charisma + content) < 60)content %-15, respectability %-10
and reputation %-10
to new heights of prosperity ((intellect + charisma + content) >= 120)content %-5
to new heights of prosperity ((intellect + charisma + content) >= 90)content %-10
to new heights of prosperity ((intellect + charisma + content) <90)content %-15, respectability %-10
and reputation %-10
You forget your placecontent %-20
ActionIntegrationOther effects
the perpetrator must pay compensation+3content %-10 or 2x content %-10 if content <35
beating was justified-2
I want them out0content %+5 if content is >35 or content %+15 if it is <35,
and content %+10 if cared for a few
or content %+20 if cared for all
Loch leaves if he is with you

If there was food and shelter only for the paying:

ActionIntegrationOther effects
The Antari must be fed+1content %-10 ,respectability %-5, – 75 wealth
the Antari need work (content >40 or charisma >=55)+2content %-5
the Antari need work (content <40 and charisma <=55)-1content %-15
Find the worst offenders and expel them-1content %-5 and respectability %+5
expel them all0content %+15, and respectability %+10
and content %+10 if cared for a few
or content %+20 if cared for all
Loch leaves if he is with you

Observation: First two option only available for those with Loch, that can speak Antari or with intellect >= 45

If there is no food and shelter or if they are later expelled:

We’ve had a hard year(charisma >= 55)content %+10
We’ve had a hard year(idealism >= 60)content %+10
We’ve had a hard yearcontent %-5
Things will only get worse from here (charisma >= 55)content %+10
Things will only get worse from here (idealism < 60)content %+10
Things will only get worse from herecontent %-5
few platitudes and try not to offend anyone.content %+5
-50 wealthcontent %+5
-100 wealthcontent %+10 and prosperity %+5
-200 wealthcontent %+15 and prosperity %+10
No wealth

Final Results:

IntegrationOther effects
>= 10 and helped allcontent %+20, respectability %+10,prosperity %+5, reputation %+10 and +75 tenants
>= 10 and helped allcontent %+20, respectability %+10,prosperity %+5, reputation %+10 and +25 tenants
>= 6 and helped allcontent %+10, respectability %+5, reputation %+5 and +50 tenants
>= 6 and helped allcontent %+10, respectability %+5, reputation %+5 and +15 tenants
<= 6 and helped allreputation %-10 and +15 tenants
<= 6 and helped allreputation %-10 and +10 tenants
Written by Tiago

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