Lords of Infinity Aetoria Path Guide

Need information for the Aetoria road in Lords of Infinity? Then our Lords of Infinity Aetoria Path guide is for you. In this guide, the Aetoria pathway is described in chapters 2a through 6a, including all subsets. W.I.P (2a so far) Take a look at our Lords of Infinity Aetoria Path guide now!

Lords of Infinity Aetoria Path Guide

Welcome to our Lords of Infinity Aetoria Path Guide. Guide for the Aetoria path, from chapter 2a to 6a, including all subplots W.I.P (2a so far). We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Lords of Infinity game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Lords of Infinity guide.

Basics About Stats

This game uses choicescrypt fairmath, while it reduces from the actual amount, it adds based on how much that amount lacks from 100.

You lose little when low, a lot when high. Gain little when high, a lot when low.


  • 30 + %10=37
  • 30 – %10=27
  • 50 + %10=55
  • 50 – %10=45
  • 70 + %10=73
  • 70 – %10=63

Relationship stats: most character start at 50, and without looking at the code of the save you only can know if it is 65 or above, as it’s shows a friend, or if it’s 35 or below, as it’s shows an enemy.

Influence also can only be known based on text in game:


If Wulframite influence is 60 above royalist:

  • Your staunch loyalty to the Wulframites has made you an enemy of the Royalist Faction.
    If Wulframite influence is 20 or more above royalist:
  • Your known Wulframite inclinations have made you rather unwelcome among the Royalist Faction.
    If Royalist influence is at least 80:
  • You are considered a leading voice of the Royalist Faction.
    If Royalist influence is at least 60:
  • Your words carry much weight among the Royalist Faction.
    If Royalist influence is at least 40:
  • You are spoken well of within the Royalist Faction.
    If Royalist influence is at least 20:
  • You have only a little influence among the Royalist Faction.
    If Royalist influence is less than 20:
  • You are practically beneath the notice of the Royalist Faction.

If Royalist influence is 60 above royalist:

  • Your steadfast Royalist convictions have made you an enemy of the Wulframite Faction.
    If Royalist influence is 20 or more above royalist:
  • Your known Royalist loyalties have made you somewhat unwelcome among the Wulframite Faction.
    If Wulframite influence is at least 80:
  • The Duke of Wulfram personally considers you a close ally.
    If Wulframite influence is at least 60:
  • You command substantial influence among the Wulframite faction.
    If Wulframite influence is at least 40:
  • You are spoken well of among the Wulframite Faction.
    If Wulframite influence is at least 20:
  • You have only a little influence among the Wulframite faction.
    If Wulframite influence is less than 20:
  • You are practically beneath the notice of the Wulframite Faction.

If influence with Grenadier Square is at least 80:

  • Few can match the respect you command from Grenadier Square.
    If influence with Grenadier Square is at least 60:
  • You command disproportionate influence at Grenadier Square.
    If influence with Grenadier Square is at least 40:
  • You are much admired at Grenadier Square.
    If influence with Grenadier Square is at least 20:
  • You have some small amount of pull at Grenadier Square.
    If influence with Grenadier Square is less than 20:
  • Grenadier Square pays you little notice.

If influence with Royal Tierran Intelligence is at least 80:

  • Royal Tierran Intelligence considers you an asset of utmost importance.
    If influence with Royal Tierran Intelligence is at least 60:
  • Royal Tierran Intelligence considers you one of their most vital assets.
    If influence with Royal Tierran Intelligence is at least 40:
  • Royal Tierran Intelligence considers you a trusted ally.
    If influence with Royal Tierran Intelligence is at least 20:
  • Royal Tierran Intelligence considers you a useful ally.
    If influence with Royal Tierran Intelligence is less than 20:
  • Royal Tierran Intelligence seems to have little consideration for the likes of you.

*if expelled from the club:

  • Though you remain a member, you are currently most unwelcome within the premises of the Reform Club.
    If influence Club is at least 80:
  • As far as most of Aetoria is concerned, you are the Club.
    If influence Club is at least 60:
  • The $!{clubname} Club considers you one of its leading members.
    If influence Club is at least 40:
  • Your words carry no small amount of weight with the members of the Club.
    If influence Club is at least 20:
  • The Club considers you a member in good standing.
    If influence Club is less than 20:
  • The Club is not sure what to make of you…yet.

About Debt and Estate Managers

Chapter 2a: Townhouses

First chose your estate manager, i always recommend Loch if possible.

Lords of Infinity Aetoria Path Guide
Lords of Infinity Aetoria Path Guide


Aetoria Path Guide
Aetoria Path Guide
Aetoria Path Guide
Aetoria Path Guide
Aetoria Path Guide
Aetoria Path Guide

Chapter 2a: Clubs


How to join:

  • if region = 4 #I apply to join the Rendower Club.
  • if region not 4 #Surely there must be some other way to gain membership…
    • inf_wulframite >= 50 #I shall appeal personally to the Duke of Wulfram.
      if charisma <60: inf_wulframite – 10
    • If I must fabricate a royal connection to get into the Rendower, then so be it.
      • Surely there are professionals whom I may engage in such work? -250 wealth
      • inf_RTI >= 35 #Surely Royal Intelligence owes me a favour or two, after all I’ve done for them.
        • Very well, we have an agreement.
Aetoria Path Guide
Aetoria Path Guide

How to join:

  • if reputation >= 75: #I will cite my excellent reputation.
  • Medals: Cross of Saint Jerome or a Gryphon: #My military record is all the argument I need.
  • visited the club and lefebvre >= 65: What of Lefebvre, did he not say he would support me?
Aetoria Path Guide
Aetoria Path Guide

How to join:

  • #”My estate offers me a reliable source of potential investment capital.”
    • if (house_debt <= 5000: +1 approval
      • house_debt = 0: +1 approval
    • fief_gross_income + income >= 575 +1 approval if fail: -1
  • #”I am a Lord of the Cortes, surely that means something?”
    if reputation >= 55: +1 approval if <35: -1 approval
  • I have a great deal of influence in certain circles.”
    approve + 1 if: inf_wulframite >= 40, inf_royalist >= 40 or inf_grenadier_sq >= 40
    otherwise -1
  • if invested in Garing:”I already possess some experience in regards to financial investment.”
    +1 approval
  • Accepted if approval >=1,if 2 or 3 inf_club + 10, 4 or more inf_club + 120

How to join:

  • if reputation >= 75: #”I offer my reputation as a man of honour and propriety.”
  • if inf_RTI or inf_grenadier_sq >= 40 #”I have influence within certain factions of the government.”
  • if katarina or welles>= 55 or lewes >= 65 #”Your own members will vouch for my abilities.”
  • if rank = “lieutenant-colonel” #”The Reform Club could use the perspective of an experienced soldier.”
  • if feminist >= 2: inf_club + 10
  • if (intellect + charisma) >= 120 inf_club + 10 or >= 80 inf_club + 5

How to join:

  • #Perhaps it is. I shall apply to join immediately. inf_club +20
  • if rank = lieutenant-colonel: inf_club + 5
  • If a knight: inf_club + 5
  • if has only one Gryphon medal: inf_club + 5
  • if has two Gryphon medals inf_club + 10

At the end of the chapter gain: Club influence +15 and if in Admiralty or Rendower gain reputation %+15

Written by Tiago

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