This is a suppression structure that involves knocking your enemies down to the point where they can’t harm you, but will spawn your damaging sinners at the same time. We’ve detailed it in our guide. Check out our Limbus Company Suppression guide without delay and suppression, build, weaken and defeat your enemies alive!
Limbus Company Suppression Guide
Welcome to our Limbus Company Suppression Guide. A suppression build, weakin and beat the living crap out of your enemies!
We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Limbus Company game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Limbus Company guide.
For People Who don’t Want to Read the Whole Guide
if you wish not to learn but want the build, here it is, to those who want to understand, please continue with the guide.
The 5 Sinners you want to use.

other option is to replace R. Corp 4th Pack Rabbit Heathcliff with Zwei Section 6 Sinclair If you do not have one or the other.

“What if I don’t have some of theses identities?” You can still use the Sinner’s defaults as a replacement.

Tremors, Rupture, Paralyze and Fragile.
This build will have 4 important status effect, Tremors, Rupture, and Paralyze.

Paralyze will make the enemie’s attack fail and land little to no damage (fail the coin flip)
Rupture will will prevent your sinners from taking high amounts of damage, if an enemy lands a 7 damage, instead of taking 14 damage to your sinner, it will go down to the fix number of 7, this also applies if your sinner gets staggered.
Tremor will decrees the amount of damage needed to stagger an enemy, if an enemy have 110 HP and the stagger threshold is 65, if you applied 35 tremors, it will now take 30 damage to reach that threshold.
Fragile make the enemies take more damage base on skill(not on effects like bleed or burn)
The 5 Sinners and Why
The Build Contains the 5 Main Sinners

- Yi Sang – Seven Section 6
- Heathcliff – R Corp . 4th Pack Rabbit
- Ishmael – LCCB Assistant Manager
- Faust – L Corp Remnant
- Gregor – G Corp Manager Corporal
Yi Sang Seven Section 6

Yi Sang
- Blue/Green/Yellow
Yi Sang’s Seven Section 6 is capable of applying rupture on his first skill, and applying Paralyze on his second skill with a added bonus of applying Fragile. His third skill is not so important, however does a lot of damage.

and as a bonus His E.G.O Wishing Cairn can also proc paraylze as well which is a easy cast of 1 blue and 4 yellow.

Heathcliff R Corp . 4th Pack Rabbit

Heathcliff R corp
- Red/Green/Purple
He is one of the hardest hitting sinners of the group next to L Corp Faust, His 1 and 2 skills are not as important however do a lot of damage. His third skill is important, it can proc rupture up to 6, and fragile up to 4

Ishmael LCCB Assistant Manager

Ishmael LCCB Assistant Manager
- green/Teal/Blue
LCCB Ishmael is the core sinner to apply Tremors, She can apply paralyze, rupture, and tremors. Her most important skill is 2, it can apply 16 tremors that can last up to 4 turns.
All 3 skills are important to this build.

Faust L Corp Remnant

Faust L Corp Remnant
- Orange/Blue/Purple
Lobotomy Corporation Faust is the hardest hitting sinner of the group. her 1 and 3 skills both do rupture, and her 3 skill cannot be stop(unless she fail the coinflip).
She is primarily picked do to her high damage output and applying rupture.

Gregor G Corp Manager Corporal

Gregor G Corp Manager Corporal
- Green/Yellow/Orange
G corp Gregor has synergy with the rupture proc, doing a 30% damage increase to targets that have rupture applied to them, as a added bonus, Gregor also heals for 100% of the damage dealt all in his skill 3. he also applies rupture on his skill 2.

His E.G.O is his primary ability, Legerdemain. It does AOE damage up to 3 enemies, and applies 2 tremors and 2 paralyze. It is extremely spamable do to the obsessive green and yellows you will get, only causting 1 yellow and 4 greens. It is a must have E.G.O.

Zwei Section 6 Sinclair (Optional)

Zwei Section 6 Sinclair
Zwei Section 6 Sinclair is a optional pic to replace a missing sinner for the build.
he can apply tremors from all 3 of his skills. However, His damage output is very low, and he tends to die first before the other 4 sinners do.

However. His E.G.O Branch of Knowledge applies 12 rupture, and like Legerdemain, it is spamable.

In action
The point of this build is to…well. suppress the enemies. This makes the enemies weak and prone to damage while at the same time unable to do any damage to you. it serves as a backup just in case your sinners fail their coinflip and backed into a corner. This allows a safe point for your sinners if they fail a clash, and at the same time give out the damage if they fail the coinflip for damage. This prevent any fatal blows to your sinner if they are caught in a situation which they are at full HP and lose it all in one turn.
This is all in two turn

This is really good against bosses, I fought Guido and applied up to 67 tremors before he died, his health dissappeared extremely quickly(I could not get a screenshot for the action went by really quick)
The Flaws
The Main flaws to this is applying the debuff and the lack of E.G.O verity. the sinner choice here most of them have “On Head” to apply the buff, and if they fail their Coinflip most of those debuff arn’t going out.
As for the E.G.O, you will be using mostly Gregor(Sinclair too if you have him in the party) on how the team is set up, you will be using mostly the sinner’s starter E.G.Os and Gregor’s one special E.G.O.