Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth: Walkthrough Guide

To find out how to proceed in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth, what to do in the chapters, and for tips and detailed information, you can check out our walkthrough guide.

Chapter One Walkthrough

Welcome to the immersive world of “Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth.” In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through every aspect of Chapter One, providing detailed insights into the lore, key battles, and crucial characters you’ll encounter.

Finding Somewhere to Eat

Once the game kicks off, you’ll be itching to explore and engage in the action. Kasuga presents two options: a street food joint with a tempting beef bowl or a restaurant on the West side of Central Street. Follow the mini-map marker to the restaurant.

As you navigate, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the controls and interact with the surroundings. Keep an eye out for silver briefcases scattered around the street; these contain valuable items that can be sold at pawn shops.

Chapter One - Finding Somewhere to Eat

Look out for vending machines offering stat-boosting drinks. While not essential at this point, you start with ¥10K, so grab a few to enhance your in-battle performance.

Encounter with Sakasi:

Approaching the restaurant triggers a cutscene where Sakasi offers Kasuga ¥50K for assistance with a job. Kasuga declines, sparking a heated discussion about the challenges of reintegrating into society after the Five Year Yakuza Clause. The disagreement escalates into the first combat encounter of “Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth.”

Follow the tutorial to grasp the basics of combat, including attacking, defending, and using special abilities or items. Think Pokémon with a twist of quick-time events and button-mashing.

While the tutorial emphasizes defense, you can swiftly defeat Sakasi by maintaining a relentless offensive strategy. After the victory, a cutscene unfolds, with Sakasi flung against a railing, money flying into the air. Kasuga pursues the money, leading to an unexpected dive into the river below, resulting in a drenched and trash-covered Kasuga.

The scene transitions to the bridge, where Kasuga returns Sakasi’s money. The two discuss Kasuga’s experience with helping former yakuza members. Sakasi realizes his misconceptions and pleads for Kasuga’s assistance. Kasuga invites him to Hello Work the next day.

Chapter One - Finding Somewhere to Eat

The chapter concludes with Kasuga heading home, the credits rolling, and a short cutscene showing Kasuga waking up, honoring the dead at his shrine, and preparing for work.

The Next Day Dawns

As Kasuga prepares to leave for work, players are presented with a choice – stay at the altar for a while or head straight to work. Opting to leave, don’t forget to check the nearby Item Box outside the apartment. Although not immediately necessary, it serves as a valuable storage space for battle items and essentials.

Follow the pink arrow on the mini-map to return to Hello Work. Along the way, keep an eye out for loot and vending machines offering stat-boosting drinks.

Encounter with Hamako:

Close to your destination, a noise alerts Kasuga, leading to the discovery of Hamako, a lady Kasuga appears to have assisted before.

Chapter One - The Next Day Dawns

She’s intoxicated and struggling to get up. Here, you face your first personality check, offering choices that impact Kasuga’s personality traits. Learn about the categories:

  • Passion
  • Confidence
  • Charisma
  • Kindness
  • Intellect
  • Style

After assisting Hamako, continue toward the Hello Work marker through the nearby parking garage.

Hello Work:

Upon reaching Hello Work, Kasuga engages in a brief conversation with a colleague before heading to his cubicle, triggering the next cutscene.

Enter Shinya Sasaki, a character with a history of minor theft seeking a fresh start. Kasuga, confused by Sasaki’s honesty, offers him a shoplifting-related job.

Chapter One - The Next Day Dawns

The scene shifts to Sasaki in action, using a prosthetic arm attached to his backpack for theft. He collaborates with a woman posing as his wife, and they meet a man in an alleyway who appears to be a fence.

Meet Koichi Adachi, introduced as the CEO of Adachi Investigative Services. Kasuga set up Sasaki to work as an investigator to test security cameras in various shops.

After the scene, Kasuga checks on Sasaki’s progress. Adachi informs them about Kasuga’s history, the yakuza, and key families in the Great Dissolution.

Kasuga’s Motivation:

  • As the trio discusses Sasaki’s progress and the path forward, Kasuga reveals that he is following in the footsteps of his patriarch from the Arakawa Family or, as he puts it, paying a debt.

Upon leaving, Adachi shares more history with Sasaki. The player regains control of Kasuga, who usually meets former clients after work hours.

After Hours

In this chapter, “After Hours,” we’ll explore the events that transpire as Kasuga navigates the nightlife of Yokohama and prepares for an unexpected date.

Chapter One - After Hours

Survive Nightclub:

Upon receiving a text from Nanba, Kasuga is directed to meet at Survive, a popular place in town. Follow the mini-map marker, making your way towards the smaller bridge. Along the route, you’ll encounter a group of criminals harassing a homeless man, initiating your introduction to group fights and positioning.

Take advantage of your surroundings and use objects like traffic cones and bicycles as melee weapons. Be attentive to the proximity bonus, hitting harder when closer to enemies. Engage with criminals marked by red symbols over their heads to level up Kasuga and increase his Job Rank.

Continue following the route to Survive, exploring the map for loot if time allows. Once over the bridge, Survive is straight ahead. Enter to trigger the next cutscene.

Meetup at Survive:

Inside Survive, Kasuga reunites with Adachi, Nanba, and Saeko Mukado, the club owner. They share a history in the Arakawa Family and meet regularly, although two other friends are absent due to their ongoing involvement in the underground world.

As Saeko leaves, Adachi and Nanba playfully tease Kasuga about taking her on a date. Later, Kasuga musters the courage to ask Saeko out, leading to a delightful surprise when she agrees over the phone.

Date Preparations:

  • The next day, Kasuga seeks advice from Adachi and Nanba on preparing for the upcoming date. Embark on a series of mini-missions to help Kasuga reacquaint himself with the dating scene. While the choices made in these scenes may not be crucial, they do influence Kasuga’s outfit for the date.

Rest Up for the Date:

  • After the date preparation, Kasuga decides it’s time to rest up for the big day. Follow the mini-map marker to Kasuga’s apartment, paying attention to stairs with a red geometric pattern.

Save the Date

Inside the apartment, Kasuga gets some well-deserved rest before the scene shifts to the highly anticipated date with Saeko Mukado.

In this chapter, “Save the Date,” we’ll walk you through the nerve-wracking and eventful date between Kasuga and Maeko, as well as the aftermath that follows.

A Nervous Start:

  • Kasuga, nervous about the date, forgot to make a lunch reservation. The duo struggles to find a place to eat and ends up at a super fancy restaurant Maeko wanted to check out. Players face choices on how to respond to feeling uncomfortable during the date, with honesty and humility recommended for positive outcomes.

Unwanted Attention:

  • As they leave the restaurant, Maeko notices a group of intimidating men, regulars at her club, who are determined to date her despite her repeated refusals. She’s lied about having a boyfriend and asks Kasuga to go along with it for her defense. This leads to a combat encounter where Maeko joins the party, showcasing her unique moves and abilities.
Chapter One - Save the Date
  • After defeating the men, a montage of the date plays, featuring arcade visits, snacks, and laughter. The scene transitions to the two by the ocean, where Kasuga misreads the situation and proposes to Maeko in a passionate rant about being the sole provider and her not needing to work at her club.

The Fallout:

  • The next day, a downtrodden Kasuga recounts the disastrous proposal to Adachi and Nanba. They provide insights into why the proposal upset Maeko and why it was inappropriate for a first date.

Apology Tour:

Realizing his mistake, Kasuga decides to apologize to Maeko. Check the map, follow the mini-map marker along main roads and streets, and locate Maeko’s bar.

Upon finding Maeko, Kasuga calls her over and issues a heartfelt apology. Maeko responds kindly, mentioning it didn’t bother her much, but suggests remaining friends for now.

One Year Later

In this next chapter, we delve into the events of “One Year Later.” A year has passed, and Kasuga’s life takes a drastic turn as he faces unexpected challenges.

Chapter One - One Year Later

A Drastic Change:

  • The scene transitions with a one-year time jump, showing Kasuga waking up and going about his usual morning routine. However, a visit to Hello Work changes everything when his boss informs him of an immediate redundancy. Dejected but trying to stay positive, Kasuga bids farewell to his colleagues, marking a significant change in his life.
Chapter One - One Year Later

A Threatening Encounter:

  • Upon returning home, Kasuga is confronted by a gang of teenagers attempting to extort him. They use edited footage to make him look like a criminal encouraging theft. Refusing to pay, Kasuga faces an MMA fighting influencer in a challenging combat encounter. After winning the fight, the MMA fighter commends Kasuga for his toughness.

Targeted Effort:

  • Kasuga learns that both Adachi and Nanba have also been let go from their jobs, suggesting a targeted effort to take them down. In a heart-to-heart conversation, Kasuga expresses his feelings of failure in regards to his patriarch’s legacy.

Checking on Former Yakuza Members:

  • The next day, Kasuga wakes up with the realization that he should check Hello Work to ensure former yakuza members aren’t still seeking his help. Upon arriving, a former yakuza member confronts Kasuga, seeking assistance in turning his life around. Kasuga’s former boss intervenes, accusing him of fighting and reaffirming the job decision.

A Frantic Plea:

Chapter One - One Year Later
  • Feeling the weight of his responsibilities, Kasuga decides to check on Sakasi. As he arrives at Sakasi’s apartment, a cutscene plays, revealing Sakasi in a dire state, packing up and seemingly giving up on the idea of returning to a normal life.

A Plan Emerges

In this chapter of “A Plan Emerges,” we witness Kasuga, Adachi, and Nanba regrouping and preparing for a significant challenge. The Seiryu Family poses a threat to those attempting to rehabilitate themselves, prompting the trio to devise a plan to confront the yakuza and protect the community.

A Month Later:

  • A month has passed, and Kasuga, seemingly defeated, is found in his apartment by Adachi and Nanba. The trio discusses the resurgence of the Seiryu Family, targeting former yakuza seeking rehabilitation. Fueled by a common goal to thwart the Seiryu yakuza, a plan takes shape.

The Hero Returns:

  • As Kasuga grabs his iconic wire-wrapped bat, the trio embarks on a storm-drenched journey, with Kasuga’s job title changing to Hero. His stats and abilities undergo a transformation, and an eerie purple cloud vortex appears above him, visible only to Kasuga.
Chapter One - A Plan Emerges
  • In battles, enemies transform into monsters, reflecting the mystical nature of Kasuga’s Hero persona. The trio faces off against criminals, providing an opportunity to experiment with the full party’s skills and tactics.

Gearing Up:

  • The trio decides to gear up for their journey by visiting a nearby shop. Players are encouraged to explore available weapons and clothing. Equip items, such as the Jumbo Sausage for Adachi and the Bamboo Broom for Nanba, for added benefits in upcoming battles.

Journey to Seiryu Headquarters:

  • Approaching the Seiryu headquarters, the trio attempts entry through the front door, only to be refused. The plan shifts, leading them to Chief at the nearby homeless camp. The trio decides to offer Chief a bottle of sake as a gift to seek assistance.
Chapter One - A Plan Emerges
  • Following the mini-map marker to a nearby supermarket, the trio then heads to the homeless camp. A cutscene unfolds as they share a drink with Chief and ask for his help with the Seiryu issue.

Into the Sewers:

  • With Chief’s guidance, the trio enters the sewers, marking the beginning of the first dungeon encounter in “Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth.” Players can take this time to prepare, stock up on supplies, or engage in battles with nearby criminals before venturing further into the murky waters.

The First Dungeon

In this chapter, titled “The First Dungeon,” Kasuga, Adachi, and Nanba navigate the treacherous sewers and confront the Seiryu Clan in an attempt to thwart their resurgence.

Chapter One - The First Dungeon

Into the Abyss:

  • Swim through the murky waters, following the straightforward path under the bridge and through tunnels. Encounter a gauntlet of enemies and winding pathways, keeping an eye on the map for guidance and items on the ground. Engage in combat encounters on lower levels, using Nanba’s AOE attack strategically and monitoring party members’ health.

Headquarters Exploration:

  • Follow the mini-map marker through the sewers, engaging in battles and navigating twisting pathways. Reach a ladder leading to the main headquarters, where a recovery booth and a phone allow for resource replenishment and saving.

Confronting Seiryu Grunts:

  • Encounter Seiryu grunts in the main headquarters space, facing tougher enemies. Utilize guard abilities, party buffs, and strategic healing. Continue through the dungeon, noting dead ends represented by thicker white lines on the map. Encounter additional battles, including a more challenging fight with a recovery booth and a phone indicating progress.

Confronting Kuwaki:

Chapter One - The First Dungeon
  • Prepare for the final boss battle against Kuwaki. Save and heal up before facing him. Use grappling moves, particularly Adachi’s throwing ability, to deal with Kuwaki. When his health reaches halfway, he summons Seiryu grunts, requiring focused attention on both the boss and additional mobs. Utilize grenades and other items strategically.

Facing Seiryu Clan Captain, Masataka Ebina:

  • After defeating Kuwaki, proceed through the doors to confront Seiryu Clan Captain, Masataka Ebina. Discover that he may be more sympathetic to their cause than initially thought. Ebina reveals plans for a Second Dissolution and takes them to the harbor to meet Sakasi, who is working for the Seiryu Clan in an above-board business.

A Surprising Reunion:

  • In a final surprise, Captain Sawashiro, the former Captain of the Arakawa family, appears. This unexpected reunion sets the stage for further developments in the intricate narrative of “Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth.”

Chapter Two Walkthrough

Welcome to our comprehensive walkthrough for Chapter Two of Yakuza: Like a Dragon.

A Strange Reunion

The story unfolds with the surprise return of Sawashiro, the former Captain of the Arakawa family.

Chapter Two - A Strange Reunion

As the title credits roll, the scene transitions to Kasuga, Adachi, and Nanba at the docks. Sawashiro, lighting a cigarette, reveals that he was framed for the Seiryu Chairman’s death and seeks Kasuga’s assistance.

Meeting Sawashiro at Heian Tower:

  • Head to Heian Tower to learn more about Sawashiro’s favor.
Chapter Two - A Strange Reunion
  • Take a taxi to Chinatown for a smooth journey.

Revelations at Heian Tower:

  • A cutscene with Sawashiro reveals vital lore about Kasuga’s heritage.
  • Uncover the truth: Kasuga is the original Boss’s son, swapped at birth.

Atonement and Plane Ticket:

  • Sawashiro atones by arranging Kasuga’s plane ticket to find his long-lost mother, Akane.
  • Travel to Survive bar to discuss plans with your companions.

Survive Bar Discussion:

  • Engage in a cutscene where the trio discusses Kasuga’s plans over drinks.
  • Plan Kasuga’s departure, including packing and visiting the Boss’s grave.

Visiting Arakawa’s Grave:

  • Take a taxi to Arakawa’s grave to pay respects and show Kasuga’s memorial necklace.
Chapter Two - A Strange Reunion
  • The trio reflects on recent events and heads back to the apartment.

The Return of Sujimon

In this installment, titled “The Return of Sujimon,” the trio leaves for the airport, encountering challenges along the way and a familiar face in the form of Sujimon Sensei.

Packing Up:

  • Back at the apartment, Kasuga, fully packed and ready for the journey, decides whether to bring his pet crawfish to Hawaii. Players have the option to bring her along, adding a unique touch to the adventure.

Street Encounter:

  • As the trio leaves the apartment, they are attacked by a formidable enemy in the middle of the street. The enemy poses a challenge with potent attacks and a stun ability. Players must strategize, be mindful of positioning, and use the environment to their advantage to emerge victorious.

The Return of Sujimon Sensei:

  • After defeating the street enemy, a familiar face, Sujimon Sensei, appears. Sujimon Sensei introduces the Sujidex app, akin to a PokéDex, providing information about various enemies in the game. The Sujidex app is automatically installed on Kasuga’s phone, setting the stage for a new dimension of exploration.

Airport Departure:

  • Proceed to the taxi stand and take a taxi to Jinnai Station. Cross the street to reach the airport taxi. Kasuga bids farewell to Adachi and Nanba before departing, and players receive confirmation that they’ve left the party.
Chapter Two - The Return of Sujimon

A Journey Begins:

  • The scene transitions to Kasuga on the plane, marveling at the sunset in Hawaii. Upon landing, Kasuga assists two caretakers in helping a disabled man into his wheelchair. Kasuga’s familiarity with such situations stems from his experience with an “old friend” who spent most of his life in a wheelchair.

Arrival in Hawaii:

  • Exiting the plane, Kasuga leaves the airport, marking the beginning of his island adventures in Hawaii.

Exploring Hawaii

In this chapter, aptly titled “Exploring Hawaii,” Kasuga encounters the challenges of currency conversion, faces a perilous taxi ride, and finds himself entangled in a dangerous situation that requires both wit and combat skills.

Currency Conversion:

  • Upon exiting the airport, players discover that Kasuga’s money has been automatically converted to USD. Prepare to navigate the island with a new currency and embark on an exploration of the Hawaiian streets.

Taxi Trouble:

  • Kasuga seeks a taxi driver who speaks Japanese to reach the destination. The seemingly friendly driver initiates a conversation, but the situation takes a dark turn. The driver abruptly pulls a gun on Kasuga, leading to an unexpected combat encounter with the Crooked Cabbie.

Crooked Cabbie Encounter:

  • Engage in a challenging fight against the Crooked Cabbie, who possesses potent electricity-based attacks. Exercise caution, focus on Perfect Guard maneuvers, and strategize to overcome this formidable adversary. The outcome of this encounter sets the stage for the unfolding narrative.

Arrest Drama:

  • As the confrontation escalates, the Crooked Cabbie attempts to frame Kasuga for a crime, attracting the attention of patrolling police officers. Kasuga finds himself facing arrest, but an unexpected ally from the plane intervenes, revealing a recorded account of the incident and saving Kasuga from unjust imprisonment.

Pursuit and Justice:

  • The Crooked Cabbie, realizing the tables have turned, attempts to escape but is pursued by determined law enforcement officers. The pursuit unfolds in the Hawaiian streets, adding a dynamic element to the storyline.

Making New Friends

In this chapter, titled “Making New Friends,” unexpected encounters, challenges, and friendships unfold. From scenic beachside conversations to confronting yakuza threats, this segment of the game promises a mix of heartwarming moments and intense battles.

Meet Eiji Mitamura:

  • Kasuga expresses gratitude to his newfound friend, Eiji Mitamura, who played a crucial role in saving him from a dangerous situation. The duo decides to share a meal at a beach-side restaurant, leading to casual conversation and camaraderie.
Chapter Two - Making New Friends

Lost Scarf Quest:

  • While strolling near the ocean, Kasuga is drawn to a distressed woman who has lost a sentimental scarf in the water. Players guide Kasuga to the correct spot, adding a touch of empathy and kindness to the island adventure.

Street Encounter: Pick-Up Artists:

  • The peaceful walk takes a dramatic turn when Kasuga intervenes to rescue a woman from harassment by pick-up artists. Engage in a challenging combat encounter, showcasing Kasuga’s determination to protect those in need.

Arrival at Eiji’s Hotel:

  • The duo continues their journey, reaching Eiji’s hotel. Automatic conversations unfold, providing insights into the characters and their evolving friendship.

A Rude Interruption

In this gripping episode of Kasuga’s island journey, titled “A Rude Interruption,” the plot thickens as unexpected enemies and an influential yakuza patriarch demand payment. The narrative unfolds with intense confrontations, strategic battles, and the forging of new alliances.

Encounter with the Yamai Syndicate:

Chapter Two - A Rude Interruption
  • The peace is shattered when the cab driver, now revealed to be linked to the Yamai Syndicate, bursts into the room. Yutaka Yamai, the patriarch, demands payment for the impounded car, setting the stage for a tense confrontation.

Combat Encounter with the Syndicate:

  • As negotiations fail, the Yamai Syndicate resorts to violence, initiating a challenging combat encounter. Eiji Mitamura provides support, and players must strategically leverage Kasuga’s abilities, including the powerful Grand Liner move, to turn the tide in their favor.

Boss Battle: Yutaka Yamai:

Chapter Two - A Rude Interruption
  • Following the initial skirmish, Yutaka Yamai personally engages Kasuga in a boss battle. Players must navigate Yamai’s powerful attacks, execute Perfect Guards, and utilize the room’s items to secure victory. The intensity of the battle is heightened by Yamai’s ability to attack twice, requiring precision and strategic thinking.

Escape and Future Plans:

  • After triumphing over the Yamai Syndicate, Kasuga and Eiji swiftly retrieve the laptop and escape the room. The encounter leaves them with a formidable enemy, setting the stage for future challenges. Eiji assists Kasuga in reaching a safe taxi, and they part ways on positive terms, planning to reunite in the future.

Arrival at Akane’s House:

  • The chapter concludes with Kasuga arriving at Akane’s house, where he must confront his estranged mother. The uncertainty hangs in the air as Kasuga knocks on the door, marking a poignant moment in the narrative.

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