Lethal Company Moons Guide

In the Lethal Company, your job is to collect abandoned, industrial scrap to meet the company’s profit quota. So what are the details you need about moons in this adventure? What do you know about? If you need tips, you should check out our Lethal Company Moons guide!

This is the guide Cyvera it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

Lethal Company Moons Guide

In this guide you can find detailed information about moons to help you progress in the Lethal Company. Check out our Lethal Company Moons guide for the results!


The Company Building

  • Orbiting: 71-Gordion
  • Population: Unknown
  • Fauna: Unknown
  • Conditions: No land masses. Continual storms.
  • Where the Company resides.
  • Description: Go here to drop off any valuable scrap you’ve collected while on the job. The rate of return updates hourly and fluctuates over the course of several days.


  • Orbiting: 41-Experimentation
  • Population: Abandoned
  • Fauna: Unknown. Dominated by a few species.
  • Conditions: Arid. Low habitability, worsened by industrial artifacts.
  • History: Not discovered for quite some time due to its close orbit around gas giant Big Grin. However it appears to have been used in secret.


  • Orbiting: 220-Assurance
  • Population: Abandoned
  • Fauna: Unknown. Ecosystem supports territorial behavior.
  • Conditions: Jagged and weathered terrain. Similar to its twin moon, 41-Experimentation, featuring far more jagged and weathered terrain.
  • History: 220-Assurance is far younger than its counterpart. Discovered not long before 41-Experimentation.


  • Orbiting: 56-Vow
  • Population: Abandoned
  • Fauna: Diverse, teeming with plant-life.
  • Conditions: Arid. Low habitability, worsened by industrial artifacts.
  • History: Vow appears to have been inhabited by several colonies across its continents, but there is now no sign of life, and they have become a mystery.


  • Orbiting: 21-Offense
  • Population: Abandoned
  • Fauna: A competitive and toughened ecosystem supports aggressive lifeforms. Travelers to 21-Offense Should know it’s not for the faint of heart.
  • Conditions: Jagged and weathered terrain. Believed to have splintered off from its cousin Assurance, Offense features similar jagged and dry conditions but differs in its ecosystem.
  • History: 21-Offense is categorized as an asteroid moon and seems to have not existed on its own for more than several hundred years. The industrial artifacts here have suffered damage; it’s believed they were built long before 21-Offense was splintered off.


  • Orbiting: 61-March
  • Population: Abandoned
  • Fauna: Unknown. Diverse.
  • Conditions: Expansive. Constant rain. March undergoes constant drizzling weather. Its terrain is more expansive.
  • History: This moon is overlooked due to its twin moon, Vow.


  • Orbiting: 85-Rend
  • Population:
  • Fauna: It’s highly unlikely for complex life to exist here.
  • Conditions: Its planet orbits white dwarf star, making for inhospitable, cold conditions. Constant blizzards decrease visibility.
  • History: Several famous travelers went missing here, giving it some reputation. Their bodies are unlikely to be found due to the planet’s conditions.


  • Orbiting: 7-Dine
  • Population:
  • Fauna: It’s highly unlikely for complex life to exist here.
  • Conditions: Its planet orbits white dwarf star, making for inhospitable, cold conditions. Constant blizzards decrease visibility.
  • History: Several famous travelers went missing here, giving it some reputation. Their bodies are unlikely to be found due to the planet’s conditions.


  • Orbiting: 8-Titan
  • Population:
  • Fauna: Dangerous entities have been rumored to take residence in the vast network of tunnels.
  • Conditions: A frozen, flat landscape.
  • History: It looks like this moon was mined for resources. It’s easy to get lost within the giant industrial complex. There are many entrances to it littered about the landscape.
Written by Cyvera

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