Knights of Pen and Paper 3 Character Skill Descriptions

If you are looking for detailed information about the characters and their skills in Knights of Pen and Paper 3, our Knights of Pen and Paper 3 Character Skill Descriptions guide is for you! Note that we haven’t unlocked Guardian and Ninja yet. These will be added when unlocked.

Knights of Pen and Paper 3 Character Skill Descriptions

Welcome to our Knights of Pen and Paper 3 Character Skill Descriptions guide. This guide will show you characters and their skills in Knights of Pen and Paper 3.


  • Friendly Fire Basic Attack
  • Deal X damage to target enemy. Then restore 5% Health and Energy to allies with least of them. X is based on the Artificer’s Spell Power.
  • Power Saw
  • Deal X damage and Y Bleed to target enemy. Cause 1 Bleed to adjacent enemies. X is based on the Artificer’s Physical Power and Skill level; Y is based on Skill level.
  • Lay on Hands
  • Restore X Health to target ally and 50% of that to you. X is based on the Artificer’s Spell Power and Skill Level.
  • Preparation
  • Target ally acts twice on their next Turn. Their skills cost -X% less Energy for 2 Turns. X is based on Skill level.
  • Astral Shift
  • Restore X Energy to target ally and change their Initiative to be after you. X is based on the Artificer’s Spell Power and Skill level.


  • Spirited Basic Attack (Passive)
  • Deal X damage to target enemy and restore half of it as Energy to all party members. X is based on the Cleric’s Spell Power.
  • Group Heal
  • Restore X Health to all party members. X is based on the Cleric’s Spell Power and Skill Level.
  • Weak Resurrection
  • Temporarily Resurrect target ally with X% Health and Y% Energy. X and Y are based on Skill level.
  • Wrath
  • Deal X damage and Y Weakness to target enemy. Deals 10% bonus damage per Weakness already on the enemy. X is based on the Cleric’s Spell Power and Skill level; Y is based on Skill level.
  • Bless
  • Grant all party members X bonus to Saving Throws for 3 Rounds. Successful Saving Throws restore Y Health. X is based on Skill level; Y is based on the Cleric’s Spell Power and Skill level.


  • Basic Attack
  • Deal X damage to target enemy. X is based on the Gladiator’s Physical Power.
  • The Net
  • Cause X Nets to target enemy. X is based on the Gladiator’s Physical Power and Skill level.
  • Battle Lust
  • Deal X damage to target enemy and restore the same amount to your Health. X is based on the Gladiator’s Physical Power and Skill Level.
  • Guardian Aura
  • Shield all party members from X damage. Redirects 25% of damage to shielded party members to you. X is based on the Gladiator’s Physical Power and Skill level.
  • Hide in the Shadows
  • Gain +50% Evasion and +X% Critical Rating for 3 rounds. X is based on Skill level.


  • Multishot Basic Attack
  • Deal X damage to target enemy and Y damage to adjacent enemies. X and Y are based on the Hunter’s Physical Power. This Basic Attack can also target enemies in the back row without needing a ranged weapon to be equipped.
  • Pull
  • Deal X damage and pull target enemy to the front row. If full, swap its place with a random front row enemy. X is based on the Hunter’s Physical Power and Skill level.
  • Hide in the Shadows
  • Gain +50% Evasion and +X% Critical Rating for 3 rounds. X is based on Skill level.
  • Compelling Mark
  • Cause Mark to target enemy. Other enemies have a X% chance to hit the Marked enemy when attacking. X is based on Skill level.
  • Astral Slumber
  • Target ally cannot be attacked until their next Turn. Then, they restore X Health and Y Energy. X is based on the Hunter’s Spell Power and Skill level; Y is based on Skill level.


  • Withering Touch Basic Attack
  • Deal X damage and Sleep to target enemy. X is based on the Inquisitor’s Spell Power.
  • Volatile Shield
  • Shield target ally from X damage. When the shield breaks, deal 25% of the damage it absorbed to all enemies. X is based on the Inquisitor’s Spell Power and Skill level.
  • Nightmares
  • Taunt all enemies. Cause X Weakness on enemies that succeed in their Saving Throw. X is based on Skill level.
  • Wrath
  • Deal X damage and Y Weakness to target enemy. Deals 10% bonus damage per Weakness already on the enemy. X is based on the Inquisitor’s Spell Power and Skill level; Y is based on Skill level.
  • Block
  • Set Block to 5. Incoming physical damage is reduced by X% per Block, and one Block is consumed. X is based on Skill level.


  • Necromantic Aid Basic Attack (Passive)
  • Deal X damage to target enemy. When you deal damage, all party members restore 10% of it as health. X is based on the Lich’s Spell Power.
  • Soul Leech
  • Cause X Leech split between all enemies. X is based on Skill level.
  • Bone Shield
  • Shield target ally from X damage and cause Y Leech on attackers. X is based on the Lich’s Spell Power and Skill level; Y is based on Skill level.
  • Weak Resurrection
  • Temporarily Resurrect target ally with X% Health and Y% Energy. X and Y are based on Skill level.
  • Guardian Aura
  • Shield all party members from X damage. Redirects 25% of damage to shielded party members to you. X is based on the Paladin’s Physical Power and Skill level.


  • Magic Missile Basic Attack
  • Deal X damage to target enemy twice. X is based on the Mage’s Spell Power.
  • Fireball
  • Deal X damage to target enemy and Y to adjacent enemies. X is based on the Mage’s Spell Power; Y is based on the Mage’s Spell Power and Skill level.
  • Concentrate
  • Increase the damage caused by your next attack by +X% and restore Y Energy. X and Y are based on skill level.
  • Concentrate
  • Increase the damage caused by your next attack by +X% and restore Y Energy. X and Y are based on skill level.
  • Mirror Image
  • Set Mirror Image to X. You have a Y% chance to negate an incoming attack by consuming one Mirror Image. X and Y are based on Skill level.


  • Silencing Smite Basic Attack (Passive)
  • Deal X damage and Silence to target enemy. X is based on the Paladin’s Phsyical Power.
  • Hammer of Wrath
  • Deal X damage to target enemy. If the target dies, Hammer of Wrath leaps to the adjacent enemy with the least Health. X is based on the Paladin’s Physical Power and Skill level.
  • Lay on Hands
  • Restore X Health to target ally and 50% of that to you. X is based on the Paladin’s Spell Power and Skill Level.
  • Shield Bash
  • Deal X damage and Stun to target enemy. The enemy gets Y to their Saving Throw. X is based on the Paladin’s Physical Power and Skill level; Y is based on Skill Level.
  • Guardian Aura
  • Shield all party members from X damage. Redirects 25% of damage to shielded party members to you. X is based on the Paladin’s Physical Power and Skill level.


  • Poison Touch Basic Attack
  • Deal X damage and 1 Poison to target enemy. X is based on the Rogue’s Physical Power.
  • Dirty Trick
  • Deal X damage and Y Poison to target enemy. X is based on the Rogue’s Physical Power and Skill level; Y is based on Skill level.
  • Back Stab
  • Deal X damage to target enemy. If the enemy is later in Initiative, attack with 50% bonus damage and Critical Rating. X is based on the Rogue’s Physical Power and Skill level.
  • Hide in the Shadows
  • Gain +50% Evasion and +X% Critical Rating for 3 rounds. X is based on Skill level.
  • Dagger Flurry
  • Deal X damage to all enemies with +Y% bonus in Critical Rating. X is based on the Rogue’s Physical Power and Skill level; Y is based on Skill level.


  • Fury of the Wind Basic Attack (Passive)
  • Deal X damage to target enemy. This attack may repeat and restore 8% max Health to all party members with each attack. X is based on the Shaman’s Spell Power.
  • Chain Heal
  • Restore X Health to target ally. The effect leaps 3 times to the adjacent ally with lowest Health. Each leap halves the healing. X is based on the Shaman’s Spell Power and Skill level.
  • Astral Shift
  • Restore X Energy to target ally and change their Initiative to be after you. X is based on the Shaman’s Spell Power and Skill level.
  • Rain Dance
  • All party members restore X Health each Turn for 1 round. X is based on the Shaman’s Spell Power and Skill level.
  • Astral Slumber
  • Target ally cannot be attacked until their next Turn. Then, they restore X Health and Y Energy. X is based on the Shaman’s Spell Power and Skill level; Y is based on Skill level.


  • Basic Attack
  • Deal X damage to target enemy. X is based on the Spiritwalker’s Physical Power.
  • Spirit Body (Passive)
  • Half of the incoming damage reduces Energy instead of Health.
  • Spirit Shield
  • Next Round, all incoming damage to other party members is redirected to you and reduced by X%. X is based on the Skill level.
  • Mental Strike
  • Deal X damage to target enemy ignoring their Defense. X is based on the Spiritwalker’s Spell Power and Skill level.
  • Mirror Image
  • Set Mirror Image to X. You have a Y% chance to negate an incoming attack by consuming one Mirror Image. X and Y are based on Skill level.
  • Rain Dance
  • All party members restore X Health each Turn for 1 round. X is based on the Spiritwalker’s Spell Power and Skill level.


  • Basic Attack
  • Deals X damage to target enemy. X is based on the Technomancer’s Spell Power.
  • Sound Blaster
  • Deals X damage to target enemy and double their debuffs. X is based on the Technomancer’s Spell Power and skill level.
  • Overwhelming Vibration (Passive)
  • Deal 10% more damage per debuff on the enemy.
  • Sonic Wave
  • Deal X damage to all enemies. X is based on the Technomancer’s Spell Power and Skill level.
  • Intimidating Shout
  • Cause X Weakness split between all enemies. X is based on Physical Power and skill level.
  • Concentrate
  • Increase the damage caused by your next attack by +X% and restore Y Energy. X and Y are based on skill level.


  • Taunting Jab Basic Attack (Passive)
  • Deal X damage and Taunt target enemy. Taunted are forced to target their Taunter. X is based on the Warrior’s Physical Power.
  • Intimidating Shout
  • Cause X Weakness split between all enemies. X is based on the Warrior’s Physical Power and Skill level.
  • Flurry
  • Deal X damage to 3 different random enemies. X is based on the Warrior’s Physical Power and Skill level.
  • Guard (Passive)
  • The ally with the lowest Health redirects incoming debuffs and X% of incoming damage to you. X is based on Skill level.
  • Block
  • Set Block to 5. Incoming physical damage is reduced by X% per Block, and one Block is consumed. X is based on Skill level.
Written by swetybalzack

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