IXION is an unrelenting, city-building odyssey across the stars. If you are looking for a way to complete Ixion, you are at the right place! In this IXION Walkthrough Guide you will find all chapters and step-by-step path information!
This is the guide RayOfLite it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.
IXION Walkthrough Guide
As Administrator of the Tiqqun, DOLOS’ prototype space station, you are tasked with balancing preservation and exploration as you manage infrastructure, resources and crew. Can you keep the flame of humanity a light in the cold dark? Our IXION Walkthrough Guide will tell you how to follow the path in your tasks!
Chapter 1
Do NOT allow sectors to be overworked or you will cause an accident thereafter accidents will reoccur-to avoid this turn of power when building then pause game to switch on power to check for overwork-you can switch off buildings to regulate power and workers-at start you need to do this to enable the EVA airlock- if you do trigger an accident you MUST reload last save.
- Build 2 Workshops and 6 stockpiles
- Remove Docking bay replace in left corner
- Build food stockpile facing sector 2
- Build mess hall and crew quarters
- Build tech lab
- research EVA airlock insect farm probe launcher
- Explore moon both missions
- Explore Mars mission 2 for research
- Build EVA airlock and 2 solar panels
- Build probe launcher
- Ensure enough polymer is available for probes in next chapter
- Explore Saturn mission 1 for 10 research
- Build 4 insect farms -turn off tech lab for workers
- Build Vohle engine
- Ensure enough housing for new workers 14 quarters
- Run in fast mode till food reaches 100
- Move Tiqqun to moon
- Switch on automatic probes in probe launcher
- Your sector should look like this
Jump using Vohle engine
Chapter 2

- Explore moon mission 3 then 2 then 1
- Research steel mill
- unlock sector 2
- explore Ushanabi
- Build 2 stockpiles and docking bay and 3 science ships
- Using probe search for Asteroid Belt and explore mission 1
- search Debris Field mission 3 then 2 then 1
- research cryonics centre
- build 2 solar panels
- probe for Mars mission 1 then send deeper
- build 3rd science ship
- research polymer and electronics factory
- build 4 cryonics centres when workers allow
- search for Uranus cut down tree
- search for Saturn mission 1 then break through the ice
- search for Venus mission 1
- search for Mercury 15 research
- search for Neptune mission 4 use Dulixes when Mars is finished
- build mining and cargo ship
- research batteries alternate life and memorials
- build 2nd airlock
- build 3rd and 4th docking bay and mining and cargo ships
- build steel mill
- search for outer hope mission 2 then 1 research black box and optimized quarter/crew quarter
- search Jupiter
- research accelerated growth/insect farm advanced logistics/mess hall DLS centre
- convert crew to optimized buildings in sectors
- mine all resources in system – you will incur time penalty but it is worth it
- switch power at factories to manage workers
- open sector 3 for homes transfer non workers sector 1 to 3 – leave 4 empty tiles on upper wall for mushroom walls and 2 tiles at lower wall for cell housing
- build 4 steel 2 electronics and 3 polymer buildings in sector 6 this will give you industry tier 2
- build batteries in sectors to use up the steel- doesn’t use workers
- DLS all sectors intense propaganda sectors 6 2 intense work hours sectors 2 3 6 restricted food
- this is how your sectors should look
jump to next chapter Vohle style
Chapter 3

- explore Falcon 74 mission 3
- search for DO-G-0202 determine cause – trace 1 achieved
- research colonization training centre build in sector 3 train 30 colonists – transfer to sector 1
- search for Fargo 39 mission 3 then mission 1 – trace 2 achieved
- research cell housing – mushroom wall – crop farm – waste treatment centre – legislative strengthening centre -fusion station – fire station – train station – exo fighting dome
- search for Mack R mission 3 – trace 3 achieved
- search for Valiant 71 mission 4
- search for Perenti 85 research deep dive apparatus/science ship mission 3
- search for Plymouth 37 mission 3
- search for Tatra V8 mission 2 – board – recover cargo ship
- search for Deville 59 mission 1
- search Chevy 34 mission 3
- move Tiqqin to Deville 59
- search for Rockatanski D79 mission 3 – do not descend
- search for Protagoras 950 cryopods oh joy!!! -happy building- assign only 1 cargo ship or you will quickly get overrun – sector 2 food first-follow all missions
- dismantle batteries if steel needed
- build train stations for stability
- research nihi quarter protocol and domotic quarters/crew quarters
- open sector 5 build exo fighting dome
- set waste recycling in DLS sectors 6 1 3
- jump to next chapter before time penalty-if you get a penalty load last save and jump
Chapter 4

- try to build/convert quarters to domotic for +3 stability
- explore destroyed command centre – follow missions
- search for collapsed food production district mission 2 – new home for dog – dog stability +1 – mission 1 -mission 1- leave
- search for industrial zone wreckage mission 1 – mission 1 – mission 1- open time capsule
- build drone bay sector 5
- research organized by ants/insect farm – lyophilisation units/mess hall – reorganization of care/infirmary – integrated storage bays and stockpile medium and all upgrades/stockpile
- search for reactor wreckage – mission 1 – mission 1=mission 1
- search for cruc-p-42 – mission 1
- build batteries
- build large stockpile sector 5 for ice
- move tiqqunn to destroyed docking bay
- research additional beds/crew quarters – controlled thermal shock and group decronozitation/cryonics centre – smart homes/crew quarters
- explore destroyed docking bay- mission 1-mission 1-mission 2 defuse
- explore habitation sector wreckage- mission 1- deeper-mission 1
- explore depressurized r & d district – mission 1
- search for cruc p43 mission 1-mission 1- mission 1 – mission 2- return
- research drone threat analysis and missile threat analysis
- move Tiqqun to destroyed docking bay – open security room
- medical district – mission 1- mission 1-mission 1
- research anti-nihilist conditioning, dormitory cell and induced sacrifice/colonization trainng centre centre – thermal regulation and heat recovery/solar panel – team rotation/colonization trainng centre
- search cruc p41 mission 1- leave or get -1 stability
- research orne-8-pa/tech lab and health centre and nuclear power plant
- search for cruc p51 mission 3 mission 2 leave
- search for cruc p37 mission 3
- search for cruc p38 mission 2 mission 4 mission 1 leave
- research all upgrades/solar panels – waste heat recovery/steel mil l- all upgrades/dell housing
- build drone jammer/exterior view
- research solid state/battery – all upgrades except fire starter/workshop – both upgrades/fire station
- build fire station in each sector and all solar panels
- stop collecting pods at 2000 and remove the 4 cryopod centres

build 3rd EVA airlock

sector 5 – build 2 large stockpiles/polymer and food – fusion station and 2 crop farms – use all ice to make food

alter ice stockpile to steel
Vohle jump to next chapter
Chapter 5

- train 200 colonists
- research exoskeletons/science ship
- explore PSR B1257+12H – mission 3 – mission 1- mission 1
- research PSR B1257+12A
- explore PSR B1257+12D – mission 2
- research all upgrades and required upgrades/drone bay
- explore PSR B1257+12G – mission 3 – mission 1-mission 1 – mission 1
- explore unknown structure – mission 1-mission 1
- explore PSR B1257+12E – mission
- explore PSR B1257+12F – mission 3
- explore PSR B1257+12J – mission 2 mission 1
- explore PSR B1257+12C – mission 2 – mission 2
- research PSR B1257+12L
- research upgrades EKP engine- all necessary upgrades Tiqqun Hull – hull temple
- build hull temple sectors 5 2 3 for achievement- memorials sectors 1 and 6X2
- research all required science ship upgrades – same for mess hall
- explore piranesi mission
- avoid drone swarms
- explore PSR B1257+12L
- research DLS centre upgrades to obtain total monitoring
- research history of violence/exo-fighting dome
- disabled mess halls – turn power back on
- research all upgrades/battery – finish in next chapter if not enough science
- Vohle jump to chapter 6
Chapter 6

- research Palatine – mission 2 -mission 1
- search for Plutarch – mission 3- abandon
- search for Numitor – mission 3
- open sector 4 from sector 3 – train station and DLS centre
- upgrade relevant upgrades/EVA airlock – same for docking bay and hull temple
- explore and research Romulus
- move Tiqqun to Remus- mission 1 and 1 and 1
- build batteries sector 4
- research Vulcan -mission 3
- research Aventine – mission 1 -mission 1
- search for temple of common sense – mission 2
- search for temple of free will – mission 2
- search for temple of merit – mission 2
- build the Bioengineering centre sector 4 – dismantle batteries if steel needed
- transform crew
- join the Ashtangites on Remus