Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough

Welcome to our Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough guide. This guide follows what we did the first two weeks to get an A+ in all dates. Major revisions may have to occur later on. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them guide.

Updated on 10.10.2022

Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough

So according to Mystic, it’s supposed to be possible to date everyone, get perfect scores on their dates, and buy all his hints. Is that actually possible? Who knows!

First Two Weeks Introduction

This guide may be outdated as bugs have been fixed and the game stabilized, but I’ll give it a try so I know. Now, when I say my week was almost perfect, it’s because I couldn’t find where to add Bonnibel’s first date. Do this too soon and I wasn’t sweet enough (is it necessary to get a full score on her date? No, there’s no success for that, but that doesn’t stop me from trying). Reschedule and it coincided with Mio’s first date. I’ve left it to read for now (according to Mystic, this is better than dismissing them altogether) and hopefully in week 2 it will ask again. Let’s see where it will go. If there’s anything you think works better than I did, please, please, please let me know. Also, apparently there is a bug that should be random in the daily coffee but it isn’t, if your stats are different from mine, that might be the reason.

8/26 Edit: We added the date of day 4 of Bonnibel but didn’t get a full score. But again, it is not necessary as there is no achievement for it.

Edit later the same day: Added part 2. It was really much easier. After getting through the hell week, all is well.

Edit once again that day: Thanks to HallowedPie, we’ve now figured out how to fit Bonnibel’s date to the maximum score. We had to meet Mio in town but that was only 1 point.


There is only one choice that matters here
Choice 3:
• Nay. This is all too strange for me…

This will get you the achievement for the fastest game over

Day 1 – Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough

I’m going to start off by saying, I have no idea if the choices not during dates matter, but it’s supposed to help according to Mystic, and it can’t hurt to choose the options that give hearts, so anyway here we go.


Beach Event
• Doesn’t matter
• Well, she did look pretty good in that dress. Though I would hazard that bikini looks better on you…
• Yeah, I’m here for a month. Hoping to see the sights. If you happen to know a local guide… With rainbow hair… And ridiculously toned arms
• Doesn’t matter
• I’m suddenly imagining a shark somewhere finally getting the chest support she’s always needed.


The cafe (for now) gives 1 Motivation
Go visit Mystic and get your first hint for free
Bakery Event
• Oh, umm… I need cookies. Like… A hundred cookies.
• Hi. I’m super good at guessing names. Let me guess yours. Is it… Pinecone?
• Wait! Umm, I’m not normally this forward, but… Could I give you my phone number?


Arcade Event
• Up up down down left right left right b a…
• (Don’t look.)
• I’m here for the month on vacation. I heard this place had beautiful beaches and bartender and… bananas.
• I’ve got abs. Well- at least one big ab.
• Choose all choices
• I’m afraid that content is age gated. I’ll need a phone number, and confirmation that you’re not a bot.
Flip Burgers and raise Motivation

Day 2


Accept Iro’s date (from Eli)
Cafe gives 1 Tech Savvy
Mystic’s next hint costs $1
Beach Event
• Well, I didn’t… But now, you made it sound pretty great…
(this will give you +1 in all your stats)


Reject Mio’s date
Mall Event
no choices matter


Beach Event
It gives +3 Lucky. Absolutely necessary.
Tech Savvy then Solar Tech

Day 3 – Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough


Accept Elle’s date (but we’re going to miss it)
Accept Bonnibel’s date (but we’ll miss it)
Cafe gives 1 Suave
Mystic’s next hint costs $3
Park Event: Iro’s 1st Date
Minimum Requirements: 4 Motivation and 1 Buff
• Doesn’t matter
• That’s the best idea I’ve heard all day. Let’s do it. (Requires: 2 Motivation)
• I’ve been working on my Motivation Stat. I can do this all day.
(must choose all of these but the order doesn’t matter)
• So, your name is Iro? Is that Canadian of something?
o Haji may you what now?
• So Eli. Tell me about Eli.
o You guys have similar tastes in hairstyles.
• Can I say something a bit crass? You are fit as hell. You look amazing.
o Yup. (Flex) (Requires: 1 Buff)
• Only one choice
Easter Egg appears
• The burning is good, right? I’m digging the burning. (Requires: 4 Motivation)
(choose all choices again)
• So, I’ve got a ridiculous question for you. Permission to ask.
o Paleo or Keto?
• May I ask something sensitive?
o What’s it like having such a large family? Do you get on with your parents? (Reveals secret #1)
• I’ve got an inappropriate question. May I ask?
o Do you ever skip leg day? For real. Be honest.
• Only one choice
• I’m game. Let’s hit that second wind and finish strong. (Requires: 6 Motivation)
(I think you get the idea by now)
• So what’s your favorite thing to do, other than climbing and running and all that jazz.
o Sounds amazing
• So is there any sort of tragic past I should know about you? Any oaths of vengeance you want to share?
o Good. Better to run toward something, rather than away.
• So… Run any good marathons lately?
o Is that good?
• Only one choice
• YES! I mean… Yes please. Or something. Sorry- dehydrated.


Accept Mio’s date
Park Event
Toss in $10 for +1 to all stats


Accept Cassie’s date
Cafe Event
• Doesn’t matter
• Yeah, go for it. I’d love to chat.
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• (Signal: It looks so handsome on you!)
• (Signal: No! Sorry, I’m getting tongue tied.)
• (Signal: Get him the drink.)
• (Signal: Give him your number!)
• Sounds great.
Gives +1 to all stats and the achievement of helping Lotus flirt with Nimh
Suave and Lucky

Day 4


Cafe gives 1 Lucky
Mystic’s next hint costs $5
Beach Event
You should now be able to pass the 8 Lucky check and get $777. Now we can make it through Cassie’s date!


Mall Event: Cassie’s 1st Date
Minimum Requirements: $160, 3 Suave, 4 Buff
• I ain’t done. What would you suggest I ‘whip’ out? (Requires: 2 Buff)
• Minsc No.5? Is that why you smell like a grandmother?
• Babe, I’m just playing. No offense, but you’re pretty hot when you’re pissed.
• I just got paid. I’ve got cash and time, girl. Give me your three wishes. (Requires: $160 but you don’t spend it on the first check)
• Bring it on. (Requires: 5 Buff)
• Eli’s legit. Hooked me up with your number, actually.
• Your wish is my command. (Requires $160)
• Real talk- that bra is mega cute on you. Just wanted to say. Let’s roll. (Requires: 2 Suave)
• So… The shoplifting thing… (Reveals secret #1)
• I just… I think it’s kind of hot. That’s all. (Requires: 4 Suave)
• (Flex) Hmmm? Oh sorry, were you saying something? I was thinking about you naked again. (Requires: 3 Buff)
• Back up. Before I knock every damn tooth out of your mouth. (Requires: 7 Buff)
• Yeah, I can reschedule. You promised to embarrass me. I’m not gonna let you break that promise.
Easter Egg appears


Accept Eli’s date
Arcade Event: Mio’s 1st Date
(shout out to AxeMan for helping me figure this one out)
Minimum Requirements: 6 Tech Savvy and 4 Suave
• Threatening me that I’ll be the one “going down” tonight is a critical error. Do what you will- I’ve already won. (Requires: 4 Suave)
• I was just looking for a tourist trap to fall into for a month. Sun, surf, game, flirt.
• Choose only the first two options
• Is this the scene that’s going to get our dialogue censored in Australia?
• Set my controls to inverted. I play 98 style. (Requires: 2 Tech Savvy)
• (Give it your all! Surely you can defeat an alt.) (Requires: 4 Tech Savvy)
• (Play to win.) (Requires: 4 Tech Savvy)
• (Activate casual mode. Give her a chance.)
• Don’t worry, the stuff on the bottom always tastes better than on the top.
Easter Egg appears
• So, may I ask you something kind of ridiculous?
o If you could be any item in Smashed Bruhs, what would you be?
• Can I ask you a sensitive question?
o Can you prove to me you’re a REAL gamer girl? What’s your ping? (Requires: 8 Tech Savvy) (Reveals secret #1)
• So, can I ask you something maybe a little… inappropriate?
o What is your deepest, darkest secret?
• Only one choice
• I love motion controls. There, I said it. (Requires: 10 Tech Savvy)
• Jokes on you. I’m into that.
• Not exactly the most romantic setting for intimacy, but I’m following you.
• Why in the world would you want risqué pictures of you in an arcade?
• (Touch Mio.)
• Yes…
Suave x2

Day 5 – Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough


Accept Bonnibel’s rescheduled date (the text says tomorrow evening, but it’s actually tonight)
Accept Elle’s rescheduled date
Cafe gives 1 Buff
Mystic’s next hint costs $10
Arcade Event
• (Unplug the guy’s game.) (+$1,000 and +1 Tech Savvy, sweet!)


Park Event: Eli’s 1st Date
• Walking around places is tight!
• Doesn’t matter
• I’ve got my Red Seal in Fumbling. I could do it with one hand tied behind my back.
• Favorite dish? You couldn’t cook it. You’d have to order it from Zanzibar.
• Hmmm… Maybe. If you’re good.
• Doesn’t matter
• Choose all choices
• I’m actually even more interested now. If that’s possible.
• You had me at “fashion show”.
• (Kiss him.)


Cafe Event: Bonnibel’s 1st Date
Minimum Requirements: 10 Suave
• Given present company, I figure I’d have a great time just waiting in line at the bank.
• I’ll have a caramel macchiato with sprinkles.
• I like my coffee like I like my women. A whole lot.
• Fear not. My love for pastries is only outdone by my adoration for charming accents and pretty eyes.
• I kind of love them.
• Choose all choices
• I use my hands. My cookies suck.
• Oh no. If it’s “Bless your heart”, I have been grossly misinterpreting how my friends in Kentucky feel about me…
• I’d say, “Thank goodness for those eyes.” (Requires: 10 Suave)
• Doesn’t matter
Motivation and Buff

Day 6


Mystic’s next hint costs $25
Cafe Event
+1 to all stats


Cafe gives 1 Motivation
Reed Estate Event: Elle’s 1st Date
Minimum Requirements: 13 Suave
• I leave business at the office. But it would be my pleasure to come in. Miss Reed is expecting me. (Requires: 7 Suave)
• Not sure if choices with Dorian matter
• I’m so glad to see you. When I saw Dorian’s hair, I thought he was you for a moment and started flirting with him. (Requires: 11 Suave)
• Well, as I like to say- only precious things are worth protecting. (Requires: 15 Suave)
• Wouldn’t miss it for the world.
• I don’t even know what “parvenu” means, but it sounds really pretty the way you say it. (Requires: 16 Suave)
• The view is definitely pretty, from where I’m standing.
• Should… Should I say it out loud? I thought you looked really kind, interesting and pretty. It took all my nerve to say hello…
• Choose all choices
• Isn’t that where you can create and control zombies?
Easter Egg appears
• Just my opinion- but it sounds like you’ve got it handled. Is your brother overdoing the whole “protect Elle” thing? (Reveals secret #1)
• You took the words right out of my mouth. So, I’ll take the answer I was hoping for from yours: yes.
• The pleasure is all mine.


Home Event: Quill’s 1st Date
(I could A+ this date, but not get the achievement. Thank you RonikGr for your help)
Minimum Requirements: 10 Lucky
• This old thing? I mean, as far as porches go, it’s not bad. But I’d rather have a veranda, if I’m being honest.
• Alright, let me ask you a question… The porch is on fire. What do you do?
• Hmm… Not a bad suggestion. But you haven’t proven your porch skills yet, so I can’t trust you. You’d better have that nap inside.
• Doesn’t matter
(Quill date officially starts)
• Doesn’t matter
Easter Egg appears
• Are you sure want to lick yourself clean? I can’t imagine it would be entirely pleasant.
• Okay… I guess I’ll grab you a housecoat and some slippers?
• Doesn’t matter
• No no, I’m just borrowing it, I guess.
• (Scratch her ear). (Reveals secret #1)
• I was just thinking how lucky it was that it was raining. Otherwise, I might not have met you. (Requires: 10 Lucky)
• There’s a bunch of stuff I’m worried about too. Like… I’m in danger, sometimes.
• You’re not really a shy kitty, are you? Do you like it when I touch you?
• Why don’t you take my bed tonight, and I’ll sleep out here? We’ll figure out the rest tomorrow.
• Doesn’t matter

Day 7 – Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough

From this point on, stat gains are a lot less important so I’ll stop listing my night and dawn choices. Just remember to not neglect any of your stats. Suave is probably the most important but there are A LOT of choices that give suave. Also, the cafe bug probably isn’t a big deal anymore. You could probably work around always getting motivation.


Daily Coffee
Mystic: $40
Town Event
no choices


Park Event
• Beautiful day, beautiful girls, beautiful everything… (Requires: 11 Suave)


Town Event
• Umm… Why are you wearing sunglasses at night?
• Okay cool. I like that song too. Have a great night, Miss.
• I mean… I wish I did. You’re beautiful.
• These are all funny words.
• I feel like we’ve reached a stage in our relationship for ‘mega weird’.
• The cutest girl I’ve never met just asked me on a date. This is the best day ever. Yes of course, I’ll date you. (Requires: 12 Suave)

Day 8


Daily Coffee
Mountain Event
• Doesn’t matter
• CHECK! (Requires: 12 Motivation)
• Let’s just hit the road, and we’ll find out if you need to carry me back down. (Requires: 12 Motivation)
• Is it done? Barely broke a sweat. (Requires: 14 Buff)
• Doesn’t matter


Accept Iro’s date
Mystic: $75
Arcade Event
• Absolutely! I’m all yours!
• I don’t know. You might be a bit… Soft. For that cosplay.
• Mini golf. It counts as physical exercise, thereby putting you at a disadvantage.
• (Throw the game. Let Mio win.)

Evening – Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough

Accept Mio’s date
Arcade Event
• Hey Cassie. You’re looking great. Great times five. (Requires: 15 Suave)
• It was either hang out with two hot chicks, or stay home and pet my kitty.
• Here’s to Cassie. She’s hot. And she’s cool.
• (Hold your liquor.) (Requires: 15 Buff)
• Rain check.

Day 9


Accept Cassie’s date
Mystic: $100
Cafe Event: Iro’s 2nd Date
Minimum Requirements: $100, 15 Motivation, 14 Suave, and 15 Buff
• Not choice #3
• Well, you just get back on that horse and try again! You can’t let gravity win! (Requires: 14 Motivation)
• I’ll have the same! (Requires: $100)
• I feel attacked.
• Not choice #3
• Cali choices don’t matter
• Give me coffee or give me death!
Easter Egg appears
• Fantastic. I’ve been on a bunch of dates the last couple days. The girls in this town are incredible. (Requires: 14 Suave)
• Yup. I hear ya. You look this good, and haters gonna hate. (Requires: 15 Buff) (Reveals secret #2)
• Everything you just said is horrifying.
• Elle and I have met already. She’s a sweetheart. If I go in, you’ll be my wingman?
• Like cookies for leprechauns!
• I must admit, you’re quite the wingman. Wing-woman. Whatever.
• I don’t know much about surfing. But by all the ocean gods, I will learn. (Requires: 16 Motivation)
• HELL yes. Sign me up. Go big or go home.
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter


Accept Elle’s date
Daily Coffee
Beach Event: Mio’s 2nd Date
Minimum Requirements: $700, 15 Tech Savvy, and 15 Suave
• Frankly, I’m here for the company. I don’t care if it’s by the ocean or in a dark basement.
• If you’re asking me if I feel good about that thing you did with your tongue, the answer is “helllllll yes”. (Requires: 15 Suave)
• Is there a Prod-a-mon raid going on today? Is it the Summer Seasoning event? (Requires: 13 Tech Savvy)
• (Shrug and lean in for a kiss.)
• It’s you and me, you know it’s our destiny. (Requires: 16 Tech Savvy)
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• (It’s time to Pay-to-Win. Credit card attack!) (Requires: $700)
• It was all you, Mio. You were the mastermind of the team.
Easter Egg appears
• Are you not having as much fun gaming these days?
• Doesn’t matter
• Yeah, I promise. Of course. (Reveals secret #2)
• For like… Performance reasons?
• Nah, it’s cool. Sounds sexy. You’ll have to show me your stream sometime.
• (Kiss Mio.)
• Doesn’t matter
• (Throw your keys, then run like hell.) (First choice leads to a bad end)


Accept Quill’s date
Cafe Event: Cassie’s 2nd Date
Minimum Requirements: $20, 20 Suave, and 17 Buff
• Yeah, make that two banana breads. I’ve got a date. (Requires: $20)
• Oh yeah, that was today.
• I’ve got this plan to spill coffee on your clothes, forcing their removal.
• She’s just teasing you, Lotus. She obviously needs something to keep her mouth busy. (Requires: 20 Suave)
• Cassie, drink your cappuccino. You’re grouchy. You need caffeine. (Requires: 18 Suave)
• I feel similarly about that sports team.
• Hells yes. What’s the plan?
• You better be good at distracting, because I’m not super stealthy.
Easter Egg appears
• (Hop the counter, take the key.)
• Yup. Easy Peasy.
• (Listen in to the conversation.) (Reveals secret #2)
• I mean… I’m, pretty sure I could take her… (Requires: 17 Buff)
• I mean, we got the key. It would be weird not to.
• (Go in.)
• Well, I know what I’d like to do with you on that counter…
• Kinky.
• You’re literally the worst person at flirting ever. Literally a criminal.
• (Have sex with Cassie).

Day 10 – Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough


Accept Bonnibel’s date
Daily Coffee
Mystic: $150
Park Event
• I’m no bird myself, but I would love to get closer too. Mind if I sit here? (Requires: 18 Suave)
• Hahaha! Two bird puns in ten seconds. Sounds like “fowl language” to me
• Present company included… Best time ever. (Requires: 20 Suave)
• You can ask me anything, Elle. (Requires: 15 Motivation)
• That wasn’t a weird question. It was a real one.
• Pleasure was all mine.
• (Hug her.)


Cafe Event
• Not choice #3
• Lotus. Put your trust in me. I shall not let you down. (Requires: 17 Motivation)
• (Signal for her to flirt back. Take the opening.)
• (Signal for her to make a double entendre!)
• (Signal to ask for her number.)
• You did great, Lotus. I gave you crazy suggestions, because I knew it didn’t matter. She was into you. (Requires: 15 Motivation)
+2 to all skills and the achievement for helping Lotus flirt with Cali


Accept Eli’s date
Home Event: Quill’s 2nd Date
Minimum Requirements: 24 Suave and 16 Lucky
• Doesn’t matter
• The word “lump” is so appetizing. I’ll take two.
• (whisper incoherent nonsense.)
• (Take a sip, but confidently) (Requires: 20 Suave)
• (Reach into your pocket, and pull out whatever is there.) (Requires: 16 Lucky)
• Yes, this sounds like fun.
• The furry tufts on the inside of a cat’s ears are called “ear furnishing”.
Easter Egg appears
• Quill.
• Doesn’t matter
• What is the most dangerous thing you know? (Reveals secret #2)
• How could I forget? (Requires: 25 Suave)
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• Nope.
o Did I stutter?
• Define “unusual or suspicious”.
o By those definitions, I haven’t seen either.
(honestly all you have to do is make sure Fumi doesn’t find out Quill’s there)
• Yes. It’s safe to come out.
• (Reach under and scratch her ear.)

Day 11


Daily Coffee
Mystic: $222
Home Event: Bonnibel’s 2nd Date
Minimum Requirements: 17 Motivation and 25 Suave
• Kitchen is this way. I’ve got an apron too, but I don’t look as good in it as you do. (Requires: 25 Suave)
• There’s quite a few… Odd characters in the neighborhood. It doesn’t surprise me.
• I’m ready to help. It’s always been my dream to be a baker’s assistant. (Requires: 17 Motivation)
• Elle is lovely. But the sparkle in my eye is for someone else…
• Cheers. To socially acceptable morning drinks.
• (Walk up behind her and start touching her.)
• You’re an incredible lover. I hope we do that again…

Afternoon – Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough

Cafe Event: Elle’s 2nd Date
Minimum Requirements: 31 Suave and 17 Buff
• Dorian, you beautiful man. How’s it going? Markets were looking good this morning, hey? (Requires: 15 Suave)
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• More than you realize. (Requires: 20 Suave)
• Thank you. I will. (+$1,000, no money required on this date)
• Elle, good to see you. Beautiful, as always. (Requires: 25 Suave)
• Doesn’t matter
• Nah, forget him.
• I’m having a great time! Though, truthfully, it’s because the people I’ve met are so wonderful.
• This is already the best date I’ve ever been on.
• Here. For the animals. I love animals. (Requires: $500)
• Yeah go for it!
• I’m into fitness and training. (Requires: 17 Buff)
• … I dreamt two goddess told me to save you. They said something like… Dies Irae, dias Illa…
• You go first. I want to savor this.
• Sorry what was that?
*For the achievement of beating Elle at marshmallows save here
• (Do six marshmallows.)
Now reload and continue the date
• (Do four marshmallows, but fail on purpose.)
• Congratulations Elle. You performed beautifully. (Requires: 30 Suave)
• I don’t mind at all.
• Not at all! Staying in my seat is literally the least I can do.
• Doesn’t matter
Easter Egg appears
• I mean… I assume it runs in the family? Along with good looks? (Requires: 35 Suave) (Reveals secret #2)
• I see. I definitely got some… Controlling vibes from him.
• Doesn’t matter
• Only one choice (unless you became evil behind my back)
• You too, Elle.


Accept Alpha’s date
Mall Event: Eli’s 2nd Date
Minimum Requirements: 20 Motivation, 22 Suave, and either 20 Tech Savvy or 20 Lucky
• Hey. Who was the ‘gummy bear’?
• I thought this was going to be a potluck. I brought pulled pork.
• (Smile pleasantly.) (+1 Suave)
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• Nah, we’re good friends Lotus. I’d love to help you, if you’ll let me. (Requires: 20 Motivation)
• You’re ready to give a very special present, and you want the perfect wrapping paper. (+2 Suave)
• Either choice 2 or 3 depending on which stat you want +3 (Requires either 20 Tech Savvy or 20 Lucky)
• Perfect. It matches your outer beauty to your inner. (Requires: 25 Suave)
• I helped Lotus from the Queen Bean to a lavender teddy with matching garter belt.
• Oh, uhh… Well, that’s one way to proposition someone… Is it hot in here?
• I mean… How many ways can you say yes?
• Not choice #1
• I mean, if it doesn’t work out… Booty call?
• Did you just become my sugar daddy? (+$5,000, isn’t Eli the best)

Day 12 – Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough


I didn’t get any option to get coffee today
Mystic: $666
Hospital Event
• (Take the pill.) (+3 Suave)


Home Event
in case you were wondering what Quill wanted when you had to go on Mio’s date, this is that event
• I bet you do.
• Not choice #3
• I’m gonna guess… No you didn’t. Let’s find out! (Requires: 21 Lucky)


Home Event: Alpha’s 1st Date
Minimum Requirements: 20 Motivation, 15 Tech Savvy, 33 Suave, 20 Lucky, and 15 Buff
Alpha’s date gives +2’s at stat checks instead of +1
• Hey person I barely know! You look great and very unfamiliar!
• Nope! Just dazzled by the sparkling lights.
• I mean, we can do some more of that flirting? (Requires: 30 Suave)
• (Kiss her.) (Requires: 35 Suave)
• They’re a subset of strong AI, based on neocortical engrams, optimized for neural stimulation through music. (Requires: 15 Tech Savvy)
• Your story is inspirational. I’m speechless. You’re a wonder. (Requires: 20 Motivation)
• Just a sec. I’m going to get you that pizza. (Requires: 15 Buff)
• Push the right button. (Requires: 20 Lucky)
• (Kiss her, and more…)

Day 13

If you haven’t done modelling before this point, you should definitely consider doing so now. Things are going to start getting expensive.


Daily Coffee
Mystic: $666
Mall Event
• (Approach her and say hello.)
• We will find the GREATEST gift any rich boy would be proud to have! (Requires: 23 Motivation)
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• You can give it to me, I’ll make sure she gets it. (+$4,325)


Home Event
• Hey Quill!
• Okay, cool, but I was hoping to get some snuggles in today. Can you fit me in your schedule? (Requires: 33 Suave)


Town Event
• Either choice 2 or 3
• But babe… I mean, you’re looking kinda nice tonight… (Requires: 36 Suave)
• Yeah but Cass… I mean… You look good tonight, bae… (Requires: 39 Suave)
• I’ll go. But give me a kiss first. (Requires: 4 Suave)

Day 14 – Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough


Daily Coffee
Mystic: $999
Beach Event
Choice 1 gives 3 Suave, choice 3 gives 3 Buff


Park Event
• Doesn’t matter
• I’ll front the cash. I just want to see you win. (Requires: $5,000, don’t worry, you’ll get it back)
• (Seduce Ruri.) (Requires: 40 Suave)
• Your nose. I like it. That’s all.
• Doesn’t matter


Winery Event
• (Walk up slowly and quietly.)

Day 15


Mystic: $1,234
Cafe Event
• I always have time for a Lotus Lesson
• (Signal for a coffee reference.)
• (Signal for Lotus to go for it!)
• (Signal for Lotus to laugh it off.)
• Doesn’t matter
+2 to all stats and the achievement for helping Lotus flirt with Alice


Daily Coffee
Accept Alpha’s date
Beach Event
• (Sneak over and fix her console.) (Requires: 22 Tech Savvy)


Accept Mio’s date
If you want the achievement for Mio’s shocking end, save here and go to the arcade. Do not choose the tech choice.
Fancy Hotel Event: Alpha’s 2nd Date
Minimum Requirements: 27 Motivation and 40 Suave
• Yeah, I’m ready to swim!
• Huh, what? Sorry I was… Distracted by… Looking at you.
• Doesn’t matter
• Alpha… You can tell me anything. And I can tell there’s something bothering you… (Requires: 27 Motivation)
• That’s… incredibly flattering. Thank you. (Requires: 40 Suave)
• Ahh, I see. Another one of those ‘famous person’ things that sucks, and no one can understand.
• It’s okay Alpha. We both knew this was going to be fun, but probably difficult to keep going.
• (Kiss her. Pull her close. Touch her…)

Day 16 – Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough


Leave Iro on read
Daily Coffee
Mystic: $1,776
Town Event
choices don’t matter


Winery Event: Mio’s 3rd Date
Minimum Requirements: 10 Motivation, 27 Tech Savvy, and 50 Suave
• Doesn’t matter
• You’re a fool. It’s the only answer.
• Doesn’t matter
• Whenever wine makes me feel awful, I find more wine helps.
• Unlike yours, I’m a little behind.
• Quitters and spitters.
• Doesn’t matter
• I might be able to fix it. (Requires: 27 Tech Savvy)
• Only one choice
• The wine is so good. We’re having trouble deciding how many bottles to buy. (Requires: 50 Suave)
• Doesn’t matter
• Peach. I mean, it’s right there in her name…
• About as many times as I wanted to do the same to you, first time we met.
• Doesn’t matter
• I am very invested now.
• Love it. Let’s watch it sometime.
• Yeah, let’s bounce.
• Oh yes, it is.
• I found all that pretty insightful, actually. Just saying. (Requires: 10 Motivation)
Easter Egg appears
• Awesome.
• Doesn’t matter
Secret #3 revealed
• Doesn’t matter
• Why are you telling me this?
• Doesn’t matter


Hospital Event
• (Call her “sleeping beauty”.) (Requires: 26 Motivation)

Day 17


Accept Iro’s date
Mystic: $1000
Beach Event
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• Iro… We all love our thrills, but you KNOW you need the right gear for something like this. (Requires: 20 Motivation) (Any other choice leads to a bad end)

Afternoon – Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough

Accept Bonnibel’s date
Daily Coffee
Beach Event: Iro’s 3rd Date
Minimum Requirements: 25 Motivation, 49/50 Suave, and 29/30 Buff
• You can do it Cali! I believe in you! (Requires: 25 Motivation)
Easter Egg appears
• Either choice 2 or 3 (Requires: either 40 Suave or 18 Buff)
• Doesn’t matter
• I could beat the shorts off you both. No competition. (Requires: 21 Buff)
• How about a kiss? (Requires: 50 Suave)
• Cassie, retract the claws. These are my friends.
• Busy at the moment. But I’ll be in touch.
• Bye Cassie.
• Only one choice
• I, too, have to pee. Race horses couldn’t even understand my pain.
• Oh hey, you’re not homeless!
• Only one choice
• (Sing along.)
• Been a while? Getting some, I mean?
o Don’t worry. You never forget how. It’s like riding a village bicycle.
• Well, what’s the deal with you and Cali? I think she likes you…
o I get the feeling she’d upgrade again in a heartbeat.
• So, you’re having a dry spell, hey? No wonder you’re so cranky all the time…
o Then you got a look at this hot bod. (Requires: 27 Buff)
• Only one choice
• How else am I going to prove I got the goods? (Requires: 30 Buff)
• Well… It’s been a while for me too, and my first choice… Is not interested.
• Someone sounds… A little jealous… (Requires: 30 Suave)
• It made an impression.
Secret #3 revealed
• Doesn’t matter
• (Break her grip and pick her up.) (Requires: 33 Buff)
• Yes…


Police Station Event
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• Yeah, let’s get it done. (Other choice leads to a bad end)
• Doesn’t matter
• I mean… I’ll be whatever you want me to be, officer… (Requires: 40 Suave)
• That’s a cool coincidence… Because I would say that you’re pretty much my #1 person of interest…
• …What if I want to be more than a pawn?
• Yeah. I’m down for ‘constructive rapport’.
• Agreed. Let’s go Team Fumi!
• …Hey, umm, this might be out of line. But you’re REALLY attractive… (Requires: 55 Suave)
• I’ll be direct. You’re mind blowingly attractive, and I would like to lick the mud from your boot just for a chance to see up your skirt.

Day 18


Daily Coffee
Mystic: $2,222
Home Event
• Yeah sure!


Leave Quill on read
Downtown Event
Choice 1 gives $800 and choice 3 gives the potato chip achievement


Bakery Event: Bonnibel’s 3rd Date
• (Kiss her.)
• (Have sex with Bonnibel.)
• Sure…

Day 19 – Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough


Accept Cassie’s date
Mystic: $3,141
Park Event
• (Clean the bench.)


Home Event
• Doesn’t matter
• I know where it is. Just go fetch it. (Requires: 29 Lucky)


Accept Elle’s date
Restaurant Event: Cassie’s 3rd Date
Minimum Requirements: $4,000 and 34 Buff
• (Order a bottle of Pulitre-Monrechet white.) (Requires: $4,000)
• That’s sort of the idea. I want to impress you.
• The money doesn’t matter. The company does.
• No. We’re not doing that.
• Are you not enjoying this? Do you want to go somewhere else?
• Can’t skip leg day. Can’t skip fine motor day. (Requires: 32 Buff)
• You didn’t get me one?
• (Give her a hug.) (Requires: 35 Buff)
• You seem… Concerned.
Easter Egg appears
• You can tell me.
• Doesn’t matter
Secret #3 revealed
• No, but we shouldn’t talk more. Not here.
• Don’t worry. I understand. I had a great time tonight.
• Doesn’t matter
• (Time to do dishes…) (You could probably choose any choice, but this one didn’t cost any money and didn’t seem like it might give dark karma)

Day 20


Mystic: $5,678
Beach Event
Choices don’t matter


Daily Coffee
Mall Event
Choice 2 for +3 to all stats or choice 3 for $5,000


Winery Event: Elle’s 3rd Date

Minimum Requirements: 57 Suave
• Choice 3 if you want +1 Lucky
• Your sister is a remarkable woman with fine taste. I just gave her a confidence boost. (Requires: 55 Suave) (+3 Suave)
• You look utterly magnificent. Gorgeous beyond description.
• I genuinely have no idea how you can say that. If I didn’t know you, I’d mistake you for a movie star. (Requires: 60 Suave)
• Doesn’t matter
• Yeah! Let’s lick some squids!
• Cheers. To you. (Requires: 50 Suave)
Easter Egg appears
• Please stop saying it. It’s been said too much.
• Let’s play the ‘penis’ game.
• No- we each keep saying ‘penis’ louder and louder. Whoever chickens out first- loses.
• (Say it barely louder.)
• (Try to say it just a little louder.)
• Yes. I have.
• …Things aren’t good with your brother, are they? (Reveals secret #3)
• (Kiss Elle passionately.)
• Only one choice
• No other choices matter

Day 21 – Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough


Mystic: $6,300
Cafe Event
• (Give a motivational speech.)


Accept Quill’s date
Daily Coffee
Bakery Event
• Doesn’t matter
• I suggest you share, or else I’ll bring up those things we talked about in my first ‘interrogation’…


Home Event: Quill’s 3rd Date
Minimum Requirements: 29 Motivation, 30 Lucky, and 30 Buff
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• Here. Grab some socks. I’ll teach you my secrets. (Requires: 28 Motivation)
• If you do it like that, they get all wrinkly and gross.
• (Toss a sock in the air.) (Requires: 30 Lucky)
• You suck at folding laundry.
• Start somewhere easier. Tell me how it made you feel. (Requires: 30 Motivation)
• Like a good pee smell? Or a bad one?
Easter Egg appears
• (Pick up Quill, and shift to a more comfortable position.) (Requires: 30 Buff)
• Doesn’t matter
• (Gently rub her breasts.)
• (Have sex with Quill.)
Secret #3 revealed

That’s 3 weeks done. That’s more than 50% done. We’re actually almost done with everything so we’ll probably add part 4 and 5 together.

Day 22


Accept Cassie’s date
Accept Iro’s date
Accept Elle’s date
Mystic: $7,531
Home Event
• Either choice 1 or 2
• Either choice 2 or 3
• …The key is inside the box, isn’t it?
• I think so… (Requires: 35 Buff) (+$10,000)


Elle’s House Event: Elle’s 4th Date
Minimum Requirements: 39 Motivation and 60 Suave
• Well, I mean… If I was stuck in a tree, and you came to encourage me, I’d jump too… (Requires: 35 Motivation)
• Well, I don’t know about you, but that little bird looked like he thought YOU were pretty darn special. (Requires: 60 Suave)
• Doesn’t matter
• You’re the boss here, Elle. It’s your choice what happens next. (Requires: 40 Motivation)
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• Aww, that sucks. That was quite a quality prank Elle. Sisters should definitely push their brothers into pools of water on their birthday.
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• Excuse me, Miss. I was hoping for more tea… The first one was exhilarating. (Requires: 55 Suave)
• This isn’t tea. Clearly I wet myself. I’ll thank you not to draw attention to it.
• Doesn’t matter
• Are these sheets satin? They feel amazing!
• (Kiss her.)
• This is now the ‘try to embarrass Elle’ challenge. How large are your breasts?
o Do you like them?
• Are you a virgin?
o Either choice 1 or 2
• What’s the most naughty thing you’ve done, that no one knows about?
o Elle, that’s not that bad. Teenagers are horny.
• Only one choice
• Okay, but… I’m going to be imagining stuff about the things you’ve told me. Forgive me if I get distracted. (Requires: 55 Suave)
• In spirit.
• You’re the most attractive person I’ve ever met. I can’t stop thinking about you.
• I’ll tell you. But if it’s doubt in your mind that wants to know, don’t feed it. You’re better than that. (Requires: 30 Motivation)
Easter Egg appears
• (Kiss her.)
• (Kiss her more.)
• (Search her house for any clues.)
• (Check the papers in her room.) (Reveals secret #4)
• Doesn’t matter


Restaurant Event: Iro’s 4th Date
Minimum Requirements: 59 Suave
• Doesn’t matter
• Oh yes. Fumi and I are very very well acquainted. (Requires: 50 Suave)
Easter Egg appears
• Yes. Cassie and I are pretty good friends.
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• Not choice #3
• … I understand…
• (Drive to the restaurant.)
• You look great…
• (Take her hand and kiss it.) (Requires: 60 Suave)
• I know. They told me I couldn’t bring you, but I insisted.
• That was… Fun.
• …I want you more than anything…
• …I can’t do it, Iro. We can’t be together.
• … I’m not who I say I am. Everything you know about me is a lie.
• Your father forbid me. (Reveals secret #4)
If you don’t break up with Iro during this date, you’ll get a bad end

Day 23


Mystic: $7,777 (but you get your money back)
Park Event
• Wow. I don’t know what it is, but you look sort of… Sparkling today. (Requires: 60 Suave)
• There is certainly much to love about Elle, but I would say we’re closer to “sweethearts” right now. (Requires: 65 Suave) (Choice #3 leads to Elle’s Inconceivab-Elle End)


• Come on Lotus. You’ve done the lessons. It’s time for your final exam. (Requires: 25 Motivation)
• Let’s seduce the crap out of this fiery lass. (Requires: 40 Motivation)
• (Signal that it’s on the house.)
• (Signal to ask if you can help her out.)
• (Signal for her to do nothing.)
• Doesn’t matter
This gets you +3 in all stats and the final Lotus achievement


Winery Event: Cassie’s 4th Date
Minimum Requirements: $250, 42 Motivation, 62 Suave, and 41 Buff
• Beautiful as always. But breathtaking in particular. (Requires: 60 Suave)
• I’m mostly looking for a reason to dress up and show off the goods. (Requires: 37 Buff)
• Don’t be nervous. You’re beautiful, sharp, ferocious, and utterly charming. (Requires: 38 Motivation)
• So how’s “work” going?
o What is Lilianna’s deal, anyway?
• I noticed you didn’t ‘acquire’ your dress tonight as usual…
o By the way, I noticed a lot more than that. I’m actually still looking.
• How’s Alice D doing recently?
o I can’t tell if you two are tight, or just colleagues.
• Only one choice
• You got this girl. (Requires: 43 Motivation)
• (Break into roaring laughter too.) (Requires: 62 Suave)
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
Easter Egg appears
• I didn’t do anything. I was just nice to a pretty girl. (Requires: 64 Suave)
• You can tell me anything.
• I’m sure it was just a phase, and you evened out into a fancy gal.
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
Secret #4 revealed
• Doesn’t matter
• (Stay quiet. Just dance a little longer.)
• You bet. I’ll settle up. (Requires: $250)
• That’s a weird way to invite me in for… You know… Sexy time.
• Then let me in the game. I’m not leaving you.
• Hey. I can handle myself, alright? Don’t worry. (Kiss her.) (Requires: 39 Buff)
• Doesn’t matter
• Only one choice
• Doesn’t matter
• Only one choice
• He’s just a kid… (Choice #3 leads to a bad end)
• (Grapple Dan.) (Requires: 41 Buff) (Choice #1 leads to a bad end)
• Doesn’t matter
• I don’t waste drugs. (Inject self.) (Requires: 43 Buff) (Choice #1 leads to a bad end)
• (Fight… As best you can…) (Requires: 45 Buff)
If you fail to join the gain, you’ll get Cassie’s shop til you drop end the next night


Didn’t we wake up the next morning? Maybe we found Fumi’s time machine.
Home Event
• (Pay $100 to become a Member.) (Requires: $100)
• Long time lurker, first time sub.
• Doesn’t matter
• (Donate $500) (Requires: $500)
• (Donate $2,000) (Requires: $2,000, I feel like these requirements are all super obvious. Why am I bothering to write it down?)
• ♥♥♥♥♥, I got cash for days. Here, have some. ($5,000) (Requires: $5,000)
• (Donate $16,000) (Requires: $16,000) (If you don’t have the money, choose to expose the troll)
• I mean, it combined my two favorite things. Donating money and running pegasus. (Requires: 60 Suave)
• Do you mind walking me through how to build a good PC? (Requires: 33 Tech Savvy)
• Does that mean yes?
• Doesn’t matter

Day 24


Mystic: $8,675
Mall Event
• Doesn’t matter
• Choice 2 gives +2 Suave and choice 3 gives the achievement for making things awkward with Bonnibel and her cousin


Pizzeria Event
• Hells yes! Nothing’s better than normal food getting fancy-fied.
• Uh, Cass? This pizza looks pretty… Off. I think it went bad. (the other choices lead to Cassie’s bad pizza end)
• Let me take a bite first… I don’t know if I trust it… (Requires: 46 Buff) (choice 3 also leads to bad pizza end)
• Doesn’t matter


Love Hotel Event
• Well, at least you’re dressed for it.
• I assume, then, that this hotel is somewhat off their radar?
• Iro is being targeted? Are you sure?
• Yeah, that’s where I thought this was going.
• Agreed. Let’s get these dirtbags.
• So… You’re going to let being dressed like that go to waste, or…? (Requires: 70 Suave)

Day 25 – Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough


Accept Mio’s date
Mystic: $10,000
Beach Event
• (Go for a swim.)
Or you could go downtown for an Iro event, but it doesn’t give anything


Mall Event
• Here, let me get that for you… (Requires: 50 Buff)
• Either choice 2 or 3
• Tell me, girl. You know you can trust me. (Requires: 70 Suave)


Mio’s House Event: Mio’s 4th Date
Minimum Requirements: 44 Motivation, 34 Tech Savvy, and 60 Suave
• Doesn’t matter
• Either choice 1 or 2 (choice 3 leads to another choice that leads to two different bad ends)
• Do what you gotta do, Harris. And I’ll do the same. (choices 2 and 3 lead to the same bad ends as before)
• Doesn’t matter
• I checked your most recent strats. You’ve got nothing to fear. (Requires: 33 Tech Savvy)
• I wonder if we can put together a Triangle Face cosplay on short notice…
• (Play to win!) (Requires: 35 Tech Savvy)
• Sorry, I need to answer this…
• Stay calm. You’re fine. They’re just shaking the trees and seeing what falls. If you know nothing, you’re safe. (Requires: 40 Motivation)
• (Don’t speak.)
• What are you talking about?
• Doesn’t matter
• … I know how you feel.
• I don’t suppose you’ve got a parasol or something? (Requires: 60 Suave)
Easter Egg appears
• (Hug Mio.)
• I promise.
Secret #4 revealed
• Doesn’t matter
• Count on me. (Requires: 45 Motivation)

Day 26 – Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough


Mystic: $0 Last Hint!!!!! Yay!!!!!
Town Event
Only the last choice matters so choose your favorite:
• I’ll think about it… (+3 Lucky)
• Hey, you know, if things don’t work out between you and Dorian… (+3 Suave)
• If I can take one for the team, I will. (+3 Motivation)


Reed Estate Event
• Doesn’t matter
• Scotch. (Requires: 50 Buff)
• Doesn’t matter
• Not choice #3
• Not choice #3
• Dorian… This is beneath us both. You should have just asked first. (Requires: 70 Suave)
• I checked and taking the money has no consequences so do whatever you want. Stupid Siscon.


Home Event: Quill’s 4th Date
Minimum Requirements: 50 Motivation and 37 Lucky
• (Stay quiet for a moment longer.)
• (Sit down opposite Quill.)
• Choose choices 1 and 3
• (Pull her ears off.) (Requires: 37 Lucky)
Easter Egg appears
• Where’s the best place to hide?
• You can tell me. I’m a good Kitty for keeping secrets… (Requires: 50 Motivation)
Secret #4 revealed
• Doesn’t matter
• Do you remember anything else?
• There were security cameras looking at you?

Day 27

Mio’s House Event: Mio’s 5th Date
Minimum Requirements: 35 Tech Savvy, 77 Suave, and 38 Lucky
• I mean… We can do both at the same time. I seem to recall at least one of us being into that… (Requires: 75 Suave)
• I literally love every word you speak.
• Is that a Titanus GeForge 8600 TXN iCRUX? (Requires: 35 Tech Savvy)
• Yeah, I… Won the auction.
• No, of course not. I don’t want to tell you how to love your life. I just felt… It was the right thing to do.
Easter Egg appears
• Doesn’t matter
Secret #5 revealed
• Doesn’t matter
• (Guess the password.) (Requires: 38 Lucky)
• You can choose everything, but at least choose choice #1 (Not doing so leads to a bad end)
• Only one choice
• (Call Fumi.)
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• I knew you were right behind me… (Requires: 77 Suave)
• Now leaving you… That’s the real crime… (Requires: 79 Suave)
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• (Have sex with Mio.)

Day 28 – Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough

Saji’s House Event: Iro’s 5th Date
Minimum Requirements: 48/49 Motivation and 50 Buff
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• Iro told me her mother passed away. The anniversary of her passing is soon. (+3 Motivation)
• Tell me everything, Mr. Kawase. Iro’s life might depend on it. (Requires: 49 Motivation)
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
Secret #5 revealed
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• You must be one of her brothers? Are you all rainbow haired and insanely attractive?
• That was a punch? (Requires: 50 Buff)
Easter Egg appears
• You’re holding onto something. I think you’ve been holding onto it for a long time. Tell me what it is. (Requires: 51 Motivation) (+3 Motivation)
• Doesn’t matter
• And no one stopped her?
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• You said you remember floating on a life ring… Where did it come from? You didn’t take one surfing, did you?
• Iro! Tell me the rest!
If you don’t make the motivation checks, Iro will drive off, and you’ll have to make a lucky check or get a bad end
• Iro, it wasn’t your fault. (Requires: 55 Motivation)
• Either choice 1 or 2 (Requires: Either 55 Motivation or 50 Buff)
• It wasn’t your fault. (Requires: 57 Motivation)
• Don’t blame yourself. You were a kid. No one could have expected you to deal with trauma like that.
• Everyone who cares about you is ready to help. Including your father.
• …Including me.
• (Kiss Iro.)
• I promise.

Day 29

Home Event: Elle’s 5th Date
Minimum Requirements: 59 Motivation, 79 Suave, and 54 Buff
• Well, I’m not sure. Weather seems like the worst reason to cancel a date.
• I want to see you. I can handle it. Trust me. (Requires: 54 Buff) (Choice #3 leads to a bad end, and choice #2 will lead to another bad end if you don’t call Fumi when Elle is attacked)
Easter Egg appears
• (Kiss her.) (Requires: 79 Suave)
• It lives up to the hype.
• (Make love to Elle.)
• (Signal Elle encouragement.) (Requires: 59 Motivation)
• Solvet sæclum in favilla. (Reveals secret #5)
• I love you too.

Day 30 – Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough

Pizzeria Event: Cassie’s 5th Date
Minimum Requirements: 55 Buff
• Thanks babe. I’m hungry.
• No time like the present. (Pick her up.) (Requires: 50 Buff)
• You live like a samurai turtle…
Easter Egg appears
• Choose all choices
• How much money do you owe them?
• Doesn’t matter
• If I can bench press you, you have to tell me… (Requires: 56 Buff) (Reveals secret #5)
• Doesn’t matter
• (Rub her shoulders.)
• (Take off her clothes.)
• (Make love to Cassie.)
• (Call for backup. Call Fumi.)
There are multiple ways through this

Option 1:

• I’ve come to settle Cassie’s debt. I want her out of the game.
• Just tell me. (Unless by some miracle you have $200,000, the other choice leads to a bad end)
• Lilianna… I’m giving you your chance. Take it. (Other choice leads to another bad end)
• You’ll recover. You always do. (Requires: 60 Motivation)

Option 2:

• I’ve come to take down your gang.
• Just wait for it… 3… 2… 1… (other choice leads to yet another bad end)
• Doesn’t matter

Option 3:

• I have a secret. A very big, important, life changing secret.
• Doesn’t matter
(Wow. No bad ends on this path.)

Day 31


Home Event: Quill’s 5th Date
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
Easter Egg appears
• So… Where are you going to go? Where’s your home?
o Doesn’t matter
• So your friend… They were looking for other girls to save. Just like me. (Reveals secret #5)
o Did you… Did your friend give you “warm feelings”?
• Do you know who it was that was after you?
o Doesn’t matter
• Only one choice
• My flight is in a couple hours. Why?
• This remains the weirdest month of my life.


Yes, you could go to the airport now, but why would you!? We’re almost done.
Dorian’s Office Event
• Only one choice
• Stay calm. I’ll deal with Dorian. (Requires: 60 Motivation)
SAVE HERE (You’ll see why in a bit)
• I’m not hurting anyone, Dorian. Not even you.
• Dorian, we’ve both been manipulated. I know you want revenge. Take me if you want, but leave these two out of it. (Requires: 65 Motivation)
• Doesn’t matter
• Doesn’t matter
• I wish they had. This could have been a lot more fun. (Requires: 80 Suave)
• (Flip his desk.) (Requires: 55 Buff) (If you don’t make this choice, and then the luck choice, you get a bad end)
• (You think you can figure this one out…) (Requires: 36 Tech Savvy, not making this choice gets another bad end)
• Dorian! No! The elevator! Don’t go in! (Try to save him.) (Choosing choice 2 gets you the evil end, and choice 3 gets you the Qpernikiss only epilogue)
• Choices with Fumi don’t matter


Airport Event
Save when talking to Mystic to see the endings for all the girls

The fastest way to get The Shadow’s Embrace

Remember that save. Go back to it. Choose to kill Alice or Bella, but make sure you don’t choose to kill Dorian, or you’ll get the Evil End. Go to the airport, see the epilogue with Thelima, and done!


Depending on which ending you got, you’ll see either one or both the goddesses. If you turn down having sex with them, you’ll get those achievements. Congrats for making it to the end of the game!

Missing Achievements – Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them Walkthrough

If you’ve followed this guide, you’ve probably got almost all the achievements. Here are the ones you’re probably still missing.

Double Dare: I thought this would come from the Day 17 event with Iro on the beach, but I never got it. Let me know if you find it.

All those # of bad ends achievements: In making this guide, I only got to the 13 bad ends achievement. Good luck getting 777 (Says it in a sing-song voice)!

Binged/Abduction/Shark Weak/What Goes Up: Like Cassie’s Shop ’til You Drop End, you get them for missing key events with the girls. Anyone who was stuck in week 1 hell for awhile probably knows this already. Leave a comment if you think you know the easiest way to get these achievements.

What The Fearful Fear: You’ll probably get this achievement if you do a dark karma run

Six Figures: Depending on your night and dawn activities, you might still be missing this. It might be easier to get on a dark karma run.

Like a Virgin: i think it’s self explanatory how to get this.

Easy Peezy Lemon Squeezy and Normal Is My Middle Name: go back and play the game through on those difficulties. Unless your the kind of player who does the hardest difficulty last.

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