How to Host in Classic Marathon

If no one is buying into the program you’re offering, you may need to improve some things. In this guide I will tell you what you need to do.

Testing If you can Host

You may need to choose a better network map; or you may need to move the port forward first.

Classic Marathon allows you to test if you are able to gather netgames. When you host, type “.test” into the chat. If you are set up correctly, you should see the success message as pictured here. If not, you will be directed to port forward in order to gather.

Testing If you can Host

Finding your Router Configuration Page

For most people, this will be but may differ depending on your network is set up. To find this easily on a Windows machine, head over to command prompt and enter “ipconfig”. Find your network adapter and look for the IP address listed as your Default Gateway.
Copy this into your web browser and it will take you to your router’s configuration page.

Finding your Router Configuration Page

Accessing your Router’s Port Forward Page

After logging into your router (if this is your first time here, the login will most likely be username “admin” with no password) locate the Port Forwarding menu. It is usually found under “Advanced”, but may vary depending on router manufacturer.

Port Forwarding for Classic Marathon

Finally, you can start forwarding the port required by Classic Marathon for gathering netgames. If your router does not automatically locate your device on the network and you are required to know the local/internal IP of your device, you can find this in ipconfig from Step 2 of this guide. Look for your IPv4 address.

Once you’ve selected the device to forwarding the port to, proceed to enter:

  • Port: 4226
  • Protocol: TCP

…and hit Apply/Save. Congrats, you should now be able to gather netgames! Be sure to check with “.test” as outlined in Step 1 of this guide to ensure you have done everything correctly.

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