How to Beat Holy Bulwark Otto in Lords of the Fallen

Overcome Holy Bulwark Otto in Lords of the Fallen. Master the strategy with our expert guide. Defeat this formidable foe and claim victory!

Hello from our How to Beat Holy Bulwark Otto in Lords of the Fallen guide. In this boss guide, we will examine the types of attacks that you can predict from this enemy and give you valuable tips on how to prevail.

How to Beat Holy Bulwark Otto in Lords of the Fallen

Welcome to our How to Beat Holy Bulwark Otto in Lords of the Fallen guide. Your first boss encounter in Lords of the Fallen is none other than Holy Bulwark Otto. As you embark on your journey in the abandoned Reedcopsey, you will be pushed into an arena where this formidable enemy is relentlessly advancing against you. In this boss guide, we will examine the types of attacks that you can predict from this enemy and give you valuable tips on how to prevail.

Holy Bulwark Otto Boss

Since Holy Bulwark Otto serves as your maiden boss in the game, this battle operates more as a tutorial, acquainting you with the rigors of more demanding confrontations and instructing you on the art of blocking and parrying attacks. Don’t forget that you can employ Soulfly against your adversaries, enabling you to manipulate their movements and debilitate their health while simultaneously replenishing some of your own.

Blocking and Parrying Tutorial

When you employ blocking to fend off attacks, your health bar will undergo a transformation, displaying a portion of your health in grey, referred to as your Withered health. Successfully striking an enemy without taking damage allows you to recover this Withered health. However, any hits you sustain will result in the loss of all the greyed-out health.

On the other hand, effective parrying reduces the size of your Withered health bar and impacts the enemy’s posture. You can gauge an enemy’s posture through the circle indicator that appears when you target them. Initially, this circle is full but gradually depletes each time you execute a successful parry. Once an enemy’s posture has been diminished significantly, you gain the ability to execute actions like a kick, a heavy attack, or another parry to destabilize the enemy. The posture circle turns red, signaling an opportunity for a Grievous Strike by pressing the attack button, dealing substantial damage.

Guide to How to Beat Holy Bulwark Otto in Lords of the Fallen

As you enter the arena, prepare for Holy Bulwark Otto’s aggressive advance. This battle serves as a tutorial to familiarize you with the challenges of boss encounters you’ll face throughout the game. It offers a prime opportunity to practice blocking and parrying attacks. These demanding fights feature adversaries with extended health bars, forming significant obstacles along your path through the main storyline.

How to Beat Holy Bulwark Otto

Guide to How to Beat Holy Bulwark Otto in Lords of the Fallen

Holy Bulwark Otto wields a hefty two-handed weapon, resulting in somewhat sluggish movements and attacks. His favored assault is an overhead slam, which he frequently employs. He hoists his weapon high above his head and brings it down forcefully to the ground. After each of his strikes, there’s a brief recovery period, offering you an opportunity to land a few hits.

Guide to How to Beat Holy Bulwark Otto in Lords of the Fallen

In addition to the overhead slam, Otto unleashes side-swings with his imposing weapon. These moves are relatively easy to dodge, but they also serve as good practice for your blocking and parrying techniques to master the timing. If his weapon connects with you, it inflicts bleed damage. You can monitor the bleed status through a bar above your health bar, which accumulates with each hit. A full bleed bar causes your health to drain continuously until you address it.

Occasionally, Holy Bulwark Otto performs a spinning motion with his mace, followed by a forceful slam with a slight lunge. Dodge or block these attacks, then swiftly approach him after he finishes the move. It takes him a bit longer to extract his weapon from the ground, giving you a chance to stagger him.

Guide to How to Beat Holy Bulwark Otto in Lords of the Fallen

One move to be cautious of is when Otto raises his left hand and lunges toward you. If he seizes you, he’ll grasp your throat and deliver a powerful mace strike to your body, substantially depleting your health and sending you flying.

Once you’ve vanquished Holy Bulwark Otto, The Lightreaper will enter the fray. Although you can engage in a battle against The Lightreaper, it’s an exceptionally challenging encounter. In your initial playthrough, the intended outcome is to succumb to him, but even if you manage to defeat him, a cutscene will ensue in any case.

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