We are with you with another House Party guide. In this content, we have prepared a House Party Game Walkthrough guide for you. Below you can find full guides of all house party characters. I heavily recommend playing the game on your own to learn the controls, learn the characters and attempt the romance your favorite characters. This game (in my opinion) is very fun to learn the ins and outs of the party and all the characters.
This guide is only going to romance one character at a time, usually. This doesn’t include the Compubrah VR scenes. These can be unlocked by having Compubrah’s case open and in your inventory. To use Compubrah you must complete Patricks/Rachaels required content to unlock it. If you have been playing and want to use your existing file with this guide, then I wouldnt at all recommend it. Many of the options will screw up the whole file and lock certain actions. Try if you like, though whether or not it’ll work, I really cant say. I always recommend starting a new file.
Table of Contents
House Party Walkthrough
At the start of the game, you need to complete a few tasks before you can start romancing characters. I recommend creating a “Starting File” to get these out of the way. Save this file and use it as a starting point for each playthrough to avoid repeating these steps. This file will serve as the base for every section.
Note: Dialogue may differ depending on whether you choose a male or female character. I will note these differences as we go.
Male Character File Setup
1. Talk with Derek
- Purpose: Prevent Derek from getting upset, which can lock you out of many objectives.
- Dialogue Options:
- “Thanks for inviting me to the party!”
- “Rough week? Is everything OK?”
- “I’ve known you too long to let this go.”
- “You got it, Derek.”
2. Talk with Madison
- Purpose: Introduce yourself to Madison so she will stop saying she “has to take care of some things” and will allow you to speak with her.
- Dialogue Options:
- “Thanks for letting me come!”
- “Ah. So I’m a total afterthought?”
- “You’re doing fine.”
- “It’s how bakers keep score!”
- “Yeah, most definitely.”
3. Random Events
- Purpose: Observe and interact with characters involved in random events to unlock additional dialogue.
- Events:
- Rachel and Patrick Fight: Rachel slaps Patrick.
- Amy Stubs Her Toe: Amy talks to Stephanie about her injury.
4. Talk to Characters
- Purpose: Start conversations with various characters to get to know them and gather initial dialogue.
- Talk to Amy
- Dialogue Option: “See you, Amy.”
- Dialogue Option: “See you later, Ashley!”
- Dialogue Option: “Ciao Bella!”
- Dialogue Option: “Always a pleasure, Katherine.”
- “It’s cool, but why’d you get all Jerry Springer on him?”“Nope and nope.”“Sure, good luck with that.”
- Dialogue Option: “We’ll pick this up later. I’ve gotta run.”
- Dialogue Option: “I’ll see you around, Stephanie.”
- Dialogue Option: “I’m gonna go drink some orange juice. See you later, Frank.”
- “You got the s**t slapped out of you! What was that about?”“What’s the problem with you two?”“Hmm… Maybe I could help you out.”“You’re wrong on all counts. But I’ll help you.”
- Dialogue Option: “See you around, Patrick.”
- Initial Dialogue Options:
- “I uh.. think you nailed it. What was that about… Sensei Frank?”“Oh I know Frank, I just had no idea he was a… senpai? Sensei, sorry.”“Oh… OK. See ya Leah.”
- Dialogue Option: “See ya around, Leah.”
5. Madison Will Approach You
- Purpose: Continue the conversation with Madison to unlock additional dialogue options.
- Dialogue Options:
- “Sky Animal? What’s That?”
- “I have so, so many questions.”
- “Who taught you about sky animals?”
- “So, what happened?”
- “And did he teach you?”
- “What’s your sky animal?”
- “I think I hear Derek calling me. Talk to you later, Madison.”
Save Your Starting File: Use this file as the base for future gameplay. Reload it at the beginning of each new section to skip the initial setup.
Female Character File Setup
This section covers the “Starting File” for the female character, detailing the required actions at the beginning of the game to get things started. Save this file and use it as a base for each playthrough to avoid repeating these initial steps.
Note: Dialogue may vary between male and female characters. I’ll point out these differences where applicable.
1. Talk with Brittney
- Purpose: Prevent Brittney from getting upset, which can block progress on many objectives.
- Dialogue Options:
- “You know I’d do anything for you.”
- “Why do you need this shirt anyways? Your t*ts look banging!”
- “I can’t argue with that logic.”
2. Talk with Madison
- Purpose: Introduce yourself to Madison so she will stop saying she “has to take care of some things” and will allow you to speak with her.
- Dialogue Options:
- “I’m Brittney’s friend. She invited me over to bring her a shirt.”
- “It’s really sweet that you care about your friends so much.”
- “I look forward to it!”
3. Random Events
- Purpose: Observe and interact with characters involved in random events to unlock additional dialogue.
- Events:
- Rachel and Patrick Fight: Rachel slaps Patrick.
- Amy Stubs Her Toe: Amy talks to Stephanie about her injury.
4. Talk to Characters
- Purpose: Start conversations with various characters to initiate dialogue.
- Talk to Amy
- Dialogue Option: “See you, Amy.”
- Dialogue Option: “See you later, Ashley!”
- Dialogue Option: “Always a pleasure, Katherine.”
- “It’s cool, but why’d you get all Jerry Springer on him?”“Nope and nope.”“Sure, good luck with that.”
- Dialogue Option: “We’ll pick this up later. I’ve gotta run.”
- Dialogue Option: “I’ll see you around, Stephanie.”
- Dialogue Option: “I’m gonna go drink some orange juice. See you later, Frank.”
- “You got the s**t slapped out of you! What was that about?”“What’s the problem with you two?”“Hmm… Maybe I could help you out.”“You’re wrong on all counts. But I’ll help you.”
- Dialogue Option: “See you around, Patrick.”
- Initial Dialogue Options:
- “I uh.. think you nailed it. What was that about… Sensei Frank?”“Oh I know Frank, I just had no idea he was a… senpai? Sensei, sorry.”“Oh… OK. See ya Leah.”
- Dialogue Option: “See ya around, Leah.”
- Dialogue Options:
- “She’s not the only one looking great tonight. Are those abs I see under that shirt?”
- “Can’t wait to see more of you tonight.”
5. Madison Will Approach You
- Purpose: Continue the conversation with Madison to unlock additional dialogue options.
- Dialogue Options:
- “Sky Animal? What’s That?”
- “I have so, so many questions.”
- “Who taught you about sky animals?”
- “So, what happened?”
- “And did he teach you?”
- “What’s your sky animal?”
- “I think I hear Brittney calling me. Talk to you later, Madison.”
Save Your Starting File: Use this file as the base for future gameplay. Reload it at the beginning of each new section to skip the initial setup.
Note: Characters spawn in random locations (except Brittany, Stephanie, Vickie, and The Game Grumps) and wander the house and backyard randomly (except Stephanie). Familiarize yourself with the house layout to efficiently find and interact with characters.
Character Walkthroughs (Male & Female)
You can find the routes of all the characters in House Party in sections below. The steps to be followed for all the characters are the same for men and female.
Amy (Bail on Hunt) Male and Female – Part 1
Amy, age 21, is originally from Ricci, Rhode Island . She reminisces of her time there, drinking hot chocolate and sitting by a fire in her back yard. She also had a scandalous interaction with her hometown’s mayor, but refuses to elaborate beyond it being a factor in her leaving. She recently moved to this town and is eager to make friends. To that end, she is pledged to a sorority at her community college.
AmyAmy’s romance is pretty complicated. For Amy you need to complete a decent amount of her scavenger hunt. Luckily with recent updates her story is a bit easier.
Talk to Patrick Away From Leah and Frank
- You should watch out for Frank.
- How the hell do you even have a bottle of wine with Frank around?
- I think I’ll pass on putting anything that’s been down your pants in my mouth. Thank though.
You may want to save to an alternate save in case you mess the next part up.
Head to the Kitchen. Inspect the Microwave and take the Natty Lite that is behind it (ensure Leah is not nearby). Above the Microwave in the cupboard is some mugs. One of these you can interact with, take it. Use the Mug with the faucet in the Kitchen.
Talk to Frank
- I’m completely sober!
- Right, sure it does. I’m gonna go, uh… over there.
Talk to Frank Again
Make sure Patrick is not nearby
- Patrick’s got a bottle of wine! He’s been shoving it down his pants to hide it from you!
- I’ll get the popcorn.
When Frank leaves the Office open the Liquor Cabinet and take the Rum. In the same room as the liquor cabinet look at the desk. Under the printer is a drawer you can open. This has a Credit Card, take this as long as Derek or Madison are not in the room.
Talk to Katherine
- I feel like we use the word “need” outside of its intended purpose.
- I notice you keep looking at your phone. Is everything OK?
- Who would ever be a d*ck to you, ever?
- I could use a drink. Want me to grab you one?
- Cool, I’ll see what I can do.
Talk to Katherine Again
- Do you know why the Microwave isn’t working?
- Thanks Kitty Kat!
- Message received.
Katherine will stand near the Microwave for a couple minutes and then come talk to you.
Katherine Finds You
You can continue doing tasks. Katherine will find you once she is done.
- Uhhh… Thanks! So is it working now?
- Always a pleasure, Katherine.
Go to the Garage. On one of the shelves is the Bathroom Skeleton Key, take it.
Go to the downstairs bathroom. Take the towel that is on the sink. Leave the Bathroom, close and lock the bathroom door behind you. Ensure this door is Locked.
Head upstairs to the Study (where Brittney sits). Interact with the Chocolate Bar on the shelf by the door and use it with the Water in a Mug, also take the paper on the desk.
Go to Ashley’s room (Spare room with the bunk bed). Take the small pencil that is on desk.
Head to the Master Bedroom (if you want to be safe, grab the Mysterious Key from the Mantle and lock the Master Bedroom door). On the vanity there is a Gastronomy book, use the piece of paper with it. It should place the paper on top of the book. Use the pencil with the paper. Pick up the paper after to clean up your tracks.
Head to the Master Closet and open the safe in the back, take Madison’s diary, grab the Laxatives on the shelf near the door as well (blue bottle).
Go to the Master Bathroom. Take Madison’s Phone that is sitting on the sink.
While Leah, Frank and Katherine are not around, combine the Rum with the Laxatives.
Talk to Amy
- You look pretty pensive. What’s on your mind?
- I could help you out. I’m awesome at finding things!
- Sure thing!
Talk to Amy
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- Leave it to me!
Give Credit Card to Amy
Make sure Madison is not nearby.
- Oh yeah, she’s the best!
Talk to Amy
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- I got this!
Recommend saving due to potential failure because of potential failure.
If you are playing as the female character you can skip all Katherine and Frank options. These are all to get a condom from Frank but as a female you can go up and just ask him for it.
Give Katherine Tampered Rum
DO NOT give it to her if she hasn’t told you she has fixed the Microwave. Wait until she talks to you about it then give her the Rum.
Make sure Leah or Frank is not nearby.
- Enjoy!
Stay in the Living Room Area
Katherine Starts to Feel Sick
This dialogue line may change depending on where you are located. I would recommend staying in the Living Room/Kitchen area. This is time sensitive and will cause failure.
- You okay?
Katherine Gets Sick
Katherine will try to get into the downstairs bathroom that is locked. She will have Frank knock down the door.
- *This is gonna get ugly*
- Listen
- Go dude, go!
- *Continue*
As soon Frank knocks himself out you need to run over and interact with him on the ground. You will have a loot option. This will add a Condom to your inventory.
If you fail to get the condom and Frank wakes up you will need to load an older save or restart completely.
Give Madison Her Phone Back
Make sure Ashley is not nearby.
- So is there a reward for returning your phone? I feel like maybe a kiss or something is in order.
- Hells to the yeah Mads! I’m your guy! How do we get started?
- Got it!
Interact With Madison – Throw Beer On
Doesn’t work if she is in the hot tub, she doesn’t have a shirt on.
- You can give it but not take it?
Ashley Will Talk to You
- Glad I could help!
Talk to Ashley
Will talk to you about Frank knocking out Patrick.
- See you later, Ashley!
Talk to Ashley Again
- Are you OK? You seem a little distracted.
- What can I do to help you out with the unfortunate beer “accident
- If it’s any consolation at all, wet clothes and all, you’re still adorable!
- See you later Ashley!
Give Ashley a Towel
Make sure Madison is not nearby.
- I could wash them for you!
- What can I do to earn your trust?
- I’ve actually got it right here!
- Hey, I told you I’d come through!
- Um, okay.
Talk to Ashley Again
- So I think I’ve earned your trust. Let me help you clean those clothes before they stain.
- Lead the way!
Follow Ashley to her room. Close the door behind you.
Talk to Ashley
- OK, looks like we’re all alone here. Just give me your dress and I’ll get it in the washing machine.
- My pleasure!
Talk to Ashley Again
- Your panties look like they’re soaked too. Want me to throw them into the wash for you too?
- Score!
Head to the laundry room and use the Washer with Ashley’s clothes. This will take a couple minutes to finish. Let do a few things while this goes.
Give Condom to Amy
- Yeah it’s probably better you don’t…
Talk to Amy
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- I’ll figure something out!
Talk to Derek
- Can you give me your shirt? It’s for something really important.
- Yes the do! In fact I saw a petition going around!
- I’ll get back to you.
Amy (Bail on Hunt) Male and Female – Part 2
Go to the Office (Next to Frank). Interact with the computer next to the liquor cabinet, select “Create Petition”. Interact with the printer next to it, select “Print Petition”, interact with the petition on the printer to take it.
You will need to get 7 signatures on the petition and give it to Derek. You may need to lie to some people to get their signature. You can talk to anyone in any order and all people’s options are listed (except Katherine because she is still sick in the bathroom.)
Talk to Patrick
- Hey Patrick, would you be interested in signing my petition?
- It’s one of those surprise petitions. We mail you the results and you find out what you supported.
- I totally get it brah. Thanks!
Talk to Frank
If you are too fast Frank will still be messed up from running into the door. You can skip him at this point. If at the end Derek says there isn’t enough signatures come back to him and the prompt will be available.
- Hey Frank, will you sign my petition?
- It’s for re-establishing prohibition.
- Too easy…
Talk to Stephanie
- Hey Stephanie! You’ll sign my petition, right?
- Oh it’s just a signature contest. Best-looking signature wins.
- I’m sure it is. I’ll let you know if you won.
Talk to Rachael
- Hey Rachael, will you please sign my petition?
- It’s for Derek to take off his shirt.
- Hot diggety dog! Wait, did I just say that out loud?
Talk to Amy
- Here, sign this petition for Derek to take off his shirt! He can’t say no if everyone signs it!
- Sometimes I surprise even myself…
Talk to Madison
- Hey do you want to sign my petition?
- It’s a petition for Derek to take off his shirt.
- Score
Talk to Leah
- Hey Leah, wanna sign this petition for me?
- We all want Derek to take his short off and he’ll only do it if there are enough signatures on this petition.
- Love it, thanks!
Talk to Brittney
- Hey do you think you could sign my petition?
- It’s a free the nipple campaign.
- Good to know, Brittney. Thanks!
Talk to Ashley
- Will you sign this petition for me?
- It’s for Derek to take his shirt off.
- Score!
After gathering all signature give the Petition to Derek.
Give Petition to Derek
- Finally!
Talk to Derek
- What’s Amy’s deal? She’s kinda cute.
- Later Derek.
Head back to the Laundry Room. Open the Washer and use the Dryer with Ashley’s Wet Clothes.
This will take a couple more minutes to finish. We will come back in a bit.
Give Amy Derek’s Shirt
- I do what I can.
Talk With Amy
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- Did you forget who you’re talking to?
Give Ashley’s Panties to Amy
- Get down with your bad self, girl!
Talk With Amy
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- Keep your dignity. F*ck the sorority. You’ll regret it if you give in to them!
- The feeling is mutual!
Talk to Amy
- That song that’s playing reminds me of this one Panic! at the Disco song…
- To be honest, they’re good, but not my favorite.
- See you, Amy.
Head back to the laundry room. Ashley’s clothes should be done. If not just hang around till they are done. Interact with the dryer and select “Open”.
Give Ashley’s Clean Clothes to Ashley
- Sounds like a pretty good deal to me!
You need Ashley to leave this room. If she doesn’t talk to her and select the “find a new spot to chill” option. You can then choose a different room for her to go to.
Go to the Kitchen. Use the microwave with the Chocolate & Water in Mug.
It will take about 15 seconds to finish. Interact with the microwave and select open.
Talk to Amy
- So what are you going to do now that you’ve decided against the sorority?
- Yeah sure, that sounds great! I’d love to join you!
Follow Amy to the Fire Pit. Feel free to sit in a chair next to her at the Fire Pit. Not required but feels like it should be.
Give Amy the Hot Chocolate
- You’re very welcome.
Talk to Amy
- This is really relaxing!
- I try to seek out the company of interesting people like you.
- I just want to get to know you better.
- It’s not about where you are, it’s about who you are.
- What do you say we seek a more secluded area…
- It’s been nothing short of a total pleasure meeting you!
- Lead the way!
Follow Amy to Ashley’s Room and close the door behind you.
Talk to Amy
- So how about you and I have a little fun?
- Could you stand up for me please?
Talk to Amy Again
- So how about you and I have a little fun?
- Can I get a peek of those t*ts?
- Could you take your pants off for me?
- Could I see what’s beneath those panties?
Feel free to select any of the options. At this point all options are available in any order. - I can’t take it anymore Amy. I need to f*ck you.
This gives you access to have sex with Amy whenever you want. Just talk with her and choose the “have a little fun” option. This route allows you to complete multiple other characters. If you are wanting to complete multiple characters in one run, this is the route you should probably take.
Amy (Finish Hunt) Male and Female – Part 1
Amy, age 21, is originally from Ricci, Rhode Island . She reminisces of her time there, drinking hot chocolate and sitting by a fire in her back yard. She also had a scandalous interaction with her hometown’s mayor, but refuses to elaborate beyond it being a factor in her leaving. She recently moved to this town and is eager to make friends. To that end, she is pledged to a sorority at her community college.
Amy – No Sex RouteThis route will complete Amy’s Scavenger Hunt. This will NOT allow us to have sex with her. This route will have her walk around in only Goodbye Kitty Panties or topless for the rest of the party.
This route will get Brittney to be completely naked in the Hot Tub (which allows you ask for for a threesome in the Vickie route as the male character).
This will also let Amy accept a threesome request as well.
You have to complete most of Amy’s route in order to romance Leah.
Talk to Patrick Away From Leah and Frank
- You should watch out for Frank.
- How the hell do you even have a bottle of wine with Frank around?
- I think I’ll pass on putting anything that’s been down your pants in my mouth. Thank though.
You may want to save to an alternate save in case you mess the next part up.
Head to the Kitchen. Open the Fridge, take the Whipped Cream (behind the Potatoes). Take the Natty Lite that is behind the Microwave (ensure Leah is not nearby).
Next to the Garage Door is a Thermostat. Interact with it and select Tamper. This will change the display to 80 degrees.
Talk to Frank
- I’m completely sober!
- Right, sure it does. I’m gonna go, uh… over there.
Talk to Frank Again
- Patrick’s got a bottle of wine! He’s been shoving it down his pants to hide it from you!
- I’ll get the popcorn.
When Frank leaves the Office open the Liquor Cabinet and take the Rum. Frank will go to where Patrick is and knock him out. This will cause the wine bottle Patrick is holding to be dropped, wait till Frank leaves and goes back to his normal spot and take the dropped wine bottle.
In the same room as the liquor cabinet look at the desk. Under the printer is a drawer you can open. This has a Credit Card, take this as long as Derek or Madison are not in the room.
Talk to Katherine
- I feel like we use the word “need” outside of its intended purpose.
- I notice you keep looking at your phone. Is everything OK?
- Who would ever be a d*ck to you, ever?
- I could use a drink. Want me to grab you one?
- Cool, I’ll see what I can do.
Go to the Garage. On one of the shelves is the Bathroom Skeleton Key, take it.
Go to the downstairs bathroom. Take the towel that is on the sink. Leave the Bathroom, close and lock the bathroom door behind you. Ensure this door is Locked.
Head upstairs to the Study (where Brittney sits), take the paper on the desk.
Go to Ashley’s room (Spare room with the bunk bed). Take the small pencil that is on desk.
Head to the Master Bedroom (if you want to be safe, grab the Mysterious Key from the Mantle and lock the Master Bedroom door). On the vanity there is a Gastronomy book, use the piece of paper with it. It should place the paper on top of the book. Use the pencil with the paper. Pick up the paper after to clean up your tracks.
Head to the Master Closet and open the safe in the back, take Madison’s diary, grab the Laxatives on the shelf near the door as well (blue bottle).
Go to the Master Bathroom. Take Madison’s Phone that is sitting on the sink.
While Leah, Frank and Katherine are not around, combine the Rum with the Laxatives.
Talk to Amy
- You look pretty pensive. What’s on your mind?
- I could help you out. I’m awesome at finding things!
- Sure thing!
Talk to Amy
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- Leave it to me!
Give Credit Card to Amy
Make sure Madison is not nearby.
- Oh yeah, she’s the best!
Talk to Amy
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- I got this!
Recommend saving due to potential failure because of potential failure.
Give Katherine Tampered Rum
DO NOT give it to her if she hasn’t told you she has fixed the Microwave. Wait until she talks to you about it then give her the Rum.
Make sure Leah or Frank is not nearby.
- Enjoy!
Stay in the Living Room Area
Katherine Starts to Feel Sick
This dialogue line may change depending on where you are located. I would recommend staying in the Living Room/Kitchen area. This is time sensitive and will cause failure.
- You okay?
Katherine Gets Sick
Katherine will try to get into the downstairs bathroom that is locked. She will have Frank knock down the door.
- *This is gonna get ugly*
- Listen
- Go dude, go!
- *Continue*
As soon Frank knocks himself out you need to run over and interact with him on the ground. You will have a loot option. This will add a Condom to your inventory.
If you fail to get the condom and Frank wakes up you will need to load an older save or restart completely.
Give Madison Her Phone Back
Make sure Ashley is not nearby.
- So is there a reward for returning your phone? I feel like maybe a kiss or something is in order.
- Hells to the yeah Mads! I’m your guy! How do we get started?
- Got it!
Interact With Madison – Throw Beer On
Doesn’t work if she is in the hot tub, she doesn’t have a shirt on.
- You can give it but not take it?
Ashley Will Talk to You
- Glad I could help!
Talk to Ashley
Will talk to you about Frank knocking out Patrick.
- See you later, Ashley!
Talk to Ashley Again
- Are you OK? You seem a little distracted.
- What can I do to help you out with the unfortunate beer “accident
- If it’s any consolation at all, wet clothes and all, you’re still adorable!
- See you later Ashley!
Give Ashley a Towel
Make sure Madison is not nearby.
- I could wash them for you!
- What can I do to earn your trust?
- I’ve actually got it right here!
- Hey, I told you I’d come through!
- Um, okay.
Talk to Ashley Again
- So I think I’ve earned your trust. Let me help you clean those clothes before they stain.
- Lead the way!
Follow Ashley to her room. Close the door behind you.
Talk to Ashley
- OK, looks like we’re all alone here. Just give me your dress and I’ll get it in the washing machine.
- My pleasure!
Talk to Ashley Again
- Your panties look like they’re soaked too. Want me to throw them into the wash for you too?
- Score!
Amy (Finish Hunt) Male and Female – Part 2
Head to the laundry room and use the Washer with Ashley’s clothes. This will take a couple minutes to finish.
Give Condom to Amy
- Yeah it’s probably better you don’t…
Talk to Amy
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- I’ll figure something out!
Talk to Derek
- Can you give me your shirt? It’s for something really important.
- Yes the do! In fact I saw a petition going around!
- I’ll get back to you.
Go to the Office (Next to Frank). Interact with the computer next to the liquor cabinet, select “Create Petition”. Interact with the printer next to it, select “Print Petition”, interact with the petition on the printer to take it.
You will need to go to every single person at the party (except Katherine and Derek if he is still loopy from his door run) and get signatures on the petition. You may need to lie to some people to get their signature. You can talk to anyone in any order.
Talk to Patrick
- Hey Patrick, would you be interested in signing my petition?
- It’s one of those surprise petitions. We mail you the results and you find out what you supported.
- I totally get it brah. Thanks!
Talk to Frank
If you are too fast Frank will still be messed up from running into the door. You can skip him at this point. If at the end Derek says there isn’t enough signatures come back to him and the prompt will be available.
- Hey Frank, will you sign my petition?
- It’s for re-establishing prohibition.
- Too easy…
Talk to Stephanie
- Hey Stephanie! You’ll sign my petition, right?
- Oh it’s just a signature contest. Best-looking signature wins.
- I’m sure it is. I’ll let you know if you won.
Talk to Rachael
- Hey Rachael, will you please sign my petition?
- It’s for Derek to take off his shirt.
- Hot diggety dog! Wait, did I just say that out loud?
Talk to Amy
- Here, sign this petition for Derek to take off his shirt! He can’t say no if everyone signs it!
- Sometimes I surprise even myself…
Talk to Madison
- Hey do you want to sign my petition?
- It’s a petition for Derek to take off his shirt.
- Score
Talk to Leah
- Hey Leah, wanna sign this petition for me?
- We all want Derek to take his short off and he’ll only do it if there are enough signatures on this petition.
- Love it, thanks!
Talk to Brittney
- Hey do you think you could sign my petition?
- It’s a free the nipple campaign.
- Good to know, Brittney. Thanks!
Talk to Ashley
- Will you sign this petition for me?
- It’s for Derek to take his shirt off.
- Score!
After gathering all signature give the Petition to Derek.
Give Petition to Derek
- Finally!
Talk to Derek
- What’s Amy’s deal? She’s kinda cute.
- Later Derek.
Head back to the Laundry Room. Open the Washer and use the Dryer with Ashley’s Wet Clothes.
This will take a couple more minutes to finish. We will come back in a bit.
Give Amy Derek’s Shirt
- I do what I can.
Talk With Amy
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- Did you forget who you’re talking to?
Give Ashley’s Panties to Amy
- Get down with your bad self, girl!
Talk With Amy
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- Joining a sorority can open a lot of doors for you. I’d do what they ask. It’s just harmless fun, right?
- That’s my girl!
Talk to Amy
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- I’ll see what I can muster up.
Talk to Stephanie
- You look like you’re having fun.
- Hmm. I’ll see what I can do. What’s in it for me though.
- I’ll see you around, Stephanie.
Give Stephanie Whipped Cream
You may need to give it to her twice. If you give it to her it locks her Romance story.
- Good to know, Stephanie. Good to know.
Talk to Stephanie
- What do you do for work, Steph?
- And you’re a cook, I take it?
- Ah. You’re one of the waitresses.
- Everybody’s gotta get paid.
- Yeah, you really seem to know your stuff…
Talk to Stephanie Again
- I take it you go to school with these folks. What are you studying?
- So what do you think of Patrick?
- Can’t say I blame the guy, but yeah, I get what you mean.
Talk to Stephanie
- So how do you know Madison?
- Katherine seems cool.
- So what do you say you liven up this party even more and dance topless?
- I support this endeavor.
In the Living Room, take the Speaker on the right of the Fireplace.
Make sure Madison and Derek are not in sight.
Go to the Art Room. Take the Broom in the Closet.
Talk to Brittney
- You’re just gonna stay up here all night?
- Ciao Bella!
Talk to Brittney Again
- I got Stephanie to dance topless downstairs!
- Glad I could help!
Go behind the Hot Tub, there is a Patch of Dirt on the ground. Interact with it and use it with the Broom. Use the Broom that is stuck in the ground with the Speaker. Interact with the Speaker and select Turn On.
Talk to Stephanie
- Hey I set up a speaker outside near then hot tub!
- My sentiments exactly.
Follow Brittney to the Hot Tub
Talk to Brittney at the Hot Tub
- So how about we relax in the hot tub for a bit?
- You got it!
Wait for Brittney to sit in the Hot Tub. Make sure you see that she changes into her bikini.
Talk to Amy
- Now’s your chance! Brittney’s in the Hot Tub with American Flag underwear on!
- See you, Amy.
Follow Amy and watch her take a pic of Brittney. Only talk to Amy after she takes her picture of Brittney.
Talk to Amy
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- I’ll see what I can do.
Talk to Madison
- You look like a “Goodbye Kitty” fan if I’ve ever soon one.
- My sister was a huge fan. I know one when I see one.
- I’ll be sure to let my sister know she’s not the only one in town!
Madison will head towards the garage at this point. Do not let her catch you in this next section. I recommend talking to her and asking for a tour of the house. You can then send her to another section of the house.
Head to the Garage. On the shelf next to the Penguin is an interact-able orange tub (the only orange tub on the bottom shelf), interact with it and choose Rummage.
Give Goodbye Kitty Underwear to Amy
This is optional and makes no changes to the story but will improve her lust towards you.
Amy will go to the upstairs bathroom.
She will change into the Goodbye Kitty Underwear and take pictures with them on. You can go to the bathroom first and stand in there if you want to see her do this. You can see her naked for a couple seconds and she will wear the Goodbye Kitty Underwear the rest of the party.
She will talk to you about it but says that you deserve a show for the work you put in.
- Sounds good!
Amy (Finish Hunt) Male and Female – Part 3
Talk to Amy
Only talk to her after she puts on the underwear and takes her pictures with it.
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- F*ck yeah, I’ll get naked right here if you want me to.
- I’m on it!
Talk to Brittney in the Hot Tub
If she leaves the hot tub for whatever reason, just talk to her again and ask to relax in the hot tub again
There are different dialogue options for the Male and Female characters. Pick whichever option appears for you.
Male Option –
- I bet I can get Amy to get in this hot tub completely naked.
- If you get naked, she’ll get naked.
Female Option –
- Know what would make these bubbles feel even better? Bare skin. And…I could join you!
- Ciao Bella!
Talk to Amy
- Brittney will get naked in the hot tub if you do it first.
- Let’s go hang out in the hot tub. I’ve got a plan.
- Follow my lead when we get there!
Head to the Hot Tub.
Male Character – Take off your shirt, pants and shoes. DO NOT take off your boxers.
Female Character – Take off all clothing.
Sit down in the Hot Tub in any seat.
Talk to Amy
Only talk to Amy after she sits down in the Hot Tub.
- Amy, Truth or dare?
- Where is your favorite place to be kissed?
- Noted.
Talk to Brittney
- Brittney, truth or dare?
- Tell us about a secret crush you’ve had in the past.
- Hot damn!
Talk to Amy
- Amy, truth or dare?
- Have you ever made out with another woman?
- F*ck yeah, there is!
- *It’s working!*
Talk to Brittney
- Are you turned on right now?
- Good to know.
Talk to Amy
- Amy, truth or dare?
- Where is your favorite place to be kissed?
- Noted.
Talk to Brittney
- Have you ever kissed a woman?
- Good to know!
Talk to Amy
- Amy, truth or dare?
- Who at this party would you most like to see naked?
- I second that!
- Aww.
Talk to Brittney
- Brittney, truth or dare?
- I dare you to take your top off.
- Score!
Talk to Amy
- Amy, truth or dare?
- Dare you to take off your top!
- Yes!
Talk to Brittney
- Brittney, truth or dare?
- I dare you to take your bottoms off.
- Can’t see a thing!
Talk to Amy
- Amy, truth or dare?
- Dare you take off your bottoms!
- Can’t wait!
Male Character Only – Press E and take off your Boxers.
Talk to Amy
- Don’t you think we should take a photo to remember this precious moment by?
- I love it when I’m right…
Wait for Amy to take her picture. You must stay seated.
- Oh… alright Amy, sounds good…
- We’ve created a monster… in a good way of course…
Leave the Hot Tub and put all your clothes back on (E).
Talk to Amy
- Hey why did you run off from the hot tub? We were just starting to have a good time!
- Well, if it’s turning you on, it sounds like maybe you enjoy it?
- F*ck that voice you shouldn’t be ashamed to be yourself!
- I support you one thousand percent!
This will lead to the best option, Amy will stay the rest of the party in only her panties. There is not a sexual option in this route.
This does leave you able to initiate a threesome with Brittney and Amy in the Vickie threesome section.
Amy and Brittney Threesome – Female Only – Part 1
The Amy and Brittney Threesome is a female only section, there is no way to do this section as the male character.
This will also be completing a majority of the “Amy (Finish Hunt)” section.
In the same room as the liquor cabinet look at the desk. Under the printer is a drawer you can open. This has a Credit Card, take this as long as Derek or Madison are not in the room.
Talk to Amy
- You look pretty pensive. What’s on your mind?
- I could help you out. I’m awesome at finding things!
- Sure thing!
Talk to Amy Again
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- Leave it to me!
Give Credit Card to Amy
Make sure Madison is not nearby.
- Oh yeah, she’s the best!
Talk to Amy
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- I got this!
Talk to Frank
- Hey Frank, do you have a condom I can have?
- Actually, I just needed the condom. Thanks Frank!
- Uh thanks for the condom Frank.
Give Condom to Amy
- Yeah it’s probably better you don’t…
Talk to Amy
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- I’ll figure something out!
Talk to Derek
- Can you give me your shirt? It’s for something really important.
- Yes the do! In fact I saw a petition going around!
- I’ll get back to you.
Go to the Office (Next to Frank). Interact with the computer next to the liquor cabinet, select “Create Petition”. Interact with the printer next to it, select “Print Petition”, interact with the petition on the printer to take it.
You will need to go to at least seven different people and get them to sign your petition. You may need to lie to some people to get their signature. You can talk to anyone in any order.
Talk to Patrick
- Hey Patrick, would you be interested in signing my petition?
- It’s one of those surprise petitions. We mail you the results and you find out what you supported.
- I totally get it brah. Thanks!
Talk to Katherine
- Hey Katherine will you sign my petition?
- It’s to castrate all men so they can think more clearly.
- I figured you’d be on board. Thanks!
Talk to Frank
- I’m completely sober!
- Right, sure it does. I’m gonna go, uh…over there.
Talk to Frank Again
- Hey Frank, will you sign my petition?
- It’s for re-establishing prohibition.
- Too easy…
Talk to Stephanie
- Hey Stephanie! You’ll sign my petition, right?
- Oh it’s just a signature contest. Best-looking signature wins.
- I’m sure it is. I’ll let you know if you won.
Talk to Rachael
- Hey Rachael, will you please sign my petition?
- It’s for Derek to take off his shirt.
- Hot diggety dog! Wait, did I just say that out loud?
Talk to Amy
- Here, sign this petition for Derek to take off his shirt! He can’t say no if everyone signs it!
- Sometimes I surprise even myself…
Talk to Madison
- Hey do you want to sign my petition?
- It’s a petition for Derek to take off his shirt.
- Score
Talk to Leah
- Hey Leah, wanna sign this petition for me?
- We all want Derek to take his short off and he’ll only do it if there are enough signatures on this petition.
- Love it, thanks!
Talk to Brittney
- Hey do you think you could sign my petition?
- It’s a free the nipple campaign.
- Good to know, Brittney. Thanks!
Talk to Ashley
- Will you sign this petition for me?
- It’s for Derek to take his shirt off.
- Score!
After gathering all signature give the Petition to Derek.
Give Petition to Derek
- Finally!
Give Derek’s Shirt to Amy
- I do what I can.
Talk to Amy Again
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- Did you forget who you’re talking to?
Head upstairs to the Study (where Brittney sits), take the paper on the desk.
Talk to Brittney
- About that shirt I was supposed to bring you…
- Sure thing, it’s right here.
This is optional and does not impact the story at all.
You can go ahead of Brittney to the upstairs Bathroom. She will accept your company while she changes and you will see her topless for a few seconds. It has no benefit to your relationship. - That’s what friends are for.
Brittney Will Find You
Feel free to continue with your tasks. Brittney will find you after she is done changing.
- Happy to help!
Ashley Will Find You
Feel free to continue with your tasks. Ashley will find you once Brittney comes downstairs.
- Well thank you very much!
Go to Ashley’s room (Spare room with the bunk bed). Take the small pencil that is on desk
Head to the Master Bedroom (Madison will head to her room while you do this. If you want to be safe, grab the Mysterious Key from the Mantle and lock the Master Bedroom door). On the vanity there is a Gastronomy book, use the piece of paper with it. It should place the paper on top of the book. Use the pencil with the paper. Pick up the paper after to clean up your tracks.
Head to the Master Closet and open the safe in the back, take Madison’s diary.
Go to the Master Bathroom. Take Madison’s Phone that is sitting on the sink.
Go to the downstairs bathroom. Take the towel that is on the sink.
Give Madison’s Her Phone
- So is there a reward for returning your phone? I feel like maybe a kiss or something is in order.
- Hells to the yeah Mads! How do we get started?
- Got it!
Talk to Ashley
- Are you OK? You seem a little distracted.
- What can I do to help you out with the beer “Accident”?
- If it’s any consolation at all, wet clothes and all, you’re still adorable!
- You’re Madison’s sister? I never would have guessed. You’re way hotter than she is!
- Ashley! So are you the co-host of this party?
- Co-host it is.
- Tell me about the guests of the evening, Ashley.
- Tell me more about your friends.
- Yeah, Brittney and I are really close. She’s a cool chick.
- I hope we do just that.
Give Towel to Ashley
- I could wash them for you!
- What can I do to earn your trust?
- I’ve actually got it right here!
- Hey, I told you I’d come through!
- I already gave the phone back to Madison…
- I’ll see what I can do.
Talk to Ashley Again
- So I think I’ve earned your trust. Let me help you clean those clothes before they stain.
- Lead the way!
Ashley will head to her room. Feel free to follow her or meet her there. Close the door behind you.
Talk to Ashley in Her Room
- OK, looks like we’re all alone here. Just give me your dress and I’ll get it in the washing machine.
- My pleasure!
Talk to Ashley Again
- Your panties look like they’re soaked too. Want me to throw them into the wash for you too?
- Score!
Give Ashley’s Panties to Amy
- Get down with your bad self, girl!
Talk to Amy
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- Joining a sorority can open a lot of doors for you. I’d do what they ask. It’s just harmless fun, right?
- That’s my girl!
Talk to Amy Again
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- I’ll see what I can muster up.
Amy and Brittney Threesome – Female Only – Part 2
Talk to Brittney
- Want to go relax in the hot tub with me?
- Ciao Bella!
Talk to Amy
The correct dialogue option will only appear once you see Brittney in her swimsuit in the Hut Tub.
- Now’s your chance! Brittney’s in the hot tub with American Flag underwear on!
- See you, Amy.
Talk to Amy Again
Only talk with her after she starts taking pictures in the Hot Tub.
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- I’ll see what I can do.
Talk to Madison
- You look like a “Goodbye Kitty” fan if I’ve ever soon one.
- My sister was a huge fan. I know one when I see one.
- I’ll be sure to let my sister know she’s not the only one in town!
Madison will head towards the garage at this point. Do not let her catch you in this next section. I recommend talking to her and asking for a tour of the house. You can then send her to another section of the house.
Head to the Garage. On the shelf next to the Penguin is an interact-able orange tub (the only orange tub on the bottom shelf), interact with it and choose Rummage.
Give Goodbye Kitty Underwear to Amy
Amy will go to the upstairs bathroom.
She will change into the Goodbye Kitty Underwear and take pictures with them on. Go to the upstairs bathroom before she gets there and watch her change. You can see her naked for a couple seconds and she will wear the Goodbye Kitty Underwear the rest of the party.
She will talk to you about it but says that you deserve a show for the work you put in.
- Sounds good!
Talk to Brittney
- Last time we hung out, you told me you were single. Still looking?
- Tell me more about this secret someone you have your eye on.
- Ciao Bella!
Talk to Derek
- Hey, any idea if Brittney has a crush on anyone at the party?
- What’s Amy’s deal? She’s kinda cute.
- Later Derek.
Talk to Brittney
- I did some sleuthing and I have a suspicion about who you might have a crush on. Is it Amy?
- You two would be great together. Let me help you!
- Happy to help.
In this next section Brittney will go talk to Amy. If you are close enough to them you will overhear their conversation. You are not required to listen to any of the conversations but it makes no different if you hear them or not.
Talk to Brittney
- I think I’ve got some useful info about Amy.
- She loves the band Panic! at the Disco. You should ask her about them.
- You’ve got this! Confidence!
Brittney will find you
- You crushed it! I’ll work on getting us another clue about Amy.
In the Backyard near the Gazebo is a reddish/pinkish Flower on the ground (it will be in a flower patch under a large fern), take it for later.
Talk to Madison
- Do you know anything about Amy?
- Thanks Madison.
Talk to Brittney
- I think I’ve got some useful info about Amy.
- You should give her this flower. I heard Amy loves flowers.
- You’ve got this! Confidence!
Brittney will find you
- You crushed it! I’ll work on getting us another clue about Amy.
Talk to Leah
- Do you know anything about Amy?
- Thanks Leah.
Talk to Brittney
- I think I’ve got some useful info about Amy.
- Amy is trying to join a sorority because she’s worried about fitting in.
- You’ve got this! Confidence!
Brittney will find you
- You crushed it! I’ll work on getting us another clue about Amy.
Talk to Amy
- That song that’s playing reminds me of this one Panic! at the Disco song…
- To be honest. they’re good, but not my favorite.
- Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items.
- F*ck yeah, I’ll get naked right here if you want me to.
- I’m on it!
Talk to Brittney
- Want to go relax in the hot tub with me?
- Ciao Bella!
Follow Brittney to the Hot Tub.
Talk to Brittney in the Hot Tub
- Know what would make these bubbles feel even better? Bare skin. And…I could join you!
- Ciao Bella!
Talk to Amy
- Brittney will get naked in the hot tub if you do it first.
- Let’s go hang out in the hot tub. I’ve got a plan.
- Follow my lead when we get there!
Head to the Hot Tub.
Take off all clothing (E) and sit down in the Hot Tub in any seat.
Talk to Amy
Only talk to Amy after she sits down in the Hot Tub.
- Amy, Truth or dare?
- Where is your favorite place to be kissed?
- Noted.
Talk to Brittney
- Brittney, truth or dare?
- Tell us about a secret crush you’ve had in the past.
- Hot damn!
Talk to Amy
- Amy, truth or dare?
- Have you ever made out with another woman?
- F*ck yeah, there is!
- *It’s working!*
Talk to Brittney
- Have you ever kissed a woman?
- Good to know!
Talk to Amy
- Amy, truth or dare?
- Who at this party would you most like to see naked?
- I second that!
- Aww.
Talk to Brittney
- Brittney, truth or dare?
- I dare you to take your top off.
- Score!
Talk to Amy
- Amy, truth or dare?
- Dare you to take off your top!
- Yes!
Talk to Brittney
- Brittney, truth or dare?
- I dare you to take your bottoms off.
- Can’t see a thing!
Talk to Amy
- Amy, truth or dare?
- Dare you take off your bottoms!
- Can’t wait!
Talk to Brittney
- I’ve got a dare for both of you – let’s have a threesome upstairs.
- Amy?
- Don’t you think we should take a photo to remember this precious moment by?
- I love it when I’m right…
Stay seated in the Hot Tub till Brittney gets up. Put your clothes back on (E) then follow them up to the spare bedroom (Ashley’s room)
Follow Brittney and Amy
- Let’s have some fun!
This is a one time event and is not repeatable. You can finish Amy’s scavenger hunt and get her to be topless the rest of the evening. Further sex with Amy or Brittany is not possible outside of threesomes with Vickie.
Ashley (Smooth Operator) Male and Female – Part 1
Ashley is Madison’s sister. The relationship between these two is not the best, since Madison is always trying to pull a prank on her. You have the chance to help Madison pull a prank on her again, resulting in Ashley walking around the house in her panties only. When you do this, you can not do anything else with Ashley, since she will obviously hate you for that. But if you decide to help her clean her clothes (once the quest is unlocked) you can have her give you a “special treatment” if you catch my drift.
AshleyAshley has a few different “romance” options. Most of them end with just getting head but it is possible to have sex with her. This will go that route.
Talk With Madison
- Can you tell me where the bathroom is?
- I’ll check you later, mads.
Talk to Ashley
- You’re Madison’s sister? I never would have guessed. You’re way hotter than she is!
- Ashley! So are you the co-host of this party?
- Co-host it is.
- Tell me about the guests of the evening, Ashley.
- Tell me more about your friends.
Male Character Option - Yeah, me and Derek go way back. He’s a great pal.
Female Character Option - Yeah, Brittney and I are really close. She’s a cool chick.
- I hope we do just that.
Talk to Ashley Again
- There was somebody you forgot to mention. What about Brittney?
- I’m going to help her realize there’s no reason to stay cooped up tonight.
- It starts with 4, I think.
Talk to Ashley Again
- What’s the deal with you and Madison anyway?
- So about Madison’s sky animal…
- I don’t think that’s what a furry is.
- *listen*
- Patrick, even you’re skeptical of all this?
- Does he now?
- Madison just wants to be unique, you know?
- Let’s keep our voices down…
- oh, heh, hey Madison…
- Wait, Madison!
- We didn’t mean it!
- What the F**k?
- What am I gonna say?
- Take the deal, Pat.
- Thanks, I guess.
Head to the downstairs bathroom. Grab the towel on the sink and the beer next to the toilet.
Head to the Master Bedroom.
Knock on the Bathroom Door
- Come on Madison, let me come in.
- Madison?
- Here I come.
Talk to Madison
- It wasn’t like that, Madison. We were all just trying to understand you better.
- Madison, I’m sorry if I’ve upset you, really, but this whole sky animal thing… comes off as a bit silly.
- That’s fine! But you don’t have to go that far to get people to notice and like you.
- Just be you. People like real you.
- That’s what all of us are trying to do. Everybody on the planet is trying to figure their sh*t out. It’ll happen.
- Yeah. Crazy. Definitely crazy.
- Hey, that sounds pretty good! Thanks!
Grab Madison’s phone that is on the Master Bathroom sink.
Give Madison’s Her Phone
- So is there a reward for returning your phone? I feel like maybe a kiss or something is in order.
- Hells to the yeah Mads! I’m your guy! How do we get started?
- Got it!
Instead of pranking Madison we are going to spill beer on Madison.
Select “Throw Beer On” Madison
- You can give it but not take it?
Ashley Will Find You
- Glad I could help!
Talk to Ashley
- Are you OK? You seem a little distracted.
- What can I do to help you out with the beer “Accident”?
- If it’s any consolation at all, wet clothes and all, you’re still adorable!
- See you later, Ashley!
Give Towel to Ashley
- I could wash them for you!
- What can I do to earn your trust?
- Challenge Accepted!
Head to the Study (where Brittney is) and grab the piece of paper on the table. Go to Ashley’s room (Spare Room where the bunk bed is). Grab the small pencil on the table.
Go to the master bedroom.
Make sure Madison is not in the room. You can get the mysterious key and lock the Master Bedroom if that makes it easier.
On the vanity there is a Gastronomy book, use the piece of paper with it. It should place the paper on top of the book.
Use the pencil with the paper. Pick up the paper after to clean up your tracks.
Head to the Master Closet and open the safe in the back, take Madison’s diary.
Again make sure Madison doesn’t see you. She will come straight to the closet once you are doing this.
Give Madison’s Diary to Ashley
- Hey, I told you I’d come through!
- I already gave the phone back to Madison…
- I’ll see what I can do.
Talk to Ashley Again
- So I think I’ve earned your trust. Let me help you clean those clothes before they stain.
- Lead the way!
Ashley will head to her room. Feel free to follow her or meet her there.
Move your cursor on Ashley’s back and select “Ashley’s Top”. Choose the “Secure” option.
- Happy to Help!
Talk to Ashley in Her Room
- OK, looks like we’re all alone here. Just give me your dress and I’ll get it in the washing machine.
- My pleasure!
Talk to Ashley Again
You can also select the “wash your panties as well” option if you need them for Amy’s scavenger hunt. It is not required to romance Ashley though.
- Hey are you OK in here? Do you need anything?
- Sure thing! Be right back!
Go to the laundry room across the hall. Use Ashley’s clothes with the Washing Machine. It takes a couple minutes for the Washing Machine to finish. Then use her clothes with the dryer and again it takes a couple minutes for it to finish.
While these are washing we need to do a few things.
Head to the kitchen, grab the soda and the whipped cream out of the fridge.
By the Garage door there is a thermostat on the wall. Select the “Tamper” option. It should change the temp to 80 degrees.
Talk to Stephanie
- You look like you’re having fun.
- Hmm. I’ll see what I can do. What’s in it for me though?
- What do you do for work, Steph?
- And you’re a cook, I take it?
- Ah. You’re one of the waitresses.
- Everybody’s gotta get paid.
- Yeah, you really seem to know your stuff…
Give Stephanie Whipped Cream
You may need to give it to her twice. If you give it to her it locks her Romance story.
- Good to know, Stephanie. Good to know.
Talk to Stephanie Again
- I take it you go to school with these folks. What are you studying?
- So what do you think Patrick
- Can’t say I blame the guy, but yeah, I get what you mean.
Talk to Stephanie Again
- So how do you know Madison?
- Katherine seems cool.
- So what do you say you liven up this party even more and dance topless?
- I support this endeavor.
Ashley (Smooth Operator) Male and Female – Part 2
If you are playing the female character, you may have already completed some of this dialogue in the starting file.
Talk to Brittney
- Hey are you OK? There’s a party going on out there you know.
- Are you kidding? That top looks great on you!
- Anytime!
Talk to Brittney Again
Male Character Option
- Oh look. Here you are all by yourself again.
Female Character Option
- You’re just gonna stay up here all night?
- Ciao Bella!
Talk to Brittney Again[/b][/u]
- I got Stephanie to dance topless downstairs!
- Glad I could help!
By the end of all this her clothes should be finished in the dryer. Go ahead and grab her clean clothes and head into Ashley’s room.
Give Ashley a Soda
- No sweat!
Give Ashley Her Clean Clothes
- Sounds like a pretty good deal to me!
Ashley Talks to You About Brittney
- Well thank you very much!
Derek may also talk to you at this point. Basically him just saying you have been killing it with Ashley. You can just jump through his prompts it has no impact.
Talk to Ashley Again
- I’d like to see your room.
- Right behind you.
Follow Ashley Back to Her Room
- Nice Couch!
Sit in the Middle of the Couch
- Yeah, join me!
- What about the guitar?
- And the whiteboard?
- Are you serious?
- Oddly enough, that story got me really horny.
- Well…
- Yes!
This should trigger the normal sex scene.
Ashley now will let you have sex with her whenever you want. Just talk to her and ask for another tour of her upstairs.
Ashley (Prank With Vickie) Male and Female – Part 1
Ashley is Madison’s sister. The relationship between these two is not the best, since Madison is always trying to pull a prank on her. You have the chance to help Madison pull a prank on her again, resulting in Ashley walking around the house in her panties only. When you do this, you can not do anything else with Ashley, since she will obviously hate you for that. But if you decide to help her clean her clothes (once the quest is unlocked) you can have her give you a “special treatment” if you catch my drift.
AshleyAshley has a few different “romance” options. This route will go over the Prank Madison with Vickie route. This will lock the Art Room scene with Madison once completed.
First step is to get Vickie Vixen to the party.
Talk to Patrick Away From Leah and Frank
- You should watch out for Frank.
- How the hell do you even have a bottle of wine with Frank around?
- I think I’ll pass on putting anything that’s been down your pants in my mouth. Thank though.
Talk to Frank
- I’m completely sober!
- Right, sure it does. I’m gonna go, uh… over there.
Talk to Frank Again
- Patrick’s got a bottle of wine! He’s been shoving it down his pants to hide it from you!
- I’ll get the popcorn!
When Frank leaves the Office open the Liquor Cabinet and take the Thermos.
Frank will go beat up Patrick. This will cause the wine bottle Patrick has been drinking to be dropped. Wait until Frank goes back to his normal post and take the wine bottle that Patrick dropped.
On the side table next Frank is a cup of Coffee, take it. In the kitchen is a pantry, open it to find a kettle. Right click the kettle to pick it up and throw it on the stove (hold right click and when you let go you throw the item in your hand).
Use the Coffee on the kettle, turn on the stove. It will take a couple minutes but the kettle will start whistling to let you know when it is done. After it is done turn off the stove and use the empty coffee cup with the kettle. This will put Hot Coffee in your inventory.
Talk to Ashley
Talks about Patrick getting knocked out be Frank.
- See you later, Ashley
Talk to Ashley
- What’s the deal with you and Madison anyway?
- See you later, Ashley!
Give Hot Coffee to Patrick
Patrick will refuse the Coffee the first time.
- Yeah we wouldn’t want that now, would we?
Talk to Patrick
Make sure Frank or Leah are not around.
- I guess I’ll just give this Irish Coffee to someone else then?
- That was disturbingly easy…
Give Hot Coffee to Patrick
- Anytime Patrick!
Patrick Will Approach You
This will happen about a minute after you give the coffee to him. Feel free to keep doing tasks and Patrick will find you.
- Whoops.
Head upstairs to the Study (where Brittney sits). Take the paper on the desk.
Go to Ashley’s room (Spare room with the bunk bed). Take the small pencil that is on desk.
Head to the Master Bedroom (if you want to be safe, grab the Mysterious Key from the Mantle and lock the Master Bedroom door). On the vanity there is a Gastronomy book, use the piece of paper with it. It should place the paper on top of the book. Use the pencil with the paper. Pick up the paper after to clean up your tracks.
Head to the Master Closet and open the safe in the back, take Madison’s diary.
Go to the Master Bathroom. Take Madison’s Phone that is sitting on the sink, behind the bathroom door is a bottle of Painkiller’s, take it.
Rachael Will Approach You
Feel free to keep going with the next steps. Rachael will eventually find you.
- Whoa! What’s the big deal?
- I… Um, bye? What the meta just f*cking happened?
Give Painkillers to Patrick
- See you around, Patrick.
Talk to Patrick
- About that favor you owe me. Can I use your cell phone for a minute?
- F*cking A. It’s always something. OK. I’ll see if I can find out who has your phone.
Talk to Brittney
- Hey Patrick’s looking for his phone. You haven’t seen it, have you?
- Um, he’s not mentally challenged. He was just drunk.
- ::Sigh:: Fine.
Talk to Patrick
Only talk to him after he states his buzz is gone from the coffee you gave him.
- Looks like you left your phone with Brittney, but she won’t give it to me.
- You’re the brah, Patrick.
Follow Patrick to Brittney
- *Continue*
- *Continue*
- *Continue*
Patrick Will Find You
- You got it, Patrick
Give Madison’s Phone to Ashley
Make sure Madison is not nearby.
- Maybe it is. What’s it to you?
- I’m intrigued. Go on.
- Count me in. What do you need me to do?
- I’ll see what I can do.
Give Madison’s Diary to Ashley
Make sure Madison is not nearby.
- Hey, I told you I’d come through
- Um, okay
Give Rachael Her Thermos
Make sure Frank or Leah are not nearby.
- Frank doesn’t scare me. Have you seen my biceps?
- Sounds like a plan!
Talk to Rachael
- Hey do you think I could get your phone number so we can chat sometime?
- We’ll pick this up later. I’ve gotta run.
Open your inventory and interact with Madison’s Phone, select contacts.
Make sure Madison doesn’t see you.
Madison’s Phone – Contacts
- *Close*
Talk to Katherine
- Do you know anything about hacking phones?
- Let’s say I wanted to spoof a text message. How could I hypothetically go about that?
- I wouldn’t want to use my phone either…
- I know exactly what you’re going to say…
- Patrick!
Give Patrick’s Phone to Katherine
- Score!
Follow Katherine to the Study
This will trigger once Katherine enters the Study. No matter where in the house you are you will receive this dialogue.
- Will do!
Talk to Katherine
- Can you send a spoofed text message for me?
- Hmm. Send it to 555-6969.
- Send it from Rachael. 555-4242.
- “Hey come to Madison’s party and help liven things up?”
- Thanks!
Vickie will show up usually in the Backyard by the Gazebo. If you are too close I have seen her randomly show up in the house. You will know when she arrived because Katherine and Rachael will approach you about it.
Katherine Will Approach You
This will happen about two minutes after Vickie comes to the party. This has no impact on the guide, just skip it until Katherine speaks to you.
- Okay, okay, I got it…
Rachael Will Approach You
This will happen about after Rachael see’s Vickie at the Party. This has no impact on the guide, just skip it until Katherine speaks to you.
- It was all for you Rachael. All for you.
Ashley (Prank With Vickie) Male and Female – Part 2
Interact With Ashley’s Top – Secure
- Happy to help!
Talk to Ashley
- You’re Madison’s sister? I never would have guessed. You’re way hotter than she is!
- Ashley! So are you the co-host of this party?
- Co-host it is.
- Tell me about the guests of the evening, Ashley.
- Tell me more about your friends.
Male Character Option - Yeah, me and Derek go way back. He’s a great pal.
Female Character Option
- Yeah, Brittney and I are really close. She’s a cool chick.
- I hope we do just that.
Talk to Ashley Again
- There was somebody you forgot to mention. What about Brittney?
- I’m going to help her realize there’s no reason to stay cooped up tonight.
- It starts with a 4, I think.
Talk to Ashley Again
Make sure Madison is not nearby.
- So about that Diary…
- What are you thinking?
- I like the way you think.
- So you’ve got the password, I’ve got the phone… What’s next?
- Oh, hey Patrick.
- *Listen*
- Yeah, we were just talking about post-modern film.
- *Listen*
- Okay, see you soon.
Ashley and Patrick will go sit at the Fire Pit and start talking. They will talk for around two minutes. They cannot be talked to until this timer finishes. The only way to know if this timer is done is you can talk to either of them.
While you are waiting for them open your inventory and interact with Madison’s Phone, select Inspect (make sure Madison is not nearby). This will open Madison’s Phone and let you interact with it. Open her photos app and feel free to admire the nude selfies of Madison. Press the home button twice to leave her phone. Open your inventory again and interact with Madison’s Diary, select Read.
Read Madison’s Diary
- *Keep Reading*
- *Shut Diary*
Talk to Patrick or Ashley
- *Listen*
- *Ahem*
- There’s, uh, a fire. In your room.
- Right. Super serious.
- See you around Patrick.
Talk to Ashley
Make sure Derek or Madison are not nearby.
- A gold mine of nudie pics.
- Here, take a look.
- What’re you thinking?
- Got it.
Talk to Derek
- So, say I got my hands on some naked photos of someone…
- Who could really make use of them?
- Definitely nefarious.
- I’ll see what’s up with them. Thanks, Derek.
Talk to Vickie
Make sure Madison or Derek is not nearby.
- I have something you may want, Vickie.
- Can I interest you in some nude pictures?
- I, uh, not-
- Yes, that’s what I meant!
- Can you see if the woman in question could make it in the industry?
- *Listen*
- Here, look on this phone.
- Well…
- We’re trying to be good friends!
- So you think she’s got the stuff?
- *Listen*
- Absolutely!
- Top secret, Vickie.
- Bye, Vickie.
- Derek!
- The diary held more that just passwords. They’ve already hooked up once.
- Alright, how will I know when you two are set?
- And the signal is?
- Wow, okay. Can do.
- Break!
Recommend saving. Potential for failure ahead.
Talk to Derek
- You and Madison? Anything ever happen there?
- Derek, be straight with me. I know there’s more, gimme the deets bud.
- The solution is simple: Make it un-awkward!
- You gotta tell me what’s got you in such a funk. Usually, you would have dealt with this by now.
- If you try to fix things with Madison, I promise to find out what happened with your Brother’s meth situation.
- Oh, one sec… *Pull off shirt*
- Let’s go baby!
- Anything for you, dude.
Derek will head to the Gazebo to talk to Madison. Once they are both there a dialogue will start once you are close enough. You can also just talk to Derek to start the dialogue early.
This next section requires you to be fast. After you finish listening to Derek and Madison, you will need to run upstairs to the Master Bedroom Bedroom (Ashley and Vickie will already be in there) and close both doors. If you do not do this fast enough it will fail the entire thing.
Approach or Talk to Derek
- *Listen*
- *Stop Listening*
Approach Ashley in the Closet
- Let me in!
I recommend standing close to the shelves behind Ashley and be able to interact with Door (R).
Derek and Madison Talk in the Bedroom
- *Listen*
- Shh!
- I gotcha.
Interact with the Right Door and open it.
Take off your pants and Boxers/Panties (E)
Take off your Pants and Boxers/Panties
- I can’t help it… This is really hot.
- I’ll try my best not to…
Next start pleasuring yourself and Vickie will make Ashley give you a head.
Press 1 to J*ck Off
- Sorry, gotta do it.
- Hurry!
- Thanks Ashley!
These next options will all appear but may be in different orders based on how fast you are.
Interact With Ashley – Get Head
- Hell Yeah!
- Keep your voices down!
- Shouldn’t be too much longer…
- *Listen*
- Get ready to laugh.
- Whew, that’s what I’m talking about.
Put your pants and underwear back on (E). Open the other Door and leave the closet.
Leave the Closet
- Derek, sorry, you were collateral damage dude.
- Derek, you stallion!
- *Listen*
- Why not?!
- *Listen*
- Patrick wasn’t part of the prank, I swear.
- It was just a joke…
- Fine! Damn.
Ashley Will Approach You
- I like the sound of that.
Follow Ashley to Her Room
- I think I can do that.
Close the Door to the Ashley’s Room. Crouch and interact with Ashley.
Interact With Ashley – Shoes Off
- I think it’s only fair if some of my clothes begin falling off too.
- I think you might be onto something. I wonder what happens next…
This will lower your friendship and relationship points with Madison and Derek. Make sure you improve these points before you attempt to Romance any other character that involves them. If these values are too low they will not help you or talk to you about things.
Brittney (Love Conquers All) – Female Only
“Brittney, the Southern Belle! I like her, man. She’s pretty quiet, reserved and sh*t, but lemme tell you, she’s got a wild side. You just gotta make her feel more confident, and after that she’s the life of the party.”
Talk to Brittney
- About that shirt I was supposed to bring you…
- Sure thing, it’s right here
- That’s what friends are for.
Ashley and Brittney will approach you separately. You can continue doing tasks and they will find you.
Ashley will Approach You
- Well thank you very much!
Brittney Will Approach You
- Happy to help!
Talk to Ashley
- You’re Madison’s sister? I never would have guessed. You’re way hotter than she is!
- Ashley! So are you the co-host of this party?
- Co-host it is.
- Tell me about the guests of the evening, Ashley.
- Tell me more about your friends.
Male Character Option - Yeah, me and Derek go way back. He’s a great pal.
Female Character Option - Yeah, Brittney and I are really close. She’s a cool chick.
- I hope we do just that.
Talk to Ashley Again
- What’s the deal with you and Madison anyway?
- So about Madison’s sky animal…
- I don’t think that’s what a furry is.
- *listen*
- Patrick, even you’re skeptical of all this?
- Does he now?
- Madison just wants to be unique, you know?
- Let’s keep our voices down…
- oh, heh, hey Madison…
- Wait, Madison!
- We didn’t mean it!
- What the F**k?
- What am I gonna say?
- Take the deal, Pat.
- Thanks, I guess.
Head to the downstairs bathroom. Grab the towel on the sink.
Head to the Master Bedroom.
Knock on the Bathroom Door
- Come on Madison, let me come in.
- Madison?
- Here I come.
Talk to Madison
- It wasn’t like that, Madison. We were all just trying to understand you better.
- Madison, I’m sorry if I’ve upset you, really, but this whole sky animal thing… comes off as a bit silly.
- That’s fine! But you don’t have to go that far to get people to notice and like you.
- Just be you. People like real you.
- That’s what all of us are trying to do. Everybody on the planet is trying to figure their sh*t out. It’ll happen.
- Yeah. Crazy. Definitely crazy.
- Hey, that sounds pretty good! Thanks!
Grab Madison’s phone that is on the Master Bathroom sink.
Rachael Will Approach You
You can continue doing tasks. She will approach you at some point.
- Whoa! What’s the big deal?
- I…um, bye? What the meta just f*cking happened?
Give Madison’s Her Phone
Make sure Ashley is not nearby.
- So is there a reward for returning your phone? I feel like maybe a kiss or something is in order.
- Hells to the yeah Mads! I’m your guy! How do we get started?
- Got it!
Talk to Ashley
- Are you OK? You seem a little distracted.
- What can I do to help you out with the beer “Accident”?
- See you later, Ashley!
Give Towel to Ashley
- I could wash them for you!
- What can I do to earn your trust?
- Challenge Accepted!
Head to the Study (where Brittney usually sits at the start of the party) and grab the piece of paper on the table. Go to Ashley’s room (Spare Room where the bunk bed is). Grab the small pencil on the table.
Go to the master bedroom.
Make sure Madison is not in the room. You can get the mysterious key and lock the Master Bedroom if that makes it easier.
On the vanity there is a Gastronomy book, use the piece of paper with it. It should place the paper on top of the book.
Use the pencil with the paper. Pick up the paper after to clean up your tracks.
Head to the Master Closet and open the safe in the back, take Madison’s diary.
Again make sure Madison doesn’t see you. She will come straight to the closet once you are doing this.
Give Madison’s Diary to Ashley
- Hey, I told you I’d come through!
- I already gave the phone back to Madison…
- I’ll see what I can do.
Talk to Ashley Again
- So I think I’ve earned your trust. Let me help you clean those clothes before they stain.
- Lead the way!
Ashley will head to her room. Feel free to follow her or meet her there.
Talk to Ashley in Her Room
- OK, looks like we’re all alone here. Just give me your dress and I’ll get it in the washing machine.
- My pleasure!
Go to the laundry room across the hall. Use Ashley’s clothes with the Washing Machine. It takes a minute for the Washing Machine to finish. Then use her clothes with the dryer and again it takes a minute for it to finish.
Give Painkillers to Patrick
- See you around Patrick.
Head to the Laundry and get Ashley’s clothes out of the Dryer.
If the aren’t finished just wait for a minute for them to be done.
Give Ashley’s Clean Clothes to Ashley
- Sounds like a pretty good deal to me!
Talk to Brittney
- Thanks for extending an invitation to me tonight. And it seems like you’re enjoying yourself!
- You don’t really strike me as the house party kind of person.
- Tell me something about yourself I don’t know yet.
- Last time we hung out, you told me you were single. Still looking?
- I’m just going to come out and say it: I like you.
- Give me chance and I can show you something special.
- Do you like what you’ve seen?
- Does that mean we are about to have our moment?
- I think you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. Shall we take this to the bedroom?
- I’ll meet you there.
Follow Brittney to the Master Bedroom.
Talk to Brittney Laying on the Bed
- Enough good girl, time to be a little bad.
You can have sex with Brittney as long as you do enough “nice” opportunities, these are just some of the more convenient ones. This is a repeatable option.
Derek (Memory Lane) – Male Only
He is your friend from your high school’s dungeons and dragons club and the only person you know at this party. He was invited since he hooked up with Madison a week before the party and needed your company to manage the awkward situation between him and Madison. He has many useful tips for you and he claims to have “french fry nipples” (just to let you know ;-)).
DerekAs of right now there is only one way to romance Derek.
We will need to collect all of the “Natty Lites” that are scattered all around the house. The locations are as follows.
- Garage. On one of the shelves
- Downstairs Bathroom. Next to the toilet
- Master Bedroom. On a high shelf by the bathroom door.
- Upstairs bathroom. Behind the laundry basket (right click the basket to pick it up)
- Study (where Brittney is). Underneath the desk.
Talk to Derek
- How long have we been friends? I feel like I’ve known you forever.
- S**t, that’s like an eternity ago.
- We sure were wild!
- Sounds awesome!
- *Slurp* Yeah, my brain work good now…
- Thanks for the heads up. Peace out.
Talk to Derek Again Check this Again
Make sure Frank and Leah are not nearby.
Depending on where you are he may say something slightly different.
- Hey bud, I got a beer for us.
- Can do, buckaroo
Derek will then go sit on a chair in the Gazebo. Make sure Leah is not nearby.
Talk to Derek
- Yeah dude, thanks again for the invite.
- Ahhh yeah, the time I replaced all the sparkling cider with moonshine? Ha!
- Not too well, last I heard.
- Definitely more to talk about. Later!
Between each beer session you will need to wait about a minute. Derek will refuse until that hidden timer finishes.
Talk to Derek
- Yo D, got another beer for us!
- Let’s get steamy, baby!
Derek will then go to the hot tub. You will need to take ALL of your clothes off (Y) and sit down in the hot tub. He will not start the beer session until you are sitting in the hot tub fully naked. Again make sure Leah is not nearby.
Talk to Derek
- That’s quite a voice you’ve got there.
- The SmoothBooty Boyz!
- How could I ever forget?
- You got it.
For the next part make sure your bladder is full. You can check by taking your P*nis out (P) and the gauge is in the lower right. It should be pretty full but if not you can drink from the faucet in the kitchen.
Talk to Derek
- Derek, got us another cold one!
- Sounds like a plan, stan.
Derek will then head to the Roof in the backyard. Follow him. You can get on the roof by looking and the support pillar for the roof where the gutter is. If you select it you can climb to the roof.
Talk to Derek on the Roof
- You can handle your booze really well.
- The pissing contest we had up on the balcony!
- Life was simpler back then. Just pissing into the wind, literally.
From here I will be following the romance path. You can choose the other options to not romance Derek if you want it just locks his romance path from you. - I liked hearing that, honestly.
- Before you go… how about another contest for old times?
- I get what head you’re talking about. Let’s do this.
Stand up by moving your character. While still on the roof take out your p*nis with P and when Derek prompts you start peeing off the roof (number 2 to start peeing). Try to avoid peeing on anyone else or the will get mad at you. You can avoid this by backing up and peeing directly on the roof instead of off it. - That was classic dude!
Talk to Derek After Minute Beer Timer
- Got us another brew!
- Drunk words are sober thoughts.
- Uuhhhhhh huh, gotcha. I’ll be right behind you.
Derek will then head to Garage so follow him. Make sure Leah is not there.
Talk to Derek in the Garage
- It was either that or Pongboy. I think I made the right choice.
- I sink the hidden cup in the crowd… Right between a pair of magnificent b**bs.
- What can I say? I’m good in the cleavage clutch.
- Yeah, you mean a lot to me too. In more ways than one.
- I maybe remember that too…
- Sure sure, of course…
You’ll make out with Derek. I really wish this was in third person… - Hey, you got it.
Talk to Derek After Minute Beer Timer
- Heyo! I scored us another drink!
- Yeah absolutely.
- I’m there.
Derek will head to the laundry room upstairs. Follow him. You can sit on the dryer but when you talk with him it teleports you on there anyway.
Talk to Derek
- Back when, when?
- Nothing like… what?
- I’m with you all the way Derek.
- Hell yeah we are.
This will start the sex scene. Once you choose one of the three options you can then access the normal sex options. Feel free to explore all the positions and have fun *wink*
At this point you can initiate this scene again just by talking to Derek and asking if he wants to visit memory lane again. You can only have sex with him in the laundry room (excluding the threesome scene with Vickie).
Derek (Host Hijinks) – Female Only
Derek has a two options with Female character. You can either have s*x with him or become friends and he will become a bodyguard for you. I will specify which options you must choose during this guide.
Head up to the Art room upstairs. Inspect the Owl painting.
Talk to Madison
- So is that like, your secret art lair upstairs?
- Wow, you’re so individualistic!
- Please don’t turn me into a skin lamp…
- I volunteer as tribute.
- *Continue*
- Derek, what the f*ck?
- F*ck, where’s my popco- go on…
- No, it’s gotta be me!
- Sounds great!
- Somebody get this guy a beggin’ strip! Shut up already Derek!
- That escalated quickly.
Talk to Madison Again
- Can you give me any clues into what kind of art you’d like to see?
- Right. Sounds real easy…
Head to the Living Room. Behind the left speaker is a foam finger, take it. Go to the Garage, next to one of the shelves is a Dusty Penguin. You can’t take it yet, inspect it.
Talk to Ashley
- So what’s up with that penguin in the Garage?
- You mind if I take it?
- I’ll see what I can do.
Head back to the garage and take the Dusty Penguin. Next head up to Ashley’s room. There is a pink dildo underneath her pillow, take that.
In the Kitchen next to the fridge is a trash can, interact with it and select rummage. This will add Money Makers Monthly to your inventory.
Head to the Master Bedroom. The dresser underneath the TV is interact-able, use the dresser with the Dusty Penguin. Next use the Foam Finger, Money Makers Monthly and Dildo with the penguin to create your art piece.
Talk to Madison
- I’m ready to show you my creation.
- You’ve got to come to the bedroom with me.
- Jeez.
Madison will invite everyone up to the bedroom to see it. Head upstairs to the Master Bedroom again and hang around the bedroom door.
Madison Will Talk to You
Depending on what hi-jinks you are up to some characters may not show up to the bedroom for the art show off.
- Um, yes.
- Art is subjective?
- I guess it is a little out there.
- Thanks for your honesty, Frank.
- Wow… Terrific feedback. Thanks Frank!
- Yeah that’s not really helping my case.
- Thanks Pat! At least someone recognizes real art when they see it. What do you think, Derek?
- That’s…definitely not what I did.
- Yeah, watchu got?
- Soo…
- …
- *Continue*
- …
- *Continue*
- Yeah yeah…good job Derek.
- Penguins can’t fly but thank you for the pep talk, Mads.
Derek will talk to you
- Actually, I lost on purpose.
- I didn’t want to play along with Madison’s silly games anymore.
- I’m sensing some underlying issues here.
- See you around, Derek.
Talk to Derek
- Madison really loves her mind games, huh? Has she messed with you a lot before?
- You’ll have to give me some examples.
- It sounds like there’s more where that came from.
- …she did what?
- That sounds awful.
- Missing cat…I might have to ask around about this.
- …
- Of course. If I hear about anything else Madison has done, I’ll let you know.
Talk to Frank
- I’m completely sober!
- Right, sure it does. I’m gonna go, uh…over there.
Talk to Frank Again
- Know anything about Derek missing a cat?
- Good looking out, thanks Frank. I’ll talk to Steph.
Talk to Stephanie
- Steph, earlier tonight did Derek break down and talk to you about a cat or something?
- So the poor guy was really heartbroken over some p*ssy.
- Crying over a grave, eh? I’ve had worse dates.
- You have fun…I’ve got some snooping to do.
Go outside, behind the Hot Tub is a Mound of Dirt. Interact with it and select Inspect. Interact with it again and select Search. A collar should pop out of the mound onto the ground, take it.
Give Collar to Derek
- I found her collar buried in the backyard. Someone was trying to hide the evidence.
- I think someone was trying to hide the evidence of what happened to your cat and I think we both know who it was.
- I think you know the truth already.
- Let it out, buddy.
- Let me guess – that someone is us.
- I can’t wait to hear this master plan of yours.
Head to the Kitchen. Between the Sink and the Microwave is a green mat that has two keys on it. One of them is a Mysterious Key, take it.
Give the Mysterious Key to Derek
- That might be a bit much. You shouldn’t do this Derek.
- Don’t stoop to her level. You’re better than this.
Romance Option - I’m glad I cam over too. What do you say we take this to the master bedroom?
- I’ll see you up there.
Follow Derek to the Master Bedroom
Talk to Derek in the Master Bedroom
- Ready when you are, baby.
Friendship/Bodyguard Option
- I think this is the start to a great friendship.
- Thanks Derek!
- Sure thing, Derek.
This is the only way to have sex with Derek as the Female character. This is repeatable as well. It will not negatively affect your stats with Madison. This does lock out any sex options with Madison but you can still get head from her by pranking Ashley.
If you do decide to get back at Madison instead of talking Derek out of it, you will pull a prank on Madison with Derek. You will only get to see Madison blindfolded (in the nightstand next to Madison’s bed), naked and masturbating. It will also lower your reputation with her.
Frank – Male and Female – Part 1
You meet Frank at the party guarding all the alcohol. When you do a quest for Amy, you try to get a condom. You ask Derek, Patrick and Frank. When you ask Frank you find out that he thinks that you like him and wants to be together. When you ask Derek, he tells you Frank is bisexual. When Frank comes in, he finds out that you do have feelings for him. Then Frank tells you that he went through what you are going through. Frank tells you to follow him onto the side of the house, where he starts performing oral on you. Frank then gives you a condom and tells you if you still like him, he will do it again.
FrankAs the Male character, you can get Frank to give you a BJ pretty easily, just ask him for a condom during the Amy scavenger hunt. However there is a full sex scene with Frank in the shower so of course we will going that route. It does require a lot of socialization with everyone so strap in.
We need to become BFF’s with Frank ASAP. We are going to be giving some gifts to him to start.
Grab the Follow Items
- Natty Lite (behind microwave)
- Popcorn (Kitchen, in left cupboard above microwave)
- Natty Lite (in the garage on a shelf)
Grab the Cell Phone Jammer while you are in the Garage. Turn it on as soon as you get it. - Sunglasses (Master Bedroom, on the dresser under the TV)
- Natty Lite (Master Bedroom on shelf near door)
Talk to Frank
- I’m completely sober!
- Right, sure it does. I’m gonna go, uh.. over there.
Talk to Frank
- What do you think about Katherine?
- You seem like an interesting guy.
- …Um, what?
- I haven’t had anything to drink!
- There’s no way your b*lls can sense if somebody’s drunk or not.
- Well okay then.
Give Frank All the Natty Lites, Sunglasses and popcorn
- Just doing my part, Frank.
Talk to Frank
- So how’s guard duty treating you?
- Oh for sure. I feel you.
- How about you let me take over for a bit? Stretch your legs.
- Uh huh… I’ll see what I can do, Frank.
Talk to Frank Again
- Is that chair uncomfortable? It looks uncomfortable.
- Why don’t we talk about something that’s not your b*lls?
- Soooo we’re just gonna keep talking about your b-
- I’m gonna have to interrupt you there, I think Derek’s/Brittney’s calling me.
Talk to Frank Again
- Frank, I’m ready… for glory. Will you accept my help now?
- Oh but I do! I could hold my own if something went down.
Male Character Option
- Uhhh I do, and they’re statistically average if I do say so myself.
Female Character Option
- Oh? What an astute observation, Frank.
- How is any of this relevant?
- Oh. Sh*t. Gee, guess I’m out!
Talk to Frank Again
- Okay Frank, seriously! I don’t think having big b*lls matters as much as you think…
- …and how did you come to such conclusions?
- I hate to break it to you, but they are talking about c*ck size, not b*ll size.
- I bet I can prove it’s true by asking around the party.
- “The b*lls have eyes.” Thanks for the horrific idea Frank. No matter, it’s on!
We now have to become good/great friends with almost the whole party. We will focus on one character at a time.
Talk with Stephanie
- You look like you’re having fun.
- Hmm. I’ll see what I can do. What’s in it for me though?
- What do you do for work, Steph?
- And you’re a cook, I take it?
- Ah. You’re one of the waitresses.
- I think if you like doing it, then all the power to you.
- Supportive?
- I take it you go to school with these folks. What are you studying?
- So how do you know Madison?
- Katherine seems cool.
- Oh you’re free! Steph, you gotta try this primo dance spot. Accountis: Lit. Ambience: …More us, lit.
- To the Liquor Cabinet!
Talk to Stephanie at the Liquor Cabinet
- So…topless waitressing. What’s that like?
- You’re truly one for simple pleasures. Later then.
Talk to Stephanie Again
- You mentioned lapdancing earlier… Frank’s never had one! Wanna be his first?
- Nice! Make sure you really grind up on that bald boi. He’s had a long day…
- *Continue*
Watch Frank get a lap dance.
- *Continue*
- *Continue*
- *Continue*
- For the point you just lost, or the blue b*lls?
Talk to Ashley
- You’re Madison’s sister? I never would have guessed. You’re way hotter than she is!
- What’s the deal with you and Madison anyway?
- Ashley! So are you the co-host of this party?
- Co-host it is.
- Tell me about the guests of the evening, Ashley.
- Tell me more about your friends.
Male Character Option - Yeah, me and Derek go way back. He’s a great pal.
Female Character Option
- Yeah, Brittney and I are really close. She’s a cool chick.
- I hope we do just that.
Interact with Ashley’s Top – Secure
- Happy to help!
Talk to Ashley
- Look at you kickin’ back, Ashley! I’m gonna find a new spot to chill. Care to join?
- Our quest requires that we scout around the liquor cabinet. Off we go!
Talk to Ashley at the Liquor Cabinet
- What turns you on more, big b*lls, or a big c*ck?
- Totally with you on that.
- Wow… Really uh, really pushing that hard sell, huh Frank?
- You heard the lady. Point… Not you.
Talk to Derek
Male Character Option
- Hey hey buddy, you look bored. Let’s hang somewhere else, huh?
Female Character Option
- You’re looking kind of bored. Let’s go hang somewhere else, huh?
- To the liquor cabinet! Let’s check on tonight’s booze selections… or what’s left of it.
Talk to Derek Next to Frank
- Hey Derek, what’s better to have, a huge c*ck, or huge b*lls?
- Hey I was just trying to-
- *Listen*
- *Listen*
- *Listen*
- Ahhh haaaa! In the end it was all worth it! Point for me!
Talk to Madison
- You seem to be free. Care to show me around the place, or just head elsewhere?
- Let’s check out the Liquor Cabinet.
Talk to Madison Next to Frank
- So, Madison, big c*cks are totally better than big b*lls, right?
- Yeah, but if you had to pick between the two…
- Well, I heard “not” and “b*lls” .F******ck yeah!
- Heeeerre we go…
- *Listen*
- That’s just nasty, Frank.
- Aaannnd point received!
Head to the Garage. On the workbench there is a Signal Jammer, take it.
Turn on the Signal Jammer and follow Katherine around the house. She will keep losing signal and move to a new area. There is a low chance she will go next to Frank. You can also just nudge her into Frank’s area.
Talk to Katherine
- I feel like we use the word “need” outside of its intended purpose.
- I notice you keep looking at your phone. Is everything OK?
- Who would ever be a d**k to you, ever?
- I could use a drink. Want me to grab you one?
- Cool, I’ll see what I can do.
Talk to Katherine Again
- Hey, Katherine. Big balls or big d*cks?
- Thanks, that’s exactly what I thought.
- Why am I not surprised…
- Third of all, point for me.
- Nice going, Frank. Saying that out loud, and stuff.
- Ouch, poor Fra-no. No. Honestly, that was delightful.
Frank – Male and Female – Part 2
Talk to Patrick Away From Leah and Frank
- You should watch out for Frank.
- How the hell do you even have a bottle of wine with Frank around?
- I think I’ll pass on putting anything that’s been down your pants in my mouth. Thank though.
You may want to save to an alternate save in case you mess the next part up.
Talk to Frank
- Patrick’s got a bottle of wine! He’s been shoving it down his pants to hide it from you!
- I’ll get the popcorn.
When Frank leaves the Office open the Liquor Cabinet and take the Thermos.
Talk with Rachael
- So what’s up? Are you enjoying yourself at the party?
- Let me talk to him. I can figure this misunderstanding out.
- No sweat!
Talk with Rachael Again
- How do you know Madison?
- I find it hard to believe Madison would act in such self interest interest… wait nevermind.
- This is a video game. Just relax and roll with it.
- We’ll pick this up later. I’ve gotta run.
Give Thermos to Rachael
Make sure she is not near Frank or Leah.
- Frank doesn’t scare me. Have you seen my biceps?
- Sounds like a plan!
Talk to Rachael
- Hey Rachael, you free? Wanna chill somewhere else?
- Let’s check out the booze vault. Er, liquor cabinet.
Talk to Rachael Next to Frank
- What’s more pleasurable to you: big b*lls or a big p*nis?
- A fine choice. Splended, in fact. Thanks Rachael!
- Forget the point I just got, because what. The. F*ck?!
- OK that was weird, but still, point for me.
Talk to Frank
- Believe me yet? C*ck size is way more important than b*ll size!
- Glad you’re finally seeing reason.
- We’ll see about that!
Talk to Derek
- I need a favor. Can you show your d*ck to Frank?
- No one’s gonna notice. I just need to prove a point to Frank.
- I’m just kidding, I just wanted to see your reaction.
Male Character Option - Somethings never change!
Female Character Option
- Gotcha, buddy!
Head to the living room. While near the music tap E and select Dance. Tap E again and select Stop Dancing.
Talk to Derek
- What’s Amy’s deal? She’s kinda cute.
- Rough week? Is everything OK?
- Come buddy on’ pal ol’…uh, buddy! …yeah. Not gonna let this go.
- You got it, Derek.
Talk to Amy
- That song that’s playing reminds me of this one Panic! at the Disco song…
- To be honest, they’re good, but not my favorite.
- You look pretty pensive. What’s on you mind?
- I could help you out. I’m awesome at finding things!
- Sure thing!
Talk to Amy Again
- You wouldn’t happen to know why Derek seems down, would you?
- See you, Amy.
Talk to Derek
- Hey I heard what happened to your brother…
- Really shi**y man. Sorry to hear it.
Talk to Derek Again
- Hey buddy, I’ve been practicing my dance moves!
- I bet my moves are better than yours now!
- Let’s have a dance-off!
- Oh yeah, I’m sure. I may need a few warm up… but then it’s go time.
- Sounds good, see you soon.
Head to Ashley’s room (spare room) and underneath her pillow is a Dildo, take it.
Stay on the second floor and go to the landing in front of the Art Room. There is a chandelier and dangling from it is a MP3 player.
Interact with the MP3 player and select Throw Dildo. Go downstairs and the MP3 should have fallen by the door, pick it up.
Go to the Office (by Frank). There is a TV here with a media dock in front of it. Interact with the dock and use it with the MP3 player. On the TV interact with “Play Full Playlist” and choose select. This changes the music in the living room. You can pick up the remote under the TV to change the song anywhere.
Talk to Stephanie
- Those are some pretty sweet dance moves you’ve got there!
- Steph, I gotta take my dancing to the next level… got any tips for me?
- Sweet! You’ve got my full attention.
- That’s… just great. Thanks Steph!
Talk to Derek
- Yo, footloose. You ready for that dance-off? Cause I am!
- Sounds good, see you soon.
Talk to Derek After He Starts Dancing
- Hey, happy feet. Got your dancing shoes on? Cause it’s time to throw down!
- Well then you gonna keep talking about this or are we gonna do it?!
- Oh it’s like that?! …Seriously, is it? Cause I have a notoriously sensitive ass.
Press E and select Dance (DO NOT select Dance… Betterrer).
Derek Will Talk to You
Select the Dance Betterrer option a bit quickly. It can time out if you take too long.
- Show me what you got!
Press E and choose Dance… Betterer.
- Go me! To the victor go the spoils! You owe me a favor now. No questions asked, got it?
- Sweet! I’ll keep that in mind.
Stop Dancing with E
Talk to Derek
- Alright Derek, I’m calling in that favor. I need you to flash Frank.
- Good luck!
Follow Derek and Watch Him Flash Frank
- Why does everything circle back to b*lls?!
- Who even knows at this point?
Talk to Frank
If you choose the jerk options to Frank he will leave the party forever. We will be choosing the Romance options.
- It’s tough not being the big guy on campus, huh?
- You’ll get past it, but it’s better you know the truth now.
- Being wrong is a part of life. You can learn from your mistakes.
- You’re not a freak. I’ve just been messing with you. Could you uh… put that away?
- That’s a bit extreme. Maybe you should just learn to love yourself.
- That’s not exactly what I meant. …By the way, your b*lls are still showing.
- Oh I will, Frank. I will.
Talk to Frank Again
- That was some heavy sh*t we went through earlier… You still feeling okay?
- Glad to hear it, Frank! And yeah… me too.
- Frank, I want it all. All of you, and your behemoth besticles.
- Sure thing. So when exactly were-
- Let’s turn “soon” into “right now”. You sure you don’t have any particular place in mind for us to…?
- Okay…off we go.
Head to the upstairs bathroom, Frank will be following you. Close the door once you are both in.
Talk to Frank
- Frank… Are you ready for me?
- Give it to me, big man.
You can now ask for Frank for sex at anytime. This will not negatively affect any other relationships.
Katherine – Male and Female
You know that person in the group who’s really smart, but you have to think twice about if you’d actually want to bring them to a trivia night? That’s Katherine. She’s as intelligent as they come, and probably has a really bright future ahead of her, but those brains have made her very impatient of the mongoloids that she hangs out with. If you can crack through to her, maybe there’s a Katherine who’s worth getting to know. Otherwise, you could always go back to smashing rocks on your head and trying to grab the flames out of the fireplace, you idiot.
This will go over romancing Katherine. There is the option to take topless pics of her but we will not be going this route. This is also a route to get the game grumps to the party. This is not required to romance Katherine.
Talk to Katherine
- I feel like we use the word “need” outside of its intended purpose.
- I notice you keep looking at your phone. Is everything OK?
- Who would ever be a d**k to you, ever?
- I could use a drink. Want me to grab you one?
- Cool, I’ll see what I can do.
Talk to Katherine Again
- What kind of drinks do you like?
- What do you think of Stephanie?
- For being a d**k, that boyfriend sure has you plastered to your phone.
- Less gas emissions, more a** excretions.
- Don’t tell me…
- Couple fight, hopefully things’ll work out.
- 2Fast2Bum. What’s part 2?
- Alright alright alrighhhhht.
This sets up the Game Grumps to come to the party. This is completely optional and occurs after you romance Katherine.
Talk to Frank
- I’m completely sober!
- Right, sure it does. I’m gonna go, uh… over there.
Talk to Frank Again
- So you’re just gonna sit here and guard the alcohol, huh?
- I’m gonna go drink some orange juice. See you later, Frank.
Talk to Katherine
- Frank’s guarding all of the alcohol.
- Always a pleasure, Katherine.
I would heavily recommend saving your file to an alternate save in case you mess this next part up.
Talk to Patrick
- You should watch out for Frank.
- How the h*ll do you even have a bottle of wine with Frank around?
- I think I’ll pass on putting anything that’s been down your pants in my mouth. Thanks though.
Talk to Frank
Make sure Patrick is away from the liquor cabinet. Also try to have Leah be in a different room.
- Patrick’s got a bottle of wine! He’s been shoving it down his pants to hide it from you!
- I’ll get the popcorn.
Very quickly open the liquor cabinet and grab the rum once Frank leaves the room. Leah normally will head over so you need to complete this kind of quickly. Do not grab anything but the rum.
Once Frank is back at his normal post next to the liquor cabinet, inspect the empty vodka bottle. DO NOT take the bottle yet.
Talk to Frank
- Hey that vodka bottle is completely empty. Mind if I take it?
- Duly noted, Frank.
Take the empty Vodka Bottle ONLY AFTER talking to Frank.
If you do these out of order Frank will beat you up which will get you a game over.
Give Rum to Katherine
Ensure Leah and Frank are not nearby.
- Wow, talk about direct…
Talk to Katherine
- So how can I ensure 100 percent chance of getting in your pants?
- Hmm. Humiliate myself, or turn down sex? I guess I have no choice. I’ll do it!
Remove all your clothing (E) and flash everyone at the party. Don’t forget Brittney in the upstairs study.
Talk to Katherine After Flashing Everyone
- I did it! I flashed every single person here!
- Well if it’s any consolation, I think I’ll remember this experience for the rest of my life.
Talk to Katherine Again
- So hey, wanna go somewhere more private?
- I heard “sex”, but not much else after that. Let’s go!
Follow Katherine to the master bedroom upstairs.
Talk to Katherine After She Lays on the Bed
- I’ll see what I can muster up.
- Sorry, I’m just… Amazed that someone might be touching me soon. Erm-yes, I mean. Yes!
Head downstairs to the kitchen.
Open the fridge and take the cucumber. Use the empty vodka bottle on the faucet in the kitchen to receive a bottle of water.
Go to the living room (where Stephanie is dancing). On the mantle on the left hand side there is a mysterious key. Take this since this locks the master bedroom door.
Head back up to master bedroom.
Give Cucumber to Katherine
- You sure I can’t stay and Watch?
- F**k, okay.
Give Bottle of Water to Katherine
- It’s about f**king… I mean uh. Great!
Leave the room. Close and lock the door behind you. It will take about 10 seconds for Katherine to start moaning. You can also interact with the door and select Listen to see a on screen prompt if she is ready. Open then door when she is moaning or it states she is ready.
Game GrumpsThis route also allows you to get the Game Grumps to the party. There is not a direct romance option with these characters. I will however give you the guide to at least get them to the party.
Talk to Katherine After Giving Her Rum
- You’ve gotta finish your story now. It sounds juicy. And Spandex-y.
- This is peer pressure and technically that’s bullying.
Talk to Katherine Again
- Alright, here’s to a spandex-free future! *Take a swig of the rum*
- Call me crazy, but one would think you’d be at their live show instead of here.
- But then you saw his wrinkly balls in spandex.
- It’s the price you pay for ditching your spandex daddy.
- Hmmm…
Head to the garage. On the counter there is a cell phone jammer (looks like a radio almost). Take the Cell Phone Jammer. Make sure neither Madison or Derek are in the room. They will get mad at you for stealing things.
This whole time Katherine will be drinking the Rum, it usually takes about a minute for her to finish it. The correct dialogue will not be available until she finishes.
Talk to Katherine After She Finishes the Rum
- If you wanna see the Grumps so bad, then how about we do something about it?
- That rum may be getting the best of you cause you’re not making a lot of sense.
- Jam, jam, jam you up. I said, jam, jam, jam you up!
Give Cell Phone Jammer to Katherine
- It looks very much like something you’d find in an airplane catalogue.
- Hey! I know what words and stuff mean.
- I’mma jam them up so hard for you Katherine. So hard.
Katherine will head upstairs to the Study. She will talk to you no matter where you are in the house. Just select the only option available to continue the story.
Head Outside. Katherine Will Talk to You.
- Okay okay!
Open you’re inventory (with I) and turn on the Cell Phone Jammer.
There should be a hot air balloon heading towards the house and is visible if you stand near the hot tub. This whole thing takes about two or three minutes. The important thing is to stay in the backyard and hover around the Hot Tub when the balloon is really close.
Eventually the Game Grumps will jump from the hot air balloon and you can turn off the Cell Phone Jammer. Like I said before there is no romance options with these characters so feel free to talk with them and watch their hi-jinks.
Leah (Light Path) – Male and Female – Part 1
Leah is the most promising MMA student of Frank and his second-in-command. Loyal as she is, she didn’t question Frank’s order to restrict anybody from drinking alcohol even though she doesn’t understand why. Being highly motivated and deep into fitness, she wants to open her own self-defense studio.
Leah has one main path to romance her. During this path you will have to either take her down the Light Path or Dark Path.
The only negative on either path is the Dark Path. She will force you to have sex randomly no matter where you are. This can ruin your relationships with certain characters.
Interact With Ashley’s Top – Untie
- Whoops…
Talk to Katherine
- I feel like we use the word “need” outside of its intended purpose.
- I notice you keep looking at your phone. Is everything OK?
- Who would ever be a d*ck to you, ever?
- Always a pleasure, Katherine.
Katherine Approaches You
This will only happen after you untie Ashley’s top and she will run to the bathroom. It may take a minute for Katherine to approach and you have to be friends with Katherine.
- Oh… yes, I was looking for that. Thanks!
Go to the Study (where Brittney is). Take the Paper on the table.
Go to Ashley’s Room (Spare room with bunk bed). Take the pencil on the table. Use the small key with the Bike Lock on Ashley’s closet. Open the closet and interact with the Terrarium, select Unlatch.
Ashley Will Find You
This will happen a few minutes after you Unlatch the Terrarium. You can continue doing tasks, Ashley will find you when she is ready to talk about it.
- You know what else is 10 feet? I mean, what’s the problem?
- How could such a terrible thing happen?! How I ask, how?!
- Snakes and K-pop. I would not have guessed these were your passions.
- OK. Got it.
Go to the master bedroom.
Make sure Madison is not in the room. You can get the Mysterious Key and lock the Master Bedroom if that makes it easier.
On the vanity there is a Gastronomy book, use the Piece of Paper with it. It should place the Paper on top of the book.
Use the Pencil with the Paper. Pick up the Paper afterwards to clean up your tracks.
Head to the Master Closet and open the safe in the back, take Madison’s diary.
Again make sure Madison doesn’t see you. She will come straight to the closet once you are doing this.
Go to the Master Bathroom. Take Madison’s Phone that is sitting on the sink.
Talk to Ashley
- What’s the deal with you and Madison anyway?
- See you later, Ashley!
Give Madison’s Phone to Ashley
- Maybe it is. What’s it to you?
- I’m intrigued. Go on.
- Count me in. What do you need me to do?
- I’ll see what I can do.
Give Madison’s Diary to Ashley
- Hey, told you I’d come through!
- Um, okay.
Talk to Leah
Only speak to Leah after Ashley approached you stating her snake got loose. Stand outside near the Hot Tub if Ashley hasn’t spoken to you yet.
- There’s a security threat and I need your help!
- There’s a f*cking snake on the loose!
- We need to act now! I’m not trying to get swallowed… well, not by a snake.
- Let’s hop to it.
Follow Leah to Frank
Leah will first walk over to Franks normal post by the liquor cabinet. If they collide while walking they may start the conversation early and in a different spot
- *Listen*
- That didn’t sound like what you were talking about…
- I’ll let Leah explain.
- It’s gonna get real scaly in there if we don’t find that bastard!
- Leah, he sounds scared.
- *Continue*
- It would take care of the problem…
Talk to Leah again if it doesn’t keep you interacting with her. It will not keep you talking to her if you are not close enough to her.
- Leah, we’re still definitely going after that snake.
- Sometimes you have to break one code to go do right by your own code.
- And thus, the code of Leah was born.
- So, you want me to get a flashlight?
- Shouldn’t be too tough.
Talk to Leah
- Alright, I think I’ve got our light!
- Let’s hope we *don’t* have to.
- Let’s do this!
Head to the Garage and stand by the Beer Pong Table, Leah will be following you.
Leah Approaches You
- There better be some kind of reward for this…
Open you inventory and interact with Madison’s Phone, select Light On.
Stand on the Garage Door side by the Beer Pong Table. Crouch and point you light underneath the Beer Pong Table towards the door. Leah will say a voice line and you will hear a shattering noise. This is the queue that you can move to the next spot.
Stand by the Penguin next to the shelf. Point the light toward the Shelf that has the Bathroom Key on it. Wait for the sound queue and voice line and move to the next spot.
Stand in front of the shelf next to the Beer Pong Table. Point the light directly at the shelf you are standing next to.
Leah Talks About the Snake
- Yeah, and he can moooove. I uh… didn’t even see him
- How can I be scared with someone like you fighting by my side
- Watchu mean?
- Alright already! I’ll be quicker with the flashlight!
- Woah, woah, woah, I don’t wanna fight!
- Well, if you insist…
Stare down at Madison’s phone and interact with it, select Take.
You now have to punch Leah 5 times to trigger the next section. Press space to enter Combat Mode and left click in front of Leah to punch her.
Punch Leah 5 Times
- I can think of another activity that would feel twice as good, with just the same amount of sweat. *wink*
- You wouldn’t even be working for the weekend!
- I’m ready! Let’s chase this bastard to the ends of the earth! …or at least to the end of the property line.
- It’s more like an “escape from Ashley’s room” situation.
- Right this way.
Patrick Will Approach You
This will happen randomly after you punch Leah. This is not required if it does not happen. Continue doing the tasks and Patrick will find you.
- What gives you that idea?
- Dude, she was teaching me combat training. Nothing more.
- Nothing more.
- Combat training, eh?
- Curse your decaying, alcohol-soaked brain cells!
Head to Ashley’s Room and stand in front of the Terrarium, Leah will be following you and will talk to you once she see’s the Terrarium.
Leah Approaches You
- I think you’re remembering that wrong.
- I blame the rotary club, maybe the HOA. So what’s our next move? Keep searching?
- Someone wanted the snake to be free to live its life!
- They’ll sing songs of our victory here tonight.
- Yeah… that’d be something. Hey, let’s keep searching for that snake!
- Oh sh*t!
Head to the Art Room and wait for Leah
Leah Approaches You
- *Sigh* Why do I have to look for wriggly things in dark places? Fine…
Leah may talk to again. If you are not fast enough. If she does choose the ” I am a big boy” option.
Head into the Art Room Closet. On the top shelf is a white Spray Paint Can, take it. If you need to take out the phone flashlight you can do that but it is not required.
Approach Leah
- The hiss was actually coming from this. *Hands over spray can*
- We just can’t f*cking win!
- Thanks for the vote of confidence. Where do we look next?
- Let’s head out! Follow me!
Head to the Backyard and Leah will follow you.
Leah Approaches You in the Backyard
- I’m with you so far.
- I got it. I’ll have the light ready!
Leah (Light Path) – Male and Female – Part 2
Open you inventory and interact with Madison’s Phone, select Light On.
Follow Leah around the Backyard and stand behind her with the light on. Avoid shining the light in her eyes as she will get upset if you do it too much.
You can also interact directly with the Katana and inspect it on the fence and talk to Leah. She will go straight to the Katana. You still need to have the light on the Katana however.
Leah Finds the Katana
- Like why in the f*ck Patrick wears that flowery shirt?
- Hmmm, are those pot leaves on the blade? Let’s be cautious, we don’t wanna overthink this.
- You’re reaching more that Mr. Fantastic with this one.
- So now I have to find a sword historian? WTF?
Stare down at Madison’s phone and interact with it, select Take.
Talk to Leah
- About that sword…
- There’s nothing more to think about it. Someone’s trying to take you out of the game with a deadly snake/blade combo.
- The man, the myth the f*ckboi… erm, I’m with you!
Follow Leah
You will not be able to talk to Leah until she crouches in the hedge by the house next to the fire pit.
- Wha?
Talk to Leah While Crouched (C)
- OK OK! Hey real quick, about that Katana…
- Eh, nothing. Nevermind. Just go with whatever your gut tells you.
- We got you now Snak-wait…
You will be locked in place until Frank walks over to the Fire Pit. It may take a minute if his character gets stuck.
- *Listen*
- *Listen*
- *End*
Talk to Leah at the Fire Pit
- That was… pretty intense.
- Leah, you can come back from this. Remember the code! Look to the light!
- Leah… It’ll be okay.
- I wish you luck on your journey of self discovery. I self-discover a lot. Mostly at bedtime.
Leah will run away and disappear. She is not interactable.
Talk to Frank
- Tell me what’s up with that rental space you’re stealing from Leah.
- Then let’s become friends.
- We’ll see about that.
We now need to become BFF’s with Frank. We will need to pickup and give all item listed below to Frank.
- Natty Lite – Kitchen (behind Microwave)
- Popcorn – Kitchen (In Left Cabinet above Microwave)
- Natty Lite – Garage (On shelf by Penguin)
- Natty Lite – Master Bedroom (Shelf near door)
- Sunglasses – Master Bedroom (On Dresser below TV)
- Natty Lite – Study (Below desk)
If you do not have access to these items anymore you can give Frank any alcohol and it will increase his friendship. You can also take topless/nude pics of Katherine and this will also increase his friendship.
Talk to Frank
- I’m completely sober!
- Right, sure it does. I’m gonna go, uh… over there.
Talk to Frank Again
- What do you think about Katherine?
- You seem like an interesting guy.
- … Um, what?
- I haven’t had anything to drink!
- There’s no way your b*lls can sense if somebody’s drunk or not.
- Well okay then.
Talk to Frank Again
- So how’s guard duty treating you?
- Oh for sure. I feel you.
- How about you let me take over for a bit? Stretch you legs.
- Oh but I do! I could hold my own if something went down.
- Uhhh I do, and they’re statistically average if I do say so myself.
Male Character Option
- Uhhh I do, and they’re statistically average if I do say so myself.
Female Character Option
- Oh? What an astute observation, Frank.
- How is any of this relevant?
- Oh. Sh*t. Gee, guess I’m out!
Talk to Frank Again
- So, now you wanna tell me what’s up with that rental space you’re stealing from Leah?
- What the hell is Frankie’s F*ckaround Club?
- Wow! Tell me more!
- Admittedly, this sounds like the coolest place ever, but you have to apologize to Leah.
- Then let’s go, Frankie F*ckaround.
Go to the Backyard – Frank Approaches You
- I’ll find her. You better believe it.
Open your inventory and interact with Madison’s Phone, select Light On.
Head to the Hedges (near where the Katana was, on the Gazebo side). Leah will be crouched in the hedges, shine the light on her to trigger the next dialogue.
Approach Leah While Shining Light on Her
- Holy sh*t, you’re naked!
- Oh sh*t, let’s go!
- Alrighty…
Stare down at Madison’s phone and interact with it, select Take.
Approach Leah After She Dresses
- I actually brought Frank out here so he could apologize to you.
- Around the other side of the yard. Let’s go see him.
Follow Leah
- *Look up, following Leah’s gaze*
- *Listen*
- Wow, I did all that?
- Uhhh…
Wait till Frank stops talking. Leah will talk to you again
- Leah, snap out of it!
- Could be a safety hazard, but I like your spirit!
- Is-uh, was that a snake slur? I’m behind on PC culture… and if it’s spread that far.
- So? Let’s just shake a bag of snake food and he’ll come slithering down! Right?
- Uhhhh…… My heart says “say penis”. But my brain.. is struggling.
- We’ve gotta come up with a plan!
- Let me be the distraction. You flank around him.
- Believe me, I know Frank pretty well. I’m good.
- Well, Let’s just do our best… Heeeyyy Frank!
- Frank, do you realize this party is going off the rails without you?
- Just as long as you stay focused on me, buddy.
- Frank, tell me about your childhood. It couldn’t have been… normal.
- A small chested woman no longer!
- It’s clear to me now that your club is more important than Leah’s Dojo. I believe in Frankie F*ckaround.
- Speaking if a VIP… Leah where aarree youuu?
- Leah, he’s all yours!
- *Listen*
- You guys are gonna fall!
Watch Leah knock out Frank.
- *Listen*
- F*ck, she really is.
- “Debt”, you say…
- Fat chance.
- Get the f*ck outta here!
- Well sh*t, that worked out!
- And it really paid off!
- You can count on me, sensei.
Leah will go hang out with Frank for a while. The next dialogue with her will not appear for a couple minutes while she “bonds” with Frank. There is no way of knowing when the timer for this is over, you just need to talk to her until the option appears.
Talk to Leah
- So, about that gift…
- Yyyyiiiisssss!
Follow Leah to Garage
Recommend saving. Possible to fail next section.
Talk to Leah in Garage
- What is it, what is it?!
- Oh god, why?
- What’s going on?
- Well, here we go.
You now have to fight Frank, after a couple hits Leah will “power you up”. This makes the fight a lot easier but it is still possible to fail so be more careful. After she powers you up, you gain the ability to block with right click so take advantage of it.
Knock Out Frank
- I’m listening…
- For justice! And sex!
Talk to Leah
- So, about that sex-triumph… stuff. Yeah, I heard at least one of those words, I think.
- Yesss! But uh oh, these aren’t regulation sparring outfits… let’s lose ’em! Or… uh, maybe we should go somewhere else?
- You can count on that…
Remove clothes with E.
Interact with Leah – F*ck
This should trigger the sex scene.
You can also have sex with her anytime you want by selecting the “sparring outfits” option again.
This also unlocks the option for a threesome with Vickie as long as you don’t upset her.
Leah (Dark Path) – Male and Female – Part 1
Leah is the most promising MMA student of Frank and his second-in-command. Loyal as she is, she didn’t question Frank’s order to restrict anybody from drinking alcohol even though she doesn’t understand why. Being highly motivated and deep into fitness, she wants to open her own self-defense studio.
Leah has one main path to romance her. During this path you will have to either take her down the Light Path or Dark Path.
The only negative on either path is the Dark Path she will force you to have sex randomly no matter where you are. This can ruin your relationships with certain characters.
Interact With Ashley’s Top – Untie
- Whoops…
Talk to Katherine
- I feel like we use the word “need” outside of its intended purpose.
- I notice you keep looking at your phone. Is everything OK?
- Who would ever be a d*ck to you, ever?
- Always a pleasure, Katherine.
Katherine Approaches You
This will only happen after you untie Ashley’s top and she will run to the bathroom. It may take a minute for Katherine to approach and you have to be friends with Katherine.
- Oh… yes, I was looking for that. Thanks!
Go to the Study (where Brittney is). Take the Paper on the table.
Go to Ashley’s Room (Spare room with bunk bed). Take the pencil on the table. Use the small key with the Bike Lock on Ashley’s closet. Open the closet and interact with the Terrarium, select Unlatch.
Ashley Will Find You
This will happen a few minutes after you Unlatch the Terrarium. You can continue doing tasks, Ashley will find you when she is ready to talk about it.
- You know what else is 10 feet? I mean, what’s the problem?
- How could such a terrible thing happen?! How I ask, how?!
- Snakes and K-pop. I would not have guessed these were your passions.
- OK. Got it.
Go to the master bedroom.
Make sure Madison is not in the room. You can get the Mysterious Key and lock the Master Bedroom if that makes it easier.
On the vanity there is a Gastronomy book, use the Piece of Paper with it. It should place the Paper on top of the book.
Use the Pencil with the Paper. Pick up the Paper afterwards to clean up your tracks.
Head to the Master Closet and open the safe in the back, take Madison’s diary.
Again make sure Madison doesn’t see you. She will come straight to the closet once you are doing this.
Go to the Master Bathroom. Take Madison’s Phone that is sitting on the sink.
Talk to Ashley
- What’s the deal with you and Madison anyway?
- See you later, Ashley!
Give Madison’s Phone to Ashley
- Maybe it is. What’s it to you?
- I’m intrigued. Go on.
- Count me in. What do you need me to do?
- I’ll see what I can do.
Give Madison’s Diary to Ashley
- Hey, told you I’d come through!
- Um, okay.
Talk to Leah
Only speak to Leah after Ashley approached you stating her snake got loose.
- There’s a security threat and I need your help!
- There’s a f*cking snake on the loose!
- We need to act now! I’m not trying to get swallowed… well, not by a snake.
- Let’s hop to it.
Follow Leah to Frank
Leah will first walk over to Franks normal post by the liquor cabinet. If the collide while walking they may start the conversation early and in a different spot
- *Listen*
- That didn’t sound like what you were talking about…
- I’ll let Leah explain.
- It’s gonna get real scaly in there if we don’t find that bastard!
- Leah, he sounds scared.
- *Continue*
- It would take care of the problem…
Talk to Leah again if it doesn’t keep you interacting with her. It will not keep you talking to her if you are not close enough to her.
- Leah, we’re still definitely going after that snake.
- Isn’t it the duty of an apprentice to rise up and defeat her master? Frank is weak, prove it by catching this snake.
- Unnnlllimmmitteedddd power!
- So, you want me to get a flashlight?
- Shouldn’t be tough.
Talk to Leah
- Alright, I think I’ve got our light!
- Let’s hope we *don’t* have to.
- Let’s do this!
Head to the Garage and stand by the Beer Pong Table, Leah will be following you.
Leah Approaches You
- There better be some kind of reward for this…
Open you inventory and interact with Madison’s Phone, select Light On.
Stand on the Garage Door side by the Beer Pong Table. Crouch and point you light underneath the Beer Pong Table towards the door. Leah will say a voice line and you will hear a shattering noise. This is the queue that you can move to the next spot.
Stand by the Penguin next to the shelf. Point the light toward the Shelf that has the Bathroom Key on it. Wait for the sound queue and voice line and move to the next spot.
Stand in front of the shelf next to the Beer Pong Table. Point the light directly at the shelf you are standing next to.
Leah Talks About the Snake
- Yeah, and he can moooove. I uh… didn’t even see him
- How can I be scared with someone like you fighting by my side
- Watchu mean?
- Alright already! I’ll be quicker with the flashlight!
- Woah, woah, woah, I don’t wanna fight!
- Well, if you insist…
Stare down at Madison’s phone and interact with it, select Take.
You now have to punch Leah 5 times to trigger the next section. Press space to enter Combat Mode and left click in front of Leah to punch her.
Punch Leah 5 Times
- I can think of another activity that would feel twice as good, with just the same amount of sweat. *wink*
- You wouldn’t even be working for the weekend!
- I’m ready! Let’s chase this bastard to the ends of the earth! …or at least to the end of the property line.
- It’s more like an “escape from Ashley’s room” situation.
- Right this way.
Patrick Will Approach You
This will happen randomly after you punch Leah. This is not required if it does not happen. Continue doing the tasks and Patrick will find you.
- What gives you that idea?
- Dude, she was teaching me combat training. Nothing more.
- Nothing more.
- Combat training, eh?
- Curse your decaying, alcohol-soaked brain cells!
Head to Ashley’s Room and stand in front of the Terrarium, Leah will be following you and will talk to you once she see’s the Terrarium.
Leah Approaches You
- I think you’re remembering that wrong.
- I blame the rotary club, maybe the HOA. So what’s our next move? Keep searching?
- Someone wants to draw blood tonight… with fangs.
- Wow, you’re really getting into this.
- Right. Then let’s find this snake already!
- Oh sh*t!
Head to the Art Room and wait for Leah
Leah Approaches You
- *Sigh* Why do I have to look for wriggly things in dark places? Fine…
Leah may talk to again. If you are not fast enough. If she does choose the ” I am a big boy” option.
Head into the Art Room Closet. On the top shelf is a white Spray Paint Can, take it. If you need to take out the phone flashlight you can do that but it is not required.
Approach Leah
- The hiss was actually coming from this. *Hands over spray can*
- We just can’t f*cking win!
- I’ll try not to drive you so crazy! …Well, where to next?
- Let’s head out! Follow me!
Head to the Backyard and Leah will follow you.
Leah Approaches You in the Backyard
- I’m with you so far.
- I got it. I’ll have the light ready!
Leah (Dark Path) – Male and Female – Part 2
Open you inventory and interact with Madison’s Phone, select Light On.
Follow Leah around the Backyard and stand behind her with the light on. Avoid shining the light in her eyes as she will get upset if you do it too much.
You can also interact directly with the Katana and inspect it on the fence and talk to Leah. She will go straight to the Katana. You still need to have the light on the Katana however.
Leah Finds the Katana
- Like why in the f*ck Patrick wears that flowery shirt?
- Hmmm, are those pot leaves on the blade? Let’s be cautious, we don’t wanna overthink this.
- You’re reaching more that Mr. Fantastic with this one.
- So now I have to find a sword historian? WTF?
Stare down at Madison’s phone and interact with it, select Take.
Talk to Leah
- About that sword…
- There’s nothing more to think about it. Someone’s trying to take you out of the game with a deadly snake/blade combo.
- The man, the myth the f*ckboi… erm, I’m with you!
Follow Leah
You will not be able to talk to Leah until she crouches in the hedge by the house next to the fire pit.
- Wha?
Talk to Leah While Crouched (C)
- OK OK! Hey real quick, about that Katana…
- I still think that Katana’s a straight up tool of destruction…
- We got you now Snak-wait…
You will be locked in place until Frank walks over to the Fire Pit. It may take a minute if his character gets stuck.
- *Listen*
- *End*
Talk to Leah at the Fire Pit
- That was… pretty intense.
- Yes… open yourself to the Dark Side…
- Yyyessssssss…
- Wh-hey wait! Where are you going!?
Leah will run away and disappear. She is not interactable.
Talk to Frank
- Tell me what’s up with that rental space you’re stealing from Leah.
- Then let’s become friends.
- We’ll see about that.
We now need to become BFF’s with Frank. We will need to pickup and give all item listed below to Frank.
- Natty Lite – Kitchen (behind Microwave)
- Popcorn – Kitchen (In Left Cabinet above Microwave)
- Natty Lite – Garage (On shelf by Penguin)
- Natty Lite – Master Bedroom (Shelf near door)
- Sunglasses – Master Bedroom (On Dresser below TV)
- Natty Lite – Study (Below desk)
If you do not have access to these items anymore you can give Frank any alcohol and it will increase his friendship. You can also take topless/nude pics of Katherine and this will also increase his friendship.
Talk to Frank
- I’m completely sober!
- Right, sure it does. I’m gonna go, uh… over there.
Talk to Frank Again
- What do you think about Katherine?
- You seem like an interesting guy.
- … Um, what?
- I haven’t had anything to drink!
- There’s no way your b*lls can sense if somebody’s drunk or not.
- Well okay then.
Talk to Frank Again
- So how’s guard duty treating you?
- Oh for sure. I feel you.
- How about you let me take over for a bit? Stretch you legs.
- Uh huh… I’ll see what I can do, Frank.
- Oh but I do! I could hold my own if something went down.
Male Character Option
- Uhhh I do, and they’re statistically average if I do say so myself.
Female Character Option
- Oh? What an astute observation, Frank.
- How is any of this relevant?
- Oh. Sh*t. Gee, guess I’m out!
Talk to Frank Again
- So, now you wanna tell me what’s up with that rental space you’re stealing from Leah?
- What the hell is Frankie’s F*ckaround Club?
- Wow! Tell me more!
- Admittedly, this sounds like the coolest place ever, but you have to apologize to Leah.
- Then let’s go, Frankie F*ckaround.
Head to the Backyard, Frank will be following you.
Frank Will Approach You in the Backyard
- I’ll find her. You better believe it.
Open your inventory and interact with Madison’s Phone, select Light On.
Head to the Hedges (near where the Katana was, on the Gazebo side). Leah will be crouched in the hedges, shine the light on her to trigger the next dialogue.
Approach Leah While Shining Light on Her
- Leah, the snake… It’s on you!
- Leah I think I might have pushed you a bit too far.
- Frank, this may not be the best time…
- Let’s all keep our cool here.
- Frank, let me handle this.
- *Gulp*
- Oh Frank…
- I’d call that “Foreshadowing”, Frank…
- This… is gonna be bad.
- Uhhh…
Frank will run away. Leah will talk to you again.
- Your bidding is my command, master.
Stare down at Madison’s phone and interact with it, select Take.
Frank will now be hiding from you and Leah. You must find him.
The first location Frank hides it behind the Hot Tub in the Hedges.
Approach Frank
- Not my problem.
Frank will run away again.
Next Frank will jump onto the roof. In the Backyard there is a support pillar near the Screen Door. On the support pillar there is a gutter that is interactable, select the climb option to get on the roof.
Approach Frank
- Not with that attitude y-
Frank will push you over and run away. The last place Frank hides is in the house upstairs in the Laundry Room.
Approach Frank
- Or smell… hey, hold up!
Frank will push you again and run away. He finally has given up on running and will go to the Backyard next to the Fire Pit.
HIGHLY recommend saving. Next section has a high possibility for failure.
Approach Frank
- I serve the one true master…
- I’ve caught you that which you seek, Lord Leah.
- *Listen*
- Me? There’s no way I can beat Frank! I’m just too weak…
- Give me your knowledge, Dark Lord Leah.
- What?
- I think I’m getting where this is going…
- Yyaaaaahhhhh!
The screen should change to red. This indicates Leah has “powered” you up. You now have more Combat Abilities, fight moves, speed, stamina and strength.
You now have to fight and knock out Frank. This is not an easy fight even after you have been powered up.
Some tips:
Enter combat mode, hit Frank and leave combat mode. While holding sprint you can dodge his attack, enter combat mode, hit Frank, leave combat mode. Rinse and Repeat.
Other then that you just have to git gud. Have fun.
After the conversation with Frank you need to take your clothes off quickly. If you don’t you will fail and not unlock the sex scene with Leah and Julius Squeezer.
Knock Out Frank
- *Listen, catching your breath*
- *Continue*
- Yes, *breath* master. I just *breath* need a second.
- Uhh, gotcha… I show some skin, or else you get the tongue again.
Remove all your clothes quickly (E).
- With pleasur-wait… what about, you know… everyone else here tonight?
- I like where your mind’s at. And your… ahem, lying down, Master!
This will trigger the sex scene.
Leah will now randomly force you to have sex with you no matter where you are. This can ruin relationships with some characters so be wary of this. You can lock her behind a door if you don’t want to deal with it.
She now does not care if you pickup alcohol or drink them in front of you. Even though you beat up Frank he will still act the same.
Even though you beat up Frank, it will not ruin any opportunities you have with him. If you attempt to fight him again it will ruin them however.
On Leah’s Dark Path she will also also accept a threesome request from Vickie no matter what.
Lety – Male and Female – Part 1
Lety is Ashley’s Spanish teacher can be summoned via the computer up by where Brittney is..
Lety & Brittney
Lety has one Romance option.
Talk to Ashley
- What’s the deal with you and Madison anyway?
- See you later, Ashley!
Head up to the Study (where Brittany is). Interact with the laptop and choose Inspect. Interact again and choose unlock. Interact a third time and inspect again. Interact one last time and choose Invite Lety.
While we wait for Lety to show up we are going to get some items.
Go to the living room, on the left side of the mantle is a Mysterious Key, take this for later.
In the Kitchen take the whipped cream out of the fridge.
Talk to Patrick Away From Leah and Frank
- You should watch out for Frank.
- How the hell do you even have a bottle of wine with Frank around?
- I think I’ll pass on putting anything that’s been down your pants in my mouth. Thank though.
You may want to save to an alternate save in case you mess the next part up.
Talk to Frank
- I’m completely sober!
- Right, sure it does. I’m gonna go, uh… over there.
Talk to Frank Again
- Patrick’s got a bottle of wine! He’s been shoving it down his pants to hide it from you!
- I’ll get the popcorn.
Once Franks leaves quickly open the Liquor Cabinet and take the Thermos after he leaves the room. Frank will go beat up Patrick. This will cause the wine bottle Patrick has been drinking to be dropped. Wait until Frank goes back to his normal post then take the the wine bottle Patrick dropped.
Next to the Garage door is a thermostat. Interact with it and choose the Tamper option. It should change the temperature to 80 degrees on the display.
Lety should have arrived by now. Go meet her at the door.
Talk With Lety
- I do not know the words you speak, martian-lady.
- Soooo you know this is a party right?
- G*d d*mn right!
- Are you having a stroke?
- I think I should call a doctor.
- Sure, these’ll be fun to throw at Patrick.
- Bye Lety!
Ashley Will Approach
These options may be different depending on if you are great friends with Ashley or not.
- What’s the big deal? I just though she’d have fun!
- It’s not my fault if I didn’t consider my consequences!
- Could I get like a bade or something, maybe a uniform? Or perha-
- *Continue*
- Oh sh*t!
Recommend creating an alternate save as it is possible to fail this next section. It is also time sensitive so don’t wander around.
Leah will walk with Lety to the corner of the Backyard over by the Flamingos.
Approach Lety and Leah
- Oh boy…
- *Continue*
Open your inventory and interact with the Wizbang Poppers, choose the Throw One option. This will place a popper in your hand. Hold the right click and throw a popper at Leah and Lety’s feet.
Throw Popper
Leah is going to be chasing you after you choose this next option. DO NOT GET CAUGHT. This will end the game. Run around the backyard (make sure you hold shift) and you can easily avoid her.
- Trickle down economics? …Oh. F*ck!
Leah Gives Up
- Gee, thanks for the workout! You really are a good trainer!
Talk to Lety
- Soooo Ashley may or may not have told me to watch your back tonight.
- Just relax and have a good time! Maybe don’t talk to Leah anymore…
- You want me to help you stereotype my friends? Sure!
- Terrorizing New York-what?
- It could work…
- Well well well, I’ve got some snooping to do.
Lety will take a few minutes to get used to the party. The correct dialogue options will not appear until this timer has completed.
While we wait for Lety lets do a few more things. Head to the Living Room.
Talk to Stephanie
- You look like you’re having fun!
- Hmm. I’ll see what I can do. What’s in it for me though?
- What do you do for work, Steph?
- And you’re a cook, I take it?
- Ah. You’re one of the waitresses.
- I think that if you like doing it, then all the power to you.
- Supportive?
- Katherine seems cool.
- So how do you know Madison?
- I take it you go to school with these folks. What are you studying?
- So what do you think of Patrick?
- Can’t say I blame the guy, but yeah, I get what you mean.
Give Stephanie the Whipped Cream
You may need to give it to her twice. This locks out romancing her.
- Good to know, Stephanie. Good to know.
Talk to Stephanie
- So what do you say you liven up this party even more and dance topless?
- I support this endeavor.
Talk to Brittney
Male Character Options
- Hey are you ok? There’s a party going on out there you know.
- Are you kidding? That top looks great on you!
- Anytime!
- Oh look. Here you are all by yourself again.
- What do you think of Amy?
- I got Stephanie to dance topless downstairs!
- Glad I could help!
Female Character Options
- You’re just gonna stay up here all night?
- Ciao Bella!
Talk to Brittney Again
- I got Stephanie to dance topless downstairs!
- Glad I could help!
Talk to Lety
- You’re not just gonna let me loose without some kind of clue, right? You could at least give my a juice box or something…
- Hell yeah!
Talk to Lety Again
- You know I’m an idiot, right? Well I’m gonna need you to repeat what you need from me.
- Yeah, It’s Ashley’s sister Madison!
- The sh*t-talking fish!
- Sounds good, I’ll follow your lead!
Follow Lety to The Garage
- *Continue*
Lety Will Approach You
- So what next, party animal?
- I’ll go find your aggro-donis!
- That’ll give me some time to see who I can rustle up.
Head to the Art Room doorway and look towards the front door. Lety and Madison will have a conversation. This is optional and just a time waster. You will need to wait for Lety for a couple minutes anyway.
Talk to Derek
- You and Madison? Anything ever happen there?
- Alright, alright.
Talk to Lety
Either Madison or Lety will walk away from each other once they are done.
- There’s definitely something up with Madison and Derek…word is their nipples are exceptionally hard when they’re near each other.
- It’s all about to get all thicc up in here.
Next section is time sensitive. Create an alternate save recommended.
Follow Lety to Derek
- *Continue, uncomfortably*
- *Continue*
Lety will start trying to grope Derek. You need to grope Lety by holding Right click on either her a** or chest. It is a lot easier to grope her a** from behind and doesn’t have any difference, just hold right click while staring at either the left or right cheek.
Grope Lety
- Just showing you how it feels like to be felt up like that!
- *Continue*
- *Continue*
- Consent and kegels. So sexy.
- Still everything worked out! And I think I got to… 2nd base?
- Nothing solves a case of mistaken identity better than booze!
Lety – Male and Female – Part 2
Lety will go socialize with Derek and the rest of the party for a few minutes. Lety will find you when she is done.
Patrick Approaches You
- F*ck outta here Patrick.
- Sure you are, Patrick.
Lety Approaches You
- Sooo you gave this “gift” to yourself? Got it. Moving along…
- If only there was someone trying to start a band in their parent’s garage…
- I think we watch different channels.
- You should meet my friend Brittney!
- What do we have left?
- Definitely the chili peppers!
- Alright, a masterful plan. Break!
Head upstairs to the Study (where Brittany normally sits). Lety and Brittney will meet you up here.
Lety Approaches Brittney
- *Continue*
Talk to Lety or Brittney While They Make Out
- If there’s a god, I want him to know how much I appreciate him making this moment happen. Sorry for assuming your gender, god.
- It’s happening, it’s really f*cking, happening!
At this point you can choose between them making out, Lety giving you head and Brittney giving you head. If you have Brittney give you head and talk to Lety, you can have Lety touch herself while Brittney goes down on you.
Finish Line
- You really seemed to enjoy that meet and greet! I too enjoyed it. A lot.
- What’re you saying?
- *Continue*
This next section is time sensitive. If you fail Patrick ruins everything and you don’t hook up with Lety. - I… whoa uhh-
- *Cringe and continue*
- *Continue*
- *Roll your eyes and continue*
- *Continue*
Patrick will start to flirt and make moves at Lety. You need to grope Patrick on his a**. It will allow you to slip something into his back pocket. Tap right click and keep the cursor on one of his cheeks.
When prompted select the Chili Peppers.
Slip Chili Peppers Into Patrick’s Pocket
- *Rub your hands together and continue*
- *Continue*
- *Continue with feelings of guil-no, just continue*
- Absolutely. Just gimme a few!
Talk To Lety
- Yeah, remember the host of the party? Her room’s free!
- Yep, to Madison’s room!
Follow Lety to the Master Bedroom. Close and lock the door behind you.
Talk to Lety Laying on The Bed
- Don’t have to ask me twice.
Press Y and remove your everything.
Interact With Lety
- F*ck
This completes the main Lety romance.
Lety will now let you have sex whenever you want, just select the the dialogue option for some more “Private Tutoring”.
Lety does have one more sex scene but is very random. At some point Lety and Rachael with have a random encounter. You will have to choose one of two options.
- You have only one choice. This party must be destroyed! You have my axe/bow…p****. Axe/bow-p****.
This will trigger the last sex scene with Lety but will give you a game over at the end of it.
Lety and Rachael will gain sentience and run around the party knocking everyone out. After everyone is knocked they will turn onto you and start a threesome between you, Rachael and Lety. The sex scene ends up with them killing you and I won’t spoil how.
- Lety if you go along with this nonsense, everything you did tonight to make this your first awesome party…gone.
This will continue the party and lock you out of the last sex scene with Lety but won’t kill your character.
These are the only options to choose from and when the prompt appears you cannot back out of it. Be prepared for it since it is very random when it happens. I do not know of a way to trigger it besides the girls being nearby each other.
Madison (Betray Derek) – Male and Female
Madison is hosting this party and knows most of the people via school. She is Ashley’s sister and always trying to pull a prank on her. According to her sister, she wants to be cool and hipster-like therefore is interested in something called “Sky Animals”, a kind of astrology developed by native Americans. Having moved from Nevada, she searched for freedom, but now feels overwhelmed with the entire situation. Right from the beginning, you get to know that she lost her phone in the mastery bathroom opening up some interesting opportunities to go for. The mastery bedroom is her own room wherefore highly personal items like her diary are stored there.
Madison is the host of the party. She is/had a thing with Derek. If you sleep with her anything involving Derek will go out the window. Just even talking with him about stuff won’t fly so keep that in mind.
If you go through with the prank on Ashley it only ends with you getting a head so we will not go this route. The full sex route is a lot faster anyway than finishing the whole prank on Ashley.
Head up to the Art room upstairs. Inspect the Owl painting.
Talk to Madison
- So is that like, your secret art lair upstairs?
- Wow, you’re so individualistic!
- Please don’t turn me into a skin lamp…
- I volunteer as tribute.
- *Continue*
- Derek, what the f*ck?
- F*ck, where’s my popco- go on…
- No, it’s gotta be me!
- Sounds great!
- Somebody get this guy a beggin’ strip! Shut up already Derek!
- That escalated quickly.
Talk to Madison Again
- Can you give me any clues into what kind of art you’d like to see?
- Right. Sounds real easy…
Head to the Living Room. Behind the left speaker is a foam finger, take it. Go to the Garage, next to one of the shelves is a Dusty Penguin. You can’t take it yet, inspect it.
Talk to Ashley
- So what’s up with that penguin in the Garage?
- You mind if I take it?
- I’ll see what I can do.
Head back to the garage and take the Dusty Penguin. Next head up to Ashley’s room. There is a pink dildo underneath her pillow, take that. There is also a poster saying Save the Whales on the wall, take it.
Head to the Master Bedroom. The dresser underneath the TV is interactable, use the dresser with the Dusty Penguin. Next use the Foam Finger, Whale Poster and Dildo with the penguin to create your art piece.
Talk to Madison
- I’m ready to show you my creation.
- You’ve got to come to the bedroom with me.
- Jeez.
Madison will invite everyone up to the bedroom to see it. Head upstairs to the Master Bedroom again and hang around the bedroom door.
Madison Will Talk to You
Depending on what hi-jinks you are up to some characters may not show up to the bedroom for the art show off.
- Um, yes.
- *Nod knowingly*
- That’s exactly right.
- Um, thanks Ashley!
- Wow… Terrific feedback. Thanks Frank!
- Yeah… I feel the same, thanks Amy.
- Thanks Pat! What do you think, Derek?
- Chill out man!
- Yeah, watchu got?
- Soo…
- …
- *Continue*
- …
- *Continue*
- No!
- You definitely can.
- You got it!
- You’re truly a class act, Derek.
Talk to Patrick
- Pat, come with me.
- Cool, follow me.
Head to the living room and stand by the fireplace.
Patrick Will Follow You
- See you dude.
Head back up to the Master Bedroom.
Talk to Derek
- Where’s Madison?
- What’s gotten into you, man?
- Those pills cannot be good for you.
- Uhhh, damn dude. Fine.
Talk to Amy
- Hey Amy, you close enough with Derek to know what might be up his ass right now?
- Purga… What?
- Thanks Amy.
Talk to Frank
- Frank, you think you can fight Derek for me?
- He took a hyperall and won’t let Madison out of the bathroom.
- Come one, man.
- What cat?
- Good look, thanks Frank. I’ll talk to Steph.
Talk to Stephanie
- Steph, earlier tonight did Derek break down and talk to you about a cat or something?
- Wait! So… The poor guy was really heartbroken over p*ssy. I’ve been there.
- Crying by a grave eh? Sounds like the time I got my first boner.
- You have fun… I’ve got some snooping to do.
In the living room by the… uhh cactus there is a framed picture of a cat. Select it and there should be an option to “Move Aside”. If the option does not appear, inspect it and then the option should appear. A voice recorder will be added to your inventory.
Select the Voice Recorder and Select “Play”
- *End*
Select the Voice Recorder and Select “Loop”
- *End*
I would recommend saving as the next section is time sensitive and if you fail will result in restarting the whole thing.
Head upstairs to the Art Room.
Use Voice Recorder with the Window in the Art Room
- *End*
- *Continue*
- *Continue*
- *Continue*
Interact With the Art Window and Lock It
- Heh, sorry dude.
- Ummm… Nah. I’m gonna need you to keep quiet, Derek.
- Maybe in a bit but only if yo… Quiet! Madison’s coming!
Madison Will Come to the Art Room
- Yep, sure am!
- My perfect figure is more important.
- Let’s hear it.
- Hell yes I am!
Male Character Option - Ye shall looketh upon my thundering thickness and rejoice!
Female Character Option
- You shall look upon my glorious curvies and rejoice!
- Loud and clear.
Remove All Your Clothes
- Right we’re professionals.
- Roger that!
- Uh… What the f*ck?
- Right, I understand.
- My body is ready.
- *Lay down… Majestically*
- What’s that mean?
- You mean you’re not painting me?
- But…
- *Kneel… With Dignity*
- You lied to me about all of this.
- Clear as sky animal piss, Mads.
- Why did I have to be naked for this?!
- Flawless logic, Mads.
- Finally!
Touch yourself (1) but do not finish. If you do you will fail.
- *fap fap fap*/*rub rub rub*
- *ignore him*
- *fap fap fap intensifies*/…*rub rub rub intensifies*
- Here I c*m, ready or… Yeah… You’re ready. Erm lemme put this down…
Put your clothes back on (E)
Talk to Madison
Male Character Option
- I’m a penguin?
- So… you think I have a big c*ck?
- Ready for the most important meal of the day?
- Hell yeah, I’m ready to get all Jackson Pollock up over yo-
Female Character Option
- Why does my spirit have a massive d*ck?!
- So…you think I’m sexy?
- Want me to pose like a pretzel now?
- Let’s use our bodies to paint a new masterpiece together.
- *Snicker*
- You got it.
- What?
- Why would I turn down sex?
- She just invited me into her room, friendo…
- We’ll see.
- I said I’ll think about it.
Approach Madison in the Master Bedroom
- You got it!
Head to the Kitchen, on the counter there is a green mat. Derek placed two keys here. Take at least the Mysterious Key (since this locks the Master Bedroom door) the other key locks the bathrooms.
Head to the Master Bedroom. Close and Lock the door behind you.
Approach Madison
- Yeah…?
- I’ll assume you don’t mind if I cut the ribbon on this exhibit…
Take all your clothes off (E).
Interact with Madison – F*ck
Madison (Prank Ashley) – Male and Female
This route will finish the prank on Ashley. This doesn’t completely ruin your chances with Ashley but it does lock any sex options with her.
Head to the Master Bathroom. Take Madison’s Phone on the sink.
Give Madison’s Phone to Madison
Make sure Ashley isn’t nearby.
- So is there a reward for returning your phone? I feel like maybe a kiss or something is in order.
- Hells to the yeah Mads! How do we get started?
- Got it!
Go to the Downstairs Bathroom. Take the Towel on the sink.
Head to the Study (where Brittney is) and grab the piece of paper on the table.
Go to Ashley’s room (Spare Room where the bunk bed is). Grab the small pencil on the table.
Go to the Master Bedroom.
Make sure Madison is not in the room. You can get the mysterious key and lock the Master Bedroom if that makes it easier.
On the vanity there is a Gastronomy book, use the piece of paper with it. It should place the paper on top of the book.
Use the pencil with the paper. Pick up the paper after to clean up your tracks.
Head to the Master Closet and open the safe in the back, take Madison’s diary. Also grab the bottle of Laxatives (blue bottle) on the shelf near the door.
Again make sure Madison doesn’t see you. She will come straight to the closet once you are doing this.
Talk to Ashley
- Are you OK? You seem a little distracted.
- What can I do to help you out with the unfortunate beer “accident”?
- See you later, Ashley!
Give Towel to Ashley
- I could wash them for you!
- What can I do to earn your trust?
- I’ve actually got it right here!
- Hey, I told you I’d come through!
- Um, okay.
Talk to Ashley
- So I think I’ve earned your trust. Let me help you clean those clothes before they stain.
- Lead the way!
Go to the Kitchen and open the Fridge. Grab the Soda.
Open your inventory and use the Soda with the Laxatives.
Head to the Garage, on the first shelf on the left is the Bathroom Skeleton Key. Pick it up. Go to all three bathrooms (Downstairs Bathroom, Upstairs Bathroom and Master Bathroom), close and lock the doors (make sure every bathroom door is locked or you will fail).
Go to Ashley’s room and close the door behind you.
Talk to Ashley in her Room
- OK, looks like we’re alone here. Just give me your dress and I’ll get it in the washing machine.
- My pleasure!
Talk to Ashley Again
- Hey are you OK in here? Do you need anything?
- Sure thing! Be right back!
Give Tampered Soda to Ashley
- No sweat!
Make sure Madison is free to see Ashley running from Bathroom to Bathroom. If Madison is locked behind a door or stuck somewhere you may fail this.
Follow Ashley While She Feels Sick
- *Continue*
- *This should be interesting*
- Beats me!
- Damn! What a show!
- Heh heh heh.
Option only appears if Madison sees Ashley. - *Madison seems pleased*
Talk to Madison
Male Character Option
- So what are your co-conspirator’s chances of getting a blow job?
Female Character Option
- So what are your co-conspirator’s chances of getting eaten out?
- Let’s go to your room then.
Talk to Madison in the Master Bedroom
Male Character Option
- So what are your co-conspirator’s chances of getting a blow job?
Female Character Option
- So what are your co-conspirator’s chances of getting eaten out?
- Score!
Removed all your clothing (E)
This is repeatable at any time as long as you are alone with Madison. If you aren’t you can ask her to go to her room. This can be completed alongside other stories but it will lock sex with Ashley.
Patrick (Screw Him Over) – Male and Female
The only reason why Patrick is at the party is that he is the cousin of Ashley and Madison. He is completely drunk and carries a bottle of wine with him, which can be retrieved when you make either Madison or Frank beating him down. Being the “C-E-Bro” of Neighborhoodwatch dot com made him both, rich and hated (for example by Rachael). As he has a very peaceful character, he is concerned about getting befriended with Rachael again.
We will be doing the “Screw Over Patrick” route. This will let you give him a BJ.
This story unlocks Compubrah and access to VR. If you have relations with a character Compubrah will scan them into VR and you can have sex with them whenever you want.
This will also unlock Rachael in VR
To start we are going to grab a few items before talking to anyone.
Head upstairs to the Art Room Closet. There is a broom in the closet, take it.
Go to Ashley’s Room (spare room with bunk bed). Under the pillow is a Dildo, take it.
Go to the Master Bathroom. Behind the door is a bottle of Painkillers, take this.
Rachael Will Approach You
Feel free to keep going with the next steps. Rachael will eventually find you.
- Whoa! What’s the big deal?
- I… Um, bye? What the meta just f*cking happened?
Head to the upstairs landing and look at the chandelier over the front door. There is an MP3 player hanging from the chandelier, interact with it and choose the “Throw Dildo” option. It will fall downstairs in front of the Front Door, take the MP3 player.
Go to the Dining Room (where Frank sits), there is a large TV in this room with a media dock in front of it. Interact with the media dock and use it with the MP3 player. This will change the music that is playing in the Living Room.
Give Painkillers to Patrick
- See you around Patrick.
Talk to Patrick
- So maybe it’s time to tell me what’s up with you and Rachael?
- I’ve got nothing but time, friend.
- *Strap in*
- Ooooh boy… Okay I’m listening.
- Pat, this is taking too long. Wrap it up.
- You could have led with that…
- Let’s just say I haven’t.
- I can see where this is going…
- and Rachael’s on the site, I’m guessing?
- So what does she want from you, in terms of the site?
- OK, I’m listening…
- It means to bribe them.
- Do you mean… a judge?
- Riiiiight.
- You sure that’s gonna work?
- Buuutttt…
- Alright, I guess.
- Will do!
Talk to Patrick Again
- You should watch out for Frank.
- How the hell do you even have a bottle of wine with Frank around?
- I think I’ll pass on putting anything that’s been down your pants in my mouth. Thanks though.
Head to the Backside of the Gazebo. On the roof of the Gazebo is a large silver Closed Briefcase. Interact with it and use it with the Broom.
You may want to create an alternate save in case you mess this next part up.
Talk to Frank
- I’m completely sober!
- Right, sure it does. I’m gonna go, uh… over there.
Talk to Frank Again
- Patrick’s got a bottle of wine! He’s been shoving it down his pants to hide it from you!
- I’ll get the popcorn.
When Frank leaves the Office open the Liquor Cabinet and take the Thermos.
Give Rachael The Thermos
Make sure Leah or Frank are not nearby
- Frank doesn’t scare me. Have you seen my biceps?
- Sounds like a plan!
Talk to Rachael
- Hey, any other ideas on how to make this party less lame-a**?
- I uh…Ahem… Don’t know what you’re talking about!
- Erm, yeah that’s basically what’s happening
- To be honest, I don’t care about any of this.
- Fine, let’s hear your pitch.
- I think I already found it, but it’s locked tight…
- Alright I’ll think on it. And I’ll hold onto that thermos… for now.
- Hmmm, okay later Rachael.
Give Thermos to Patrick
Make sure Leah or Frank are not nearby
- It’s the least I could do for you allowing me to work for zero pay defending your weird website.
- Just make sure to drink all of it, pal. I went through a lot for this hook-up!
- Wow. Seeya Pat.
Talk to Rachael
From my experience she normally goes to Ashley’s room during this part.
- Here’s the case, it’s locked tight though.
- Alrighty.
Follow Rachael to The Fire Pit Area
Rachael should start a conversation once you approach Patrick.
- uh… Rachael?
- Do I… ugh, okay fine.
Inspect the C*ck Keyring on Patrick’s D*ck
- Looks like a c*ck ring… No, it definitely is a c*ck ring. And there’s a key hanging from it!
- Huh?
- You’re right, I’m really not liking where this is headed.
- You’re drunk Patrick. No one’s trying to break into your d*ck. Wait… are we?
You now have two options based on the options you choose. You can either suck Patrick’s d*ck or have Rachael suck Patrick’s d*ck.
Option 1 (Suck Patrick’s D*ck)
- Alright, what do you need me to do?
- Alright… phew… okay! Here we go!
You will start “sucking” his d*ck. It’s so small the animations look very messed up lol - *glorp glorp glorp* Tnx Rchl! *glorp glorp glorp*
- Jssz Prrick hyy tfk rrrrp!
You are unable to interact or change anything in this situation. You just look around and wait for Patrick to finish - Holy F-
- Alright, I’m going for it!
Interact with the C*ck Keyring on Patrick’s d*ck and choose to Take it.
Give C*ck Keyring to Rachael
- Alright, lemme just catch my breath and it’s go-time!
Option 1 ends here. Skip over Option 2 and continue the dialogue to unlock Compubrah and the VR options.
Option 2 (Have Rachael Suck Patrick’s D*ck)
- Why don’t you help him out?
- Alright, eyes peeled!
Rachel will “suck” his d*ck but it’s so small the animations look very messed up lol - You have to keep going! You’re doing so good!
- Atta girl!
Now just stand around until Patrick “finishes”. - Holy f-
- Alright, I’m going for it!
Interact with the C*ck Keyring on Patrick’s d*ck and choose to Take it.
Talk to Rachael
- That’s some real dedication. OK, gimme a minute
This is where both dialogue options goes back to the same lines. After you finish either option 1 or option 2 continue from here
Open your inventory and use the C*ck Keyring with the Closed Briefcase.
Give Rachael The Open Briefcase
- Soooo? Did we win?
- You said I’d get whatever was in this case as a prize for helping.
- Yeah I’ll check it out… see if it’s worth putting on or near my face. Thanks!
This unlocks the VR mode with Compubrah. Both options will unlock Rachael in the VR space. This give you access to have sex with her again as many times as you want. VR sex does increase your stamina.
Patrick (Help Him) – Male and Female – Part 1
This route will watch him jerk off.
This story also unlocks Compubrah and access to VR.
This route will unlock the option to have sex with Patrick in VR.
We will be doing the “Help Patrick” route.
This route also locks romancing Rachael.
Talk to Patrick
- You should watch out for Frank.
- How the hell do you even have a bottle of wine with Frank around?
- I think I’ll pass on putting anything that’s been down your pants in my mouth. Thanks though.
Talk to Frank
- I’m completely sober!
- Right, sure it does. I’m gonna go, uh… over there.
Talk to Frank Again
- Patrick’s got a bottle of wine! He’s been shoving it down his pants to hide it from you!
- I’ll get the popcorn.
When Frank leaves the Office open the Liquor Cabinet and take the Thermos.
Head to the Kitchen. There is a trash can next to the Fridge. Interact with it and choose the Rummage option. This will add a Money Makers Monthly magazine to your inventory.
Go to Ashley’s Room (spare room with bunk bed upstairs). Under the pillow is a Dildo, take it.
Go to the Master Bathroom. Behind the door is a bottle of Painkillers, take this.
Rachael Will Approach You
Feel free to keep going with the next steps. Rachael will eventually find you.
- Whoa! What’s the big deal?
- I… Um, bye? What the meta just f*cking happened?
Head to the upstairs landing and look at the chandelier over the front door. There is an MP3 player hanging from the chandelier, interact with it and choose the “Throw Dildo” option. It will fall downstairs in front of the Front Door, take the MP3 player.
Go to the Dining Room (where Frank sits), there is a large TV in this room with a media dock in front of it. Interact with the media dock and use it with the MP3 player. This will change the music that is playing in the Living Room.
Give Painkillers to Patrick
- See you around Patrick.
Talk to Patrick
- So maybe it’s time to tell me what’s up with you and Rachael?
- I’ve got nothing but time, friend.
- *Strap in*
- Ooooh boy… Okay I’m listening.
- Pat, this is taking too long. Wrap it up.
- You could have led with that…
- Let’s just say I haven’t.
- I can see where this is going…
- and Rachael’s on the site, I’m guessing?
- So what does she want from you, in terms of the site?
- OK, I’m listening…
- It means to bribe them.
- Do you mean… a judge?
- Riiiiight.
- You sure that’s gonna work?
- Buuutttt…
- Alright, I guess.
- Will do!
Give Thermos to Rachael
Make sure Frank or Leah is not around.
- Frank doesn’t scare me. Have you seen my biceps?
- Sounds like a plan!
Talk to Rachael
- Hey, any other ideas on how to make this party less lame-a**?
- I uh…ahem… Don’t know what you’re talking about!
- Erm, yeah that’s basically what’s happening.
- To be honest, I don’t care about any of this.
- Fine, let’s hear your pitch.
- Hmm…
- Alright I’ll think on it. And I’ll hold onto that Thermos… for now.
- Hmmm, okay later Rachael.
Talk to Patrick
- I’ve got some new intel. Rachael’s a huge tree hugger, dude.
- That’s great, but thick vape clouds isn’t exactly eco-friendly.
- I think I need to ask around about this…
- Alright, well can I have a bottle of the vape juice as a lead?
- So…it’s filled with water and literal juice. *sigh* OK well, thanks for the top-tier guidance, Pat.
Open your inventory and interact with the Money Makers Monthly and choose “Peruse”.
Peruse Magazine
- *Stop Reading*
Talk to Patrick
- Pat, you won that award because you literally saved an entire village.
- I thought I should bring it to you first.
- OK Patrick.
Talk to Rachael
- You may want to have a look at this… *Give Magazine*
- Read the front cover, then skim page 37.
- Here it comes…
- Sure, and don’t forget about his love and support for undiscovered musicians… or tonight’s music hook-up.
- Sounds like it’s settling in. Take some time. Let it marinate. Epiphanies are delicious!
Talk to Patrick
- OK, I showed Rachael the Magazine but she wasn’t really sure how to take it…
- Don’t give up man! Do you realize how much genuine good your other businesses do across the world?
- Uh yeah, that… plus you’ve helped young, unknown artists get recognized. And your vape company saved a village!
- Seems so, even if it was by accident. And yeah I think you might be, dude.
- What’re you gonna do?
- Yeah um… Don’t forget what water is. See you soon, Pat.
Patrick will walk behind the Gazebo you can follow him or meet him there later, you cannot talk with him until he reaches his spot.
Recommend Saving. Possibility of failure by choosing wrong options.
Approach Patrick Behind the Gazebo
- You should probably handle your sh*t better.
- Whatchu got there?
- Don’t *you* know how to get it open?
- Oh sh*t! Pat, put that away!
- How’s that have anything to do with anything?
- Holy sh*t, I thought you were gonna stop that!
- The pronoun “we” has a very specific meaning, Patrick… you can’t get rid of it on your own?
This is where we have a a few options. Option 1, help Patrick jerk off. Option 2, give him a BJ.
Option 3, Zap his boner in the Bug Zapper. All three routes lead to the same outcome of him and Rachael getting together and you unlock the VR. It is possible to fail this by choosing the wrong options.Option 1 – Patrick Jerks Off
- I’ve done a lot for you tonight, but I’m really not sure I can help you any further…
- Couldn’t you jerk yourself off?
- Alright alright… Let’s do this thing.
- I sure am, you grubby, disgusting f*ck-hole!
- Your d*ck is the smallest d*ck I’ve ever seen!
- The only reason you’re at this party is because your sexy cousins had to invite your b*tch a**.
- You’ll never know the love of another person because you’re a parasitic piece of f*ck!
- Umm…
- Sh*t I can’t think of any more!
- You’re the reason we can’t be on Twitch.
- I think I’ve seen god.
- Thanks Pat.
Open your inventory and use the C*ck Keyring with the Closed Briefcase.
Talk to Patrick
- OK Pat, I’m with you.
Follow Patrick to Rachael
- Scoring lots of points there, Patrick.
- Hold up, give him a shot Rachael…
- *Listen*
- *Listen*
- *Keep Listening*
- *Continue listening patiently, as if you weren’t waiting for this opportunity to finish*
- *Continue Listening*
- *Golf clap*
- Eh, maybe hold off on that Pat…
- *Continue… Uncomfortably*
- Masterfully handled, Patrick.
- Jeez Pat, thanks a lot!
- Later Pat.
Patrick (Help Him) – Male and Female – Part 2
Option 2 – Give Patrick a BJ
- No wining, no dining. I don’t know Patrick… what’re you getting at?
- Are you seriously asking me to suck you off?
- Yeah, I’m game. Gimme that d*ck.
- No more cliches, Patrick. Shut the f*ck up and focus.
You will start blowing Patrick but his d*ck is so small the animations are messed up lol.
- Jssz prrick hyy tfk rrrp!
- I think I’ve tasted god.
- Thanks Pat!
Open your inventory and use the C*ck Keyring with the Closed Briefcase.
Talk to Patrick
- OK Pat, I’m with you.
Follow Patrick to Rachael
- Scoring lots of points there, Patrick.
- Hold up, give him a shot Rachael…
- *Listen*
- *Listen*
- *Keep Listening*
- *Continue listening patiently, as if you weren’t waiting for this opportunity to finish*
- *Continue Listening*
- *Golf clap*
- Eh, maybe hold off on that Pat…
- *Continue… Uncomfortably*
- Masterfully handled, Patrick.
- Jeez Pat, thanks a lot!
- Later Pat.
Option 3 – Zap Patrick’s Boner
- I’ve done a lot for you tonight, but I’m really not sure I can help you any further…
- I get it, but there’s gotta be another way.
- Um… avoid Frank then? I’ll be back before you can spell “Masochism”. Seriously though, not sure if you can.
- Jesus f*ck, Patrick. Bye.
Talk to Katherine
- Kat, you seem like you’d be good at deflating boners. Have any tips?
- Uh… electricity? Is that your dream superpower?
- No time, gotta run!
Head to the Gazebo. Attached to it is a Bug Zapper. Interact with it and choose inspect.
Talk to Patrick
- Patrick, I found a way. We’ll shock that boner right out of you.
- Check out that bad boy! *Point to Bug Zapper*
- Really wish I had a waiver for you to sign, but yeah let’s go.
Follow Patrick to Bug Zapper
- Yes, I shall! You’re… erm… very brave!
- *Sigh, take his hand* Hurry up you godd*m-
Talk to Rachael
- He was doing it for you!
- Oh sh*t oh sh*t… what now?!
Rachael will run into the hot tub to help Patrick
- Rachael, save him!
- You must give him the slap of life!
Rachael will slap him awake. Just hang around and watch.
- Dude, you almost died!
- *Listen*
- *Continue listening…*
- *Continue listening*
- *Golf clap and continue listening*
- This is just so touching.
Talk to Patrick
- Jeez Pat, thanks a lot!
- Later Pat.
No matter which option you choose, as long as you help Patrick you unlock him in VR and can do all sex options with him there.
If you unlock Patrick this locks Rachael from being put into VR.
Patrick (Pegging) – Female Only
As the female character it is possible to peg Patrick. It is also very simple
Talk to Patrick
- Wanna f*ck?
- I mean it. Let’s f*ck.
- I will meet you there, Pat!
Talk to Patrick in the Master Bedroom
- Ready to hook up?
- I have considered your request and yes, Patrick, I will peg you.
- Let’s f*ck!
That’s it. Like I said it is very simple. Enjoy dominating Patrick.
If you turn him down in the bedroom it will lock out pegging him.
Rachael – Male and Female – Part 1
When Rachael entered the party with some alcohol in a Thermos, Frank took it away and locked it into the shelf he is guarding. After handing it back to her, you get to know about her glamorous friend and porn star Vickie Vixen and their ongoing challenge to dare each other via text messages. She has two tattoos, one of some flying birds on her right shoulder, the other one is a flower at her right wrist (only revealed when she is topless).
There is only one way to Romance Rachael at time of writing. If you complete Rachael’s Romance story, it locks Vickie from ever coming to the party.
Romancing her is a bit involved and overlaps with quite a few of the other character stories. I am going to try to do the least amount with the goal of only sleeping with Rachael.
Go to the Office (where Frank is). On the side table next Frank is a cup of Coffee, take it. In the kitchen is a pantry, open it to find a kettle. Right click the kettle to pick it up and throw it on the stove (hold right click and when you let go you throw the item in your hand).
Use the Coffee on the kettle, turn on the stove. It will take a couple minutes but the kettle will start whistling to let you know when it is done. After it is done turn off the stove and use the empty coffee cup with the kettle. This will put Hot Coffee in your inventory.
Talk to Patrick Away From Leah and Frank
- You should watch out for Frank.
- How the hell do you even have a bottle of wine with Frank around?
- I think I’ll pass on putting anything that’s been down your pants in my mouth. Thank though.
You may want to save to an alternate save in case you mess the next part up.
Talk to Frank
- I’m completely sober!
- Right, sure it does. I’m gonna go, uh… over there.
Talk to Frank Again
- Patrick’s got a bottle of wine! He’s been shoving it down his pants to hide it from you!
When Frank leaves the Office open the Liquor Cabinet and take the Thermos.
Frank will go beat up Patrick. This will cause the wine bottle Patrick has been drinking to be dropped. Wait until Frank goes back to his normal post and take the wine bottle that Patrick dropped.
Talk to Katherine
- I feel like we use the word “need” outside of its intended purpose.
- I notice you keep looking at your phone. Is everything OK?
- Who would ever be a d*ck to you, ever?
- Always a pleasure, Katherine.
Talk to Ashley
Talks about Patrick getting knocked out be Frank.
- See you later, Ashley
Talk to Ashley Again
- So about Madison’s Sky Animal…
- I don’t think that’s what a furry is.
- *listen*
- Patrick, even you’re skeptical of all this?
- Does he now?
- Madison just wants to be unique, you know?
- Let’s keep our voices down…
- oh, heh, hey Madison…
- Wait, Madison!
- We didn’t mean it!
- What the F**k?
- What am I gonna say?
- Take the deal, Pat.
- Thanks, I guess.
Head to the Master Bedroom.
Knock on the Bathroom Door
- Come on Madison, let me come in.
- Madison?
- Here I come.
Talk to Madison
- It wasn’t like that, Madison. We were all just trying to understand you better.
- Madison, I’m sorry if I’ve upset you, really, but this whole sky animal thing… comes off as a bit silly.
- That’s fine! But you don’t have to go that far to get people to notice and like you.
- Just be you. People like real you.
- That’s what all of us are trying to do. Everybody on the planet is trying to figure their sh*t out. It’ll happen.
- Yeah. Crazy. Definitely crazy.
- Hey, that sounds pretty good! Thanks!
Grab Madison’s phone that is on the Master Bathroom sink. Also take the painkillers that is behind the bathroom door.
Rachael Talks to You
- Whoa! What’s the big deal?
- I… Um, bye? What the meta just f*cking happened?
Give Madison’s Phone to Ashley
- Maybe it is. What’s it to you?
- I’m intrigued. Go on.
- Count me in. What do you need me to do?
- I’ll see what I can do.
Give Painkillers to Patrick
- See you around Patrick.
Give Hot Coffee to Patrick
- Yeah we wouldn’t want that now, would we?
Talk to Patrick
- I guess I’ll give this Irish Coffee to somebody else then?
- That was disturbingly easy…
Give Hot Coffee to Patrick
- Anytime Patrick.
Patrick Will Find You
This will happen about a minute after the Coffee. Keep doing tasks and Patrick will find you later.
- Oops. Sorry Patrick.
Talk to Patrick Again
- About that favor you owe me. Can I use your cell phone for a minute?
- F*cking A. It’s always something. OK. I’ll see if I can find out who has your phone.
Talk to Brittney
- Hey Patrick’s looking for his phone. You haven’t seen it, have you?
- Um, he’s not mentally challenged. He was just drunk.
- ::Sigh:: Fine.
Talk to Patrick
Only talk to Patrick after he approaches you about losing his buzz from the Coffee you gave him.
- Looks like you left your phone with Brittney, but she won’t give it to me.
- You’re the brah, Patrick.
Follow Patrick to Brittney
- *Continue*
- *Continue*
- *Continue*
Patrick Will Find You
- You got it, Patrick
While we are in the Study with Brittney, take the paper that is on the desk. Head to Ashley’s room (with the bunk bed) and take the pencil that is on the desk.
Head to the Master Bedroom.
Make sure Madison is not in the room. You can get the mysterious key and lock the Master Bedroom if that makes it easier.
On the vanity there is a Gastronomy book, use the piece of paper with it. It should place the paper on top of the book. Use the pencil with the paper. Pick up the paper after to clean up your tracks. Head to the Master Closet and open the safe in the back, take Madison’s diary.
Again make sure Madison doesn’t see you. She will come straight to the closet once you are doing this.
Head to the Living Room. On the mantle on the left hand side there is a Mysterious Key. Take this as it locks the Master Bedroom door.
Give Madison’s Diary to Ashley
Make sure Madison is not nearby.
- Hey, I told you I’d come through!
- Um, okay.
Go to your inventory away from Madison.
Select Madison’s Phone and Choose Contacts
- *close*
Talk to Rachael
- So what’s up? Are you enjoying yourself at the party?
- Let me talk to him. I can figure this misunderstanding out.
- No sweat.
Give Rachael Her Thermos
Make sure Leah and Frank are not nearby.
- Frank doesn’t scare me. Have you seen my biceps?
- Sounds like a plan!
Talk to Rachael Again
- You look a little nervous. Is something wrong?
- Trust me, I’ve heard it all. You can confide in me.
- Well, that sounds awesome. Your friends seems really cool.
- I’m interested to see too. I’ll be keeping an eye out!
Talk to Rachael Again
- Hey do you think I could get your phone number so we can chat sometime?
- We’ll pick this up later. I’ve gotta run.
Rachael – Male and Female – Part 2
Talk to Katherine
- Do you know anything about hacking phones?
- Let’s say I wanted to spoof a text message. How would I hypothetically go about that?
- Well I wouldn’t want to use my phone either…
- I know exactly what you’re going to say…
- Patrick!
Give Katherine Patrick’s Phone
- Score!
Katherine will head up to the Study (next to Brittany).
Follow Katherine to The Study
- *Continue*
Talk to Katherine
- Can you send a spoofed test message for me?
- Send it to Rachael. 555-4242
- Send it from Vickie Vixen. Her number is 555-6969.
- “Dare you to tell the cutest guy at the party you had a wet dream about him last night”.
- You got it!
Rachael Receives Text
- *Continue*
Rachael Will Come Find You
- Good to know Rachael. Good to know…
Talk to Katherine
- Can you send a spoofed text a message for me?
- “Dare you to say it’s hot and change into your bikini top”.
Rachael Receives Text
- *Continue*
Rachael Changes Into Her Bikini Top
- Good thing… for me!
Talk to Katherine
- For you and me both. I’ll figure something out…
The go to the Closet in the Study. Open it to find the Router on the high shelf. Interact with the Router and turn it off. Interact with it again and turn it back on.
Internet Comes Back Up
- Always a pleasure, Katherine.
Talk to Katherine
- Can you send a spoofed text a message for me?
- “Dare you to flash your tits to the cutest guy at the party”.
- Always a pleasure, Katherine.
Rachael Receives Text
- *Continue*
Rachael Will Come Find You
She will take you to the backyard on the side of the house, the side with the fire pit. You can speed up the process by standing over here anytime Rachael comes to look for you.
- Sure thing!
Follow Rachael
- Wait, how does your friend know me?
- Sweet! Be sure to thank Vickie for me.
Wait till she talks to you. If you wander too far it will fail the opportunity. - I like the “For now” part.
Talk to Katherine
- Can you send a spoofed text a message for me?
- “Dare you to dance in just your bikini”.
- Always a pleasure, Katherine.
Rachael Receives Text
- *Continue*
Rachael will dance next to Stephanie in the living room. Feel free to hang out in this area. You will not be able to proceed to the next dialogue until Rachael finishes her dance. You will know she is done because her pants will appear on her again.
Recommend saving to an alternate file as you can fail the next section or glitch and you have to start over.
Talk to Katherine
- Can you send a spoofed text a message for me?
- “Dare you to find somewhere private, then strip naked and masturbate”
- Always a pleasure, Katherine.
This is optional. If you want to see her touch herself go to the Art Room closet. Close both doors and wait. Rachael will come in, lock the door and do the deed. DO NOT leave the closet until she finishes and leaves the room.
Rachael Receives Text
- *Continue*
Rachael will go to the Art Room and lock the door. You will need to wait for her to finish her business and leave the Art Room again.
Talk to Katherine
- Can you send a spoofed text a message for me?
- “Dare you to get completely naked for the cutest guy at the party for 30 seconds.”
- Always a pleasure, Katherine.
Rachael Receives Text
- *Continue*
Rachael Will Come Find You
She will take you to the backyard on the side of the house, the side with the fire pit. You can speed up the process by standing over here anytime Rachael comes to look for you.
- Sure thing!
Follow Rachael
- Well I mean, if it’ll help you win your bet. I suppose I can do that for you…
- Can’t wait!
Wait for the 30 seconds and she will talk to you. If you wander to far it will fail the opportunity. - I like the “for now” part.
Talk to Katherine
- Can you send a spoofed text a message for me?
- “Dare you to f*ck the cutest person at the party.”
- Always a pleasure, Katherine.
Rachael Will Come Find You
She will take you to the Master Bedroom this time. Stand here to speed things up a little.
- *Ahem* Listen, about all those texts, there’s something I need to tell you…
- I guess honestly really is the best… Uh, please. Yes please.
Rachael will go lay on the bed in the Master Bedroom. Close and lock the door but ensure no other characters are in the room.
Talk With Rachael While She is Laying on The Bed
- Sure, hope you don’t mind if it watch…
This should initiate the sex scene with Rachael. This is the only way to have sex with Rachael outside of VR. This is not repeatable on the same save file.
Stephanie (Doctor Stephanie) – Male or Female
She is the quintessential party-girl, enjoying dancing, drugs, and sex. At the first glance she seems a little bit air-headed, mainly due to her extensive drug consumption. She works at Chubbies, a sports bar with topless waitresses, but she hates her boss. Getting to know her closer, her experience with all kinds of drugs turned into deep medical insights which can be uncovered in the course of her story.
This will go over how to romance Stephanie. There are multiple ways to romance her but we will go over the actual sex route. The other route makes her think you are a sex worker and you go down on her.
Talk to Patrick
- You should watch out for Frank.
- How the h*ll do you even have a bottle of wine with Frank around?
- I think I’ll pass on putting anything that’s been down your pants in my mouth. Thanks though.
Talk to Frank
- I’m completely sober!
- Right, sure it does. I’m gonna go, uh… over there.
Talk to Frank Again
Make sure Patrick is away from the liquor cabinet. Also try to have Leah be in a different room.
- Patrick’s got a bottle of wine! He’s been shoving it down his pants to hide it from you!
- I’ll get the popcorn.
Very quickly open the liquor cabinet and grab the rum once Frank leaves the room. Leah normally will head over so you need to complete this kind of quickly. Do not grab anything but the rum.
Once Frank is back at his normal post next to the liquor cabinet, inspect the empty vodka bottle. DO NOT take the bottle yet.
Talk to Frank
- Hey that vodka bottle is completely empty. Mind if I take it?
- Duly noted, Frank.
Take the empty Vodka Bottle ONLY AFTER talking to Frank.
If you do these out of order Frank will beat you up which will get you a game over.
Head upstairs to the master bedroom closet. Just inside the closet on the right side there is a small blue bottle. These are laxatives. Use these with the bottle of Rum.
While we are here go to the master bathroom. Next to the toilet on is a pink bottle. Take the bottle of gut grip, we will need this later.
Talk to Katherine
- I feel like we use the work “need” outside of its intended purpose.
- I notice you keep looking at your phone. Is everything OK?
- Who would ever be a d**k to you, ever?
- I could use a drink. Want me to grab you one?
- Cool, I’ll see what I can do.
Give Tampered Rum to Katherine
- Enjoy!
While we have some time head to the side of the house where the fire pit is. Next to the outside AC unit is a Fast Food Bag. Take that for later.
Also head to the kitchen and use the Empty Vodka Bottle on the kitchen faucet to receive a Water Bottle.
Head to the living room where Stephanie is dancing. On the left side of the mantle is a mysterious key. Take this for later.
After about a minute Katherine will state she is not feeling well. She will then run outside on the side of the house where the Gazebo is. Feel free to talk with her. This is optional and does not change anything.
After about a couple minutes she will say she needs a bathroom. She will run inside and lock herself in the downstairs bathroom.
Talk to Stephanie
- You look like you’re having fun.
- Hmm. I’ll see what I can do. What’s in it for me though?
- What the f**k is a “Whip-it”?
- Uh. OK. That response seemed quite uncharacteristic of you.
- So you like helping people, huh?
- There’s got to be more to it than that.
- What do you do for work, Steph?
- And you’re a cook, I take it?
- Ah. You’re one of the waitresses.
- I think that if you like doing it, then all the power to you.
- Supportive?
- Katherine’s really sick and she needs your help!
- What? Why are those your first guesses?
- Yeah!
Follow Stephanie to the Bathroom
- *listen*
- Give her a chance!
- *listen*
- We haven’t really talked about the drugs yet…
- We can talk about all that later… Focus!
- Amy, why. Just why.
- Steph, come back!
Steph will then run upstairs to the art room. Follow her.
Talk to Stephanie in the Art Room
- Chill out! I’ll go find something.
Give Fast Food Bag to Stephanie
- That’s exactly what why I’m here. Stop thinking about drugs and go help Kat!
- That’s what I’m talking about!
Follow Stephanie to the Downstairs Bathroom
- *listen*
- Ouch
- Tell me what I can do to help.
- Stay strong, Katherine!
- *End*
Wait for Stephanie to run back upstairs to the art room. You can then follow behind her.
Talk to Stephanie in the Art Room
- Stephanie?
- Okay. Here you go.
- What are you doing up here?
- You’re being weird.
- Alright, I’ll get out of here. Damn.
Leave the Room and Head Downstairs
You must do this a bit fast or you will fail.
- Stop!
Kick open the door to the art room and try to take the bag away from Stephanie by selecting her like you are going to talk to her.
Try to Take Bag From Stephanie
- What the hell are you doing?
- Stephanie! Stop this!
- Let’s go.
- *Listen*
- *Listen*
- *Sniffle* That might be the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to anyone else. Ever.
Talk to Stephanie
- That’s awesome to hear! Congrats!
You can either choose right now or I’ll let you know. - Right damn now.
Stephanie will follow you at this point. Head upstairs to the master bedroom. Close the door and lock it behind you. Make sure no one else is in the room with you.
Talk to Stephanie
- This is the spot. What’s lesson 1?
- I would have to agree!
- You know I do.
If you have legacy POV enabled you should have the normal sex or POV available to choose at this point. If you choose POV you can remove (rip) Stephanie’s panties. If you tamper with the thermostat you can get her to dance topless and because you ripped her panties she will dance completely naked for the rest of the party.
You can talk to Katherine again after Stephanie helps her out and still the get the game grumps to the party. Just make sure when you talk to her about it you aren’t near Frank or Leah since you guys will drink some Rum as apart of the conversation.
Stephanie ($50 Bucks for Weed) – Male and Female
She is the quintessential party-girl, enjoying dancing, drugs, and sex. At the first glance she seems a little bit air-headed, mainly due to her extensive drug consumption. She works at Chubbies, a sports bar with topless waitresses, but she hates her boss. Getting to know her closer, her experience with all kinds of drugs turned into deep medical insights which can be uncovered in the course of her story.
Stephanie – No Sex Route
This route will only involve going down on Stephanie once. If you go this route it will lock any ability to have sex with Stephanie.
First step is to give Ashley three beers. We will go and pick these up first.
Make sure you are out of view of Frank and Leah.
- Natty Lite – Kitchen (Behind Microwave)
- Natty Lite – Downstairs Bathroom (On ground next to Toilet)
- Natty Lite – Garage (On Shelf next to Penguin)
Give Natty Lite to Ashley
Ashley will not accept it if it has been less than a minute since you gave her a beer.
Make sure Frank or Leah is not in the room.
- Maybe I can keep subtracting from that total with more booze.
Head to the Kitchen. Open the Fridge and take the Whipped Cream (behind the Potatoes).
Next to the Garage Door is a Thermostat, interact with it and select Tamper. This should change the temperature to 80 degrees.
Talk to Stephanie
- You look like you’re having fun.
- Hmm. I’ll see what I can do. What’s in it for me though.
- I’ll see you around, Stephanie.
Give Stephanie Whipped Cream
You may need to give it to her twice. If you give it to her it locks her Romance story.
- Good to know, Stephanie. Good to know.
Talk to Stephanie
- What do you do for work, Steph?
- And you’re a cook, I take it?
- Ah. You’re one of the waitresses.
- I think that if you like doing it, then all the power to you.
- Supportive?
- I take it you go to school with these folks. What are you studying?
- So what do you think of Patrick?
- Can’t say I blame the guy, but yeah, I get what you mean.
Give Another Natty Lite to Ashley
Ashley will not accept it if it has been less than a minute since you gave her a beer.
Make sure Frank or Leah is not in the room.
- Frank didn’t get all the booze when he cleared the house. It’s about knowing where to look!
- I’ll keep them coming!
Talk to Stephanie Again
- So how do you know Madison?
- Katherine seems cool.
- So what do you say you liven up this party even more and dance topless?
- I support this endeavor.
Give Last Natty Lite to Ashley
Ashley will not accept it if it has been less than a minute since you gave her a beer.
Make sure Frank or Leah is not in the room.
- Good-good? You like to blow down?
- I’ll see what I can do.
Talk to Frank
- I’m completely sober!
- Right, sure it does. I’m gonna go, uh… over there.
Talk to Frank
- Umm. Hey Frank. You… um… ::gulp:: Got any pot?
- Wait, so you won’t let anybody drink, but you’re completely OK with drugs?
- You never cease to amaze me Frank. OK, how much?
- Understood. Thanks Frank.
Talk to Stephanie
- So uh… do you want some help with that horniness?
- Um. Well for you, I’ll offer a discount. $50.00
- I don’t know whether to feel bad or good about this…
Remove all your clothes (E) and wait until Stephanie’s panties disappear.
Interact with Stephanie – F*ck
- I guess I didn’t expect it to be that easy…
- I guess this isn’t the worst way I’ve made $50.00…
This will trigger the scene. You cannot change positions and can only go down on Stephanie.
This is a one time event and cannot be triggered again.
Move your mouse around to finish her. Talk to her afterwards to get you $50.00 and give it to Frank for some weed. This can be used with the Paper to create a Joint and light it by interacting with the Fire Pit.
Vickie – Male and Female – Part 1
A friend of Rachael who regularly competes in a series of dares with her. She is not present at the party and Derek isn’t sure whether she was invited or not. Madison keeps her phone number in her mobile phone and tried to call her several times – without success. Having her and Rachael’s phone number allows you to invite her to the party, she will appear outside in the garden. She also has her own DLC story “A Vickie Vixen Valentine” where you two break into Madison’s and Ashley’s home while they are away.
Vickie Vixen
First step is to get Vickie Vixen to the party. This will lock Rachael from her normal romance but you can still have a threesome with her and Vickie.
Talk to Patrick Away From Leah and Frank
- You should watch out for Frank.
- How the hell do you even have a bottle of wine with Frank around?
- I think I’ll pass on putting anything that’s been down your pants in my mouth. Thank though.
Talk to Frank
- I’m completely sober!
- Right, sure it does. I’m gonna go, uh… over there.
Talk to Frank Again
- Patrick’s got a bottle of wine! He’s been shoving it down his pants to hide it from you!
- I’ll get the popcorn!
When Frank leaves the Office open the Liquor Cabinet and take the Thermos. In the same room as the liquor cabinet look at the desk. Under the printer is a drawer you can open. This has a Credit Card, take this as long as Derek or Madison are not in the room.
Frank will go beat up Patrick. This will cause the wine bottle Patrick has been drinking to be dropped. Wait until Frank goes back to his normal post and take the wine bottle that Patrick dropped.
In the Backyard near the Gazebo is a reddish/pinkish Flower on the ground (it will be in a flower patch under a large fern), take it for later.
On the side table next Frank is a cup of Coffee, take it. In the kitchen is a pantry, open it to find a kettle. Right click the kettle to pick it up and throw it on the stove (hold right click and when you let go you throw the item in your hand).
Use the Coffee on the kettle, turn on the stove. It will take a couple minutes but the kettle will start whistling to let you know when it is done. After it is done turn off the stove and use the empty coffee cup with the kettle. This will put Hot Coffee in your inventory.
Talk to Ashley
Talks about Patrick getting knocked out be Frank.
- See you later, Ashley
Talk to Ashley Again
- What’s the deal with you and Madison anyway?
- See you later, Ashley!
Give Hot Coffee to Patrick
Patrick will refuse the Coffee the first time.
- Yeah we wouldn’t want that now, would we?
Talk to Patrick
Make sure Frank or Leah are not around.
- I guess I’ll just give this Irish Coffee to someone else then?
- That was disturbingly easy…
Give Hot Coffee to Patrick
- Anytime Patrick!
Patrick Will Approach You
This will happen about a minute after you give the coffee to him. Feel free to keep doing tasks and Patrick will find you.
- Whoops.
Head upstairs to the Study (where Brittney sits). Take the paper on the desk.
Go to Ashley’s room (Spare room with the bunk bed). Take the small pencil that is on desk.
Head to the Master Bedroom (if you want to be safe, grab the Mysterious Key from the Mantle and lock the Master Bedroom door). On the vanity there is a Gastronomy book, use the piece of paper with it. It should place the paper on top of the book. Use the pencil with the paper. Pick up the paper after to clean up your tracks.
Head to the Master Closet and open the safe in the back, take Madison’s diary.
Go to the Master Bathroom. Take Madison’s Phone that is sitting on the sink and the blue hair dye, behind the bathroom door is a bottle of Painkiller’s, take it.
Rachael Will Approach You
Feel free to keep going with the next steps. Rachael will eventually find you.
- Whoa! What’s the big deal?
- I… Um, bye? What the meta just f*cking happened?
Give Painkillers to Patrick
- See you around, Patrick.
Talk to Patrick
- About that favor you owe me. Can I use your cell phone for a minute?
- F*cking A. It’s always something. OK. I’ll see if I can find out who has your phone.
Talk to Brittney
- Hey Patrick’s looking for his phone. You haven’t seen it, have you?
- Um, he’s not mentally challenged. He was just drunk.
- ::Sigh:: Fine.
Talk to Patrick
Only talk to him after he states his buzz is gone from the coffee you gave him.
- Looks like you left your phone with Brittney, but she won’t give it to me.
- You’re the brah, Patrick.
Follow Patrick to Brittney
- *Continue*
- *Continue*
- *Continue*
Patrick Will Find You
- You got it, Patrick
Give Madison’s Phone to Ashley
Make sure Madison is not nearby.
- Maybe it is. What’s it to you?
- I’m intrigued. Go on.
- Count me in. What do you need me to do?
- I’ll see what I can do.
Give Madison’s Diary to Ashley
Make sure Madison is not nearby.
- Hey, I told you I’d come through
- Um, okay
Give Rachael Her Thermos
Make sure Frank or Leah are not nearby.
- Frank doesn’t scare me. Have you seen my biceps?
- Sounds like a plan!
Talk to Rachael
- Hey do you think I could get your phone number so we can chat sometime?
- We’ll pick this up later. I’ve gotta run.
Open your inventory and interact with Madison’s Phone, select contacts.
Make sure Madison doesn’t see you.
Madison’s Phone – Contacts
- *Close*
Talk to Katherine
- Do you know anything about hacking phones?
- Let’s say I wanted to spoof a text message. How could I hypothetically go about that?
- Well I wouldn’t want to use my phone either…
- I know exactly what you’re going to say…
- Patrick!
Give Patrick’s Phone to Katherine
- Score!
Follow Katherine to the Study
This will trigger once Katherine enters the Study. No matter where in the house you are you will receive this dialogue.
- Will do!
Talk to Katherine
- Can you send a spoofed text message for me?
- Hmm. Send it to 555-6969.
- Send it from Rachael. 555-4242.
- “Hey come to Madison’s party and help liven things up?”
- Thanks!
Vickie will show up usually in the Backyard by the Gazebo. If you are too close I have seen her randomly show up in the house. You will know when she arrived because Katherine and Rachael will approach you about it.
Vickie – Male and Female – Part 2
Katherine Approaches You
This will happen after Vickie shows up. You can continue doing tasks. If she doesn’t approach you, don’t worry about it.
- Okay, Okay, I got it…
Rachael Approaches You
This will happen randomly after Vickie shows up. You can continue doing tasks. If she doesn’t approach you, don’t worry about it.
- It was all for you Rachael. All for you.
Talk to Vickie
- You must be Vickie Vixen! I’ve heard a lot about you!
- Rachael told me you’re a lot of fun!
- There are a lot of “good girls” here that need to let their guards down. And maybe a guy or two as well…
- Did I mention I love you?
- Got it!
- Reading you loud and clear!
Talk to Vickie Again
- Alright, how can I prove to you that I’m worthy of your threesome magic?
*Gulp* Maybe I could practice on you first? You know… for science. - Score!
- So do you come here often?
- Come to think of it… I guess not.
You can ask about her nipple rings for bonus points. Doesn’t negatively effect anything. - You know, you have a really nice smile.
- I’m on it!
Open you inventory. Use the Flower with the Blue Hair Dye.
Give Flower to Ashley
- Score!
Talk to Vickie
- I Managed to wow Ashley. I bet you’re not too surprised by that.
- Lead the way!
Follow Vickie to the Hot Tub. Remove all your clothing (E) and sit down in the Hot Tub. She will not give you the correct prompts unless you are completely naked and sitting down in the hot tub.
If you romanced Amy or are in the middle of Amy’s scavenger hunt, if Amy see’s you in this next section she will get upset and fail your scavenger hunt and ruin any chance of romancing her. You need to be careful she does not see you doing stuff with ANYONE. Talk to her and tell her you want a “change of scenery” and send her upstairs. This will give you enough time before she see’s you.
Talk to Vickie While Sitting in Hot Tub Naked
Again you can mention her nipple rings for bonus points.
- OK, I’m ready for the next part of my training!
- I submit to your tests… for science.
Do Testing With Vickie
- That’s not fair! You’re like some kind of wizard with your hands!
- How do you propose I do that?
- I’ll check back with you later.
Put all your clothes back on (E).
This is where you need to increase your sexual stamina. You can do this in a couple different ways but there are some ways of making it go faster.
The biggest thing is to drink some alcohol, this will lower the amount of times you need to “finish”. I recommend drinking a couple of bottles of wine or whatever you have available. You don’t have to do, it just makes this process faster.
You can improve your stamina by either masturbating yourself (take off your clothes then press 1, keep in mind characters don’t really like it when you flash them or masturbate in front of them so you may want to do this behind a locked door or the bathroom) or having sex with another character.
Feel free to either romance another character or just masturbate till you receive the following prompt. You will also take a lot longer to “finish” once your done. You can also go “test” with Vickie to test if you are ready (it will also improve your stamina if it is still too low.)

Once you receive the notification you can go and test yourself with Vickie in the Hot Tub again.
Test Yourself With Vickie
- I followed your advice and just worked hard at it. Thanks for that, by the way!
- Why thank you. That describes me perfectly…
This will trigger the sex cut scene with Vickie. This is repeatable as well. - F*cking yeah!
Talk to Vickie
- I feel sexually empowered, and smooooth as f*ck. Am I the perfect threesome partner or what?
- Special. Lover. Absolutely, can do!
You now have unlimited access to sex with Vickie in the Hot Tub and unlocked the option to have threesomes with the other characters. I will list the way’s to have threesomes with all characters below.
Vickie – Threesome Requirements
Initiating a Threesome.
Talk to Vickie
- OK, I’m ready! I made a few “special friends”!
Choose the person you would want to start a threesome.
Most characters will not accept unless you meet certain requirements (usually being sexual or getting to a certain friendship level).
All requirements are listed below.
A few characters also have a dialogue you have to choose correctly. These will also be listed.
- Amy’s threesome will require you to complete her romance and receive a BJ.
- (full sex also will work).
- Once the requirements are met Amy will accept with no other multi choice dialogues.
- Vickie will outright refuse to even try to start a threesome with this character. She will state she doesn’t do anything with celebs (I assume this will also apply to the next character to be released).
- To initiate a threesome with Ashley she requires you to be intimate with her in some way. As long as you receive oral or have full sex with her she will accept the threesome when you choose the correct dialogue option (listed below).
If Ashley refuses the threesome or you choose the wrong dialogue option, you will lose friend points and intimacy points.
Ashley Threesome Dialogue
- Madison would hate it!
Male Character OptionsBrittney is one of the odd requirements for a threesome.
- You must finish Amy’s Scavenger Hunt (specifically getting her skinny dipping in the Hot Tub) and Lety’s romance (specifically have threesome with Brittney and Lety in the Study).
- This will get her intimacy high enough to trigger her accepting the threesome.
Once the requirements are met, Brittney will accept with no other multi choice dialogues.
Female Character Options
- Must be “Great Friend” and “Lust” in her social stats and you must have had sex with her.
- Once the requirements are met, Brittney will accept with no other multi choice dialogues.
DanVickie will outright refuse to even try to start a threesome with this character. She will state she doesn’t do anything with celebs (I assume this will also apply to the next character to be released).
- DerekDerek requires you to completely romance him and have sex with him.
- Once the requirements are met, Derek will accept with no other multi choice dialogues.
FrankFrank is one of the few characters that will ALWAYS accept the threesome. There is no requirements and no multi choice dialogue options. You can literally just ask him.
KatherineKatherine requires you to complete her full romance. She will not accept unless you have had sex with her at least once.
Once the requirements are met, Katherine will accept with no other multi choice dialogues.
- Leah Leah has two routes during her Romance path, dark side and light side.
If you go through her Dark Side path she will always accept the threesome request. - For the Light Side path she does require having completed the full romance path and select the correct dialogue option (listed below).
Leah Threesome Dialogue (Light Path)
- Sex is a good workout. Just consider it extra training.
- LetyVickie will outright refuse to even try to start a threesome with this character. She will state she doesn’t do anything with celebs (I assume this will also apply to the next character to be released).
- Madison will accept your threesome request without being sexual with her. She does require you to be BFF’s however (the friendship bar in the top left) and select the correct dialogue option (listed below).
Madison Threesome Dialogue
- Madison, I think it’s time you channel the great dumpster raccoon.
- Patrick is one of the few characters that will ALWAYS accept the threesome. There is no requirements and no multi choice dialogue options. You can literally just ask him.
- Inviting Vickie locks any romance with Rachael normally, luckily she does not require it for a threesome opportunity.
- The only requirements is to increase her friendship to “good friends” and choose the correct dialogue option(listed below).
Rachael Threesome Dialogue
- What if we were to… dare you to join in?
- Stephanie will almost always accept a threesome request (as long as she doesn’t outright hate you). All you have to is ask and there is no multi choice dialogue choice.
Achievement Cleanup
Start a new game. This entire section is optional and only necessary for achievements.
First Impressions
- Press “y” and get completely naked
- Run around the house and approach each of the guests
- Achievement: First Impressions
Ice Bath
- Talk to Amy
(I lost my phone number. Can I have yours?) - Talk to Ashley
(D**n! I wish I was cross-eyed so I could see you twice!) - Talk to Brittney
(I don’t have a library card, but can I check you out anyway?) - Talk to Derek
(Later Derek] - Talk to Frank
(I’m gonna go drink some orange juice. See you later Frank.) - Talk to Katherine
(I like your glasses. They make you look smart!) - Talk to Leah
(Seeya around, Leah.)
Ejaculate onto Leah (Press “1” to masturbate) - Talk to Madison
(This party is kinda lame if I’m being honest.)
Ejaculate onto Madison - Talk to Patrick
(See you around Patrick.) - Talk to Rachael
(If you saw the fight)
(You shouldn’t be such an a**hole to people.)
(If you didn’t see the fight)
(So… What’s your sign?) - Talk to Stephanie
(What do you do for work, Steph?)
(And you’re a cook, I take it?)
(I think it’s disgusting and demeaning.)
Achievement: Ice Bath
Put your clothes back on
- Wait for Madison to approach you
- (I don’t give a s**t about any of this.)
- (Will do!)
- Talk to Madison
- (Hey I saw Patrick sticking some of your s**t down his pants. I think he’s trying to clep some stuff.)
- Wait for Madison to knock Patrick out
- Take the Merlot that Patrick drops (when Frank or Leah are not nearby)
- Repeat this four more times
- Achievement: Relentless
Congrats, a Celebrity Hates You (Doja Cat DLC)
- Talk to Amala (Peek into the hole in the fence in the backyard)
- (Who the hell are you?)
- (Eh, probably not, I’m lucky I haven’t managed to get kicked out yet.)
- Talk to Amala again
- (F*ck if I know, I’m sick of this already. I’m out.)
- Talk to Amala again
- (F*ck if I know, I’m sick of this already. I’m out.)
Sucker Punch
- Restart the game
- Approach Patrick from behind
- Sucker-punch Patrick (Press the spacebar and then left-mouse click)
- Approach Derek from behind
- Sucker-punch Derek
- Approach Frank
- Sucker-punch Frank
- Achievement: Sucker Punch
Duck n’ Weave
- Restart the game
- Sucker-punch Frank and Derek
- Run like hell and avoid getting punched for 1 minute
- I suggest doing a few circuits around the fire pit, hot tub, and gazebo. All doors need to be unlocked
- Achievement: Duck n’ Weave
- Restart the game
- Inspect 30 items
- Achievement: Inspector
Life Found a Way
- Head outside to the gazebo
- Locate the Paddock Button (at the base of the wood post in the same corner as the Bug Zapper.)
- Press the button
- Achievement: Life Found a Way
Combat Training
These are some ways to improve your combat ability
Improve Speed (Faster energy recharge – caps out)
- Sprint for 90 seconds
- Practice beer pong (get a score of 2)
- Escape from Leah after interrupting her business pitch to Lety
- Toss the star bombs in the fire pit (when Dan and Arin tell you to)
- Complete Derek’s memory Lane story without romancing him
- Drink the coffee (Note: This item is required to sober Patrick up if you don’t have him zap himself)
- Drink the soda from the fridge (Note: This item required to prank Ashley. You can safely drink it after giving Ashley her clothes back.)
- Complete “Runner Runner” during the Sibling Warfare opportunity
- Talk to Frank after defeating Leah after she goes crazy
- Eat the sweeties Derek drops after you fail the “Hunt the Hunk” opportunity
Improve Stamina (Take more damage – caps out)
- Reach for the MP3 Player hanging above the entryway
- Take one pill from the bottle of painkillers in the master bathroom
- Have sex at the party for the first time
- Train with Vickie
- Convince Patrick to touch the bug zapper
- Toss the star bombs in the fire pit (when Dan and Arin tell you to)
- Complete Derek’s memory Lane story without romancing him
- Drink the hot chocolate (Note: This is required to sleep with Amy)
- Talk to Frank after defeating Leah after she goes crazy
Improve Strength (Hit harder – no cap!)
- Eat the chicken nuggets from the fridge
- Eat the salmon from the fridge
- Eat the salami from the fridge
- Eat the cucumber from the fridge (Note: This item is needed to have sex with Katherine)
- Eat the Chocolate Bar (Note: This item is needed to have sex with Amy)
- Climb the gutter in the back yard
- Set the speaker up in the back yard
- Toss the star bombs in the fire pit (when Dan and Arin tell you to)
- Complete Derek’s memory Lane story without romancing him
- Drink the hot chocolate (Note: This is required to sleep with Amy)
- Inspect and then punch the katana sticking out the the fence in the back yard
- Inspect and then punch the bike lock in the spare room
- Throw the d**do at the briefcase on top of the gazebo (Note: This item is required to get the MP3 player and to use with the penguin)
- Talk to Frank after defeating Leah after she goes crazy
- Talk to VR Frank
- Eat the sweeties Derek drops after you fail the “Hunt the Hunk” opportunity
- Drink the Chardonnay (Note: This item is required to increase your stamina for Vickie)
- Drink the Merlot (Note: This item is required to increase your stamina for Vickie)
- Drink Natty Lite (Note: These are required for multiple characters)
- Drink the Rum (Note: This item is required to hook up with Katherine)
- Drink the Rum with Katherine when plotting to get back at her boyfriend
- Drink the Cabernet (Note: This item is required to increase your stamina for Vickie)
- Drink the Whack Spankiel’s (Note: This item is required to increase your stamina for Vickie)
- Drink Rachael’s Death Mix from the Filled Flask (Note: This item is needed for Patrick)
Faster Energy Regeneration
- Eat the chicken nuggets from the fridge
- Eat the salmon from the fridge
- Eat the salami from the fridge
- Eat the cucumber from the fridge (Note: This item is needed to have sex with Katherine)
- Eat the Chocolate Bar (Note: This item is needed to have sex with Amy)
- Drink the soda from the fridge (Note: This item required to prank Ashley. You can safely drink it after giving Ashley her clothes back.)
- Talk to VR Frank
Faster Energy Regeneration while Sprinting
Complete Derek’s memory Lane story without romancing him
Fun with Console Commands
Using console commands will disable achievements on the current save
I intended this section to be referenced after completing everything else. I would beat the game first before proceeding… To make things easier, you can copy/paste these into the console.
- Warp outside
- warpto player outside
- Make everyone friends with everyone
- social 30 friendship all all add
- Make everyone in love everyone
- social 30 romance all all add
- Make everyone nice
- nice all add 70 personality
- Make everyone an exhibitionist
- personality all exhibitionism 100 equals
- Make everyone like women
- personality all likeswomen 100 equals
- Make everyone naked
- clothing change all all off
- Give someone a strap on
- clothing change vickie 6 on
- Warp everyone to you
- warpto player all
- Make everyone drunk
- social all drunk 25 equals
- social player drunk 0 equals
- Orgy (you can mix an match whoever you want – first character is performing the act on the second, and you can swap out a character name with player to perform that sex act on that character)
- sexualact intimacy derek madison startsixtynine
- sexualact intimacy vickie patrick startdoggiestyle
- sexualact intimacy brittney amy startsixtynine
- sexualact intimacy rachael lety startcunnilingus
- sexualact intimacy frank katherine startmissionary
- sexualact intimacy patrick stephanie startbj (spell bj out, steam is censoring it so I can’t type it here.)
- sexualact intimacy ashley startmasturbation
- sexualact intimacy player leah startwallsex
There are a ton more console commands to play around with. I will eventually get around to making a guide for them, though an in-depth help system is provided inside the console itself.
When is the cutoff from the “Amy (Finish Hunt)” Route that switches to the Leah Routes?