Homeworld 3 – FPS Boost Guide

In this guide, I will explain the steps that will help you increase your FPS by changing just 1 setting in the video settings.

Video Settings Increase FPS

Getting bad frames in bigger battles? Here’s a quick boost.

  • Go into Settings > Video, and change the Visual effect quality .

For most FPS set to Low. For balanced between FPS and Visuals set to Medium.
I also recommend setting Nebula quality to medium, on some maps this can hog some FPS. I also recommend Ray-traced shadows on off unless you have a very high-end GPU card.

  • All other settings, I tested on Epic and on Low. All other settings was negligible on FPS impact where Low VS Epic would show only 1-2FPS difference in minimum FPS and 3-5FPS difference in Average FPS.
  • So for all other settings, I recommend Epic if you have a High-End GPU or High if you have a Low-Medium End GPU.
  • (I consider my 3070 Ti to be somewhere between High and Medium End today)

To explain, I have a 12600k and 3070 Ti, 64GB RAM. I ran benchmark test on every setting to determine which hogs the most performance.
By far, Visual effect quality effected the FPS the most, here are my tests.

Everything set to Low except Visual effect quality which respectively will be shown below.

  • (Min=Minimum FPS, Max=Maximum FPS, Avg=Average FPS)
  • Epic: Min. 15fps, Max. 112fps, Avg. 48fps.
  • High: Min 18fps, Max. 112fps, Avg. 48fps.
  • Medium: Min. 30fps, Max. 142fps, Avg. 67fps.
  • Low: Min. 38fps, Max. 156fps, Avg. 80fps.

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