Home Safety Hotline Manual Entries

You should check out this guide for information on manual entries and multiple hazards in Home Safety Hotline.

Manual Entries

In this guide we took the freedom to transfer to text the information for the multiple hazards in the game.

Part 1


  • Ticks are very small arachnids known to feed on human or animal blood and are most commonly found in tall grass. They latch onto their hosts, often unseen, and burrow their head into the flesh of their victim. Hosts will often report symptoms of illness, such as fevers, headaches, and chills.


  • Ticks are incredibly dangerous to humans thanks to their ability to directly spread various diseases to their hosts such as Lyme Disease, and their potential to provoke other, more dangerous household pests.


  • Although you can remove Ticks once they have invaded your home with common pesticides, it is too late to prevent any diseases they have transmitted. Instead. prevent Ticks from entering your household in the first place by treating the surrounding area with pesticides and keeping a tidy, weed-free lawn.


  • Mice are small worthless rodents commonly found in the household. Homeowners with a mice infestation commonly report gnaw marks, small round droppings, and sounds of squeaking.


  • Mice are capable of carrying any number of diseases, so they serve as an indirect danger to most humans and should be dealt with immediately.


  • Common removal methods for mice include the use of pesticides, the introduction of a house cat to the household, and various kinds of bait traps. These can prove effective for small populations. Large mice infestations should be dealt with using HSH’s Pest Removal Service.


  • Termites are small insects known for consuming decaying plant material, particularly wood. Homeowners with a termite infestation often report peeling paint, small holes in the drywall, or squeaky floorboards.


  • Termites are harmless to humans by themselves, but the damage they can cause to a house’s structural integrity can be deadly long-term, and should be removed as soon as possible.


  • Termites can be removed using common pesticides, but the treatment must be thorough and destroy the entire colony. Otherwise, they will quickly repopulate and resume their activity It is highly advised to utilize HSH’s Professional Termite
  • Removal services.


  • Raccoons are small nocturnal mammals with grey and brown fur known for their tendency to rummage through garbage cans or nest in attics. Homeowners infested with Raccoons often report frequent garbage spills, or clattering sounds at night.


  • Raccoons are capable of biting humans and spreading deadly diseases such as rabies, so caution around them is advised. Additionally, their feces can contain deadly parasites which, if accidentally inhaled or ingested, can cause progressive neurogical damage to humans, or eventual death.


  • Raccoons are quite intelligent, and are thus quite tncky to remove from a home safely. Preventative measures include securing trash cans. and blocking any potential outdoor access to attics. It is highly advised to utilize HSH’s Pest Removal Service.


  • Moles are small, dark brown furry mammals with pointed, pink muzzles that are known for living in deep burrows. Their burrows tend to look like volcano shaped mounds, and they are known to eat insects.


  • Moles are capable of biting humans and spreading deadly diseases such as rabies, so caution around them is advised. They also have close relations to the ones beneath the soil, which can cause further danger if provoked.


  • Moles are persistent, and cannot usually be persuaded to leave on their own. However, Moles can be trapped and removed manually using a variety of common humane mammal traps. WARNING: NEVER KILL A MOLE. One can also utilize HSH’s
  • Pest Removal Service.


  • Cockroaches are small insects known to be common household pests. Homeowners with a cockroach infestation commonly report seeing droppings that appear similar to coffee grounds.


  • Cockroaches are no immediate danger to humans, but are known disease carriers. They frequently inhabit kitchens and other areas used to prepare food, increasing the risk of disease.


  • Cockroaches are resilient, fast breeders and are notoriously difficult to remove. The use of cockroach-specific pesticides that are deadly to humans is not recommended. It is advised to utilize HSH’s Pest Removal Service.


  • Carpenter Ants are small insects known for nesting inside of wood. Homeowners infested with these pests sometimes report a faint rustling sound coming from their walls as the ants build their nests.


  • Carpenter Ants aren’t dangerous to humans but they are known to bite when threatened. They also are known to spread disease and can cause damage to homes they nest within.


  • Common pesticides will kill Carpenter Ants, though due to how fast the}• breed it is highly recommended to locate their nest first. It is advised to utilize HSH s Pest
  • Removal Service.


  • House Spiders are small eight legged creatures that commonly nest near or inside homes. They are known for building sticky thread-like webs to trap small flies or other insects, which they use for food. Homeowners commonly report web sightings.


  • House Spiders can bite humans when threatened, but their venom is not strong enough to harm a human, and they will often keep to themselves if left to their own devices. Their tendency to eat flies, bees, and other pests make them an excellent pest-deterrent, and their presence keeps some larger pests from moving in.


  • House Spiders can be removed with common pesticides. though it is advised to not remove House Spiders unless strictly necessary.


  • Bed Bugs are small insects known for feeding on the blood of humans and other mammals, and their tendency to inhabit sleeping areas of the home. Homeowners infested with Bed Bugs often report itchiness, and sometimes a delayed onset of rashes.


  • Bed Bugs are not known to transmit any dangerous diseases, and are relatively harmless to humans. However, their presence can often attract other pests that use them as a food source.


  • Bed Bugs have developed a resistance to the majority of common pesticides􀀎 and are therefore quite difficult to remove. It is advised to utilize HSH’s Pest Removal Services.


  • Gophers are small, brown furry mammals with enlarged front teeth that are known for living in burrows. They can become a pest to homeowners when they choose to burrow on their property, commonly damaging gardens.


  • Gophers are capable of biting humans and spreading deadly diseases such as rabies, so caution around them is advised. Do not attempt to approach a Gopher directly.


  • To evict Gophers from their burrows, a variety of natural deterrents can be placed around your property Growing plants that repel gophers, such as sage or thyme, can also serve to persuade Gophers to move away from your property. For more persistent infestations, it is advised to utilize HSH’s Pest Removal Service.


  • House Flies are small flying creatures that are known to commonly reside inside homes and frequently surround those whose death is impending. Homeowners afflicted with House Flies commonly report buzzing sounds and thoughts of decay


  • House Flies are no immediate danger to humans, but are known disease carriers. They frequently inhabit kitchens and other areas used to prepare food, increasing the risk of disease.


  • House Flies can be removed with common pesticides. For larger or more frequent infestations, it is advised to utilize HSH’s Pest Removal Services.



  • Bees are small matriarchal flying insects, known to build large hive structures in high places, often in trees, attics or roofs. They obey their Queen. Homeowners infested with bees sometimes report buzzing, stings, or frequent bee sightings.


  • Bee stings, in addition to being painful, can lead to injury or even death in cases where members of the home have an allergic reaction to bee stings. Bees can also attract the attention of larger, more dangerous pests.


  • To remove Bees from a household, one must first locate their Hive. Once found, do not attempt to remove a Hive by hand until the bees within are put to sleep or killed. It is strongly advised to utilize HSH’s Pest Removal Services.


  • Black Mold is a common household fungus known to grow in moist, warm locations. It appears frequently as small black spots. Homeowners with black mold infestations frequently report a musty smell, allergic reactions or breathing problems.


  • Black Mold is not immediately dangerous to humans, but enough of it can cause damage to household integrity, making it a long term danger. It also is known to cause allergic reactions or breathing problems.


  • Black Mold can be removed with regular cleaning supplies and maintenance, and can be prevented with good ventilation in high-moisture areas of the home. For more serious black mold infestations, it is advised to utilize HSH’s Fungal Cleanup Service.


  • Bed Teeth are a rare kind of household fungus known for growing in small, cone-like shapes on the underside of bed sheets, blankets, or comforters. Homeowners infested with Bed Teeth often report mild discomf arts when sleeping such as tickling or itching, and more rarely slimy acidic residue on their skin.


  • Bed Teeth are not directly harmful to most humans, given their brief sleeping schedules. However, they tend to gradually grow sharper over time if left untreated, which can lead to infections in the open wounds they cause.


  • To prevent the growth of Bed Teeth, bedsheets and blankets should be .\lashed regularly, and inspected for rare, more persistent growths. Infested covers should be scrubbed thoroughly, or disposed of entirely


  • Carbon Mono)(ide (CO) is an invisible and odorless poisonous gas that is produced whenever a fossil fuel is burned. CO buildup can be caused by poorly
  • installed/maintained stove and water heater appliances, or a result of poor ventilation. Homeowners affected by CO poisoning will often report headaches, dizziness, or lethargy.


  • Carbon Mono)(ide can cause death in humans and pets with enough exposure. It is a deadly serious threat and homeowners should take precautions to prevent its buildup.


  • Homeowners affected by the poison should vacate the premises immediately and seek medical assistance. To remove the poison from the household, all windows and doors should remain open until a CO monitor can confirm safe levels. CO monitors should be installed as a preventative measure and be purchased from our website.


  • Cellar Growths are a large species of fungi that are known to grow in dark, damp environments such as cellars. Homeowners infested with Cellar Growths commonly report a slimy residue, the sound of dripping or stretching, or strange glows coming from their cellar.


  • As Cellar Growths most commonly grow on ceilings, their weight can often cause duress to a home’s foundation, and as such their removal should be prioritized. The slimy residue they drip onto the floor can also be to><ic to small mammals or human children.


  • When in their infancy, Cellar Growths can be easily scraped off and the affected area should be sanitized to prevent further growths. If a Cellar Growth starts glowing
  • or pulsatin􀀙, it is no longer safe to remove in this manner. and it is highly advised to
  • utilize HSH s Fungal Removal services


  • False Beets are creatures with a beet-like appearance that are known to trick gardeners into harvesting and eating them by disguising themselves among their vegetables.


  • False Beets are harmless unless eaten by a human, at which point they will take root in the human’s stomach, feeding off its nutrients for its lifetime. This can cause digestive issues and potential back problems over the course of the human’s life.


  • False Beets only find themselves in gardens that grow beets. If you do not wish to contend with False Beets, it is advised to avoid growing beets. A swallo,o\led False Beet cannot be removed without killing its host


  • Common Hobbs are the most common species of Hobb found in the household. They are small humanoid creatures with grey, burlap-like skin and small, vertical tufts of hair on their head. They have no false face. They are known for their tendency to consume dust, dirt, and common sticky substances found on floors and dishes, cleaning them in the process. They gen er ally only come out at night.


  • Hobbs are not dangerous to humans on their own. If provoked, however, they are capable of mischievous acts, and metamorphosis.


  • Hobbs cannot be compelled to leave on their own once nested in a home. Instead, one should take measures to prevent provoking metamorphosis by leaving out a bowl of cream or milk at night.


  • Desk Hobbs are a subspecies of Hobb that are known to inhabit desks, vanities and other similar structures. They regularly like to tidy their homes, and will frequently sort and order materials in the desk to their liking. They are physically similar to other Hobbs, but are generally much smaller and have raspy, loose hair. They do not bear a false face.


  • Desk Hobbs are not dangerous to humans if left unprovoked. Like any other Hobb, they are also capable of metamorphosing.


  • Desk Hobbs cannot be removed once they nest. To prevent further danger. measures to prevent metamorphosis should be taken as soon as possible. It is advised to leave bread crumbs on the desk each night before going to bed.


  • Fracture Hobbs are a subspecies of Hobb that are known to cause er acks and fractures in the walls of the homes they inhabit. They are physically similar to other Hobbs in stature and size, with the exception of generally longer, wilder hair lacs. They also bear a false face.


  • Fracture Hobbs are not dangerous on their own, but the fractures and er acks they cause can lead to foundational issues in the home. Like any other Hobb, they are also capable of metamorphosing.


  • Fracture Hobbs cannot be removed once they nest. To prevent further danger, measures to prevent metamorphosis should be taken as soon as possible. It is advised to leave out a slice of any kind of cheese each night before going to bed.


  • Frozen Pipes are a common household hazard during cold seasons, characterized by the water inside pipes freezing and expanding, causing stoppages, cracks, and leaks. Homeowners with frozen pipes may report strange faucet smells, banging and whistling sounds coming from pipes, or leakage.


  • Frozen Pipes can lead to bursting and water damage, which can be both costly and dangerous to a home.


  • Homeowners suspected of having frozen pipes should utilize HSH’s Plumbing Services immediately. Prevention is key when cold season arrives, homeowners are advised to ensure their home is sufficiently protected from the cold by checking seals, keeping the home above 55° F, and running hot water through the pipes on a daily basis.

Part 3


  • Pipe Growths are a type of fungus that are known for making homes inside damp, tube-like structures such as pipes. Pipe Growths often grow slightly larger than the pipes they inhabit, and will therefore clog the pipe indefinitely until their removal. Pipe Growths are known to make loud bubbling digestion noises after they eat a full meal.


  • Pipe Growths are known to attempt to eat anything that comes inside their domain. Most commonly accidents occur when a human child attempts to reach their hand inside their home. Do not attempt to reach your hand inside an active Pipe Growth home. They are otherwise harmless to humans.


  • To remove a Pipe Growth from its home it must be offered a replacement. Any common PCP pipe will suffice. One should garnish the inside of the replacement home with an assortment of meat juices and insects. Place the replacement home near one of the pipe’s openings and leave it overnight. The following the Pipe Growth should be moved into its new home, where it can then be safely relocated away from the household.


  • House Fires are rapid combustion reactions that can occur inside a home. They are often caused by accident when cooking, or on purpose by more malicious household pests. Homeowners affected by House Fires commonly report the smell of burning.


  • House Fires can cause severe damage to a human’s skin, such as burns, and can even result in death. It can also produce Carbon Monoxide, which is deadly to humans. As such, its removal from a home should be made an immediate priority.


  • To remove a House Fire from a home, one can utilize specialty equipment. such as Fire Extinguishers, to snuff out the flames, or else large enough quantities of water. For large fires, it is advised to exit the home and utilize HSH’s Fire Removal Services.


  • Stair Slugs are large, dog-sized slugs that are commonly known to occupy stairwells and basements. Homeowners infested with Stair Slugs commonly report a slimy residue on steps or other household inclines.


  • Stair Slugs can be beneficial to a household, as they frequently feed on other pests such as Mice and Hobbs, but the slimy residue they leave behind can lead to dangerous accidents and slippage if not properly cleaned after.


  • Should you wish to remove a Stair Slug from the household, one can simply surround the affected stairway with a thick barrier of salt. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO APPLY SALT DIRECTLY. After the Slug has dehydrated itself. you can dispose of its body.


  • Pipe Hobbs are a subspecies of Hobb that are known for making homes inside tube-like structures such as pipes. They bear no false face, and are much smaller than most Hobbs. They will commonly emerge from their home at night and consume any dirt, grime, and hair in the surrounding area, cleaning it in the process.


  • Pipe Hobbs are not a direct danger to humans, but their physical presence can sometimes cause leaks or clogs over time. If provoked, they are also capable of mischievous acts, and metamorphosis.


  • Pipe Hobbs cannot be compelled to leave on their own once nested. Instead. one should take measures to prevent provoking metamorphosis by leaving out a clipping of hair near their homes at night.


  • Boggarts is the general term for a metamorphosed Hobb. They are large, hairy humanoids between 6 to 7 feet tall, and bear fairly convincing false faces. They are known for causing household accidents such as flooding, fires, or electric outages. They also frequently observe their targets while they sleep.


  • Boggarts are extremely dangerous to humans and pets, due to their malicious nightly
  • household activities which can often cause injury or death. They also react very violently when seen by humans, but thankfully these instances are rare as they excel at staying hidden.


  • Do not under any circumstances refer to an active Boggart by any name. Once you become aware of its presence, simply vacate the premises. Provided you do not speak of the Bogg art at any time, in any fashion, it will remain in its original location.


  • False Artifacts are seemingly human-designed objects that can manifest suddenly inside a home. They are known for making gentle buzzing sounds that can usually only be heard by very young human children or small animals. Homeowners with False Art if acts of ten report out of place objects, or missing children or pets.


  • False Artifacts, while not a direct threat to adult humans, can pose a significant risk to small human children and animals. Should a child or pet be left alone with a False Artifact they are at risk of being encased within. Once encased, no noise made by the prey can be heard. While digestion can take upwards of several years to complete, starvation can be a more pressing concern.


  • Once a False Artifact has been identified, removal is as simple as physically moving the object out of one’s home, HSH Pest Removal Services should be called to come and remove the object. Should a pet or loved one already be encased within. one can utilize a Memory Wisp to speed up the griefing process.


  • False Rose Bushes are large plant-like creatures that most commonly take on the appearance of a Red Rose Bush. In place of roots, these creatures have two small humanoid feet that they use to chase down prey. Homeowners with False Rose Bushes sometimes report missing pets or children.


  • False Rose Bushes pose incredible danger to homeowners with children or pets, as their diet consists of small mammals, and they are known to be fast and efficient hunters. Homeowners without children or pets face a reduced risk, as they cannot swallow whole anything larger than themselves.


  • To remove a False Rose Bush from a garden they have inhabited, it is advised to keep children or pets from venturing outside within its hunting range for an extended period. If a False Rose Bush goes more than one month without eating, it will move on to new territory on its own.


  • Memory Wisps are invisible and odorless household wisps that are known for removing memories from the home and its homeowners. Homeowners infested with Memory Wisps will often report missing pictures, photo albums, and the inability to remember the faces of loved ones.


  • Memory Wisps are not a danger to the physical health of humans. However, their ability to affect human memory can sometimes lead to household accidents or reckless activity.


  • Memory Wisps will move out of the house on their own once the..’ have stolen away the inhabitants’ memories. There is no need for further action.


  • Mirror Nymphs are a subspecies of Nymph that are known for stealing the likeness of homeowners and passerbys. They are generally small, faceless and voiceless humanoids carrying a large mirror that they beckon others to look into. Homeowners afflicted by Mirror Nymphs commonly report not being able to recognize their own face.


  • Mirror Nymphs, although a nuisance, are not a direct danger to humans.


  • Mirror Nymphs will wander to different locations provided nobody looks into their mirror. Affected homeowners can restore their likeness by catching the Mirror Nymph and breaking its mirror with an iron implement.

Part 4


  • Lamp Sprites are a common subspecies of Sprite that make their homes inside lamp fixtures. They are known for causing the lamps they inhabit to flicker or burn hotter, sometimes causing a burning smell in the home.


  • Lamp Sprites are not dangerous to humans unless provoked. Do not, under any circumstances, turn off the lamp or attempt to reach your hand inside the lamp when actively inhabited.


  • Lamp Sprites will leave on their own once their lamp of choice goes out on its own. At this point, they will attempt to seek out a new lamp. To prevent a Lamp Sprite from re-homing itself, ensure all household lamps are turned off until the expiration period. When the Lamp Sprite fails to find an active lamp, it will leave the home on its own.


  • Toilet Hobbs are a subspecies of Hobb that are known for homing inside toilets. The_y bear false faces, and have two separate clumps of wisp_y hair on each side of their heads. Like most Hobbs, the_y tend to clean their homes when they are active at night, keeping the toilets the_y inhabit nearly spotless.


  • Toilet Hobbs are not dangerous on their own, but their physical presence within the toilet the_y inhabit may result in plumbing problems over time such as leaks or clogs. Like an_y other Hobb, they are also capable of metamorphosing.


  • Toilet Hobbs cannot be removed once they nest. To prevent further danger. measures to prevent metamorphosis should be taken as soon as possible. It is advised to leave an egg near the toilet each night before going to bed.


  • Tea Sprites are a subspecies of sprite that are known to feed off of tea and tea leaf residue. Homeowners infested with Tea Sprites commonly report leaf-like droppings, and sounds of fluttering near kitchens.


  • Tea Sprites are not directly dangerous to humans, but they are known to spread various deadly diseases, including the fatal Fae Flu, and should be removed as soon as possible.


  • Tea Sprites can be removed with various common household pesticides and traps* provided they are baited with tea leaves. To avoid future infestations* be sure to always clean tea cups, kettles, and mugs after use.


  • Whistling Fungi are small, mushroom-like growths with many small holes in their caps that frequently grow through drywall gaps and cracks. Homeowners infested with Whistling Fungi often report a dissonant “whistling” sound coming from their walls.


  • WARNING: If you ever hear Whistling Fungi “singing” in harmony, evacuate your home immediately. Whistling Fungi are rarely dangerous to humans, but their growth can cause foundational problems.


  • If Whistling Fungi ever “sing” in harmony, evacuate your home immediate!}• and do not return for any reason. Otherwise, Whistling Fungi can be removed with common weed killers or by utilizing HSH’s Fungal Removal services. To prevent a Whistling Fungi infestation, ensure there are no open cracks in your home.


  • Unicorn Fungi are a rare, horn-shaped fungus that are known to grow on the heads of furry mammals and household pets. They often affect the animals’ disposition, causing them to be drawn to the soil. Homeowners often report their pets furiously digging around or inside their home.


  • Unicorn Fungi are not directly harmful to humans, but they can often lead to other
  • household problems such as broken floorboards, uprooted plants, or waking up other things beneath the soil.


  • Unicorn Fungi will go away after a few months on its own without treatment. but can also be treated with cryo-therapy, or removed surgically, if removal needs expediting. To prevent Unicorn Fungi from developing, regularly bathe your pet, especially after any outdoor activities


  • Wine Sprites are a subspecies of sprite that are known for consuming wine. They are small, large-eyed winged creatures with translucent skin that often appears red while the_y are feeding. The_y have a long proboscis that they use to drink. Homeowners infested with Wine Sprites commonly report broken glasses and their wine having a rotten taste and smell.


  • Wine Sprites are not directly dangerous to humans, but they are known to spread various deadly diseases, including the fatal Fae Flu, and should be removed as soon as possible.


  • Wine Sprites can be removed with various: common household pesticides and traps provided the_y are baited with wine. To avoid future infestations, be sure to always clean wine glasses and containers immediately after use.


  • Wood Secretions are a pink, viscous liquid substance that can sometimes form from wood that has been mistreated. It is known to drip from wooden materials, such as furniture or walls, causing a sticky pooling buildup.


  • Wood Secretions can be deadly to humans, causing a rapid translation of flesh if ingested. Keep animals and human children away from secretions at all costs, as its foul odor will be interpreted as a sweet, candy-like smell to them, making them particularly susceptible to accidental ingestion.


  • Once started, wood secretions will continue indefinitely. To remove the hazard from a home, the offending wood should be replaced entirely. To prevent wood from entering the secretion stage, ensure good care is taken towards wood in the home. and refrain from scratching, knocking, or banging on wooden surf aces. Do not ever insult or shout at wood.


  • Travel Gnomes are a highly invasive subspecies of gnome that are known to stow away inside the luggage of unsuspecting travelers to introduce themselves to new households. They are found most commonly in highly f crested areas of the globe.


  • Travel Gnomes can affect the household in various ways. They will often create expansive gardens inside their new homes, leaving soil, plants and common outdoor pests in their wake. These gardens, in addition to introducing a variety of dangerous pests, can also create foundational problems in a home if they continue to grow unabated.


  • Spraying pesticides and weed killer in the home can deter a Travel Gnome’s gardening prospects, at which point it will wait for a new opportunity to travel to a better location. To encourage a Travel Gnome to relocate, one can invite others to stay at their household and create new opportunities for the Travel Gnome to stow away in visitors’ luggage.


  • Seedlings are small insectoid creatures about the size of an aphid. They are known for burrowing in outdoor planters or gardens, feeding off the roots of nearby weeds.


  • Though their weed killing lifestyles can make them useful for gardeners, Seedlings are extremely territorial and react violently to anything competing for their food source. Never remove e weed from e Seedling-infested garden. They are known to compel competitors to commit violent acts on themselves or others.


  • To remove Seedlings from a garden, one should not go near their established feeding grounds. Instead, one should use a hose, sprinklers, or similar ranged devices to over-water and drown out the Seedlings from afar.


  • Portals are door-shaped openings to an outdoor location other than the homeowners’, discovered most commonly in basements or underground cellars. Homeowners with portals frequentl_y report cold drafts, strange dreams, and a strong desire to enter


  • Portals can introduce a wide variety of dangerous elements to a home and should be dealt with as soon as they are discovered. They can additionally cause drafts, and introduce heating problems to a home.


  • Portals should be sealed shut with wooden planks, bricks, or other common building materials. The seal should be air tight, as to not allow for anything to come inside the home. It is advised to utilize HSH’s Home Security services to ensure portals are sealed safely.



  • Night Gnomes are small, hairy creatures with a pointed head. They are known for their tendency to enter the sleeping quarters of humans to watch them while they sleep. Homeowners affected by Night Gnomes frequently report sighting them in the middle of the night, or report heavy breathing sounds during late hours.


  • Night Gnomes are not known to be deadly to humans, but those who suffer from heart conditions should consider wearing sleeping masks to prevent being startled by their presence.


  • Night Gnomes will move on to other homes if they become bored or restless bl,• _your inhabitants’ sleeping activities. There is no guarantee, however, that they will become bored by you if they find your sleep sufficiently entertaining


  • Night Wisps are a subspecies of wisp in the form of bright, floating lights. They are known to hover outside windows at night while whispering promises of wealth and good fortune.


  • Night Wisps are not dangerous to humans unless listened to. Refrain from listening to their whispers and following their directions.


  • Night Wisps will move on to other homes after a week or so if they are ignored consistently. It is advised to drown out their whispers with music or wear sleeping masks to prevent sleep disruption.


  • Laundry Gnomes are a sub-species of gnome with thick, fiber-like fur. They can fold their bodies into various shapes and often resemble dirty towels. Homeowners with Laundry Gnomes often report loud rattling or banging sounds coming from their washing machine, and missing socks.


  • Laundry Gnomes pose no direct threat to humans, though their lifestyles often lead to broken washing machines or dryers, which can occasionally cause small floods. Water damage can lead to further problems in a home, and as such Laundry Gnomes should not be left to their own devices.


  • Laundry Gnomes will move on from a home if they are no longer permitted to enter a washing machine. Great care should be taken to inspect each and every piece of laundry before washing.


  • Floor Roots are tree-like brown roots that are known to grow upwards from the floor to wrap themselves around various objects or humans in their vicinity.


  • Floor Roots grow slow enough that they serve very little danger to awake and aware human adults. However, if not spotted quickly they are a known strangling hazard for human children and pets while they sleep. Removal should be a priority in family households.


  • Floor Roots require something to wrap around before they will cease their growth, so it is advised to acquire dolls, or a similar human-shaped facsimile to give them a safer alternative. Place the dolls in the affected room and leave the roots alone for the night. By morning, the dolls and roots should be gone, and the room safe to inhabit once more. Make any repairs to the floor as needed, or utilize HSH’s Home Repair services


  • The Horde is an invisible, odorless collective consciousness that is known to collect and store large quantities of common household refuse.


  • The Horde’s tendency to store vast quantities of trash in the home make them prone to spreading disease to the home’s inhabitants. Rotten food, used syringes, and rusty metal are among the more common household hazards that can be introduced by The Horde’s presence.


  • Once introduced to a home, The Horde will continue to gather and horde their treasures indefinitely. It is advised to sell one’s home at the first sign of The Horde’s presence to make the relocation process go over more smoothly. To prevent The Horde from gathering in one’s home, it is advised to keep one’s home as tidy as possible as to not attract The Horde’s attention. The introduction of a Hobb to the household can often assist in this process.


  • Fae Flu is a rare and dangerous disease commonly spread by household fae. Symptoms of Fae Flu include headaches, fever, eye discoloration, seeds taking root in skin pores, and blooming.


  • Fae Flu is rarely fat al, but it can have long lasting effects on the lifetime health of an infected human. Longterm symptoms commonly include dizziness, fatigue, mono-­colored vision, deliriousness, and endless dreams.


  • There is no cure for Fae Flu, however one can take precautions against it by keeping a clean, fae-free home


  • Cellar Grottos are large, cave-like networks known to sometimes appear spontaneously in cellars and basements. Homeowners with Cellar Grottos will often report a bad smell coming from the basement, higher humidity in the home, and a notable increase in large beetles, frogs, and related pests.


  • Cellar Grottos can introduce a number of dangerous pests into the home, and the heightened humidity they introduce can caused warped floorboards, weakened foundation, and other hazards.


  • Cellar Grottos can be removed by finding their creator and presenting them with a gift of gold. Their creator often resides somewhere within the grotto’s subterranean lake.. For safety, bring spelunking and snorkeling equipment on your excursion# or consider utilizing HSH’ s Grotto Removal Team.


  • Feasts are mid-to-large sized piles of various edible food substances, frequently including flour, cornmeal, and various species of fungi. They are known to appear near eating areas of the home.


  • Feasts are not dangerous if consumed, but if left untouched they can provoke more dangerous activity or else its continued presence can attract other household pests such as cockroaches or carpenter ants.


  • Feasts are a sign of a hospitable presence, and as such should be consumed immediately once sighted to prevent provoking or offending the gifter. For maximum assured safety, all members of the home should partake in the Feast.


  • Attic Gnomes are a subspecies of gnome known to nest in attics and ceilings. Homeowners infested with Attic Gnomes will often report a knocking or rapping sound coming from their ceilings, or a surplus of dust coming out of their ventilation systems.


  • Attic Gnomes feeding habits can often be a boon to homeowners, as they consume dust, cobwebs and household pests such as spiders in large quantities. However, when frightened, they will violently expel their meals which can send large quantities of dust particulates into the air, causing air quality issues in the household. They are very easily frightened.


  • To remove an Attic Gnome from the household, it is recommended to dust and clean your attics and ceilings regularly, as to avoid giving it a source of food. This will also prevent other Attic Gnomes from nesting in your home.

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