Welcome to our Gloomwood Console Commands guide. This guide will show you console information for the game! Tested in game v0.1.220!
Gloomwood Console Commands
This guide will show you console information for the game! Tested in game v0.1.220! We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Gloomwood game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Gloomwood guide.
Gloomwood Console Commands
Command | Extension (If applicable) | Description | Selector Information (If applicable) |
antialiasing | {value} | Displays Antialiasing level. If given a value sets the Antialiasing level | |
bloom | {0/1} | Displays if Bloom is enabled. If given a value Enables / Disables Bloom | “1” is Enable, “0” is Disable |
cheats | {0/1} | Displays if Cheats are enabled. If given a value Enables / Disables Cheats | “1” is Enable, “0” is Disable |
clear | Clears the Console | ||
crosshair | 0/1 | Enables/Disables the Crosshair | “1” is Enable, “0” is Disable |
difficulty | {0/1/2/3} | Displays the current Difficulty. If given a value changes the Difficulty | “0” is Crescent Moon (Easy), “1” is Half Moon (Normal), “2” is Full Moon (Hard), “3” is Blood Moon (Expert) |
fog | {0/1} | Displays if Fog is enabled. If given a value Enables / Disables Fog | “1” is Enable, “0” is Disable |
framerate | {value} | Sets the Framerate cap | |
ghost | Toggles both Collision and Detection | ||
give | {item} {optional: value} | Places the given item in the luggage case. If given a value gives multiple | (See below for a list of valid give command items) |
god | Toggles Invincibility | ||
help | Lists Commands | ||
infinite | {target} {int} | Usage Unknown | |
kill | Kills what ever is in the centre of the screen | ||
level | {level} | Loads the given map, also seems to break the game | “coast_fishery”,”coast_caves”,”coast_cliffside”,”coast_tavern” |
life | 0-100 | Displays the players health. If given a value sets the players health | 0 kills you, 100 is full health. |
lightflares | 0/1 | Displays if Lightflares are enabled. If given a value Enables / Disables Lightflares | “1” is Enable, “0” is Disable |
list | {value/entity} | Usage Unknown | |
loadgame | 0-9 | Reloads the current save. If given a value loads the given save slot | |
noclip | Toggles Collision | ||
notarget | Toggles Detection | ||
place | {entity} | Usage Unknown | |
quit | Closes the game | ||
restart | Loads last save | ||
savegame | {0-9} | Saves the game. If given a value saves in the given save slot | |
spawn | {entity} {value} | Spawns the given entity. If given a value spawns multiple | (See below for a list of valid spawn command entities) |
texturefiltering | {0/1} | Displays if Texture Filtering is enabled. If given a value Enables/Disables Texture Filtering | |
thief | Toggles footstep noise and key requirement to unlock doors | ||
timescale | {value} | Changes the Time Scale | 1 is normal speed |
tooltips | {element} {value} | Unknown Usage | |
version | Displays game version |
Valid “Give” Items
- item (Attempts to give you all the items, items that don’t fit in your inventory are dropped)
- item_apple
- item_bottle
- item_brooch_1
- item_button_presser
- item_can_beans (Looks like can of fish when dropped)
- item_can_beans_empty
- item_can_fish
- item_can_fish_empty
- item_canesword
- item_cheese
- item_coin (Grants 1 coin)
- item_gem_raw_large_1
- item_gem_raw_small_1
- item_giblet_citizen_man_head
- item_giblet_huntsman_arm_left
- item_giblet_huntsman_arm_right
- item_giblet_huntsman_head
- item_giblet_huntsman_leg_left
- item_giblet_huntsman_leg_right
- item_giblet_huntsman_leg_right
- item_giblet_woodsman_arm_left
- item_giblet_woodsman_arm_right
- item_giblet_woodsman_head
- item_giblet_woodsman_leg_left
- item_giblet_woodsman_leg_right
- item_goatman_horn_left
- item_goatman_horn_right
- item_handlantern
- item_handlantern_broken
- item_legtrap (Beartrap)
- item_lightgemring
- item_medhypo
- item_revolver
- item_revolverround (If given multiple turns into a box)
- item_revolverroundbox (Contains 1 bullet)
- item_revolverroundspent
- item_rifle_broken
- item_shotgun
- item_shotgunshell
- item_shotgunshellbox
- item_shotgunshellspent
- item_undertaker
- item_undertaker_incendiary
- item_undertaker_shock
- item_undertaker_slug
- item_waxcylinder
- pickup_coin (Grants 2 coins)
- pickup_coinpouch (Grants 25 coins)
- weapon (Gives all the weapons)
Physics tied to the player:
- ai (Spawns ALL the ai in a huge pile)
- ai_crowman
- ai_fishdog
- ai_goatman
- ai_huntsman
- ai_huntsman_armored
- ai_huntsman_armored_rifle
- ai_huntsman_armored_torch
- ai_huntsman_rifle
- ai_huntsman_torch
- ai_merchant
- ai_rat
- ai_woodsman
- ai_woodsman_armored
- ai_woodsman_armored_axe
- ai_woodsman_armored_torch
- ai_woodsman_axe
- ai_woodsman_torch
- physics_sack
- physics_axe
- physics_barrel
- physics_barrel_explosive
- physics_crate
- physics_crate_ammo_pistol
- physics_crate_ammo_shotgun
- physics_pickaxe
- physics_shovel
Broken or Unimplemented:
- item_bloodvial
- item_keyring
- item_monocle
- item_journal
Valid “Spawn” Entities
- ai (Spawns ALL the ai in a huge stack)
- ai_crowman
- ai_fishdog
- ai_goatman
- ai_huntsman
- ai_huntsman_armored
- ai_huntsman_armored_rifle
- ai_huntsman_armored_torch
- ai_huntsman_rifle
- ai_huntsman_torch
- ai_merchant
- ai_rat
- ai_woodsman
- ai_woodsman_armored
- ai_woodsman_armored_axe
- ai_woodsman_armored_torch
- ai_woodsman_axe
- ai_woodsman_torch
- item (Spawns 2 Lanterns and a Lightgemring)
- item_apple
- item_bottle
- item_brooch_1
- item_button_presser
- item_can_beans (Looks like can of fish when dropped)
- item_can_beans_empty
- item_can_fish
- item_can_fish_empty
- item_canesword
- item_cheese
- item_coin (Grants 9999 coins on pickup)
- item_gem_raw_large_1
- item_gem_raw_small_1
- item_giblet_citizen_man_head
- item_giblet_huntsman_arm_left
- item_giblet_huntsman_arm_right
- item_giblet_huntsman_head
- item_giblet_huntsman_leg_left
- item_giblet_huntsman_leg_right
- item_giblet_huntsman_leg_right
- item_giblet_woodsman_arm_left
- item_giblet_woodsman_arm_right
- item_giblet_woodsman_head
- item_giblet_woodsman_leg_left
- item_giblet_woodsman_leg_right
- item_goatman_horn_left
- item_goatman_horn_right
- item_handlantern
- item_handlantern_broken
- item_legtrap (Beartrap)
- item_lightgemring
- item_medhypo
- item_revolver
- item_revolverround
- item_revolverroundbox (Contains 10 bullets)
- item_revolverroundspent
- item_rifle_broken
- item_shotgun
- item_shotgunshell
- item_shotgunshellbox (Contains 5 shells)
- item_shotgunshellspent (Stack of 5)
- item_undertaker
- item_undertaker_incendiary (Stack of 10)
- item_undertaker_shock (Stack of 10)
- item_undertaker_slug (Stack of 10)
- item_waxcylinder
- physics_axe
- physics_barrel
- physics_barrel_explosive
- physics_crate
- physics_crate_ammo_pistol
- physics_crate_ammo_shotgun
- physics_pickaxe
- physics_sack
- physics_shovel
- pickup_coin (Grants 2 coins on pickup)
- pickup_coinpouch (Grants 25 coins on pickup)