With this detailed FlipWitch walkthrough, you can find answers to all your questions. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for completing most of the quests in the game. Additionally, we’ve covered all the achievements in FlipWitch – Forbidden Sex and explained how to obtain them. Search and discover what you need! We look forward to your positive or negative feedback.
Be sure to check out our FlipWitch 100% Complete Guide for things you can’t find here. The most comprehensive guide in the game!
FlipWitch – Forbidden Sex Hex Walkthrough & Achievements
Achievements, in general, aren’t too difficult in the game, but I still wanted to explain how to get them. If there are mistakes here (and there probably are), point them out to me. I won’t refuse help. Plans to implement:
- A human-readable map… I don’t know how to spill game knowledge onto canvas without it looking cringe-worthy.
- Quest section
- Gallery section
I’ll start implementing plans after the developers rework the map (as I understand, they’ll add character icons, which I need for a proper map and quests).
FlipWitch – Walkthrough
Special for those lost and clueless:
- First location – Witchwood Forest. Find the Supreme Fairy and help her avoid trouble.
- The fairy will open the passage to the city, where you can buy the Fairy Bubble from the Suspicious Trader for 100 gold.
- Return to the very beginning of the game and give the bubble to Beatrice (this unlocks the ability to change gender).
- In the form of a boy, a passage opens to the Male Cave, where you can reach the Goblin Queen.
- After defeating the Goblin Queen, a passage opens to the Phantom Castle, where you can find the ability to transform into a ghost and the Phantom Boss.
- After defeating the Phantom Boss, a passage opens to Jigoku (hell) and the Mushroom Forest (still inaccessible here). In Jigoku, you can find Demonic Wings (cheap, actually) and the Demon Boss.
- After defeating the Demon Boss, a passage opens to Tango through the Mushroom Forest. In Tango, you can find Angelic Feathers (triple jump, actually) and Angelica.
- After defeating Angelica, a passage opens to the Mushroom Forest. In the forest, you can find the ability to transform into a slime.
- Here’s where the fun begins. After getting the slime form, go to the Rat’s Lair, located to the right of the entrance to Jigoku. There, you’ll encounter the Rat Boss and the Mermaid’s Scale (simply allows walking through waterfalls).
- Next, head to Umi-Umi, the entrance is opposite the entrance to the Mushroom Forest. There, simply defeat the Frog Boss.
- Now, it’s time to head to the Slime Citadel. The entrance is in the far-right part of the Mushroom Forest. In the Citadel, defeat the Slime Girl Boss.
- After this, the final part of the game unlocks – the Chaos Castle. The entrance is at the very beginning of the Spirit City.
- Technically, you don’t need to defeat bosses with fragments of the Chaos Key to transition to new locations, but skipping bosses doesn’t have much sense.
Labeled Maps
A couple of maps with various points of interest:

Spirit City

Phantom Castle

Dzigoku + Demon Club


Mushroom Forest + Slime Citadel

Rat’s Place


Chaos Castle

FlipWitch Achievements
Story Bosses
These achievements complete themselves during the game:
Bubble Beater
- Defeat the Fairy Boss
Nosey Goblin
- Defeat the Goblin Queen
Phantom Puncher
- Defeat the Ghost Boss
Sad Boy
- Defeat the Demon Sub Boss
Devil Destroyer
- Defeat the Demon Boss
Angel Annihilator
- Defeat the Angel Boss
Sewerage Sanitation
- Defeat the Slime Sub Boss
Slime Slugger
- Defeat the Slime Boss
Thuthpicious Creature
- Defeat the Plague Sub Boss
Sucker Punch
- Defeat the Tako Queen Sub Boss
Frog Fighter
- Defeat the Frog Boss
Not Your Average House Cat
- Defeat the Sphinx Sub Boss
Chaos Crusher
- Defeat the Chaos Witch
Too Little, Too Late…
Defeat the Goblin Ex Boyfriend Sub Boss
- To obtain the acheivement, you need to defeat the boss known as “Ex.” The boss is located in the Witchwood behind a closed door with a heart symbol. The quest to kill the boss (Emotional Cargo) and the key to the door are given by Goblina in the Dark Alley after completing the Rough Goblin quest. The boss’s location is indicated by the character icon on the map.

Slash and Sniff
Defeat the Ghost Sub Boss
- This boss is tough but can be accidentally skipped, so I’ll mention it separately.
- Also, it guards Milka and Slika’s underwear.
- Boss location – character icon

Done and Dusted
Defeat the Harpy Crow Sub Boss
- She’s challenging too, but you might accidentally skip her.
- Honestly, the boss drops something strange.
- Boss location – character icon

Cloudy Judgment
Defeat the Angel Cloud Sub Boss
- You might accidentally skip this boss (as I did), but you need to defeat it for the Legendary Chew quest.
- Boss location – character icon

Mushroom DOOM
Defeat the Mushroom Sub Boss
- Access to the boss is granted during the Legend of Taitil quest.
- Taitil gives the key if you approach her in the Piglet costume.
- Boss location – character icon

Wide Open for Business
Enter the Cabaret Cafe
- To get this achievement, simply bring Milka and Slika their underwear and enter the cafe. Still, for another achievement in this place, you need to bring other characters, so I’ll detail where everyone is sitting and what they need.
- Rover is locked behind bars in Spirit City (you need the Ghost form to free him).
- Belle lost her bell in Witchwood (her bell is in a chest in the 3 rooms to the left of her).
- Milka and Slika had their underwear stolen by the boss Willy Sniffer (he’s in the highest room of the Phantom Castle, and it’s hard to skip the girls, to be honest).
Backdoor Pass
Enter the VIP Room
- To enter the VIP room, complete the “Assistance Required” quest.
- To do that, complete all character quests in the cafe (not guaranteed).
- Name – Quests
- Rover – Fetch the Dog, Bone Crusher, Legendary Chew
- Janis – Snitchy Snack, Assistance Required
- Belle – Where’s My Bell?, Milkshake Deluxe, Rat Trouble
- Milka and Slika – Panty Raid, Ghost Hunter, Cursed Restroom
- Suspicious Merchant – Jellyshroom, Chaos Jelly
- Location of the apartment key
- Apartment location with the Chaos event
- Name – Quests
Chaos Killer
Complete all Chaos Events
It’s actually quite straightforward here. Most Chaos events are unmissable, but there’s one non-story-related event that appears during the quest “Demonic Delight!” (though you can enter the apartments without the quest, but whatever). Here’s where you can find the key to the apartments:
Location of the apartment key

Location of the apartments with the chaos event

Best Dressed
Collect all Costumes
In total, there are 18 costumes in the game, 9 for each gender. Almost all of them are needed for quests and can be purchased with gold. You can find the locations of Thimbles, Rat Costume, and Fisherman’s Costume in the Maps section.
To get this achievement, check out our FlipWitch Costume Guide here. You can learn the location of all costumes and how to obtain them.
Collect all Gachas
This achievement is a real pain in the game… You need to gather 41 tokens and spend them in the gacha machines (apparently, there are 44 of them in the game).
I highly recommend searching for secrets with the Brain Casket, which you can buy from the Trader in Tengoku. It makes a sound when you enter a room with a secret (the secret can be either a token or a chest).
- You can find a map with the tokens in the Maps section.
- The trader’s location – character icon.

FlipWitch Quests
Quest Name | Quest Description and Solution |
Where’s My Bell? | Belle lost her bell in the Witch’s Forest. Belle herself is standing to the left of the first gacha machine, and her bell is located to the right of the first gacha machine behind a closed door surrounded by goblins. |
Out of Commission | Find a server to reboot the robot in Dark Alley. The robot is located in the left part of Dark Alley, and the server is in the apartments with an apple. |
Magic Teacher | Bring Beatrix the Fairy Bubble. The bubble is sold in the Spirit City for 100 coins. (Just for fun, included a quest because, well, it’s plot-related.) |
Goblin Fashion | Goblina in the Witch’s Forest awaits an agent to make her popular. According to the map, she stands in the room above the save room before the Goblin Queen. The agent she’s waiting for is Legs (a business goblin from the Male Cave). First, give Legs a photo of Goblina, then give a business card (I guess) to Goblina. |
Emotional Baggage | Goblina’s Ex won’t give her back her luggage, so you need to teach him a lesson. Goblina gives this quest in Dark Alley, and her Ex is located in the Witch’s Forest (his location is in the Too Little, Too Late… section). |
Priestly Duties | The priest from the Cult of Slutusa in Dark Alley won’t let you pass through the door. Just approach him in a priest costume. |
Underwear Heist | Milky and Creamy had their panties stolen, so they ask you to find and bring them. The boss Willy Sniffer stole the panties (his location is in the Slash and Sniff section). |
Slutus Priestess | The Slutus Priestess in Dark Alley won’t let you pass through the door. Just approach her in a nun costume. |
Set the Dogs Free | Someone locked Rover in the Spirit City behind bars, and you need to save him. The button opening his cage is located behind the vines in the same room (no issues with this quest). |
Bone Crusher | Rover in the Spirit City asks you to kill 15 skeletons. Well, you need to go to the Phantom Castle and kill 15 skeletons there… Wow… There’s no in-game counter or quest completion notifications, so count how many skeletons you kill yourself. |
Ghostbusters | Milky and Creamy in the Spirit City ask you to kill 20 ghosts… Well, you need to go to the Phantom Castle and kill 20 ghosts there… Wow… There’s no in-game counter or quest completion notifications, so count how many ghosts you kill yourself. |
Harvest Time | The Goat in Dzigoku wants you to produce her offspring as a farmer. Just approach her in a farmer costume. She stands in the room to the right of the big cat statue (if you go all the way to the right). |
Unlucky Cat Statue | The cat statue in Dzigoku asks you to find 3 smaller statues. You can find 2 statues in Dzigoku and one in the Club “Demon” (locations are on the map in the Obsessed section). |
Deluxe Milkshake | Belle in the Spirit City asks you to bring her milk to the Dark Alley. Just go to the Dark Alley, give the milk to Keoni (the girl with blue skin), and then bring the milkshake to Belle. |
Goblin Stallion | The Goblin Princess in the Witch’s Forest wants a goblin prince to touch her from the inside (she stands in the room just after the Goblin Queen). Just approach her in a goblin costume. |
Magic Mushrooms | The Fairy in the Witch’s Forest gives a master class on using magic mushrooms. To receive and complete the quest, just approach the fairy in a fairy costume. She’s located… darn, no landmarks. Under the bottom-left secret with a coin. |
Devilish Delight! | Keoni in Dark Alley asks you to bring her Hellish Dango. I’ve described the key and apartments with the dango in the Chaos Killer section. |
Dirty Debut | Legs in Dark Alley is looking for a photographer. The angel photographer is located in Tengoku (I forgot exactly where, I’ll write it later). |
Urgent Aid | The Angel-Nurse in the Spirit City asks you to find a nurse. Just approach her in a nurse costume. |
Rat Problem | Belle in the Spirit City asks you to get rid of the rats in her apartment. Her apartment is located in the Dark Alley (landmark – a cherry on top). |
Long-Distance Relations | Gabriella in Tengoku asks you to bring a letter to her boyfriend. She is located next to the teleport Angel’s Foyer (up from the teleport until the end, then to the right)… Her boyfriend is in Dzigoku next to the teleport Club “Demon”… Approach her in a mailman costume, get the letter, give it to her boyfriend, get a letter from him, and give it to Gabriella. |
Legendary Chewer | Rover asks you to bring him the Legendary Halo. The halo is behind the boss Claudia (there’s a section about her called Cloudy Judgment). |
Elevate | You need to sign a contract with the Pig King. He is located in the mansion in the far-right part of the Spirit City (you need a maid costume or a Pigman costume for access). The quest is given if you wear a maid costume, and the contract is in the room above the Pig King. |
Gigantic Chest Key | Mimi is locked in a chest in the Witch’s Forest, and she asks you to find the key and save her. The key is located under the next save point, to the right of her room. |
Sub-Shofe Saya | Janice in the Spirit City wants wine, so you need to bring it to her. The wine is located to the right of the rooms with Mimi and the boss Ex (the map is in the Frequently Asked Questions section). |
Jelly Mushroom | The Suspicious Trader in the Spirit City needs a Jelly Mushroom. The mushroom is located in the Mushroom Forest (surprisingly) to the left of the entrance to the Slime Citadel in the farthest room (I don’t know how else to orient you, sorry). |
Cursed Restroom | Milky and Creamy ask you to exorcise a spirit in the men’s restroom. Just enter the restroom, crawl through the hole in slime form, talk to the spirit (preferably in a cat costume), and then return to the girls. |
Assistance Required | Janice needs help with the girls… I don’t know the exact requirements yet, but it’s enough to do what’s described in the Backdoor Pass section. |
Other Quests
Quest Name | Description and Solution |
Bunny Club | Enthusiasts of Fluffy Tails in Dark Alley want to chat with a new fluffy tail. Just approach them in a fluffy tail costume. |
Legend of Taytil | Taytil in Spirit City wants someone to give a spanking to the Mushroom Boss. She’s located in the mansion in the far right part of Spirit City (requires a maid or Piggy costume). Approach Taytil in a Piggy costume, take the key from her, spank the boss (refer to the Mushroom DOOM section for its location), and return to Taytil. |
Stop Democracy | An ancient creature in Spirit City wants to take over the world, and… you need to dominate it. Just approach the creature in a dominatrix costume. |
Find the Silky Slime | Vishenka and Chereshenka in Dark Alley ask you to find the Silky Slime. The slime is in the Slime Citadel next to one of the summoning stones (far right part of the citadel) – marked as a blue orb in the Obsessed section of the map. |
What’s a Daikon? | Keoni in Dark Alley asks you to find the Heavenly Daikon. You can find it above the entrances to Tengoku (or check the Frequently Asked Questions section). |
Hit the Gym | The Rat Girl in the Rat’s Den needs a super buff rat person. Just approach her in a rat costume (location details in the Frequently Asked Questions section). |
Gifts of the Sea | Keroku in Umi-Umi wants to jump with a sea creature. Just approach her in a fisherman costume. |
Street Cat | Dunya in Dark Alley… doesn’t want anything. You need to parkour in Dark Alley to the left of the apartments with an apple, then jump on… genital blocks(?) to the right. Dunya will be sitting on a platform in the right part of the alley, just above the robot girl. |
Summoning Stones | The Philosophical Stone in the Slime Citadel asks you to find 3 summoning stones. You can access the Summoning Stones Location guide by clicking here. |
Ecto-Orgasm | The Lewd Ghost in Spirit City loves cat girls. The lewd ghost is the same one from the Cursed Restroom quest. Just approach it in a catgirl costume. |
Where can I find the Rat Costume?
Opposite the entrance to Dzigoku is the entrance to the rat’s den (requires slime form). The costume is in a secret area.

Where is the Heavenly Daikon located?
Above the entrance to Tengoku (requires a triple jump).

Where is the wine for the bunny?
In the Witch’s Forest (requires a triple jump).

Where is the Mermaid Scale?
Mermaid Scale: Ability to walk through waterfalls.
Opposite the entrance to Dzigoku is the entrance to the rat’s den (requires slime form). The scale is in a chest behind the boss.