ENDLESS Dungeon Hero Stats (Patch 1.1.10087)

As you defend yourself against monsters in the action-packed adventure world of Endless Dungeon, the character you choose and character statistics play a big role in defense. So what are the statistical values of the characters in the game? Check out our ENDLESS Dungeon Hero Statistics guide (Patch 1.1.10087) for this and many other questions like this. This guide shows the basic statistics of each hero and how much their gold statistics have increased in each level.

This is the guide Storb it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

ENDLESS Dungeon Hero Stats (Patch 1.1.10087)

Buying upgrades for heroes at upgrade stations also levels them up, further increasing their main stats. Did you go into the in-game dictionary to try to see the basic statistics of a hero and didn’t find anything? This ENDLESS Dungeon Hero Stats (Patch 1.1.10087) guide will show you these statistics so that you can look at them more easily before making a choice.


Base Hero Stats [Patch 1.1.10087]
Health200 (+10 per level)
Defense0% (+2.5% per level)
Wit10 (+2 per level)
Shove Damage13
Damage Bonus+0%
Fire Rate Bonus+0%
Critical Chance Bonus+0%
ENDLESS Dungeon Hero Stats (Patch 1.1.10087)

  • Highest base Wit in the game


Base Hero Stats [Patch 1.1.10087]
Health200 (+10 per level)
Shove Damage10
Damage Bonus+0% (+5% per level)
Fire Rate Bonus+0% (+5% per level)
Critical Chance Bonus+0%
ENDLESS Dungeon Hero Stats (Patch 1.1.10087)

  • Highest base Speed in the game


Base Hero Stats [Patch 1.1.10087]
Health300 (+30 per level)
Defense0% (+10% per level)
Shove Damage13 (Shove Damage per level increases with each level;
+2, +3, +4, +5…
still testing)
Damage Bonus+0%
Fire Rate Bonus+0%
Critical Chance Bonus+0%
ENDLESS Dungeon Hero Stats (Patch 1.1.10087)

  • Highest base Health, Health per level, Defense per level, and Shove Damage per level in the game


Base Hero Stats [Patch 1.1.10087]
Health250 (+13 per level)
Defense0% (+5% per level)
Wit5 (+1 per level)
Shove Damage13
Damage Bonus+0%
Fire Rate Bonus+0%
Critical Chance Bonus+0%
Max Souls Stacks5? (may increase with levels?)
ENDLESS Dungeon Hero Stats (Patch 1.1.10087)


Base Hero Stats [Patch 1.1.10087]
Health200 (+10 per level)
Wit3 (+1 per level)
Shove Damage13
Damage Bonus+0% (+2.5% per level)
Fire Rate Bonus+0%
Critical Chance Bonus+0%
ENDLESS Dungeon Hero Stats (Patch 1.1.10087)


Base Hero Stats [Patch 1.1.10087]
Health250 (+13 per level)
Wit5 (+1 per level)
Shove Damage10
Damage Bonus+0% (+5% per level)
Fire Rate Bonus+0%
Critical Chance Bonus+0% (+5% per level)
Max Mines3
Hero Stats (Patch 1.1.10087)


Base Hero Stats [Patch 1.1.10087]
Health250 (+13 per level)
Defense0% (+5% per level)
Wit7 (+2 per level)
Shove Damage13 (+1 per level)
Damage Bonus+0%
Fire Rate Bonus+0%
Critical Chance Bonus+0%
Hero Stats (Patch 1.1.10087)


Base Hero Stats [Patch 1.1.10087]
Health200 (+10 per level)
Wit7 (+2 per level)
Shove Damage13
Damage Bonus+0%
Fire Rate Bonus+0% (+5% per level)
Critical Chance Bonus+0% (+0% per level?)
Max Comrade Turrets2
Hero Stats (Patch 1.1.10087)

  • Critical Chance Bonus may be bugged on Comrade and has inconsistent results in the UI

Extra Notes

  • Every hero has a max level of 9 (for a total of 8 upgrades, as heroes start at level 1), after which upgrades can no longer be purchased for them.
  • Additional levels to Health are added to the base value, which is then modified by chips and upgrades. For example, if you have 300 base Health at level 1, and have a +30% Max Health perk, your total Health is 390. If you level up to 2 and gain +30 base Health, your total health becomes 429, instead of 420 ((300 + 30) * 1.3 = 429; the extra base Health is added first, then multiplied by modifiers).
  • Health can stack exponentially. For example, if you have 300 base Health at level 1, and have two different sources of +30% Max Health perks (e.g. Uncut Gem on Crystal Bot and Nanoblood on Bunker), your total Health is 507, instead of 480 (300 * 1.3 * 1.3 = 507).
  • Stacking Defense has diminishing returns. For example, Bunker starts with 0% Defense at level 1. At level 2, she goes to 10% Defense. At level 3, she goes to 19% Defense—an increase of +9%. At level 4, she goes to 27%—an increase of 8%. More thorough testing is needed, especially with chips and upgrades.
  • Decimals are not shown for some values in-game, but appear to be affecting them. This is most noticeable with Sweeper and Cartie, as they gain 2% Defense and Damage Bonus respectively at every even level, and 3% at every odd level, indicating they’re actually gaining 2.5% every level.
  • When a hero is controlled by the AI, their Speed is increased by +20%. This is reflected in-game in the pause menu, and can be misleading.
Written by Storb

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