Dungeon’s Legion Normal Mod Guide

Are you having trouble making choices when starting Dungeon’s Legion? Can’t decide which mode to play? Then you’ve come to the right place! In this Dungeon’s Legion Normal Mod guide, we provide details about the normal mode, information on what matters, and tips on how to play in normal mode. Enjoy the fun of Dungeon’s Legion in normal mode without having to play in easy mode!

This is the guide Aryn Blue it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

Dungeon’s Legion Normal Mod Guide

Use this Dungeon’s Legion Normal Mode Guide and enjoy the fun of Dungeon’s Legion in normal mode without having to play in easy mode!

Start for Normal Mod

The steps for the normal mode are as follows:

Phase 1

(If I write 1 Phase it is my own Phase and has nothing to do with the chapters.)

We all know Breeding and doing Raid´s is a thing you always have to look out for^^

I put “Upgraded Monsters” in the Raid (only lvl 2 ) till it was full.
The Higher the Score the better the loot, etc.^^

For fight I used Lvl 1 Mobs and only the Poison Formula ( Starter Enchament ).

In Phase 3:
I had upgraded my fighting Mobs too and yes put the newest mobs to my Hero´s^^.
In the Raid the most newest to lvl 2 and if I could higher.
And I now used all Enchantment I had.^^ But still considerate.
Please watch out what the Hero need to be corrupted first bevore you waste your Elexir.

The Skill´s I invested:

1. Train
2. Barracks Extension
3. Squard Management
4. Black Marketer
>>>>> Than the first Girl came so of course I invested in Nullify Teleport. One time only !
5. Elexir Research
6. Defense Magic
7. Expansion
8. Jail Extension

– Do not forget from now on you can use magic !!!
I had the feeling if I hold left mouse on Magic after use it fill up 5 Second faster.
<<< But it could be the more enemie´s comming after you the faster it loading on it´s own. ^^

Phase 2

1. Train the second
2. Roper Research
3. Treasure Expansion
4. Defense Magic the second
5. Slime Research
6. Barracks Extension
7. Impf Research
>>>>> The Second Girl came so invest in Nullify Teleport one time.
8. Elexir the second
9. Recycle
10. Jail Extension the second
11. Enchantment 1. and the 3.
12. Recycle the second
>>>>> You should Train your Hero´s first ( Reina included wink )

Phase 3

1. Enchantment the second
2. Expansion the second
3. Ogre Research
4. Linch Research
>>>>> Witch came so Nullify Teleport 1x Time.
5. Defense Magic the third
6. Raise Lvl Cap to 4 for Demon
7. Treasure Expansion the second
8. Black Marketer / Valued Customer
9. Defense Magic the third ( Teleport ).
( I used it only to save my Hero from almost getting killed it´s random if it´s helps or not^^ )
10. Squad Management the second

Nullify the Elf Teleport 1x Time
***I had a lot of Gold Coins so I upgraded lots of things at the same time from Point 7 to 10***

I hope you saved a lot of Gold at least 1. 000 Gold Coin.

Phase 4

1. Expansion the third !!!!!!!!
2. Black Marketer / Valued Customer the second
3. Barracks Extension
4. Elexir the third
5. Recycle the third
6. Jail Extension the third
7. Train Hero and Rain Cap 4
8. Gazer Research
9. Fate Enchantment but only that not the Hero´s
10. Treasure Expansion the third
11. Demon LVL Cap 5

>>>> As soon as possible Nullify Ninja and Samurai Girl. Yes I invested this time 2x in Both.

I will give you the advice “Doc” told you already:


  • Bewitching and Lightining Formula
  • Slowing and Meteor Formula

<<< Put them in front of your army, the Hero (mages) in the Back.
The Mobs (to weaken the Enemies between), Fighter Heros of course in front of the Mages Heros.

Phase 5

  1. Everything else that is left^^
  2. I am still in this because I do not know should I beat “FATE” first or wait till the last 2 Hero´s show up ???^^
  3. Will chapter 4 End bevor I have enough Gold Coins…?
  4. But there is not much to Skill anymore^^
  5. You should be able to find the End of the Story on your own^^

In which order and when you upgrade your hero´s your Fight Mob´s etc.
You will find out on your own^^ Like I said it is only to help you to have a good start^^
If you wanna Skip Easy Mod or it´s your first strategie game.

Written by Aryn Blue

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