Dungeonmans Secret Tier 6 Weapons

Endless world of Dungeonmans adventure! There are indeed deep and abundant dungeons, but there are also dripping swamps, undead vaults, intense battlefields, jungle camps of bandits and bandits, ancient towers ruled by mighty despots, and even more dreadful dangers lurking in the darkest shadows. In this adventure there is an Easter egg in the game where you can get 4 hidden Tier 6 legendary weapons. We told you how to find it in our Dungeonmans Secret Tier 6 Weapons guide!

Dungeonmans Secret Tier 6 Weapons

Welcome to our Dungeonmans Secret Tier 6 Weapons guide. This guide explains how to unlock 4 hidden Tier 6 weapons. Based on what it takes to unlock these weapons, this guide was made in case anyone is considering these Easter Eggs. There are tips on how to get these weapons in the game.

Bow Weapon: Arcturus Lancer

Dungeonmans Secret Tier 6 Weapons
Dungeonmans Secret Tier 6 Weapons

2h Weapon: The Last Dawn

Dungeonmans Secret Tier 6 Weapons
Dungeonmans Secret Tier 6 Weapons

1h Weapon: Tomorrow’s War

Secret Tier 6 Weapons
Secret Tier 6 Weapons

Staff Weapon: Starcaller

Secret Tier 6 Weapons
Secret Tier 6 Weapons


Hint #1: This secret involves the Ancient Starlight Temple – search through this forum or other guides to learn how to unlock the temple.

Hint #2: Trying using a weapon on the anvil in the temple.

Hint #3: Pay attention to the log text after you infuse a weapon with cosmic power.

Hint #4: Here is the in-game hint text:

Secret Tier 6 Weapons
Secret Tier 6 Weapons

Hint #5: Try infusing different weapons with cosmic power.

Hint #6: Try infusing weapons you normally wouldn’t bother infusing with cosmic power.

Final hint: Try infusing starter weapons with cosmic power.

Final Spoiler warning: Spoiler text will not be used below. Don’t scroll down if you still want to try and figure it out on your own.

Secret Revealed

To gain these 4 secret weapons you will need the following:

  • The Ancient Starlight Temple unlocked
  • 2 Star Shards per weapon – if you want a full set, you need 8 to 16 star shards.
  • A brand new Dungeonmans per weapon (so 4 to 7 Dungeonmans)*.

You need a brand new Dungeonmans per weapon because you need Yesterday’s Knife – the starting 1h weapon you gain on a new Dungeonmans:

Secret Tier 6 Weapons
Secret Tier 6 Weapons

I would recommend hearting/locking/favoriting it in your inventory so you don’t accidentally smelt it down. You can lock an item in several ways. I have a full-sized keyboard so I use the number 5 on the keypad to lock it.

Take the knife and 2 star shards to the anvil in the Ancient Starlight Temple. Use the knife with the anvil. You will be prompted for what type of weapon you wish to create:

Secret Tier 6 Weapons
Secret Tier 6 Weapons

A minimum full-set would be 1 of each weapon – 4 weapons, 8 star shards, 4 dungeonmans.
A full-set would be 3x of the 1h weapon, 2 to 3x of the bow, 1x of the 2h weapon, and 1x of the staff. Why 3x of the 1h weapon? 2 of them for dual wielding, and 1 for a sword and shield setup. Why 2 to 3 of the bow weapon? 1 to pair with the 2h weapon, and 1 to pair with the dual wield setup. You can’t fire a bow with a shield equipped. You could still equip the bow and have it level while having a shield, just can’t use it.

Of course that setup is just my opinion, and you wouldn’t use a full set on one dungeonmans – the extra pieces would go into the vault for the next dungeonman to do a different style of play on the next play through.

* I am not sure you can find another Yesterday’s Knife as random drop. Even if you can, it might be easier to just level a dungeonmans to level 10, craft the knife, place the new weapon in the vault in the academy, retire and teach at the academy and then repeat for each weapon.

Written by B.O.B.

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