Dungeon Keeper 2: Commands and Hotkeys List

You can find an easily accessible list of basic commands and hotkeys for guards in Dungeon Keeper 2 in this guide.

Commands and Hotkeys

Created to be used instead of in-game key binding view which is quite limited. Fast open by accessing Steam overlay.


  • Movement – ARROWS
  • Fire – SPACE
  • Creep – CTRL
  • Run – SHIFT
  • Toggle Sniper Mode – INSERT
  • Pick Lock/Disarm/Jailbreak – NUM 0
  • Possessed Melee Attack – 1
  • Possessed Spell A – 2
  • Possessed Spell B – 3
  • Possessed Spell C – 4
  • Possessed Primary Ability – 5
  • Possessed Secondary Ability – 6
  • Possessed Group Select – 7
  • Remove From Group – CTRL + G


  • Ally Window – A
  • Zoom to next fight – F
  • Toggle GUI – G
  • Zoom To Dungeon Heart – H
  • Toggle Player Information – I
  • Map – M
  • Zoom To Portal – P
  • Pick up Objects (Not creatures) – PAGE UP
  • Pick High Level Creature – CTRL + .(dot) + Click on Creature portrait
  • Pick Low Level Creature – CTRL + ,(comma) + Click on Creature portrait


  • Scroll Up UP
  • Scroll Down DOWN
  • Scroll Left LEFT
  • Scroll Right RIGHT
  • Zoom In HOME or CTRL+ UP
  • Zoom Out END or CTRL+ DOWN
  • Speed Scroll Key SHIFT
  • Rotate View Left DELETE or CTRL+LEFT
  • Rotate View Right PG DN or CTRL+RIGHT
  • Pause + Options ESC
  • Take Screen Shot PRINT SCREEN
  • Send Multiplayer messages TAB
  • Increase Ambient Light =
  • Decrease Ambient Light
  • Camera Isometric F1
  • Camera Top Down F2
  • Camera Oblique F3
  • User Camera 1 F4
  • User Camera 2 F5
  • User Camera 3 F6
  • Camera Mouse Rotate X + MOUSE LEFT/RIGHT
  • Camera Mouse Zoom Z + MOUSE UP/DOWN
  • Increase Gamma SHIFT + .
  • Decrease Gamma SHIFT + ,

Free Camera / Set User Camera

  • Roll Right CTRL + DELETE
  • Pitch Down CTRL + END
  • Pitch Up CTRL + HOME
  • Roll Left CTRL + INSERT
  • Yaw Right CTRL + PG DN
  • Yaw Left CTRL + PG UP

Currently full manual document can be found in the installation folder (SteamsteamappscommonDungeon Keeper 2)

Reference Pages from the Manual

Copywrights: Electronic Arts/Bullfrog

Feel free to comment and help me improve this guide.

Written by Pszemkoski

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