Demonologist How to Use Tools to Gain Evidence

How to use tools to gain evidence in the Demonologist? If you are looking for the answer to this question, you are in the right place. Because in our guide, we have explained in detail the tools you need, how to use them and important tips for your performance in the game. Check out our Demonologist How to Use Tools to Gain Evidence guide without wasting your time.

Demonologist How to Use Tools to Gain Evidence

Welcome to our Demonologist How to Use Tools to Gain Evidence guide. This guide will show you how to use the tools to gain evidence in game! We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Demonologist game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Demonologist guide.

How to Use Tools?

  • Spirit Box – To use the Spirit Box, use left-mouse button to speak to the entity. If the entity can respond, the figure of a demon, top-right of the Box will light up red to indicate that the entity is communicating. This should be used first as you enter the premises.
  • EMF Detector – The Detector is perfect in located the Entity Room. With its archaic use of a cockroach where the device detects how much paranormal activity is happening in the room you are in. With a gauge of 0-5, you will be able to use this to find where the entity resides via a high meter reading. The Detector can be placed within the Entity Room so you can record your findings via the HQ
  • UV Flashlight – Used to find fingerprints against the surfaces. The fingerprints appear as hands, so be on the lookout for that, rather than separate fingerprints that could be harder to spot.
  • Easel Canvas – This should be placed inside the Entity Room. Some types will interact with the Canvas and paint their masterpiece straight onto the Easel so be sure to check this so you can add this into your evidence.
  • ESG Device – This Device is one of the hardest to use for the fact that the entity can make its appearance and disappear just as fast as it appeared. You will need to place this inside the Entity Room and look out for a visual reading of the entity which will be captured in a single shot which will quickly vanish. Therefore, you will need to either stay in the room or place a Tripod Camera down in order to view any findings.
  • Ectoplasma Glass – This Glass requires you to hold it up to your eyes (click left-mouse button) and search for any visual signs of the entity via white plasma. This will typically be left on the walls and look like glowing-white paintbrush strokes.

Important Tips

We highly recommend that when you enter the haunting area, you utilize these Tools first in the order of: Spirit Box, EMF Detector and Ectoplasma Glass. The Spirit Box will remove half of the typings from your Evidence List if you hear a response from the entity. Next, the EMF Detector will help you tremendously in finding the Entity Room, finally the Ectoplasma Glass will help you hit two objectives, figure out the entity’s type and begin the exorcism. If you are working with a team, the other Tools such as ESG Device and Easel Canvas are best used with someone staying at the HQ, whilst another placed these items down for the player at the Base to record any evidence.

Another Tool that is important to note is your protagonist’s breath. This will tell you if you are in a room where the temperature has dropped to freezing. This has the visual indication of the fog in the character’s breath. This can also be used as a sign of you entering the Entity’s Room. You should also designate someone to hold onto Survival Items which help towards ensuring your survival and also to keep your sanity intact. These are Flashlights, Candles, Sanity Pills and the Crucifix.

Written by Tom

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