Deep Rock Galactic Survivor: Driller Build

The Driller class in Deep Rock Galactic Survivor is a very powerful and specialized class. You can find all the details about building Driller in this guide.

Build Driller Class in Deep Rock Galactic

The Driller class in Deep Rock Galactic is a force to be reckoned with, specializing in close-quarters combat and area-of-effect damage. Whether you prefer to drench your enemies in acid, set them ablaze with fire, or throw everything you’ve got at them, there’s a Driller build to suit your playstyle. Here’s a comprehensive guide to three of the most effective Driller builds: the Acidic Driller, the Arsonist Special, and the Strong Armed Madness.

1. Acidic Driller Build

Playstyle: Weaken Enemies with Acid Bath

The Acidic Driller build focuses on debuffing enemies with acid, making them more vulnerable to damage.

SubclassWeapon RecommendationsLevel Upgrade RecommendationsArtifact Recommendations
ForemanSubata 120
Corrosive Sludge Pump
Impact Axe
Neurotoxin Grenade
Reload Speed
Acid Damage
Fire Rate
FRZ Shield Belt
Popup Tripod
Nitragenic Powder
Gold-Tipped Bullets
Acidic Driller Build


  • Corrosive Sludge Pump & Subata 120: The Corrosive Sludge Pump spreads acid around the Driller, weakening enemies’ defenses. Follow up with the Subata 120 for kinetic damage.
  • Impact Axe: Use the Impact Axe for kinetic damage and crowd control, knocking back enemies and damaging them in a line.


  • Prioritize Acid Damage upgrades and reload speed for the Corrosive Sludge Pump and Impact Axe.
  • Additional damage upgrades for the Impact Axe and Subata 120 to enhance overall damage output.

2. Arsonist Special Build

Playstyle: Flame On Everything

The Arsonist Special build focuses on setting enemies on fire, dealing continuous damage over time.

SubclassWeapon RecommendationsLevel Upgrade RecommendationsArtifact Recommendations
InterrogatorCRSPR Flamethrower
Krakatoa Sentinel
Colette Wave Cooker
Incendiary Grenade
Reload Speed
Fire Damage
Beam Damage
Fire Rate
FRZ Shield Belt
Popup Tripod
Reflex Calibrator
Barley Bulb Juice
Nitragenic Powder
Gold-Tipped Bullets
Arsonist Special Build


  • CRSPR Flamethrower: Start with the CRSPR Flamethrower for continuous fire damage.
  • Krakatoa Sentinel: Deploy Krakatoa Sentinels to spew flame torrents, creating zones of fire damage.
  • Collete Wave Cooker: Utilize the Collete Wave Cooker for microwave damage, especially effective in dense environments.
  • Incendiary Grenade: Finish off enemies with the explosive and fire damage of the Incendiary Grenade.

3. Strong Armed Madness Build

Playstyle: Throw EVERYTHING At Them

The Strong Armed Madness build maximizes throwable weapons, providing crowd control and debuffing enemies.

SubclassWeapon RecommendationsLevel Upgrade RecommendationsArtifact Recommendations
Strong ArmedImpact Axe
Voltaic Stun Sweeper
Neurotoxin Grenade
High Explosive Grenade
Reload Speed
Fire Damage
Beam Damage
Fire Rate
FRZ Shield Belt
Popup Tripod
Reflex Calibrator
Barley Bulb Juice
Nitragenic Powder
Gold-Tipped Bullets
Strong Armed Madness Build


  • Impact Axe: Start with the Impact Axe for crowd control and displacement.
  • Voltaic Stun Sweeper: Use the Voltaic Stun Sweeper for electrical damage and boomerang utility.
  • Neurotoxin Grenade: Debuff enemies with acid damage to make them more vulnerable to subsequent attacks.
  • High Explosive Grenade: Deal massive damage with the explosive power of the High Explosive Grenade.


  • Utilize the Impact Axe and Voltaic Stun Sweeper for crowd control and damage.
  • Create kill corridors by drilling between thick terrain and funneling enemies into a single path.
  • Coordinate with teammates to maximize the effectiveness of your build and clear missions efficiently.

Master these Driller builds, adapt them to your playstyle, and become a formidable force in Deep Rock Galactic’s hazardous caves!

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