Dead By Daylight – Name That Status Effect

Name That Status Effect


dead by daylight name that status effect 1

“The Survivor’s Aura-reading abilities are impaired”

  • Can’t see survivors on hook
  • Can’t see survivors in the dying state (downed)
  • Disables aura reading perks & add-ons
  • Every aura that you’d normally be able to see is no longer see-able


dead by daylight name that status effect 2

“The Killer’s movement speed is enhanced”

  • Maintaining a chase for 15 consecutive seconds will increase Bloodlust by a tier up to a max of 3 tiers every 15 seconds.


dead by daylight name that status effect 3

“The survivor cannot be healed.”

  • Displays Broken on the HUD in the lower left corner.
  • Caused by Deliverance, No Mither, or being puked on by Plague. (Please dont cleanse it makes her into an american sniper with downing vomit)

Deep Wound

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“The survivor is on a bleed-out timer until healed or mended”

  • Caused by Borrowed Time, or being hit during Legion’s Feral Frenzy
  • Timer is not ticking down while in a chase, and stops depleting when you start mending.
  • Timer will also not tick down when you are in the killer’s terror radius (This applies for Legion Deep Wound and Borrowed Time)


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“The Survivor is suffering from a secret penalty due to the presence of a Hex Perk.”

  • Cleansing its associated Hex Totem will dispel the curse

Perks that cause this are:

  • Devour Hope
  • Huntress Lullaby
  • NOED
  • Ruin (slow the game down just lil bit)
  • The Third Seal
  • Thrill of the Hunt


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“The survivor is hardened and can resist a hit.”

  • Caused by Borrowed Time, and Mettle of Man.


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“The Survivor cannot perform physically demanding feats.”

  • Exhaustion puts all affected Perks on a shared cool-down.
  • Will not recover while running, doing anything except running will recover Exhaustion.
  • Adrenaline ignores Exhaustion but will put you into Exhaustion so it will not let you use your other Exhaustion perks


  • Berus Toxin = Huntress
  • Obedience Carter’s Notes = Doctor
  • Iridescent King = Doctor
  • Slow-Release Toxin = Pig
  • Solvent Jug = Clown
  • Venomous Concoction = Huntress


  • Adrenaline
  • Balanced Landing
  • Dead Hard
  • Head on
  • Lithe
  • Sprint Burst


dead by daylight name that status effect 8

“The Survivor is in peril and can be downed in one hit.”


  • Redhead’s Pinky Finger = Clown
  • Iridescent Head = Huntress


  • Make Your Choice
  • Hex: Devour Hope
  • Hex: Haunted Ground
  • Hex: NOED
  • Rancor
  • Iron Maiden (Dwight Counter)


  • Evil Within 3 from Stalky Boi Myers
  • Night Shroud from Wannabe stalky boi Ghost face


dead by daylight name that status effect 9

“The Character’s movement speed is enhanced.”


  • Adrenaline
  • Balanced Landing
  • Dead Hard
  • Devour Hope
  • NOED
  • Hope
  • Lithe
  • Play with Your Food
  • Sprint Burst


dead by daylight name that status effect 10

“The Survivor is heavily bleeding, leaving visible traces for the Killer to follow.”


  • Blind Warrior White = Wraith
  • Coarse Stone = Huntress
  • Fine Stone = Huntress
  • Serrated Jaws = Trapper
  • Utility Blades = Pig


  • Sloppy Butcher.


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“The Character’s movement speed is slowed.”


  • Flask of Bleach = Clown
  • Yew Seed Brew = Huntress
  • Yew Seed Concoction = Huntress
  • Watterlogged Shoe = Hag


  • Afterpiece Tonic (Clown bottles)


dead by daylight name that status effect 12

“Indicates to Survivors that they are affected by The Doctor’s Static Field or his Shock Therapy and thus experience certain Afflictions.”

  • Type of Affliction depends on The Doctor’s equipped Add-ons and the Survivors’ Madness Tiers.
  • Caused by The Doctor’s Carter Spark power


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“The Survivor is heavily injured and requires more time to be fully healed.”

  • Slows down healing by 20%


  • Begrimed Chains = Leatherface
  • Begrimed Head = Huntress
  • Blind Warrior White = Wraith
  • Rusted Chains = Leatherface
  • Rusted Jaws = Trapper
  • Rusted Attachments = Pig
  • Rusty Head = Huntress
  • Sulphuric Acid Vial = Clown
  • Defaced Smiley Pin = Legion


  • Sloppy Butcher


dead by daylight name that status effect 14

“The Survivor’s Aura-reading abilities are enhanced.”

  • Caused by Open-Handed.

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