Cyberpunk 2077 – How To Save Jackie

Cyberpunk 2077 How To Save Jackie

Welcome to our How To Save Jackie guide. You better be here because you’re looking at can you save Jackie in Cyberpunk 2077. Because if you’re not, huge spoilers – run while you still can and come back later. We’re not going to say anything up here about what might happen to Jackie but we will go into story ruining detail below once we’ve finished drawing this spoiler warning out as much as possible to make sure.

Can you Save Jackie?

One of the early prologue missions, The Heist, sees V and Jackie breaking into a hotel to steal a mysterious chip. It’s basically the event that sets up the whole game and completing it brings up the title screen and starts the story proper – which could be several hours in if you’ve been exploring and hanging out in Night City not realising it’s the prologue.

While most of the job goes smoothly, when things take a turn for the worst Jackie takes a bullet and, while he helps you fight your way to freedom, things are clearly not looking good. Eventually you’ll reach the car you started the mission and while both of you get away, Jackie dies in the car.

The short and easy answer to whether you can save Jackie in Cyberpunk 2077 is no. Sorry. Jackie’s fate is hardwired into the story and there’s nothing you can do about it. While there are the appearance of choices in how you play the mission, or the decisions and dialogue you pick, the outcome of Jackie’s fate is immutable. A lot of later events build on this tragic event, and it’s a vital part of the plot for the first few hours after it happens.

So, as much as we hate to say it, Jackie is gone and there’s no combination of events or choices that will ever change that.

Cyberpunk 2077 How To Save Jackie
Cyberpunk 2077 Save Jackie

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    2 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – How To Save Jackie”

    1. What a useless article. You imply extremely heavy early game spoilers in the title alone just to not provide anything useful in the body.

    2. I agree with DLewT, This is just a really long way of saying “no you cannot save Jackie”. Even though you did a good job elaborating, your article provides no useful information.

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