Cube Escape: Seasons – Walkthrough & Achievements

Cube Escap Seasons Walkthrough and Achievements

Spring 1964

  1. Open the green chest of drawers to the left of the clock. We take away matches and a spoon.
  2. We go to the right to the window, open the curtains, press several times on the window, we get a fragment of the photo
  3. Turn on the light using the switch to the left of the window, look up and take the second piece of the photo
  4. We go to the right and get into the kitchen, open the cabinet under the sink
  5. We take away an empty pan, bird food and a log
  6. We go to the left, back to the window and the parrot. Put the food in a bowl for the parrot and click on it until it lays the egg. We take the egg
  7. We go to the kitchen and collect water in an empty saucepan, put it on the stove, turn it on and light it with matches, put an egg. We take the ready-made egg and put it in the egg glass.
  8. Take a spoon and break it. We get a black cube.
  9. We go to the right and look at the radio, behind it we find the last piece of photograph
  10. In the fireplace we throw the log we found earlier and set it on fire with matches. Above the fireplace we see a hole, insert a black cube into it, then arrange the three found pieces of the photograph in a frame.
    We close the hole with a photograph.
  11. Click on the resulting photo several times.

Summer 1971

  1. Reopen the green chest of drawers, take out matches and a screwdriver from it, and behind it we find a piece of photograph
  2. On it, we find the binoculars, take it away, then press several times on the pot of earth, we get the second fragment of the photo
  3. We look at the clock, we find behind it the third fragment of the photo
  4. We go to the right, turn on the light and look up. There will be a key, take it
  5. We open the curtains, look out the window and use the previously found binoculars to look at the moon. You will see numbers: 1487
  6. We go twice to the right and see the cabinet, open it with the previously found key. We enter the numbers we saw: 1487. We get a shrimp.
  7. Light a candle and see a cassette to the right of it. We take it away.
  8. Next, insert it into a cassette player located in the same room. We turn on the tape recorder and stop it. We get a crumpled cassette tape.
  9. There is a fork on top, we take it away
  10. Use a screwdriver to connect the table lamp cable to the plug
  11. We throw the cassette tape into the fireplace and set fire to matches
  12. We go back to the room with the window and turn off the light. Then we go into the room with the lamp and turn it on. We see the last piece of the photo, we take it
  13. We go to the kitchen and open the oven with a screwdriver, throw in the shrimp.
  14. Turn on the gas using the red switch and set it on fire with matches. We close the oven, then click on it in order to see the lake. Click on it. We take away the black cube
  15. Insert the found cube into the hole, cover it with a frame and insert fragments of the photo into it.
  16. Press several times on the cube.

Fall 1971

  1. As always, open the green chest of drawers, but this time we take out the bloody knife.
  2. We go to the right and cut the parrot belly with a knife. We take out a fragment of the photograph.
  3. We go once again to the right and look at the tap with water. Next to him we find the second fragment of the photograph.
  4. We go again to the right, look at the plate with papers, behind it we find the third fragment of the photo
  5. Click on the TV and select channels until the number appears 6. Click it and then follow the prompts. We take away the black cube
  6. We look up and see a huge eye. Press until the last piece of the photo falls on the floor.
  7. We go to the fireplace and, as usual, insert the black cube, and then the scraps of the photo into the frame. Click on the cube.

Winter 1981

  1. The last time we open the green chest of drawers, we take away matches and an ax
  2. We go to the right and we smash boards and a window with an ax. We take away the last piece of wood.
  3. Take out a glass under the sink and fill it with water, then pour it into a blender. Do not forget to look behind the stove, there is a piece of the drawing
  4. We go again to the right and look at the photos, we take the second piece of the drawing.
  5. We go to the fireplace and throw the previously found tree there, set it on fire. Do not forget to light the candle as well.
  6. We put the radio on the 105th wave and see how the clock blinks at 13:10. We set a similar time on the clock and get a blue cube.
  7. There are fuel tanks in the kitchen and by the fireplace, click on them and see on a piece of the drawing. We take them
  8. Come to the frame and finally insert the blue cube into the hole, and the drawing into the frame.
  9. Click on the cube.

Completed the game … Or not? .

  1. We return to Spring and set it at 9:05. (this time can be seen in the picture in the kitchen in winter) Open the clock and take the key, scoop and hanger.
  2. With the help of a scoop we dig up a flower.
  3. Next, go to the room with the radio and open the locker under it. We enter the code as before: 1487. We get the seed, we plant it in the pot.
  4. We use the hanger on the radio as an antenna. Next, switch to channel 105, as before. The key appears, we take it away.
  5. Free the parrot Harvey with the found key.
  6. We take from the kitchen a pot of water and extinguish the fireplace, we take away the log.
  7. Using a log, we pry open the window, release Harvey’s parrot
  8. Go back to the fireplace, throw the log and click on the cube. Choose

Achievements (Story)

In Bloom

Cube Escape Seasons Walkthrough Achievements 1
  • Seasons — One

The Lake

Cube Escape Seasons Walkthrough Achievements 2
  • Seasons — Two

Pink Blossoms

Cube Escape Seasons Walkthrough Achievements 3
  • Seasons — Three


Cube Escape Seasons Walkthrough Achievements 4
  • Seasons — Four

Achievements (Non-Story)

The Woman

Cube Escape Seasons Walkthrough Achievements 5
  • Seasons — Five


Cube Escape Seasons Walkthrough Achievements 6
  • Seasons — Six

Find Me In The Past

Cube Escape Seasons Walkthrough Achievements 7
  • Seasons — Seven

Young Laura

Cube Escape Seasons Walkthrough Achievements 8
  • Seasons — Eight

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