Cube Escape Collection – Theatre Achievements Walkthrough

Cube Escape The Theater Achievement

  1. Examine the clues, then go left and solve the puzzle in the closet. We get a plunger and a plug.
  2. Solving the piano puzzle. We write out the words DEAD FACE with notes, then we repeat the same notes behind the hand. We get the key.
  3. We go to the restroom and open it with the previously obtained key, take away the heart and the cocktail glass. We look in the mirror and collect our own reflection. We get the right combination for the cabinet. Do not forget to also use the plunger in the toilet in order to remove the embryo.
  4. Open the cabinet and get a shell.
  5. We follow to the bar and make the man at the table a drink with a screwdriver. To do this, double-click on vodka and on orange juice. We take away the screwdriver.
    6.Use it to connect the plug and cable. Now let’s open the curtain and watch the show.
  6. Click on the singing woman until she transforms. We place the shell, fruit, heart and hat on the trays in that order. We take the flower from her mouth.
  7. Reopen the curtain and collect four figures. We enter them into the locker in the room with the piano and get a cocktail recipe.
  8. Do it by double-clicking on orange juice, once on vodka and once on Galliano. Do not forget to put the cocktail glass in advance. We get Harvey Wallbanger. We give it to the man at the table and beat him on the counter. We collect blood in a glass.
  9. Make Bloody Mary, double-click on the glass of blood, once on Tabasco and once on vodka. Don’t forget to put the glass down again. You can find the Bloody Mary recipe in the first room.
  10. We give the cocktail to the man. He shoots himself in the temple. We travel through his wound and collect 4 white cubes, we find a woman and a door.
  11. We run to open the curtain for a new performance. We place the flower in a pot and direct water to it so that it grows. We collect seeds.
  12. Put the seeds in the left watering can and turn the pipes so that they go to the parrot. Click on it several times and get a black egg.
  13. Put the black egg in the right watering can and turn the pipes so that they go to the pan. We look and take the worm.
  14. Put the worm in the right watering can and turn the pipes so that they go to the fish. We look at the fish flying upward and leave. We are starting a new show.
  15. Next, we press the light bulbs that Mr. Raven shows. One finger is the first light, two fingers are the second light, three fingers are the third light. Then he knocks with his cane. 1 knock -1 light bulb, etc. Next, he will point to the light bulbs with his eyes. It’s the same here.
  16. We start a new show and see a girl. We need to arrange the decorations as shown in the photo in the pocket of the man in the bar. Squares will fall out, insert white cubes into them and lay out.
  17. Click on each of the squares and erase the necessary places. We get the numbers: 7285. This is the code for the door in the man’s head.
  18. Enter the code and open the door. We get a black cube. We return to the play and insert it. Click on the girl’s face and see how she dies.
  19. We begin the last, final performance. Place the blades of the mill as shown in the first room and the room with portraits. We go to the toilet and click on the man from the bar. He becomes a shadow. We go to the presenter on stage and talk to him. We leave by elevator.


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