CosmicBreak Universal Healing Guide

CosmicBreak Universal is a multiplayer online game that offers a unique and exciting gaming experience. What sets this game apart from its rivals is the innovative healing system that allows players to take on the role of healer and support their teammates. You can find details in our CosmicBreak Universal Healing guide.

CosmicBreak Universal Healing Guide

Welcome to our CosmicBreak Universal Healing Guide. Healing has the strictest part choices – if you don’t have what’s required, please play an ART or AIR instead. Well, how to heal? Hide behind fat object, press mouse buttons, and attract a girlfriend random strangers!

You can use this to make your team push, resulting in faster matches that end in your favor.
Alternatively, you can camp PS and make your team lose. Whatever floats your boat!

Cores Worth Using

Any not listed will leave your teammates frustrated – or even dead – due to slow and/or lacking heals.
Always take Enhance Internal Weapon carts if the bot has them, as they increase healing.

Buff Devastator – Overall strongest healer in the game, deploys bubbles that heal for 81 and apply Long Range.
Long Range is generally the most useful buff in arena, and is what makes this core the best.
Sold in the store for RT.

The Guide to Healing
The Guide to Healing

Buff Devastator FL – Deploys bubbles that heal 105 hp over 11s, and apply Speed Up.
While each bubble heals a bit more, the buff has much lower game impact.
Obtained from some Garapons.

The Guide to Healing
The Guide to Healing

High Priestol G – Deploys fields that repair 135 hp over 15s.
While this BD has the highest amount of healing per field, they’ll often expire due to visibility issues, and do not grant an additional buff.
Obtained from some Garapons.

The Guide to Healing
The Guide to Healing

High Priestol Q – Just a worse version of G, his fields repair 105 hp over 15s.
Obtained from some Garapons.

The Guide to Healing
The Guide to Healing

Hilti – While her WB has the highest healing potential, it’s easily destroyed, leaving her nigh useless.
Her heal shot is supplementary, not good enough on it’s own – you need to place the WB somewhere it won’t get destroyed, yet fast and easy to reach by your team’s frontline fighters.
Obtained from some Garapons.

The Guide to Healing
The Guide to Healing

Parts Worth Using

Due to the game’s terrible balancing, there is a strict meta on healing parts.
Straying from it will, again, frustrate or even indirectly kill your teammates.


Mediger AM3“Book”(105 cost)

  • Quickly deploys a blue field that restores 65 HP and grants hypershot for up to 5 (?) players.
  • Can be used to halve your heal sub cooldowns, if you pick it up late.
  • Sold in Sonia’s daily store for 20 RT.
The Guide to Healing
CosmicBreak Universal Healing Guide
CosmicBreak Universal Healing Guide

Pick one:

Mediger AM2“Heal Rod”(105 cost)
Heals one ally for 60 hp every 2 seconds.
Obtained by completing Cacpetus Vacation and talking to an npc in ADF HQ, dupes can be bought for Mission Coins there too.

The Guide to Healing

Mediger AM4“Ammo Rod”(75 cost)
Heals one ally for 36 HP, and restores 5-6% of their ammo every 2 seconds.
Sold in Sonia’s daily store for 20 RT.

The Guide to Healing

Not Worth Using:

Papo BS“Garbage”(??? cost)
Slowly deploys a bubble that heals 3 players for 81 HP.
The casting animation takes much too long, leaving you easily interrupted, and healing a mere 3 players simply isn’t enough.
Putting this on a random support results in heals both slow and lacking, griefing your own team.
Sold in Sonia’s daily store for 20 RT.

CosmicBreak Universal Healing Guide
CosmicBreak Universal Healing Guide

Everything else

Anything not listed is even worse than Papo BS.

Bits Worth Using

TLDR just use hypershot bit

Hypershot Bit

  • Grants Hypershot to you and nearby allies, halving your heal sub cooldowns.
  • That’s twice the amount of group healing you can put out!
CosmicBreak Universal Healing Guide
CosmicBreak Universal Healing Guide

Repair Bit

  • Rapidly heals nearby allies for 22 per tick.
  • Very useful in a pinch, but requires sentient allies. (Impossible Challenge)
CosmicBreak Universal Healing Guide
CosmicBreak Universal Healing Guide

Mini Bits are cheaper, and charge and deplete faster.
Mini Repair Bit also heals 11 per tick, compared to the regular’s 22.

(Don’t use mini bits plz.)


Repair Unit

CosmicBreak Universal Healing Guide
CosmicBreak Universal Healing Guide

Heals too slowly, use a bit instead. It doesn’t even matter if the wonderbit duration lasts longer.
(Heals faster under ps but repair bit is still better.)

How 2 Build

Grab one book, a rod of your choice, tune Eternal on both, then tune to 40 FLY without zeroing out STR, TEC or WLK, and finally get as many of the following carts as possible: Accele Roll, Float Dash, Quick Boost.
On Buff Devastator, get 40 TGH and Stun Regain as well.
Broad Radar is optional.
Once all that is done, put the rest of your remaining capacity into HP:

CosmicBreak Universal Healing Guide
CosmicBreak Universal Healing Guide
CosmicBreak Universal Healing Guide
CosmicBreak Universal Healing Guide

Hilti is built the same way, just without book and rod due to locked arms.


Bring your own, don’t rely on random people to drop theirs for you.
If you run out, instead of farming and praying Rui Sato blesses thoust with ammo, let the enemy team quickly and simply restore you back to full by sending you back to the respawn screen. Aren’t they nice?

If you’re just starting out, don’t bother buying ammo, as it will bankrupt you.

If you fancy yourself rich, you can buy ammo for UC in the store, and sometimes at Sonia’s.

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