Welcome to our Children of Silentown Sticker Locations guide. This guide will show you Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, All x20 Eject locations.
Children of Silentown Sticker Locations
This guide will show you Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, All x20 Eject locations.
All Stickers
Chapter 1 Locations
There are x3 Stickers in Chapter 1:
- 1st Sticker : Egghead Lucy: In the mirror after getting the diary
- 2nd Sticker : Trumpet: When you go outside find and examine the trumpet, it is by woodworker’s area
- 3rd Sticker : Lucky Charm: Talk to the old lady (outside)
Chapter 2 Locations
There are x5 Stickers in Chapter 2:
- 4th Sticker : Hairball: Downstairs > Dinning room > Open the box
- 5th Sticker : Broken Toy: Go to the bakery, open the box outside, and get Luca’s figure
- 6th Sticker : Spyglass: Go west from the bakery and use the spyglass at the end of the path
- 7th Sticker : Mysterious Footprints: In the mirror after getting the diary
- 8th Sticker : Puppy: After the cart event go behind the barn and examine the footprints
Chapter 3 Locations
There are x3 Stickers in Chapter 3:
- 9th Sticker : Complicated Padlock: Examine Miss Olivia’s front door and collect Cobalt Flower
- 10th Sticker : Coal’s Fur: Follow the Dog and examine the gate leading out of the town
- 11th Sticker : Depths of the Well: go down & right from the well, near the house get the stone and then use it on the well
Chapter 4 Locations
There are x5 Stickers in Chapter 4:
- 12th Sticker : Big Metal Ruler: After finding Squinty examine the middle window on the old lady’s house
- 13th Sticker : Blue’s Drawing: Examine the picture pinned up in the barn
- 14th Sticker : Huge Snail: Release the squirrel
- 15th Sticker : Old Kettle: Get the Rune Key > Go left > Use the key
- 16th Sticker : Flower of Hope: Complete the plant puzzle (forest) > Go right (mysti path) find the hidden path and examine the flowers
Chapter 5 Locations
There are x4 Stickers in Chapter 5:
- 17th Sticker : Broken Glass: glass on the floor in the cellar
- 18th Sticker : Doll: Get jar of fireflies > go left > log
- 19th Sticker : Windmill: In the windmill
- 20th Sticker : Mysterious Paintings: Monster Cave > Wall paintings