CastleMiner Z Loot Blocks

Welcome to our CastleMiner Z Loot Blocks guide. This is a Guide to both Loot Boxes an their possible loot drops. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the CastleMiner Z game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our CastleMiner Z guide.

CastleMiner Z Loot Blocks

This is a Guide to both Loot Boxes an their possible loot drops.

CastleMiner Z The Loot Boxes

These Can be found around the world or can be obtained By destroying/beating mob spawners.

Loot Blocks And How They Work

Blue Loot Box AKA “Loot Block”

Loot Blocks And How They Work

This loot box is the most common one to find and earn from spawners from my spawners guide. They drop mainly alot of starting/basic loot for early game plus some extra stuff alongside the basic starting gear. They always drop one of he items from their loot table.

CastleMiner Z The Loot Of This Block Is As Followed

1: 1-4 Torches
2: 1-5 Wood Blocks
3: 1-5 Copper Bars
4: 1-5 Iron Bars (uncommon)
5: 1-5 Gold Bars (rare)
6: 1-2 Diamonds (Exceedingly rare ) [unsure]
7: 1 Bloodstone (VERY rare)
8: 1-4 Space Rock (VERY rare)
9: 1-1000 Bullets
10: 1-1000 Iron Bullets (uncommon)
11: 1-1000 Gold Bullets (rare)
12: 1-500 Diamond Bullets (VERY rare)
13: 1 Grenade (rare)
14: 1 TNT (rare)
15: 1 Gold Pistol (uncommon)
16: 1 Gold Marksmen Rifle (uncommon)
17: 1 Bloodstone pistol (Exceedingly rare)
18: 1 RPG (rare)
19: 1 C4 (VERY rare) [unsure]
20: Iron Pickaxe (uncommon)
21: Gold Pickaxe (rare)
22: Diamond Shovel (uncommon)
23: Diamond Axe (uncommon)
24: Diamond Knife (rare) [unsure of 100%]
25: Diamond Pickaxe (Exceedingly rare) [unsure of 100%]
26: 1-5 Explosive Powder (rare) [unsure of min and max drop, also unsure it dropping at all of 100%]

Gold Loot Block AKA “Lucky Loot Block”

Loot Blocks And How They Work

This Loot Block has Better loot then the normal or “blue” loot block also this one is very special as it drops mid to late game loot and 3 items at once. this is deemed slightly unbalanced but luckily they are rare to find unless in Scavenger mode which increases loot block spawns and the chance for mob spawners to appear is increased which can give loot blocks if defeated.

The Loot Of This Block Is As Followed

1: 1-5 Diamonds [unsure of max drop]
2: 1-5 Bloodstone (uncommon) [unsure of max drop]
3: 1-5 Space Rock (rare) [unsure of min or max drop]
4: 1-5 Space Goo (VERY rare) [unsure of max drop]
5: 1-1000 Bullets [unsure]
6: 1-1000 Iron Bullets (uncommon)
7: 1-1000 Gold Bullets (uncommon)
8: 1-500 Diamond Bullets (semi-rare)
9: 1-500 Space/Alien/Laser Bullets (VERY rare)
10: Diamond Pickaxe (uncommon)
11: Bloodstone Pickaxe (semi-rare)
12: Bloodstone Pistol (uncommon)
13: Diamond LMG (uncommon)
14: Diamond knife (uncommon) [unsure of 100%]
15: Gold Laser Sword (rare – VERY rare)
16: Red Laser Pistol (rare)
17: Red Laser Shotgun (rare)
18: Red Laser Assault Rifle (rare)
19: Laser Sniper (VERY rare) [unsure of 100%]
20: Mining Laser AKA Laser LMG (Exceedingly rare)
21: 1 C4 (rare)
22: RPG (uncommon)
23: 1 Grenade (uncommon)
24: 1 Sticky Grenade (uncommon)
25: 1 TNT (uncommon)
26: Gold SMG (uncommon)
27: 1-5 Explosive Powder (uncommon) [unsure of min or max drop]

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