Broken Arrow Playtest Keybinds for KAB-1500 Survivor

In this guide, you can find the keybinds that you can apply and see the effect in KAB-1500 Survivor in Broken Arrow Playtest.

Keybinds for KAB-1500 Survivor

This guide will show you some cool binds that people might not know exist.


Half of these are under controls but people never look there.

  • Bold = Important binds that you should memorise.
  • F7 – Hides UI, hit it again to unhide the UI.
  • F8 – Gives you a top down view of the battlefield, hit it again to return to normal.
  • Double U – Instead of unloading at position it will unload when the unit completes it’s previous order
  • Shift – Let’s you queue orders.
  • N – Laser, for units with lasers this will select it and let you paint targets with the laser, personally I like to rebind it to L instead of N.
  • U, Hold click, drag & release – Unloads units then those units move to the position where you dragged your mouse and released the click at.
  • Control + 0-9 – This makes a “group”, select any unit you want in the group then press control and any number from 0-9 on your keyboard, now when you press this number you auto select this unit.
  • Z – Activates Sprint for infantry that have it or for vehicles that have radar.
  • P – Precision strike, lets you use guided munitions, every press off P preps 1 guided bomb so pressing P twice then clicking twice drops 2 bombs, so on and so forth.
  • V – Change altitude, when using planes/helicopters you can press this and they’ll change from high to low altitude and back.
  • G – Force Fire, Forces unit to fire all weapons that are in-range of whatever you clicked.
  • O – Used for quickly making a paradrop order, be careful the plane is very sensitive and if you don’t align it exactly with planes heading it’ll decide to do a map wide turn.

I’ll add more as I find out about binds that the playerbase doesn’t really know about.

Written by Cadet

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